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Of Regents and Roleplayers: A Roleplay of a Roleplay

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By joining this RP, you pledge to follow the rules of the roleplaying section on this forum. Which should be obvious.
I'm not going to dick around saying "NO GODMODING FOR SRS" or making little tricks to show you've read the rules. Instead, I'll look over your RPing history and PM some of your old playmates for "letters of recommendation." It's a much [s]scarier[/s] more effective way of checking. I will, however, deny any application which posts an image in the thread to describe character appearances instead of adding a link to the image. The good news is that if you've never RP'd here before, here's a great way to start: I'll take you regardless of skill.
[spoiler=The Plot]
Lacerta Macias is as strange as his (yes, his) name implies. He is rumoured to dabble in the occult, makes obtuse video game references every other sentence, and has no friends whatsoever at school.
Eventually, however, he overhears a few people talking about a tabletop RPG experience they've just played that has now ended. So he decided to make his own.
Whether you've come seeking him or he's thought you interesting enough to proposition, you've been invited to play Lacer's tabletop RPG. This story is about your trials and tribulations as you go through school life as an RPG player.
And, of course, about how the RPG goes.
[spoiler=Lacer's RPG: The Overlords]
In the world of Angevirth, there live three species: humans, mages, and beastmen. No points for guessing how each one is affected combat-wise: humans are fast and skillful; mages are frail but use magic; beastmen are strong and tough. For a long time, these three races warred among themselves. Eventually, however, fifteen Overlords came to rule them.
It was a fairly simple arrangement. Five Overlords from each of the species came together and each ruled the land in conjunction with one another. Basically, they took over the world.
However, many were unhappy with their rulers. Foul rumours began began to circulate about the Overlords: that they obtained their powers from demons. It was true that Overlords had far more power than any ordinary member of their species. It just didn't come from demons. Nevertheless, a group of heroes defeated the Overlords, locked their power behind forty seals, and scattered them across Angevirth.
For a time, the fall of the Overlords was celebrated by humans, mages, and beastmen alike. However, tensions are rising again, however insidiously. The new rulers of the Angevirth are beginning to turn against themselves. And then... the first seal on the Overlords broke. They are awake. They seek to regain their power.
And you are one of them.
[spoiler=How To Play]
You play as a role-player playing an RPG set in Angevirth with Lacer as the Gamemaster. That said, the RPG plays more like an RP under Lacer's control, with less die rolling and more player choice and intuition. Here's how it works:
>Choose one of the following classes.
>You get to add to the base stats. You can't add more than four in any one stat, or more than eleven altogether. Also, LCK and MOV cannot be modified.
>Those are your stats. Yay!
>From then on, you will follow the following RP procedures.

>If you are not in battle, you can:
>>CONVERSE with one of your fellow party members. Talking is not a free action, but you aren't exactly on limited time here. This works like typical RPing.
>>INVESTIGATE something in the area. You'll have to wait for me to tell you what you find, but I'll check in fairly often.
>>All in all, it's like a usual RP, except that you have to ask what's behind the next door or in the next chest.

>If you are in battle:
>>First will be the PLAYER PHASE, which begins with the PLAYER DETERMINATION. State your battle action. You can move, attack, trade items with a fellow player, or use an item. Then, if you're on a CAVALRY-type unit, you can move until your steed gets tired. If you're familiar with Fire Emblem, you'll know the whole rigmarole, though we're not on a set grid.
>>If you choose to ATTACK, I'll give you a line-up of how much damage you'll do, whether you'll attack twice, how likely you are to hit, and the odds of your landing a CRITICAL HIT, which will do three times as much damage as a normal attack.
>>After the whole party has gone, PLAYER EXECUTION will begin. I will use Random.org to determine the results of your actions. I will use d100 for the most part, if you were wondering so you could show your characters rolling the dice.
>>You can then react to your rolls.
>>After that, the ENEMY PHASE will begin. The ENEMY DETERMINATION and ENEMY EXECUTION are all rolled into one. Just trust me; I'll only fudge the dice to keep players alive.
>>After that, NPCs will go. If they exist. The OTHER PHASE is like the enemy phase in that DETERMINATION and EXECUTION are as one.
>>Rinse and repeat until the objective is completed!
[spoiler=The Stats]
During a level up, you have a certain percentage chance of gaining each stat on leveling. On the roll of a d100, if the roll is lower than the "growth rate," you'll gain one point in that stat. A player's growth rates always total 330%.
HP# - Hit Point #
If you run out of HP, you're out of commission until the next battle. (You usually die, but that doesn't work so well in an RPG.) HP# is the maximum amount of HP you can have. The maximum HP# is always 60.
STR - Strength
This determines how strong physical attacks are. For non-mages, attack power is determined by adding the weapon's power to STR. Though mages use MGC instead, STR is still significant for them.
MGC - Magic
This determines how strong magical attacks are. This actually is significant for non-mages, but mages use it far more than non-mages. Mages use MGC instead of STR for their attacks.
SKL - Skill
This determines a) how likely your attacks are to hit, and B) how often you land a critical hit.
SPD - Speed
Speed is very important, as if your speed is four higher than the opponent, you can attack twice in one round of battle. If your weapon is heavier than your CON, you lose SPD equal to the difference. SPD also helps control evasion rates.
LCK - Luck
The most secretive stat. No classes have base LCK since LCK doesn't vary based on class. It has a role in almost every aspect of battle (though it doesn't actually help with your luck in rolling the dice, unfortunately for you). Each player starts with 4 and has a 50% growth rate. The maximum LCK is always 30.
DEF - Defence
Defence mitigates physical damage. For every point of DEF you have, you lose one less HP against a physical attacker.
MDf - Magic Defence
MDf is to MGC as DEF is to STR. Note the lowercase "f."
CON - Constitution
Constitution cannot be gained in a level up, but it's a very important stat. Weapons all have weights, and if a weapon's weight is higher than your unit's CON, you lose SPD equal to the difference.

And now you know. The races are here ranked from best to worst in terms of each stat:
HP# - Beastman, Human, Mage
STR - Beastman, Human, Mage
MGC - Mage, Human, Beastman
SKL - Human, Mage, Beastman
SPD - Human, Mage, Beastman
DEF - Beastman, Human, Mage
MDf - Mage, Beastman, Human
CON - Beastman, Human, Mage

If you realize why LCK wasn't listed, good. You're paying attention.
[spoiler=Human Classes]
Humans have a lot of classes at their disposal, but often have poor STR and DEF. Males and females are the same.
[spoiler=Dragon Rider]
[i]Lance-wielders who fight from the backs of fearsome dragons.[/i]
HP# 19
STR 06
MGC 01
SKL 05
SPD 05
DEF 07
MDf 00
CON 08
Pros: High stats all around; high movement range; can use all weapons; CAVALRY; FLIGHT
Cons: Poor maximum stats; weak to bows; awful MDf
[spoiler=Pegasus Knight]
[i]Female only. Lance-wielders who fight from the back of a winged horse.[/i]
Base Stats:
HP# 14
STR 04
MGC 03
SKL 06
SPD 08
DEF 02
MDf 05
CON 05
Pros: High speed and movement range; high MDf; can use swords on promotion; CAVALRY; FLIGHT
Cons: Poor STR, HP#, DEF; weak to bows; low CON w/fairly heavy weapons
[i]Swift horsemen who wield a variety of weapons.[/i]
Base Stats:
HP# 20
STR 04
MGC 02
SKL 03
SPD 05
DEF 06
MDf 00
CON 08
Pros: Good defenses; far movement range; balanced stats; can use swords on promotion; CAVALRY
Cons: Poor stat maxima; hindered heavily by terrain; weak to magic/specialty weapons
[i]Dedicated masters of arcane sword arts.[/i]
Base Stats:
HP# 16
STR 03
MGC 03
SKL 08
SPD 09
DEF 01
MDf 01
CON 05
Pros: Extreme SPD; frequent critical hits; +15% crit rate upon promotion
Cons: Poor STR and HP#; awful defenses
[i]Balanced lance-wielding skirmishers.[/i]
Base Stats:
HP# 20
STR 04
MGC 01
SKL 06
SPD 04
DEF 03
MDf 01
CON 05
Pros: High HP# and SKL; few horrible stats
Cons: Mediocre defenses; weak to magic; poor CON
[i]Wielders of bows who attack from afar.[/i]
Base Stats:
HP# 18
STR 03
MGC 02
SKL 03
SPD 04
DEF 02
MDf 02
CON 05
Pros: Good weapons
Cons: Low base stats
[spoiler=Mage Classes]
Mage classes attack with MGC instead of STR, targeting MDf instead of DEF. They're magically powerful but physically frail, and have low base stats but gain stats quickly. Females are stronger than males, who are more skillful. They all use staves, special weapons used to heal allies and debilitate enemies, on promotion.
[i]Magic wielders who use the forces of nature in battle.[/i]
Base Stats:
HP# 15
STR 01
MGC 04
SKL 02
SPD 03
DEF 01
MDf 04
CON 04
Pros: High power; good SPD; weak to dark magic
Cons: Terrible defenses; unreliable SKL; weak to dark magic
[i]These mages use ancient magic to call on dark forces.[/i]
Base Stats:
HP# 18
STR 01
MGC 04
SKL 04
SPD 01
DEF 02
MDf 05
CON 06
Pros: High power; good defenses; good SKL
Cons: Poor SPD and CON; weak to light magic
[i]Males are called priests. They use staves to heal their allies.[/i]
Base Stats:
HP# 13
STR 01
MGC 01
SKL 02
SPD 05
DEF 01
MDf 06
CON 04
Pros: High MDf; high MGC growth rate; uses light magic on promotion
Cons: Terrible CON; poor starting MGC; terrible durability
[i]Females only. They heal allies on horseback with staves.[/i]
Base Stats:
HP# 15
STR 01
MGC 02
SKL 02
SPD 04
DEF 02
MDf 06
CON 05
Pros: High MDf; balanced stats; uses light and anima magic on promotion; CAVALRY
Cons: Hindered by terrain; terrible CON; poor stat maxima; poor durability
[spoiler=Beastman Classes]
Beastmen have high STR and DEF, but have horrendous MDf and struggle with SPD. Males are stronger than females, who are more skillful.
[spoiler=Armour Knight]
[i]The most heavily armoured of all knights.[/i]
Base Stats:
HP# 16
STR 05
MGC 01
SKL 02
SPD 00
DEF 09
MDf 01
CON 10
Pros: Excellent stat maxima; exceptional DEF; good STR
Cons: Horrible SPD; poor movement; low base stats
[i]Mighty axe-wielders with more SKL and DEF than Pirates.[/i]
Base Stats:
HP# 22
STR 05
MGC 01
SKL 02
SPD 04
DEF 03
MDf 01
CON 11
Pros: Excellent HP# and STR; strong weapons
Cons: Mediocre SPD and SKL; horrible MDf; innacurate weapons
[i]Mighty axe-wielders with more SPD than fighters.[/i]
Base Stats:
HP# 22
STR 04
MGC 01
SKL 02
SPD 06
DEF 03
MDf 01
CON 10
Pros: Excellent HP# and STR; good SPD; strong weapons; +15% critical hit rate on promotion
Cons: Horrible SKL and MDf; innacurate weapons
[i]Strong, skillful swordsmen. The usual swordsman's class.[/i]
Base Stats:
HP# 19
STR 04
MGC 01
SKL 06
SPD 06
DEF 03
MDf 01
CON 10
Pros: Balanced stats; high SKL
Cons: Poor defenses; low maximum STR
You'll need to fill out both these apps. Hope you've got some time on your hands.
[spoiler=Human Character]
Name: (Don't be as absurd as Lacer's unless you have a very good reason. Do as I say, not as I do. His has a reason, I swear.)
Age: (Between 10 and 20, please.)
Date of Birth: (The story begins on October 1, 2009.)
Gender: (Male or female, probably.)
Height: (in cm)
Weight: (in kg)
Appearance: (It can be anything so long as it gives us a good picture. Make it realistic, please, and DO NOT POST IMAGES; LINK THEM INSTEAD.)
Personality: (Hoo, boy. First of all, make sure it fits their role-playing style. Secondly, be decently detailed. You don't have to write me an essay, but c'mon. Make it nice.)
Family: (This is real life; a bio is pretty much unnecessary. Friends and family can fill that out.)
Friends: (This isn't mandatory like family. I wouldn't go over the top insofar as number goes; you are playing a tabletop RP with a high schooler, after all.)
Social Class: (Lower-middle-class up. Those in abject poverty have little time for tabletop RPGs. The upper bound would be a multimillionaire, I think.)
Any Saturday Commitments? (For example, do you go somewhere the first Saturday of every month? Or do you have a vacation planned? Are you going to -- horror of horrors -- move?)
[spoiler=Overlord Character]
Overlord Name: (Something pronounceable, please. And no horribly cheesy nicknames for absurdly long names, either. It can be done well, but with Davok [s]dead[/s] on hiatus, it [i]won't[/i] be done well.)
Overlord Class:
Overlord Age:
Overlord Gender:
Overlord Height: (in cm)
Overlord Weight: (in kg)
Overlord Appearance: (See human app; same rules apply here.)
Overlord Colour Scheme: (If I decide to make sprites, I wanna know what colour your unit's armour/steed/clothing is.)
Realm Name: (Anything goes so long as I can pronounce it. That's a much broader category than it sounds. >_>)
Realm Politics: (What kind of ruler were you? What's the culture like?)
(I WILL DECIDE YOUR GROWTH RATES. They will be posted alongside your stats in the accepted version. You start with 4 LCK and have a 50% growth rate. Your growth rates will total 330%, so you're guaranteed to be good.)
There is a reason I didn't make a personality field.
[spoiler=Accepted Players]
>Alignment will change pretty much as soon as the RPG proper begins, and it will continue to evolve as the game continues. It won't affect battle.
>RSC involves Rescuing, which will be explained in-game as it comes up.
[b]Name:[/b] Maria Tian
[b]Age:[/b] 16
[b]Date of Birth:[/b] 16 August 1993
[b]Gender:[/b] Female
[b]Height:[/b] 155cm
[b]Weight:[/b] 50kg
[b]Appearance:[/b] Maria is clearly of Chinese ethnicity, but she counts herself British, and is awful at speaking Cantonese compared to her English. She has shoulder-length layered black hair that is badly cut (thanks to her mother), and dark brown eyes. She doesn't have much bossom. She has to wear pink-and-black-framed glasses, as she is far-sighted.
Clothes-wise, she always wears jeans, and prefers shirts with an empire waistline just under her bossom, as it "makes her figure slender" and "emphasises her chest size". She doesn't wear jewelry either, save for a real Swarovski bracelet on her right wrist, complete with five interchangable charms, all Swarovski products as well.
Personality: Maria is very boring and shallow. She's unemotional, not talkative, and very feisty when it comes to sexism and the objectification of women. However, she is a MAJOR fangirl, and is particularly attracted to comedians. She dreams that her future boyfriend will be Jack Whitehall look like a comedian (preferably Jack Whitehall). She is also - get ready for this - a "dirty little slasher", and is unashamed to admit it. She likes to slash both celebrities and real people. So, to summarise, Maria is boring AND awkward. Such fun! :)
[b]Family:[/b] She lives her with her father and mother. She has other relatives, but they're all abroad, so she doesn't see them very often.
[b]Friends:[/b] She has more classmates than friends. She only has one proper best friend, although they haven't seen each other since their class left school for good.
[b]Social Class:[/b] Middle class.
[b]Any Saturday Commitments?:[/b] None, apart from the usual - TV, computer, The Now Show repeat on BBC Radio 4, reading a book/Private Eye, and writing fanfiction.

[b]Overlord Name:[/b] Amaeniiya Raposkof
[b]Overlord Class:[/b] Mercenary
[b]Overlord Age:[/b] 120
[b]Overlord Gender:[/b] Female
[b]Overlord Height:[/b] 186cm
[b]Overlord Weight:[/b] 90kg
[b]Overlord Appearance:[/b] Amaeniiya is fairly muscular, and walks slightly hunched. Her skin is rather tanned, which seems to clash rather well with her pale sinopia-coloured eyes. She has fangs for teeth, and whenever she smiles, her mouth appears to be rather large. Her aeneous hair falls to her waist, and it always appears very shaggy and crudely cut, even when she has actually made an effort to make it smart.
Amaeniiya is rarely seen without her armour. She wears a silver breastplate and shoulder armour; her breastplate falls to her waist, where she wears a pair of hotpants underneath. Over that is a chainmail overskirt that consists of various pink and grey chains, although the skirt doesn't cover the front, effectively leaving it exposed. On her feet are a pair of hard knee-high boots that are backed with greaves. She does wear pink gorget around her neck, although that is more for decoration, as over that she has tied a velvet ribbon in a style not dissimilar to what women in Britain wore in the 1870s. She does wear chainmail-backed gauntlets. Her sword is often strapped to her belt, and it hangs on her right.
[b]Overlord Colour Scheme:[/b] Light pink, silver, grey
[b]Realm Name:[/b] Allemban
[b]Realm Politics:[/b] Amaeniiya is kind of Functionalist in her view - she openly acknowledges that her realm can never be equal, and she strives to bring as much democracy and fairness to everybody as she possibly can. She doesn't mind opposing political groups, although if they get too popular, she is careful to ensure that she uses non-violent methods to keep hold of her reign.

[b]Overlord Stats:[/b]
Mercenary Lv1
HP# 20 + 85%
STR 08 + 45%
MGC 02 + 15%
SKL 07 + 50%
SPD 07 + 45%
LCK 04 + 50%
DEF 04 + 30%
MDf 01 + 10%
CON 12
RSC 11
Alignment: Neutral
[spoiler=Justice Master of Spoons]
[b]Name:[/b] Matt Johnson
[b]Age:[/b] 16
[b]Date of Birth:[/b] June 14th, 1993
[b]Gender:[/b] Male
[b]Height:[/b] 182Cm
[b]Weight:[/b] 58Kg
[b]Appearance:[/b] This is what he wears when he wants to look very upper class: http://images2.fanpop.com/images/photos/5200000/anime-guy-anime-guys-5284778-570-780.jpg When he want to look normal, RP, or go undercover, he ditches the scarf, the fancy vest, and the sweater underneath and instead wears a white T-Shirt that says: http://agirlandherdot.files.wordpress.com/2010/12/picture-4.png
[b]Personality:[/b] Very outgoing, adventurous, always wanting to find the old things of the world and improve them. Though, never truly satisfyed, wanting a perfection that cannot be reached. Usually happy. Rarely annoyed, but when he is, you run. Loves restrictions, they're so much fun to break.
[b]Family:[/b] His uncles, dead. His aunts, dead. Grandparents, dead. Brothers or sisters, none. Parent, filthy rich. His parents own a very popular fast food resturant. They pampered their little Matt to the point of pompus, yet he didn't act like that. They'll buy him whatever he wants, I mean, a few hundred is nothing to them. Since they weren't at home a whole bunch when Matt was younger, the maids would commonly call them about how he was breaking something. They then decided it was about time they let him choose what he wanted, and sadly for them, he wanted to go to a public school. But, who cares? They have their money, their child has a future, no one else matters to them.
[b]Friends:[/b] Many, but none of them like him for his personality, but rather for his money. They grub a lot.
[b]Social Class:[/b] Upper class.

[b]Overlord Name:[/b] Krade Itari (I-tari)
[b]Overlord Class:[/b] Myrmidon
[b]Overlord Age:[/b] 43
[b]Overlord Gender:[/b] Male
[b]Overlord Height:[/b] 160Cm
[b]Overlord Weight:[/b] 67Kg
[b]Overlord Appearance:[/b] http://media.photobucket.com/image/anime+Knight+/SayaDrakeheart/Anime%2520Guys/anime123.jpg
[b]Overlord Colour Scheme:[/b] Gold, grey, a light brown, and white.
[b]Realm Name:[/b] Estashion (Ess-tay-she-on)
[b]Realm Politics:[/b] A peaceful ruler, making peace, not war. Using fair judgement is what his land does and that ultimately helps and hurts his people. He enhanced his soceity by using the means of trickery because he lacked the amazing strength, supplies, and people to fight wars. His culture gets most of it's profit and support due to its ability to grow many crops and grow them for a longer time than the other lands.

[b]Overlord Stats:[/b]
Myrmidon Lv1
HP# 20 + 70%
STR 05 + 40%
MGC 03 + 20%
SKL 08 + 60%
SPD 09 + 40%
LCK 04 + 50%
DEF 03 + 30%
MDf 02 + 20%
CON 07
RSC 06
Alignment: Neutral
[b]Name:[/b] Jake Macleod
[b]Age:[/b] 17
[b]Date of Birth:[/b] 05 / 04 / 1992
[b]Gender:[/b] Male
[b]Height:[/b] 174 cm
[b]Weight:[/b] 76 kg
[b]Appearance:[/b] He's a tall boy with light blonde hair, which is kept at a moderate length at the front so it doesn't obstruct his eyes. The back of his hair is approaching mullet length, he really needs to get it cut. His body is somewhat thick, but he has a slight gut and A cups which he is self-conscious about. He has kind blue eyes and a nose which has seen a bit of digging actions, he claims its genetic but we know better. He usually has a grin on his face.
He takes to wearing t-shirts and shorts usually all year long, whichever ones he grabs from his cupboard he'll wear. He doesn't wear shoes unless necessary, and if he does he'll usually take to wearing sandals. He has a silver chain he wears that was given to him on his birthday. He does wear long pants and a jacket when temperatures are what even he could admit are cold
[b]Personality:[/b] He is the nice kind of homely boy that your mother insists on inviting to your birthday party. He get's along well with people, despite their actions to him or to other people. Despite this he's not exactly a gullible twit who does as he's told. Usually he prefers to play games or read than do physical sports, but hey, that's just him.
[b]Family:[/b] He lives at home with his mother, his father and his little sister. He and his isster fight quite often, but that's sibling rivalry. When not fighting over pointless things, he and his sister usually play boardgames, such as Hungy Hungy Hippo, I love that game.
His mother works during the day as a waitress at a B ranked restaurant, not too fancy, but not a seedy dive either. She's the one who spends the greater amount of time with the kids. His father works at a laboratory doing research on particularly volatile bacteria and viruses. He's a bit of a strange one, but his work can keep him from home from a day to a week at a time. Despite this they're a close family.
[b]Friends:[/b] He doesn't pick friends; he'll talk to people, he'll hang out, but at the end of the day everyone is his friend
[b]Social Class:[/b] Middle class
[b]Any Saturday Commitments?:[/b] Usually his Saturdays are free, as the Chess Club is held on Tuesdays and Thursday. He might have weekend homework and assignments to do however.

[b]Overlord Name:[/b] Haelg Meristo (Hey-alg Mare-wrist-toe)
[b]Overlord Class:[/b] Priest
[b]Overlord Age:[/b] 297
[b]Overlord Gender:[/b] Male
[b]Overlord Height:[/b] 189cm
[b]Overlord Weight:[/b] 54 kg
[b]Overlord Appearance:[/b] His appearance is that of a wizened old man who aged with grace. His freakish tallness is counterbalanced by his low weight, making him appear undernourished and weak. He has a slight hunch which lowers his height by a bit though. The top patch of his hair is bald, but he wears a tall bishop's hat, as sign of his class and leadership. He has a thin silver beard which go down to above his chest. It is always smooth and well kept. Haelg wears modest robes which cover him fully, but thye remain loose on his thin frame. At his waist is a golden rope which is tied around it. The two ends of the rope extend to an old incense lamp and a small weightened golden sphere. On top of his robes he wears a cape which extend to his feet. Marked on it is the symbol of Maerydia, a cross with angel wings attached to it. He wears a comfy pair of slippers with curly toes. He is usually seen leaning on his staff. His looks are all a farce however, as he is still physically fit and capable of physical tasks.
[b]Overlord Colour Scheme:[/b] Navy blue with Yellow trim
[b]Realm Name:[/b] Maerydia (May-rid-de-ya)
[b]Realm Politics:[/b] He ruled Maerydia as benevolently as possible, trying to keep the peace of his nation. Sadly, his people were ungrateful little bastards who began to demand more. The selfishness of his people caused him to spurn his concepts of benevolence and took a more militaristic view, demanding respect and acceptance of his people. Maerydia became a rather oppressed land, but, at least the people didn't ask for more.

[b]Overlord Stats:[/b]
Priest Lv1
HP# 14 + 50%
STR 01 + 20%
MGC 05 + 45%
SKL 04 + 50%
SPD 05 + 35%
LCK 04 + 50%
DEF 05 + 35%
MDf 06 + 45%
CON 04
RSC 03
Alignment: Neutral
[b]Name:[/b] Grace "Gracie" Williams
[b]Age:[/b] 16
[b]Date of Birth:[/b] November 13th, 1992
[b]Gender:[/b] Female
[b]Height:[/b] 168 cm
[b]Weight:[/b] 59.8 kg
[b]Appearance:[/b] Gracie is a goth. Plain and simple. With dyed black hair that flows to the middle of her back and lots of eyeliner and black lipstick obscuring her otherwise cute-looking face, she cannot be mistaken for anything else. She has pale skin and green eyes, though every once in a while Gracie will change this up by donning contacts and blush. Her body is long and tapered, coming from parents who were athletes at school; Gracie, however, rarely if ever exerts herself and therefore her body is soft and unformed.
Clothes-wise, Gracie adds a perky twist on the traditional goth clothing; while she wears red-and-black ripped shirts and tight black jeans, she spices it up with bows in her hair ranging the full spectrum of color and brightly colored adornments, like a pink wristwatch and a pair of bright blue sunglasses. She is also known to wear a button with a smiley face on it, as if mocking those who denounce her as a "depressing, sad, goth."
[b]Personality:[/b] Perky, sweet, and naive, Gracie is the definition of a Perky Goth. Always happy and optimistic, Gracie's excuse for being both a goth and happy is; 'I've always loved the color black, but I could never force myself to start writing dreary poems'. This attitude, combined with a sly sense of humor, makes Gracie always fun to be around.
Gracie also seems to have taken from her mother when it comes to art; she is an avid painter, making everything from landscapes to abstract art pieces to decorate her bedroom walls with. She is known to get into long discussions with the art teacher about the best brushes to use, best paints, etc. She is also interested in such things as RPs and other creative tasks; this is one of the reasons why Gracie joined in Lacer's tabletop RP.
However, despite this seemingly-awesome disposition, Gracie still seems to alienate some people; probably it has to do with the fact things that would excite other girls- shopping, crushes, going to the beach- only bore her. This lack of communication seems to make becoming friends with people in the end of the "higher-end crowd' almost impossible with her; however, if you don't care about such things, Gracie will be happy to be your friend.
[b]Family:[/b] Gracie lives with her mom; her businessman father is divorced and lives in New York. She also has a younger brother. While most goth's relationships with their parents are rather strained, Gracie's is not; her mother, an artist, accepts Gracie as who she is and her younger brother Evan thinks she is cool in the way little boys think vampires are cool.
Friends: Gracie seems to have a lot of acquaintances; while a lot of people like her for her bubbly attitude, they are too embarrassed to be seen with her. She has two major best friends; two other goths, Elizabeth and Sam. There used to be a fourth member of their group -a boy named Steven- but after Steven and Gracie dated and broke up, he became a scene kid.
[b]Social Class:[/b] Used to be higher middle class; then, after the divorce, became simply middle class.
Any Saturday Commitments? Every first Saturday Gracie goes to the movies with her friends Sam and Elizabeth; contrary to what you might believe, they are not all horror flicks.

[b]Overlord Name:[/b] Roxanzia Giteh
[b]Overlord Class:[/b] Troubadour
[b]Overlord Age:[/b] 109
[b]Overlord Gender:[/b] Female
[b]Overlord Height:[/b] 170 cm
[b]Overlord Weight:[/b] 63 kg
[b]Overlord Appearance:[/b] Roxanzia is slim and well-muscled, with flawless white skin and long black hair contained in a twisted braid that falls down to her knees. She has green eyes and purple lips; often though of as foreign, Roxanzia is not one that blends in with crowds.
Roxanzia dresses in a style that seems to combine traditional medieval clothing with gothic lolita; what she wears in the traditional dark blue robe of a mage, but it has so many frills and bows that it seems more in place with the Victorian era. She also wears a large pair of form-fitting boots, the better to ride her jet-black steed with. This ensemble might seem monochromatic, but Gracie has managed to imbue her character with her perky style; the character is well known for her bright yellow cape and the bright purple highlights in her hair.
[b]Overlord Colour Scheme:[/b] Dark blue, purple, yellow.
[b]Realm Name:[/b] Wichella
[b]Realm Politics:[/b] Wichella is a scheming country, with lots of people trying to get their hands on power in the country. It seems to resemble England's political system, with a Parliament-like system doing much of the work and Roxanzia as their "queen" doing nothing, although she does operate a complex web of spies and mercenaries to keep these various fighting groups from knocking her off he pedestal. The people of Wichella are by nature, nomadic; they are essentially a collection of various tribes that follow their herd of buffalo around. The capital city of Zoamais is the only fixed place in Wichella, and it is here that most of the affairs of the country are conducted. Every time a political decision is being made, the various representatives of the tribes go to Zoamais to vote on the issue.

[b]Overlord Stats:[/b]
Troubadour Lv1
HP# 18 + 55%
STR 03 + 15%
MGC 05 + 45%
SKL 04 + 45%
SPD 04 + 45%
LCK 04 + 50%
DEF 04 + 25%
MDf 06 + 50%
CON 05
RSC 20
Alignment: Neutral
[b]Name:[/b] Cale Younger
[b]Age:[/b] 16
[b]Date of Birth:[/b] January 13, 1993
[b]Gender:[/b] Male
[b]Height:[/b] 160 cm
[b]Weight:[/b] 55 kg
[b]Appearance:[/b] Basically, he is average; nothing particularly special about his height or physique, though he is a bit on the slim side. He is African-American with light skin and curly locks a little over an inch in length that frame his upper face. His frame is small and his is a bit below average height. He still has the childish look to him and has a face that is often referred to as cute by others and has a tenor note in his voice. Despite his looks, he is somewhat athletic, and is a decent swimmer and a pretty fast runner.
He dresses semi-casually; dark jeans or pants, button shirts and a conservative hoodie. He is always seen with either a messenger, single-strap or drawstring bag that holds one or two novels and the notebooks he writes his stories in. He wears a pair a dark framed glasses that give him a slightly nerdy look that goes surprisingly well with his hair
[b]Personality:[/b] While not particularly shy, Cale is introspective and doesn't really have much of a social life. He doesn't like to talk to strangers his age and gets along better with adults. He has a fascination with mystery, science fiction and fantasy; whether books or shows. Once he manages to make friends, he is found to be rather witty and even snide if the situation favours it and often has good advice that he garnered from relations with older folk. He tends to be distant and is often more interested in his book that with others, pulling it out whenever a lull occurs.
[b]Family:[/b] Cale is an only child, but he doesn't really mind it. His parents aren't always home, is mother a poet, author and inspirational speaker that is often out of town and his father a geographer currently studying the effects for global warming in Northern Canada. His parent's frequent travel is fairly recent thing, as they worked locally for most of his live until his cousin moved in with them. His older cousin, who lives with them while she is doing her master in town, is the one that mostly takes care of him, though she is often focused on her school work .
[b]Friends:[/b] He doesn't really have a lot of friends, and most of them are more acquaintances. He has several acquaintances among the twenty and thirty year olds around town, mostly his cousins friends and classmates (females at that) and the older group that are his parents coworkers.
[b]Social Class:[/b] Upper-middle-class/Lower-upper-class (His mother recently published a few best-sellers so they are slowly transitioning to upper-class)
[b]Any Saturday Commitments?[/b] A move to a better community may be in the not-too-distant future, but his Saturdays are mostly free aside from home/house work and reading.

[b]Overlord Name:[/b] Loki Na'Darr
[b]Overlord Class:[/b] Myrmidon
[b]Overlord Age:[/b] 39
[b]Overlord Gender:[/b] Male
[b]Overlord Height:[/b] 179 cm
[b]Overlord Weight:[/b] 62 kg
[b]Overlord Appearance:[/b] Loki wears his dark hair long and has a headband tied securely around his forehead. His skin is olive toned and features a scattering of faint silvery scars along his arms and a jagged irregular scar just to the side of his heart on his chest, with a matching one on his back. He is long legged and has a comparatively short torso. Built economically for speed, stealth and grace, he doesn't have any excess fat on his body and his muscles are whip cord and wire.
His dress includes a long overcoat in grey trimmed with green and tan with a rounded high-collar that covers the majority of his neck. Four leather bands in a 'X' hold in closed in just before waist and a thick belt hanging diagonally off his waist. Despite it's appearance, the coat in no way impedes his movement. His pants beneath the coat is grey with green cuffs and he wears a plain white shirt trimmed with tan.
[b]Overlord Colour Scheme:[/b] Dark Grey, tan and green (with the occasional white)
[b]Realm Name:[/b] Avar K'mu (Avar K-muu [hard K])
[b]Realm Politics:[/b] Avar K'mu is ruled with a modicum of democracy; with a twelve member council proposing laws and such to the High Chief, also called the Thirteenth, which Loki is ranked as. However, most decisions do not require his ruling. Avar K'mu is something of a merchant realm and gains most their income form trading between other realms, but does have talented craftsmen in pottery, metalwork and woodwork. There is a semi-rigid caste system; Merchants, Crafters and Mercenaries. Each caste has four clans, each clan having a chief on the council. Merchant orders have Tradesmaster heading the clan, Crafters have Craftmaster and Mercenaries have Guildmaster. Avar K'mu also has several scholars and grand libraries as they trade in knowledge and books as well.

[b]Overlord Stats:[/b]
Myrmidon Lv1
HP# 16 + 60%
STR 05 + 35%
MGC 05 + 30%
SKL 10 + 55%
SPD 10 + 60%
LCK 04 + 50%
DEF 03 + 20%
MDf 03 + 20%
CON 05
RSC 04
Alignment: Neutral
[b]Name:[/b] Phillip 'Siegfried' Holland
[b]Age:[/b] 15
[b]Date of Birth:[/b] December 12th, 1993
[b]Gender:[/b] Male
[b]Height:[/b] 165 cm
[b]Weight:[/b] 65 kg
[b]Appearance:[/b] He's lean and well-built for his age, his arms and legs are strong but un-noticeable to the regular eye. His attire involves long navy cargo pants, a dark gray tee, and worn white track shoes. He keeps his black hair combed back for most occasions, with it occasionally slipping down to cover the top of his eyes. He's a bit tall for his age and often fools others into believing he's older than he really is. Phil often has a poker-face, which he abuses in every-day situations.
[b]Personality:[/b] Phil is rather quiet. He isn't shy per-say, but he just doesn't feel the need to speak. He in a sense, let's actions speak louder than words. As stated before, he often wears a poker-face to confuse both friends and rivals, often leading people to doubt his true motivation for his actions. This can lead to a lot of confusion with drama and often makes him seem like 'the bad guy' in any high school drama situation.
[b]Family:[/b] His father is a lawyer, his mother a marine-biologist currently located in Germany. He has a younger sister, Crystal, who is home-schooled and otherwise not very social. His father takes pride in being a 'stay at home dad', as he prioritizes the majority of his free-time to Phil and Crystal. This is majorly just taking Phil to in-town track meets and making sure his sister eats well.
Friends: About 4 good friends, also is apart of his school's track team. Besides that, he has attracted the attention of a few girls trying to 'unravel' his quiet personality, much to his annoyance.
[b]Social Class:[/b] High-middle
[b]Any Saturday Commitments?[/b] Spends the whole morning of each Saturday training for track, often comes back tired.

[b]Overlord Name:[/b] Jericho di'Gear
[b]Overlord Class:[/b] Dragon Rider
[b]Overlord Age:[/b] 32
[b]Overlord Gender:[/b] Male
[b]Overlord Height:[/b] 168 cm
[b]Overlord Weight:[/b] 72 kg
[b]Overlord Appearance:[/b] Jericho is well-built, with messy unkempt dark brown hair. He wears standard black with silver trim plate armor from the shoulders down to the waist. He also wears beige pants and black boots to finish off his uniform. Rather standard. Around his waist is a brown belt that has a few maps attached to it.
[b]Overlord Colour Scheme:[/b] Black main, silver secondary.
[b]Realm Name:[/b] di'Mundo
[b]Realm Politics:[/b] di'Mundo was run very... Strict. It's located along cliff edges against the Marho sea, making it hard to invade. It relies strongly on dragons to maintain it's rich maritime-economy, and to make sure no one would abuse the power that comes with riding one, wannabe-dragon riders have to pass a variety of tests. If any of them are headstrong, arrogant, impulsive, or immature, they fail and are not allowed to retake the test until a year passes. All riders must be calm, calculating, and MUST obey orders. Lest they lose their dragons and become the 'failures' of di'Mundo.

[b]Overlord Stats:[/b]
HP# 21 + 75%
STR 07 + 50%
MGC 01 + 10%
SKL 07 + 45%
SPD 07 + 45%
LCK 04 + 50%
DEF 07 + 40%
MDf 04 + 15%
CON 08
RSC 17
[spoiler=Hydra of Legend]
[b]Name:[/b] Olivier "Archer" Dàrche
[b]Age:[/b] 17
Date of Birth: December 12, 1992
[b]Gender:[/b] Male
[b]Height:[/b] 172cm
[b]Weight:[/b] 67 kg
[b]Appearance:[/b] Olivier is a blond-haired french boy with fair skin and bright green eyes, outfitted with a pair of contacts that are slightly oversized- which gives the impression of a shimmer from now and then. On a good day, this can make his eyes seem more expressive and reflective; on a poor one, it just makes it look like he's tearing up at all times. Which he occasionally is. Ill-fitting contacts aren't always too comfortable.
His hair is kept short, with the exception of his bangs, which he allows to grow long enough to 'mysteriously' half-cover his eyes, though he allows his hair to grow out a little before he cuts it. His hair is always meticulously coiffed and combed, but even with the best support it can appear oily on hot days. Olivier's almost seems to have a fixation on his hair, to the point where his hand's natural position is either running through it or twitching one of his bangs.
His face is distinctly European, and is colored a distinctly pale off-olive shade. Though he occasionally has a fashionable athletic tan, it's very obvious his skin isn't the type to ever darken for a particular length of time without reddening angrily. When he actually does manage to get a tan, he more resembles a darker-olive greek complexion than he does any sort of brown shade- to the point where people occasionally mistake him at Italian.
He has a slightly longer than normal, pointed nose and a long neck atop a heart-shaped head with eyes narrowed close to the bridge.
His body is naturally slender and tough, though soft. Though it's obvious he's had athletic conditioning of some sort, it's also obvious that he's either not particularly dedicated to it, or he doesn't keep up a constant regiment. He has muscle, but he also has soft fat, neither of which significant enough to contribute to a rail-thin frame.
[b]Personality:[/b] A more snobby and self-satisfied kid you would be hard pressed to find, even among teenagers.
Coming from a french private school, Olivier feels his heritage is somehow 'better' than anyone who speaks english's, and won't hesitate to say that to their face. Though not verbally boastful, he is obviously proud of whatever skills he has, and is visibly upset whenever he's upstaged in any sort of way.
Though quick to make a grudge, Olivier is also very fast to forgive and forget. He's hardly dependable, but when he does do something, it's almost guaranteeing to be done well; he is a perfectionist, and refuses to half-ass anything he does, even if he doesn't want to do it in the first place.
The type of person that it's easier to get along with after you know him, he is quick to insult and seemingly callous and insensitive. In truth, Olivier believes only a small amount of what he spouts, and it isn't too difficult to change his mind. He is the complainer who will still do what the others will anyway, because he likes complaining to other people.
He also believes quite deeply that being foreign will land him all sorts of english chicks.
[b]Family:[/b] His father, Giles Dàrche and his mother both moved from their home country of France when his father's previous position in a french investment firm began to flounder, forcing them to relocate; he has multiple cousins, aunts and uncles, but he saw most of them only rarely in France, and never once they moved.
His father is a relatively laid back perfectionist, who expects his son to carry on the family name in some way- however, he's none to concerned about what way that is. His favorite line to tell Olivier is "whatever you do, do it well", and he's a conniseur of fine art, cheese and wine- though he can't really afford any of his hobbies. When not working, Giles is rather slothful and does rather little.
His mother, Aubere, could scarcely be more different. A house wife, she spent her life teaching her son that a man must preform, and preform well- in a variety of different areas that she was sure to teach him in. Violin and Piano lessons to start, followed by learning to dance, play soccer, and of course, preform perfectly in school. Aubere is overbearing, and would schedule her child's entire life if able, though she allows him certain freedoms if he preforms admirably. Aubere, unlike the males of the family, does not require absolute perfection: just proficiency in a broad spectrum.
[b]Friends:[/b] Olivier had a few friends in France, but none once he moved. The only two he would consider his two 'true' friends -fellow violinists Albert and Onric- awarded him the nickname 'Archer', after the archer's bow he had once carried to pracice and as a pun involving the pronunciation of his last name, which stuck through the majority of his life.
Though he still writes to Albert and Onric, he has very little social inclination and did not gravitate to any particular social caste once he attended a less prestigious school in his new home. He often scares prospective friends away by acting like a european jerkwad, which is also a factor.
[b]Social Class:[/b] Upper-Middle Class. Though his family was once rich, their fortunes have dwindled quite a bit in recent years, to the point where Olivier needs to attend a public school.
[b]Any Saturday Commitments?:[/b] Piano practice every Saturday from 10 AM to 12, Violin practice falls on every second Saturday from 12 to 2 PM. Occasionally, may have events from his other extra-curricular activities there.

[b]Overlord Name:[/b] Valay De'Cruz
[b]Overlord Class:[/b] Shaman
[b]Overlord Age:[/b] Either 108, 81 or 18. He's not quite sure; it's got an 8 and a 1, though.
[b]Overlord Gender:[/b] Male
[b]Overlord Height:[/b] 153 cm
[b]Overlord Weight:[/b] 40 kg
[b]Overlord Appearance:[/b] A slim, almost child-like being covered in a mass of bright red hair that falls down past his ankles, trailing a little behind him. His mouth is made up of little more than fangs, most of them pointed like daggers, and he smiles very little. His teeth may be too large for his jaw, as he occasionally finds it difficult to eat. He has broad eyes, irises that have become violet swirls for no real reason, and wears a suit of red leather armor engraved in red lettering. Though the runes on his armor may have meant something at some point, they have become slurred and blurred by the ages, and by magic, beyond all recognition.
His body is very thin and almost waif-like. No matter how much he eats, he is bony and slender, almost appearing malnourished. If he removes his armor, people are capable of seeing most of his individual ribs.
He wears a pair of bright red silk pantaloons, which are far larger and poofier than people would expect, making his legs seem much larger than they probably actually are. On his feet, he wears bare-bones sandals- scarcely boards tied to his soles.
[b]Overlord Colour Scheme:[/b] Red/Purple/Black
[b]Realm Name:[/b] Nihl
[b]Realm Politics:[/b] It takes very little time to realize why people assumed Valay attained his power through demons, since he so closely resembled a demon himself. Valay was not a good ruler, in any sense of the term; he ruled as a brutal dictator, draining taxes and refusing to attend to any of the nation's needs beyond his own magical experiments, and kept a fairly large stockade of any people he thought might threaten his rule.
His realm managed to exist solely due to the unofficial arrangements trade cartels managed to create with themselves, and with others. Valay had little interest in quashing enemies that didn't seem to be bringing up a violent uprising against him, and allowed them to introduce things that resembled law, and people who resembled lawkeepers, so long as he still attained his taxes.
In a truly face-palm worthy moment, Valay totally didn't see the entire realm rising against him for practicing demon-craft, something any political minded leader could have seen coming from years ago.

[b]Overlord Stats:[/b]
Shaman Lv1
HP# 18 + 55
STR 01 + 15
MGC 08 + 55
SKL 08 + 55
SPD 04 + 35
LCK 04 + 50
DEF 02 + 25
MDf 05 + 40
CON 06
RSC 05
Alignment: Neutral

[spoiler=Angevirth Compendium]
[spoiler=Cursed Creatures]
[b]Cursed Sparrow[/b]
Level 2
HP# 16
STR 03
SKL 04
SPD 08
LCK 00
DEF 03
MDf 03
Weapon: Beak (MT 4//WT 4//HIT 80//CRT 5)
Other: Flying

[b]Cursed Bat[/b]
Level 2
HP# 18
STR 04
SKL 03
SPD 06
LCK 00
DEF 02
MDf 02
Weapon: Fang (MT 5//WT 4//HIT 65//CRT 5)
Other: Flying

[b]Cursed Lizard[/b]
Level 2
HP# 20
STR 06
SKL 03
SPD 05
LCK 00
DEF 03
MDf 00
Weapon: Fang (MT 5//WT 4//HIT 65//CRT 5)
Other: Dragonkind

[b]Cursed Bear[/b]
Level 5
HP# 24
STR 08
SKL 06
SPD 04
LCK 00
DEF 06
MDf 04
Weapon: Fang (MT 5//WT 4//HIT 65//CRT 5)
Other: N/A

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Screw reservations I have application

[b]Name:[/b] Jake Macleod

[b]Age:[/b] 17

[b]Date of Birth:[/b] 05 / 04 / 1992

[b]Gender:[/b] Male

[b]Height:[/b] 174

[b]Weight:[/b] 76 kg

[b]Appearance:[/b] He's a tall boy with light blonde hair, which is kept at a moderate length at the front so it doesn't obstruct his eyes. The back of his hair is approaching mullet length, he really needs to get it cut. His body is somewhat thick, but he has a slight gut and A cups which he is self-conscious about. He has kind blue eyes and a nose which has seen a bit of digging actions, he claims its genetic but we know better. He usually has a grin on his face.

He takes to wearing t-shirts and shorts usually all year long, whichever ones he grabs from his cupboard he'll wear. He doesn't wear shoes unless necessary, and if he does he'll usually take to wearing sandals. He has a silver chain he wears that was given to him on his birthday. He does wear long pants and a jacket when temperatures are what even he could admit are cold

[b]Personality:[/b] He is the nice kind of homely boy that your mother insists on inviting to your birthday party. He get's along well with people, despite their actions to him or to other people. Despite this he's not exactly a gullible twit who does as he's told. Usually he prefers to play games or read than do physical sports, but hey, that's just him.

[b]Family:[/b] He lives at home with his mother, his father and his little sister. He and his isster fight quite often, but that's sibling rivalry. When not fighting over pointless things, he and his sister usually play boardgames, such as Hungy Hungy Hippo, I love that game.

His mother works during the day as a waitress at a B ranked restaurant, not too fancy, but not a seedy dive either. She's the one who spends the greater amount of time with the kids. His father works at a laboratory doing research on particularly volatile bacteria and viruses. He's a bit of a strange one, but his work can keep him from home from a day to a week at a time. Despite this they're a close family.

[b]Friends:[/b] He doesn't pick friends; he'll talk to people, he'll hang out, but at the end of the day everyone is his friend

[b]Social Class:[/b] Middle class

[b]Any Saturday Commitments?:[/b] Usually his Saturdays are free, as the Chess Club is held on Tuesdays and Thursday. He might have weekend homework and assignments to do however.
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Supreme Gamemaster, I swear you can read my mind - I've been wanting to do something like this for a while now. Time for self-mockery, I think.

[b]Name:[/b] Maria Tian

[b]Age:[/b] 16

[b]Date of Birth:[/b] 16 August 1993

[b]Gender:[/b] Female

[b]Height:[/b] 155cm

[b]Weight:[/b] 50kg

[b]Appearance:[/b] Maria is clearly of Chinese ethnicity, but she counts herself British, and is awful at speaking Cantonese compared to her English. She has shoulder-length layered black hair that is badly cut (thanks to her mother), and dark brown eyes. She doesn't have much bossom. She has to wear pink-and-black-framed glasses, as she is far-sighted.

Clothes-wise, she always wears jeans, and prefers shirts with an empire waistline just under her bossom, as it "makes her figure slender" and "emphasises her chest size". She doesn't wear jewelry either, save for a real Swarovski bracelet on her right wrist, complete with five interchangable charms, all Swarovski products as well.

[b]Personality:[/b] Maria is very boring and shallow. She's unemotional, not talkative, and very feisty when it comes to sexism and the objectification of women. However, she is a MAJOR fangirl, and is particularly attracted to comedians. She dreams that her future boyfriend will [s]be Jack Whitehall[/s] look like a comedian (preferably Jack Whitehall). She is also - get ready for this - a "dirty little slasher", and is unashamed to admit it. She likes to slash both celebrities and real people. So, to summarise, Maria is boring AND awkward. Such fun! :)

[b]Family:[/b] She lives her with her father and mother. She has other relatives, but they're all abroad, so she doesn't see them very often.

[b]Friends:[/b] She has more classmates than friends. She only has one proper best friend, although they haven't seen each other since their class left school for good.

[b]Social Class:[/b] Middle class.

[b]Any Saturday Commitments?[/b] None, apart from the usual - TV, computer, The Now Show repeat on BBC Radio 4, reading a book/Private Eye, and writing fanfiction.

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Righto, Overlord app-

[b]Overlord Name:[/b] Amaeniiya (Ah-may-nee-ah) Raposkof

[b]Overlord Class:[/b] Mercenary

[b]Overlord Stats:[/b]
HP# 20
STR 08
MGC 02
SKL 07
SPD 07
DEF 04
MDf 01
CON 12

[b]Overlord Age:[/b] 120

[b]Overlord Gender:[/b] Female

[b]Overlord Height:[/b] 186cm

[b]Overlord Weight:[/b] 90kg

[b]Overlord Appearance:[/b] Amaeniiya is fairly muscular, and walks slightly hunched. Her skin is rather tanned, which seems to clash rather well with her pale sinopia-coloured eyes. She has fangs for teeth, and whenever she smiles, her mouth appears to be rather large. Her aeneous hair falls to her waist, and it always appears very shaggy and crudely cut, even when she has actually made an effort to make it smart.

Amaeniiya is rarely seen without her armour. She wears a silver breastplate and shoulder armour; her breastplate falls to her waist, where she wears a pair of hotpants underneath. Over that is a chainmail overskirt that consists of various pink and grey chains, although the skirt doesn't cover the front, effectively leaving it exposed. On her feet are a pair of hard knee-high boots that are backed with greaves. She does wear pink gorget around her neck, although that is more for decoration, as over that she has tied a velvet ribbon in a style not dissimilar to what women in Britain wore in the 1870s. She does wear chainmail-backed gauntlets. Her sword is often strapped to her belt, and it hangs on her right.

[b]Overlord Colour Scheme:[/b] Light pink, silver, grey

[b]Realm Name:[/b] Allemban (don't ask...)

[b]Realm Politics:[/b] Amaeniiya is kind of Functionalist in her view - she openly acknowledges that her realm can never be equal, and she strives to bring as much democracy and fairness to everybody as she possibly can. She doesn't mind opposing political groups, although if they get too popular, she is careful to ensure that she uses non-violent methods to keep hold of her reign.

By the way, do we get some flexibility as to what type of sword Merceneries use? If that's the case, then my character uses a dao.
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Weapons are distributed in-game; there are plenty of different weapons for you to wield. That said, a dao is possible.

...i forgot to add the example didn't i.

Accepted, though MOV is 5 for Mercenaries. (Or did I put that down? :?) You have a point left over, put the extra point in MGC unless you have any objections (for things like magic swords).

If you meant to add to MOV, er, you can't. ...I really need to fix that.

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[b][/b][b]Name:[/b] Matt Johnson

[b]Age:[/b] 16

[b]Date of Birth:[/b] June 14th, 1994

[b]Gender:[/b] Male

[b]Height:[/b] 182Cm

[b]Weight:[/b] 58Kg

[b]Appearance:[/b] This is what he wears when he wants to look very upper class: http://images2.fanpop.com/images/photos/5200000/anime-guy-anime-guys-5284778-570-780.jpg When he want to look normal, RP, or go undercover, he ditches the scarf, the fancy vest, and the sweater underneath and instead wears a white T-Shirt that says: http://agirlandherdot.files.wordpress.com/2010/12/picture-4.png

[b]Personality:[/b] Very outgoing, adventurous, always wanting to find the old things of the world and improve them. Though, never truly satisfyed, wanting a perfection that cannot be reached. Usually happy. Rarely annoyed, but when he is, you run. Loves restrictions, they're so much fun to break.

[b]Family:[/b] His uncles, dead. His aunts, dead. Grandparents, dead. Brothers or sisters, none. Parent, filthy rich. His parents own a very popular fast food resturant. They pampered their little Matt to the point of pompus, yet he didn't act like that. They'll buy him whatever he wants, I mean, a few hundred is nothing to them. Since they weren't at home a whole bunch when Matt was younger, the maids would commonly call them about how he was breaking something. They then decided it was about time they let him choose what he wanted, and sadly for them, he wanted to go to a public school. But, who cares? They have their money, their child has a future, no one else matters to them.

[b]Friends:[/b] Many, but none of them like him for his personality, but rather for his money. They grub a lot.

[b]Social Class:[/b] Upper class.

Also, I need that example.
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I deleted that second one. (Finally) YCM glitched up. Also, I knew it was gonna take me a while so I said, one at a time. Besides that:

[b]Overlord Name:[/b] Krade Itari (I-tari)

[b]Overlord Class:[/b] Myrmidon

[b]Overlord Stats:[/b] HP# 20
STR 05
MGC 03
SKL 08
SPD 09
DEF 03
MDf 02
CON 07

[b]Overlord Age:[/b] 43

[b]Overlord Gender:[/b] Male

[b]Overlord Height:[/b] 160Cm

[b]Overlord Weight:[/b] 67Kg

[b]Overlord Appearance:[/b] http://media.photobucket.com/image/anime+Knight+/SayaDrakeheart/Anime%2520Guys/anime123.jpg

[b]Overlord Colour Scheme:[/b] Gold, grey, a light brown, and white.

[b]Realm Name:[/b] Estashion (Ess-tay-she-on)

[b]Realm Politics:[/b] A peaceful ruler, making peace, not war. Using fair judgement is what his land does and that ultimately helps and hurts his people. He enhanced his soceity by using the means of trickery because he lacked the amazing strength, supplies, and people to fight wars. His culture gets most of it's profit and support due to its ability to grow many crops and grow them for a longer time than the other lands.
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Name: Grace "Gracie" Williams

Age: 16

Date of Birth: November 13th, 1992

Gender: Female

Height: 168 cm

Weight: 59.8 kg

Appearance: Gracie is a goth. Plain and simple. With dyed black hair that flows to the middle of her back and lots of eyeliner and black lipstick obscuring her otherwise cute-looking face, she cannot be mistaken for anything else. She has pale skin and green eyes, though every once in a while Gracie will change this up by donning contacts and blush. Her body is long and tapered, coming from parents who were athletes at school; Gracie, however, rarely if ever exerts herself and therefore her body is soft and unformed.

Clothes-wise, Gracie adds a perky twist on the traditional goth clothing; while she wears red-and-black ripped shirts and tight black jeans, she spices it up with bows in her hair ranging the full spectrum of color and brightly colored adornments, like a pink wristwatch and a pair of bright blue sunglasses. She is also known to wear a button with a smiley face on it, as if mocking those who denounce her as a "depressing, sad, goth."

Personality: Perky, sweet, and naive, Gracie is the definition of a Perky Goth. Always happy and optimistic, Gracie's excuse for being both a goth and happy is; 'I've always loved the color black, but I could never force myself to start writing dreary poems'. This attitude, combined with a sly sense of humor, makes Gracie always fun to be around.

Gracie also seems to have taken from her mother when it comes to art; she is an avid painter, making everything from landscapes to abstract art pieces to decorate her bedroom walls with. She is known to get into long discussions with the art teacher about the best brushes to use, best paints, etc. She is also interested in such things as RPs and other creative tasks; this is one of the reasons why Gracie joined in Lacer's tabletop RP.

However, despite this seemingly-awesome disposition, Gracie still seems to alienate some people; probably it has to do with the fact things that would excite other girls- shopping, crushes, going to the beach- only bore her. This lack of communication seems to make becoming friends with people in the end of the "higher-end crowd' almost impossible with her; however, if you don't care about such things, Gracie will be happy to be your friend.

Family: Gracie lives with her mom; her businessman father is divorced and lives in New York. She also has a younger brother. While most goth's relationships with their parents are rather strained, Gracie's is not; her mother, an artist, accepts Gracie as who she is and her younger brother Evan thinks she is cool in the way little boys think vampires are cool.

Friends: Gracie seems to have a lot of acquaintances; while a lot of people like her for her bubbly attitude, they are too embarrassed to be seen with her. She has two major best friends; two other goths, Elizabeth and Sam. There used to be a fourth member of their group -a boy named Steven- but after Steven and Gracie dated and broke up, he became a scene kid.

Social Class: Used to be higher middle class; then, after the divorce, became simply middle class.

Any Saturday Commitments? Every first Saturday Gracie goes to the movies with her friends Sam and Elizabeth; contrary to what you might believe, they are not all horror flicks.


Overlord Name: Roxanzia Giteh

Overlord Class: Troubadour

Overlord Stats: HP# 18
STR 03
MGC 05
SKL 04
SPD 04
DEF 04
MDf 06
CON 05

Overlord Age: 109

Overlord Gender: Female

Overlord Height: 170 cm

Overlord Weight: 63 kg

Overlord Appearance: Roxanzia is slim and well-muscled, with flawless white skin and long black hair contained in a twisted braid that falls down to her knees. She has green eyes and purple lips; often though of as foreign, Roxanzia is not one that blends in with crowds.

Roxanzia dresses in a style that seems to combine traditional medieval clothing with gothic lolita; what she wears in the traditional dark blue robe of a mage, but it has so many frills and bows that it seems more in place with the Victorian era. She also wears a large pair of form-fitting boots, the better to ride her jet-black steed with. This ensemble might seem monochromatic, but Gracie has managed to imbue her character with her perky style; the character is well known for her bright yellow cape and the bright purple highlights in her hair.

Overlord Colour Scheme: Dark blue, purple, yellow.

Realm Name: Wichella

Realm Politics: Wichella is a scheming country, with lots of people trying to get their hands on power in the country. It seems to resemble England's political system, with a Parliament-like system doing much of the work and Roxanzia as their "queen" doing nothing, although she does operate a complex web of spies and mercenaries to keep these various fighting groups from knocking her off he pedestal. The people of Wichella are by nature, nomadic; they are essentially a collection of various tribes that follow their herd of (Insert Animal Name here; do and if so, what, animals live in this RP?) around. The capital city of Zoamais is the only fixed place in Wichella, and it is here that most of the affairs of the country are conducted. Every time a political decision is being made, the various representatives of the tribes go to Zoamais to vote on the issue.
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@Luxray: Well, if Hydra let you in to his RP, you must be good. Also, nomadic England = WOOT WOOT. Makes me wish I'd had room for the Nomads and Nomadic Troopers in this. It woulda made the humans overpowered, though.

You get to add eleven points to those stats in any way you'd like, though you can't add more than four to any one stat. Accepted once you do that.

It seems like mages and beastmen both live about four times as long as humans. Oh, well. If there's anything humans are good at...

@Justice Master of Spoons: Ooh, an old guy. Accepted~
Also, I love how the fat old guy is the master of the arcane arts of moving way too fast to hit. XD

We can start as soon as the other reservations come in, or as soon as I whip up a first post. Whichever comes first. (I'd bet on the reservations if I were you >>)
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[quote name='Supreme Gamesmaster' timestamp='1299966969' post='5069429']
@Luxray: Well, if Hydra let you in to his RP, you must be good. Also, nomadic England = WOOT WOOT. Makes me wish I'd had room for the Nomads and Nomadic Troopers in this. It woulda made the humans overpowered, though.

You get to add eleven points to those stats in any way you'd like, though you can't add more than four to any one stat. Accepted once you do that.

It seems like mages and beastmen both live about four times as long as humans. Oh, well. If there's anything humans are good at...

Haha, thanks. And changed.
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[b]Name:[/b] Cale Younger
[b]Age:[/b] 16
[b]Date of Birth:[/b] January 13, 1993
[b]Gender:[/b] Male
[b]Height:[/b] 160 cm
[b]Weight:[/b] 55 kg
[b]Appearance:[/b] Basically, he is average; nothing particularly special about his height or physique, though he is a bit on the slim side. He is African-American with light skin and curly locks a little over an inch in length that frame his upper face. His frame is small and his is a bit below average height. He still has the childish look to him and has a face that is often referred to as cute by others and has a tenor note in his voice. Despite his looks, he is somewhat athletic, and is a decent swimmer and a pretty fast runner.

He dresses semi-casually; dark jeans or pants, button shirts and a conservative hoodie. He is always seen with either a messenger, single-strap or drawstring bag that holds one or two novels and the notebooks he writes his stories in. He wears a pair a dark framed glasses that give him a slightly nerdy look that goes surprisingly well with his hair

[b]Personality:[/b] While not particularly shy, Cale is introspective and doesn't really have much of a social life. He doesn't like to talk to strangers his age and gets along better with adults. He has a fascination with mystery, science fiction and fantasy; whether books or shows. Once he manages to make friends, he is found to be rather witty and even snide if the situation favours it and often has good advice that he garnered from relations with older folk. He tends to be distant and is often more interested in his book that with others, pulling it out whenever a lull occurs.

[b]Family:[/b] Cale is an only child, but he doesn't really mind it. His parents aren't always home, is mother a poet, author and inspirational speaker that is often out of town and his father a geographer currently studying the effects for global warming in Northern Canada. His parent's frequent travel is fairly recent thing, as they worked locally for most of his live until his cousin moved in with them. His older cousin, who lives with them while she is doing her master in town, is the one that mostly takes care of him, though she is often focused on her school work .

[b]Friends:[/b] He doesn't really have a lot of friends, and most of them are more acquaintances. He has several acquaintances among the twenty and thirty year olds around town, mostly his cousins friends and classmates (females at that) and the older group that are his parents coworkers.

[b]Social Class:[/b] Upper-middle-class/Lower-upper-class (His mother recently published a few best-sellers so they are slowly transitioning to upper-class)

[b]Any Saturday Commitments?[/b] A move to a better community may be in the not-too-distant future, but his Saturdays are mostly free aside from home/house work and reading.

[b]Overlord Name:[/b]Loki Na'Darr
[b]Overlord Class:[/b] Myrmidon
[b]Overlord Stats:[/b]
HP# 16
STR 05
MGC 05
SKL 10
SPD 10
DEF 03
MDf 03
CON 05

[b]Overlord Age:[/b] 39
[b]Overlord Gender:[/b] Male
[b]Overlord Height:[/b] 179 cm
[b]Overlord Weight:[/b] 72 kg

[b]Overlord Appearance:[/b] Loki wears his dark hair long and has a headband tied securely around his forehead. His skin is olive toned and features a scattering of faint silvery scars along his arms and a jagged irregular scar just to the side of his heart on his chest, with a matching one on his back. He is long legged and has a comparatively short torso. Built economically for speed, stealth and grace, he doesn't have any excess fat on his body and his muscles are whip cord and wire.
His dress includes a long overcoat in grey trimmed with green and tan with a rounded high-collar that covers the majority of his neck. Four leather bands in a 'X' hold in closed in just before waist and a thick belt hanging diagonally off his waist. Despite it's appearance, the coat in no way impedes his movement. His pants beneath the coat is grey with green cuffs and he wears a plain white shirt trimmed with tan.
[b]Overlord Colour Scheme:[/b] Dark Grey, tan and green (with the occasional white)

[b]Realm Name:[/b] Avar K'mu (Avar K-muu [hard K])

[b]Realm Politics:[/b] Avar K'mu is ruled with a modicum of democracy; with a twelve member council proposing laws and such to the High Chief, also called the Thirteenth, which Loki is ranked as. However, most decisions do not require his ruling. Avar K'mu is something of a merchant realm and gains most their income form trading between other realms, but does have talented craftsmen in pottery, metalwork and woodwork. There is a semi-rigid caste system; Merchants, Crafters and Mercenaries. Each caste has four clans, each clan having a chief on the council. Merchant orders have Tradesmaster heading the clan, Crafters have Craftmaster and Mercenaries have Guildmaster. Avar K'mu also has several scholars and grand libraries as they trade in knowledge and books as well.
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Name: Phillip 'Siegfried' Holland
Age: 15
Date of Birth: December 12th, 1993
Gender: Male
Height: 165 cm
Weight: 65 kg

Appearance: He's lean and well-built for his age, his arms and legs are strong but un-noticeable to the regular eye. His attire involves long navy cargo pants, a dark gray tee, and worn white track shoes. He keeps his black hair combed back for most occasions, with it occasionally slipping down to cover the top of his eyes. He's a bit tall for his age and often fools others into believing he's older than he really is. Phil often has a poker-face, which he abuses in every-day situations.

Personality: Phil is rather quiet. He isn't shy per-say, but he just doesn't feel the need to speak. He in a sense, let's actions speak louder than words. As stated before, he often wears a poker-face to confuse both friends and rivals, often leading people to doubt his true motivation for his actions. This can lead to a lot of confusion with drama and often makes him seem like 'the bad guy' in any high school drama situation.

Family: His father is a lawyer, his mother a marine-biologist currently located in Germany. He has a younger sister, Crystal, who is home-schooled and otherwise not very social. His father takes pride in being a 'stay at home dad', as he prioritizes the majority of his free-time to Phil and Crystal. This is majorly just taking Phil to in-town track meets and making sure his sister eats well.

Friends: About 4 good friends, also is apart of his school's track team. Besides that, he has attracted the attention of a few girls trying to 'unravel' his quiet personality, much to his annoyance.

Social Class: High-middle

Any Saturday Commitments? Spends the whole morning of each Saturday training for track, often comes back tired.

Overlord Name: Jericho di'Gear
Overlord Class: Dragon Rider
Overlord Stats:

HP# 21
STR 07
MGC 01
SKL 07
SPD 07
DEF 07
MDf 04
CON 08

Overlord Age: 32
Overlord Gender: Male
Overlord Height: 168 cm
Overlord Weight: 72 kg

Overlord Appearance: Jericho is well-built, with messy unkempt dark brown hair. He wears standard black with silver trim plate armor from the shoulders down to the waist. He also wears beige pants and black boots to finish off his uniform. Rather standard. Around his waist is a brown belt that has a few maps attached to it.

Overlord Colour Scheme: Black main, silver secondary. (ah i'm a haar fanboy ;___;)
Realm Name: di'Mundo
Realm Politics: di'Mundo was run very... Strict. It's located along cliff edges against the Marho sea, making it hard to invade. It relies strongly on dragons to maintain it's rich maritime-economy, and to make sure no one would abuse the power that comes with riding one, wannabe-dragon riders have to pass a variety of tests. If any of them are headstrong, arrogant, impulsive, or immature, they fail and are not allowed to retake the test until a year passes. All riders must be calm, calculating, and MUST obey orders. Lest they lose their dragons and become the 'failures' of di'Mundo.


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@Fenrir: Wyverns in English, Dragons in Japanese/Radiant Dawn. Same goes for Armour Knights and went for Social Knights until I remembered that name royally sucked. The promotions are Dragonmasters instead of Wyvern Lords for the same reason. I like the "lord" title just fine, but with no other dragons to confuse the Dragonmasters with, I figure it's better to use the more descriptive Japanese names.
You'll be accepted as soon as your other app is up and in order, obviously.

@Luxray: MOV is unchangeable, sorry. That was my poor communication. Any reallocations?

@GreyCat: guise myrmidons are the small fast ones that dodge everything kthx

Will be accepted anyway once I get some recommendations. Your content seems to be in order, but just to be sure.
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So it would seem. With Luxray, Kale, and Fenrir, we can get this thing running.

Now start brainstorming how you got into this -- did you ask, or were you asked? That's how we'll start things off, as a sort of "exercise."

Also: I'm thinking of implementing a system of "episodes." These would help direct the RP's more vague IRL segment. Basically, an outline of events that will happen during the week is given, and then the RPers will have an idea of what they might be able to do on a given week. The nice thing about this system is that it can throw us out of the doldrums of a given week while not disrupting any dramatic plotlines the RPers might set up themselves once we get into it. Thoughts?
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[b]Overlord Name:[/b] Haelg Meristo (Hey-alg Mare-wrist-toe)

[b]Overlord Class:[/b] Priest

[b]Overlord Stats:[/b]
HP# 14
STR 01
MGC 05
SKL 04
SPD 05
DEF 05
MDf 06
CON 04

[b]Overlord Age:[/b] 97

[b]Overlord Gender:[/b] Male

[b]Overlord Height:[/b] 189cm

[b]Overlord Weight:[/b] 54 kg

[b]Overlord Appearance:[/b] His appearance is that of a wizened old man who aged with grace. His freakish tallness is counterbalanced by his low weight, making him appear undernourished and weak. He has a slight hunch which lowers his height by a bit though. The top patch of his hair is bald, but he wears a tall bishop's hat, as sign of his class and leadership. He has a thin silver beard which go down to above his chest. It is always smooth and well kept. Haelg wears modest robes which cover him fully, but thye remain loose on his thin frame. At his waist is a golden rope which is tied around it. The two ends of the rope extend to an old incense lamp and a small weightened golden sphere. On top of his robes he wears a cape which extend to his feet. Marked on it is the symbol of Maerydia, a cross with angel wings attached to it. He wears a comfy pair of slippers with curly toes. He is usually seen leaning on his staff. His looks are all a farce however, as he is still physically fit and capable of physical tasks.

[b]Overlord Colour Scheme:[/b] Navy blue with Yellow trim

[b]Realm Name:[/b] Maerydia (May-rid-de-ya)

[b]Realm Politics: [/b] He ruled Maerydia as benevolently as possible, trying to keep the peace of his nation. Sadly, his people were ungrateful little bastards who began to demand more. The selfishness of his people caused him to spurn his concepts of benevolence and took a more militaristic view, demanding respect and acceptance of his people. Maerydia became a rather oppressed land, but, at least the people didn't ask for more.
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[quote name='Supreme Gamesmaster' timestamp='1299985788' post='5070091']
@Fenrir: Wyverns in English, Dragons in Japanese/Radiant Dawn. Same goes for Armour Knights and went for Social Knights until I remembered that name royally sucked. The promotions are Dragonmasters instead of Wyvern Lords for the same reason. I like the "lord" title just fine, but with no other dragons to confuse the Dragonmasters with, I figure it's better to use the more descriptive Japanese names.
You'll be accepted as soon as your other app is up and in order, obviously.

Ah, yeah you're right. Just played Radiant Dawn and they do indeed use Dragon over Wyvern. I thought it the dragons themselves were wyverns though, since the laguz were 'true dragons' or something like that, and having humans riding on laguz was pretty offensive...

Regardless, I'll get my overlord application up soon. Soldier might be my classic favorite, but I might as well go with Dragon Rider. Add a bit of variety. :3

On the topic of the episode idea, go for it. Might as well add 'Chapters' for the overlord characters. Pre-battle conversations, setting up, etc. You know the drill.
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That's why they changed it to "Wyvern" from "Dragon" in the first place, so as not to get them confused with the Elibean Manaketes. Then it was the Magvellian Manaketes, and then finally the Tellian Dragon Laguz. (No exceptions were made for the Manaketes of Archanea, though one assumes that's because they have elemental monikers and the Dracoknight can ride a "normal dragon.") Here, however, there are no other dragons to confuse them with. (Or are there...?)
Chapters... hm, may as well toy with the idea. If it goes wrong, we can correct it in-universe. (That's the nice thing about the RPG; we can fix it in the RP instead of here.)

BH15 accepted. :D

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