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[IC] Pokémon Rewind. Arc I [PG15/Started/Not Accepting]

Master Red

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It was unusually warm this august day, but the warmth was only welcomed to Amaya as she stood by the front of the boat, closing her eyes and tilting her head towards the warming sun. She didn't mind the heat, all too soon the fall would come and with it the monsoon season. One would better enjoy the sun while it still blessed them with its warming presence.

As she was out at sea the breezes that came by every now and then were only welcomed as they didn't make the heat unbearable, perhaps was it their coolness that made this heat bearable? She wouldn't know until they were closing in to Cinnabar, but since that was a small island perhaps they still got to enjoy the ocean breezes?

She smiled and turned away from the sun again, opening her icy blue eyes to look at the other people on the boat. Many had decided to work on their tans and were lying on the deck in their bathing suits while others were having casual pokémon battles or looking at the Plasseias that had come to curiously inspect the ship. Amaya had never seen a Plasseia in real life before, she hadn't really seen many pokémon in real life at all, save for the ones that were wandering in the village, so she had been staring with amazement at the water pokémon as they passed by as well.

"MUUUUR!" she heard her Murkrow call as she came in for a landing on the railing beside Amaya.

"I guess you must find it exciting to fly over open waters like this, huh Medea?" Amaya said, scratching the black birdlike pokémn under it's beak. Medea seemed content with that as she closed her eyes, enjoying the attention she was getting from her trainer.

She heard a young boy call out to his mother that he saw Cinnabar ahead and Amaya spun around on her heal to gaze out ahead of the boat. This action caused Medea to slightly loose her balance and she glared at her trainer before starting to groom herself, shooting another mean look at her trainer every now and then. Indeed, the boy had been correct, she could see the outline of the Cinnabar Volcano towering up, growing larger at a steady pace as they approached the island. A large smile spread across Amaya's lips as she saw their destination. "We're almost there Medea," she chimed and tapped the bird upon her beak and pointing towards the island. Medea turned around to look at the island, looking slightly disinterested and then she pecked Amaya slightly on her arm as a punishment for not only making her almost loose her footing but also for tapping her on her beak.

"Ouch!" Amaya exclaimed as Medea pecked her and rubbed the sore spot on her upper arm. The light pain of Medea's peck couldn't ruin her good mood though. The weather was splendid and they had almost reached their destination, Cinnabar Island and the Pokémon Trainer's School.
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Noriko were among the ones simply lounging about on the deck, though instead of trying to tan, she sat against the sides watching the pokemon battles going on. The young teen would clap whenever there was a victor, but when asked to a battle she would politely decline. It's not that she didn't want too, it's just that it was so friggen hot! Why on earth was it hot in August she didn't know, but the heat seemed to drain whatever energy she had. Pixie, the small Vulpix beside her, seemed to be experiencing the same thing as she was curled up in a small ball in the shade Noriko's shadow provided.

"Well at least one of us is comfortable." The teenage trainer sighed gently patting Pixie's head.

Though she was tired - which was an excuse to be lazy - and hot, Noriko was a bundle of excited nerves at the thought of attending the Pokemon Trainer's School. With how she was slumped against the side of the ship one wouldn't have guessed it. Ever since she was little the thought of becoming a trainer always excited her, and after all these years she was glad to finally be able to go for it. The only thing that was missing was the small electric-mouse pokemon, Pichu, whos nickname was Chu. She had to leave him home in Pewter City with her parents. Chu was so sad when Nori left, but she promised to come get him as soon as she graduated.

At hearing the little boy shout to his mother that Cinnabar Island could be seen, she stood up holding the still sleeping Vulpix. She grinned leaning against the mast. "The first part of our journey is about to begin Pixie. Soon we'll be off in the world and I'll be a certified pokemon trainer." Vulpix simply yawned, jumping from Noriko's arms only to curl back up into a ball. Noriko only sighed, she should start setting a better example.
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Regiana wasn't quite sure that she got on well with boats; her stomach was feeling funny, and her head was somewhat swimming (no pun intended) uncomfortably. Beside her, she could hear the gently tinkling of the beads on Valena's headpiece gently bouncing off each other. The Arctix was currently curled up on the seat next to her owner, trying to sleep yet struggling to. Her fur was standing up on end, and her tail was swishing with little ease.

It was already a bold move for Regiana to stand up and try and walk out of the first class cabin they were in. Valena, sensing her mistress' moves, leapt off the seat and followed her out. They emerged to the side of the ship, and Regiana avoided glaring at the sea. Walking on the deck was like balancing herself on a tightrope; she didn't want to see the crashing azure waves, else her stomach might just produce a reaction, but the way the ship swayed wasn't making the task easy. She eventually had to stop, and she grabbed the railing just as a Murkrow narrowly missed her head and fluttered down to its owner.

Regiana shot the Dark Pokemon's owner a very annoyed look, and Valena started hissing dangerously. If the girl had any sense, she would apologise immediately, which was what Regiana was waiting for impatiently.
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"Dum dede dum. Dum, dedede dum."
The quiet noise of humming was slightly audible in the air, along with a slow guitar tune, but most people chose to ignore it. Those who followed it were led to the back of the ship, and would encounter a tall-ish man of about 20 playing a Les Paul. Beside him was a Sabelly leaning against the wall and a Mareep nodding it's head along to the tune while powering the portable amp the man carried with it's tail. Some people would even recognise the man as Michael Anderson, better known as Micky, Guitarist to The Weedles, the up'n'coming rock band, who recently left the band. As he stopped playing, and opened his eyes, he was suprised to see a small crowd around him, applauding his song. He bowed nervously, his pale face blazing red, and walked away slowly, followed by Mareep, and later the Sabelly, which had managed to fall asleep.
He was walking towards the front of the deck, strapping his guitar to his back, when he tripped over a strange Blue fox like Pokémon he'd never seen before. "Ouch." He groaned, rubbing his nose, which he'd hit off the deck. "Guess I'm going blind." He muttered, as he turned over and sat up, looking at the strange blue fox. It looked similar to a Vulpix, but not quite, and he was sure it was Ice type. When Micky looked up at the Fox's trainer, he saw a tallish woman wearing a blue dress and Jacket, almost lavished with Jewellery. When he looked back at the fox, he noticed that, like it's owner, it also had a large amount of Jewellry on, mainly in the form of an Expensive looking Headress encrested with what seemed like a million Jewels, which was know exskew, presumably from Micky tripping over it. Then he realised he'd nearly broken a very Expensive piece of Jewellry, one that he'd never be able to afford, even if he'd stayed in the band, and started to apologize to the girl. He stopped after a while though, as she seemed focussed on something else. Following the girls line of sight, he noticed that she was staring, rather angrily, at another girl - a very pretty one in Micky's eyes - who was focussed on a Murkrow and the approaching Cinnabar volcano.
Micky stood up slowly, aware he was in the middle of an Arguement waiting to happen, and took a single step backwards, so he was unlikely to be hit by any flying projectiles or wild slaps.
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Tyrant was impatient, it took a lot of effort to keep him calm and under control. Effort which Cage occasionally refused to give. This was one of those moments. Tyrant was terrorizing the ship and it's crew by smashing tables and chairs around, and attempting to scare pokemon with leer. Cage was in pursuit but not really trying to catch up. Truthfully he was thirsty, and the fact that he was just recently outside in the hot sun for a good hour wasn't helping, as the two crashed their way through the insides of the ship.

Finally Tyrant reached the front of the ship, and scuttled to the railing eagerly. He peered down at the powerful blue waves and the Plasseias inspecting it.

"For a rock type, you certainly like the water." Cage switched from running to casually walking upon seeing the two girls. He walked past them as coolly as he could, stopping at Tyrant to give him a soft kick in the ass. He jolted up and spun around, glaring at Cage.
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The breeze felt good on the young boy's face, especially after the few moments of heat that had preceded it. The teen's brown hair lay disorganized across his face and the back of the pool chair, a strange thing for the boy, but for the moment he didn't care; lying by the pool, a sun shining down on his face, and the prospect of entering the Trainer's School had made him happy enough to excuse such a trivial worry. Lying on the pool chair in his bathing suit, with the School to look forward too, the boy was at peace...

"MUUR!" A loud cry split the air.

Sammy Oak cracked open one eye in irritation, casting it around for the person or Pokemon responsible for distrubing his rest. Beside him, a Pokemon also stirred- a large, orange and black striped dog, which had been snoozing peacefully at Sammy's feet for some time, lifted his head and started looking around. Pausing only to pat Seth's head to tell him everything was fine, Sam's eye quickly discerned the troublemaker; a small black bird with a strange hat-shaped plumage- that is to say, a Murkrow- had just cawed, and if the other resters' faces were anything to judge by, Sammy wasn't the only one's whose peace had been disturbed by the Pokemon.

The Murkrow settled down on a Trainer's shoulder several feet in front of Sammy, narrowly missing a girl's head in the process. The first girl- the Murkow's trainer- was rather small and pale, and a inhabitant of Maiden's Peak if her spirit tag necklace was anything to go by. The other one was most likely a Regist, or had been one, because she wore all white and blue clothing- which, as Sam knew, having studied religion in high school, knew was what the Ice Master and all his heirs wore.

Sammy laid his head back down and tried to forget about the two; he only had so much time until they reached Cinnabar Island- faintly Sam heard someone say the island was in sight- and while this rest was partially to work on his tan and relax, he also wanted to be well rested and aware for his first day at this prestigious academy; it was only on scholarship Sammy had made it after all- biologist doesn't pay much- and he wanted to set a good example. Hopefully nothing would happen in the next five or so minutes that would disturb his peace further...
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To many of the passengers' dislike the warmth actually increased a bit as they closed in to the Cinnabar Harbor and the breezes that earlier had kept them somewhat cool were not coming by as often. "I guess it makes sense that it's hot on an island with a volcano on it..." Amaya mumbled to herself, wiping some sweat from her forehead. Even she was starting to despise the sun right now, it was just too much!

She looked longingly at the water around the boat, the Plasseias that had played around near it had left some time ago as they had grown interested in something else floating about in the water. She'd give almost anything right now to just be able to jump down into that blue ocean and cool off, but that would have to wait. They were almost at the shore now and after that she would have to get immediately to the Trainer's School to find her dorm room.

Orientation wouldn't start until tomorrow, so after that she might have some time to go cool off in the water. She thought back at the vacations she had done along with her family to Porta Vista and how wonderous the beaches and the water had been there. Porta Vista was famed for their beaches, but surely Cinnabar had to have at least one beach that was nice, wouldn't it?

She dazed off a bit into a nostalgic day dream about her old family vacations, clutching her grandmother's old spirit tag in her hand as she did so.
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Slowly climbing the stairs to the deck of the ship, Sophie looked around in the light of the sun. Many, many people had already gotten comfortable. A few people were battling, with their Pokémon of course, and others were lounging on the chairs. As she pulled along a small trolley, she looked back at the Roggenrola stand at wobbling about happily. With a small smile and a tug, she pulled the trolley over the last step out onto the deck.

Taking a seat on one of the unused deck chairs, gave a glance around at the others that were there. A Larvitar was having a bit of a run-around, with it's trainer following it slowly. Another boy had just put away his guitar. A Murkrow had just flown towards another girl. Nothing too world-stopping. Laying back, Sophie closed her eyes and waited for the boat to stop. Or at least until she was told to move.
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Cage was now leaning against the railing, with Tyrant peeking past his legs which were holding him in place. The small 'crowed' of people seemed interesting. There was a Regist, by the looks of it a high ranking one. That was something you don't see every day. Or well, someone. The girl the regist was confronting had a Murkrow that appeared to be annoying everyone, and the owner of a growlithe appeared to be attempting to get a tan. An interesting bunch. The guitarist noticed the brewing conflict between the regist and the murkrow trainer, and subsequently backed off. Smart guy.

He spotted someone else, it was another girl. She was pulling around a trolley with a pokemon he had not seen before. She took a seat and shut her eyes. Cage pushed the squirming Tyrant away from the railing.

"Come on, let's go make some conversation."

Tyrant growled lowly, then join his master as he approached the girl.

He sat on a nearby chair and kicked his legs up. "Uh hi, that's quite an interesting pokémon you have there."
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Blaine was standing by the docks, though he couldn't figure out exactly why.

The sun was blazing, which was perfect for the Vulpix that slept by his foot, curled up into an off-red ball of loose fluff, but less so for the foreigners who were arriving every moment. Cruise ships, passenger ferries, private boats, it hardly mattered; as a tiny island, Cinnabar had few ports, and a lot of marine traffic.

He snickered mentally at the outsiders complain about the heat as they entered, mopping their brows. Almost undoubtedly he was getting some odd looks for his thick black coat and heavy jeans- from people who didn't seem to realize that the denizens of the island had seen far worse days than today. Far as he considered, it was a rather moderate day.

It occurred to him that he probably couldn't tell which ship his classmates were on, even when they arrived. Unless they were wearing signs, none of them would probably think to identify themselves as students... or expect the school to send somebody to direct them to the campus grounds. More than likely, they'd pass each-other by without even noticing, and he'd get yelled up for screwing up an impossible mission.

Which, come to think of it, really wasn't a punishment at all. Blaine grinned a little, and seriously considered leaving then and there- but then again, he was already leaning and he didn't want to get up. Besides, then he'd have to wake up Illa, and the Vulpix looked dead to the world thusfar anyway.
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Noriko glanced down at the now stretching fire-fox pokemon, smiling now that she seemed to be waking up. "So you decided to get up? That's good, because we're almost there." When there was no reply Noriko looked at Pixie, wondering why she was quiet. Normally she'd have some sort of an oppinion. The reason was found as Pixie was more interested in observing the other pokemon and trainers. It amazed Noriko how human Pixie sometimes acted. Though Nori followed after Pixie and observed the people on deck. She hadn't really been paying attention to anything other than the battles. There were a variaty of people on the boat, each one with different pokemon. She had seen all of them before: whether it had been in pictures or in the pokemon center, when helping her mother.

There was a small group off to the side of trainers. One of the girls, who from her attire looked like a Regist, was glaring at another girl with a Murkrow. If Noriko remembered correctly that was the pokemon who screeched earlier. There were two other guys there as well, one with a Sabelly and the other a Growlieth. She looked down at Pixie smiling, "There sure are a lot of diverse pokemon here. This is bound to be a wonderful experience."

"Vul-pix." Pixie sighed hopping into Noriko's arms.
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Opening her eyes when she heard the sound of someone asking a question, she saw a boy who looked maybe a year or so older than her. Stretching a little, even tiny mini-naps made her tired, she straightened up a little and looked at the boy properly. Guessing that he was talking to her, mostly because she was the closest person to him and most of the other Pokémon nearby were generally native to Kanto or Johto, she said, in as polite a way as she could, "You think so? It's a Roggenrola I brought with me, from Unova. Name's Ringo. His is, not mine," Sophie laughed a little and extended a hand before saying, "My name's Sophie. Sophie Mariness." Best not to start too informal...
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[i]What is with all these people?[/i] Sammy nearly shouted, though he managed to keep the sentence contained in his head. But what was it with them? A second before it had been nice and quiet, and now they had to get all social? Just now a girl had sat in the chair next to him, and it hadn't been two seconds before some dude had approached her and started talking in a very loud voice.

Sam opened his eyes and mouth to ask the people to leave, but his eyes managed to catch the Pokemon in the trolley; now, as we know Sam is fascinated with Pokemon, and he couldn't pass up the opportunity to find out about the one next to the girl, which he had never seen before. Hastily changing his sentence halfway through, he said,

"Would you- please tell me what that Pokemon is?" Realizing how awkward that sounded he, he added, "It's a very cool Pokemon and it would be awesome to learn about it," Sammy flashed the girl a winning smile, hoping it would help lessen the awkwardness.

Damn, Ace, you ninja'ed me! Oh well, just please act like Sammy didn't hear you say that...[/spoiler]
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Cage adjusted his shades, nodding ever so slightly. "Cage Benner. This is Tyrant," he nudged his larvitar, which responded with another low growl. "Don't mind him, he's just angry he can't stare at the waves." He chuckled, faking a small smile. She seemed nice enough, he thought. The guy who was previously tanning spoke up. He had asked about the Roggenrola. He made a mental note that the guy did not seem to have good hearing, considering he was indeed speaking a bit too loudly.

Tyrant had moved from his master's feet to the trolley, inspecting it and it's passenger. He stared at Ringo for a few seconds, as if deciding whether he was an enemy or not. Then he attempted to climb the trolley to join the roggenrola, his short stubby legs not being helpful in his conquest.
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Not hearing the other person talking to her, she retracted the arm extended to Cage and looked from him to Tyrant. Watching it trying to climb onto the trolley brought a smile to her face. Looking back at Cage, she nudged her head towards Tyrant and said, "Should I help him up? I'm sure Ringo wouldn't mind it and it's not like the trolley would break." While she waited for an answer, she continued to watch Tyrant try to climb up. He wasn't likely to make much progress without help.

((OOC: Sorry for blanking Oak. I should really try not to be a ninja...))
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The boat ride had been uneventful for Lyla. She had stayed within her modest cabin, simply reading one of her books. The weather was a bit too hot for her liking, even in her room she was starting to burn a little. Myst was out of his ball and was joyfully possessing the furniture, making funny faces in order to cheer up Lyla. Leaving her parents had been hard, having spent her entire life with them practically. She sighed as she finished her book and gazed out of the porthole. It seemed they had arrived at Cinnabar. As confident as she had seemed in her decision earlier, now it was just plain terrifying living in a new place and not knowing anyone. Fighting back fear she got off her bed and collected her things, organizing them in a small pile. She straightened the bed she had been sitting on and coerced Myst back into his pokeball. Grabbing her bag she left her cabin and was left scrunching up her eyes from a premature blast of sun. She really should have gotten a hat or something. Walking around to the front of the ship, she stared out at Cinnabar, it was all so new.
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Amaya had completely dozed off into her own mind and didn't wake up from her little day dream of vacations past until the boat had docked and Medea pecked her lightly atop her head, apparently she had even sat herself down upon her shoulder during the time Amaya had been day dreaming.

"Ouch, wha-?" Amaya broke off mid-sentense as she saw how people were starting to get off the boat. She blushed slightly, realizing she must've looked silly just staring blankly ahead of the boat while the rest of the passengers were starting to get off from the boat. Hopefully nobody had approached her while she had dozed off like that, but she doubted it as Medea probably would have nudged. or more likely, pecked her in that case. Though, you could never be too sure as Medea sometimes couldn't be bothered to wake Amaya up unless it was absolutely necessary for her own sake.

She stretchad a little and then turned around, finding that a girl with a blue fox like pokémon was glaring at her. She froze up for a second and gave her a puzzled look before making a long detour to get around the girl.

"What was her problem?" She whispered between gritted teeth to Medea as she had passed the girl, shooting a glance back to see that the girl was still standing there, looking after her.

"Murkrow" Medea retorted, having her eyes closed and enjoying the sun for a while. For some reason she didn't seem too bothered by the heat but Amaya guessed that she would grow tired quite quickly if she was flying around which explained why she was still perched on her shoulder. Normally Medea would take the opportunity to fly around in the near vicinity of Amaya to then land whenever they were stopping.
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Without another word Cage stood up and grabbed Tyrant by his circular tail. He picked him up, grunting at Tyrant's weight. He placed Tyrant on the trolley, who immediately sat down next to Ringo. The rock pokémon stared at his companion. Tyrant had never seen such a strange pokémon, and continued to stare at it, as if hoping for a reaction of sorts.

"I'll never get him," Cage sat back down, "For a pokémon as serious as him, he seems to find other rock type pokémon interesting. That or he wants to be a water type." He chuckled.
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Regiana was only even more annoyed, and she made it her priority to catch up with Amaya. Valena got there first, and stopped in front of them; Regiana followed up, and then said, "Your Murkrow almost knocked me out on the deck." Her eyes were narrow, and there was a disgusted curl about her lips. Honestly, people had no manners or common sense these days. Her governess had been very upright with her, and had enforced upon them the ancient traditions of manners (but then again, being the potential heir to the Ice Master position, they couldn't exactly embarass themselves in front of other posh lords and ladies), a lesson which only rendered the already posh lady into even more of a snob, not short of the quality of Jane Austen's own snobs, albeit a tad more modern.

The RPer would like to digress for a moment; she has been reading too much Jane Austen over the past six months or so. Now that the fourth wall has been fixed once again, we rejoin Regiana, albeit having done nothing due to waiting for an outstanding apology from Amaya.
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Amaya stopped quite abruptly as that blue and white foxlike pokémon had run up in front of her and then stopped, growling a bit at her. The owner of the pokémon ran up to her shortly after, looking pissed per usual, and Amaya half expected her to growl in the same manor as her pokémon. When she told her what had happened she kind of understood why she had glared at her earlier and she looked at Medea sitting on her shoulder, looking like she was above all others as usual.

"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't know. But hey, she didn't really bump into you so I guess there's no harm done, right?" she said, wanting to pull off a smile but she couldn't as she wasn't too sure that the girl in front of her wouldn't turn into a raging gyarados and eat her.
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When the boat finally docked Noriko was one of the first few people to get off, a wide grin splitting onto her face. This was it! She and Pixie were finally in Cinnabar where the Pokemon Trainer's school was! Now all they had to do was pass. Noriko took a deep breath as Pixie once again jumped from her arms. "Just smell that Cinnabar air Pixie. It smells like adventure to me!"

"Vulpix!" Came the happy reply. A suddenly look of determination filtered to the small pokemons face, "Vulpix! Vul-Vul!!" Noriko turned to Pixie the same look on her face. "You're right. This is no time for fun and games. We're here on a mission, and thats to pass the trainer's school!"

"Vul-pix!" Noriko grinned punching her fist in the air, "Yeah it's time to get pumped, and ready for some learning!" She didn't even realized she almost hit someone in the face until a shout of "Hey!" startled her. "Hehe, sorry didn't see you there." Pixie shook her head as if embarressed by her trainer's lack of observation skills. Noriko apoogized again before leaving with Volpix, making sure to make a wide arc around the two girls who looked to be in some sort of argument.
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Regiana stared at Amaya, as if she really [i]was[/i] going to transform into a Gyarados; however, on the general, Regiana was not an ill-tempered young lady, but her dignity and education, which she took with advantage to abuse, meant that she held her head high over Amaya.

"I suppose so," she said briskly. "I may as well befriend you-" The corners of her lips uncurled somewhat unpleasantly, though disbalanced by hearty goodwill. "-I am Regiana Regicalo Regimael Ice, daughter of the Ice Master, the Rt Honourable Lord Regicalo Regimael Regiamber Ice, and his wife, the Rt Honourable Lady Ice." She held out her hand. "This is my dear Valena." The Arctix suddenly stood next to Amaya, and after briefly percieving her as no threat, gently rubbed herself by her calves, before returning to her rightful place beside her rather posh and clearly privelaged mistress.
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[i]"May as well.. wow, she's probably even more stuck up her own ass than Medea"[/i] Amaya thought to herself, really straining herself so she wouldn't cock an eyebrow or something at the girl. If she did all hell would probably be loose and the girl would most likely turn into a gyarados or something equally unpleasant.

"Eh.." she blinked, taken aback by the extremely formal introduction and having a very hard time even gathering what information had been given. "I-I'm Amaya Kurosawa and this is Medea." She said, pointing up at her murkrow who shot Regiana and Valena two short glances and then started to groom herself once again. [i]"If she only could be pleasant for once"[/i] Amaya thought to herself and glared a little at the murkrow before accepting the handshake.
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"So, why are you pulling him around in a trolley?" Sammy asked the girl, saying it in a slightly louder voice since the girl hadn't seen to heard him the first time. "Does he lounge around a lot, or something? I know mine does," Sammy said, playfully prodding Seth with his foot. The Growlithe raised his head blearily and looked at the small group gathered around for a second, then he lowered his head once more, and a few seconds later, snores could be heard.

Sammy shook his head. "I'm Samuel. Samuel Oak." he said, shifting position on the deck chair so he could offer his hand. "But you can call me Sammy."
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"Glad to see you two aren't about to attack me. And hit my in the process." Micky chuckled, walking up to the two girls. "I'm Michael Anderson." He said, offering both hands, confusing himself with which hand to use, nearly getting dizzy with it. "Wait, scratch that." He said, laughing at himself, while grinning nervously. "I hate that name, sounds a bit....uptight. It's Micky." He said, again offering his hands, crossing them over each other. "Your Regi....Regi.....sorry, I'm terrible with names. Especially Long ones. Erm, Regiallie?" Micky asked, as he took Regianna's hand without even waiting for her answer. "Nice to meet you." He turned to Amaya. "And your Amaya, no? Amaya Kurosawa wasn't it? And Medea, the Murkrow who seems to like attracting trouble." Micky stated, grabbing Amaya's hand in a firm handshake while trying to hold back the blush that was already starting to cover his usually pale face. "Nice to meet you." He said cheefully, dropping both of the girls hands. "Oww!" He cried, as a sharp pair of claws brushed his leg. Turning around, he saw Shifty and Sparky, Shifty with his claws extended. "Oh, I almost forgot." He said, moving aside to let his Pokémon take a step forwards. "This is Shifty, my Sabelly, and Sparky my Mareep." He said, introducing his pokémon. Sabelly scoffed and turned around, surprising Micky as he'd seemed to want to be introduced. Sparky on the other hand lept forwards and sort of mock-bowed, causing herself to fall over. "Well, we seem to be disembarking. Shall we?" He said, motioning towards the exit of the ship, containing his laughter from Mareeps comical entrance.
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