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Why do Females fall for a GUY insted of Man? and yet they say they want better.


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Wait, you mean the guy that stays faithful and never takes a glance at other women when he's with you. The guy that makes you smile every time and can always make you happy. The most romantic guy that makes your heart beat faster? Yes I know of a guy like that and he's not a jackass either. Guys and girls have called him the perfect guy but you know what happens every time? He gets cheated on. I've seen homophobic men seriously say that they'd go gay for him though hypocritical it is true. Girls are just as evil as guys plain and simple. I know many guys that are perfect by today's standards but they always get cheated on or left for an a******.
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A man always seems to be the Number Two in a relationship. The Female always wants to be the Domintatrix and control the man. I have a heart of gold and will never have a female take away my love of Video Games....

You want honest opinions on Women? Check out the Movie Doghouse.
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[quote name='FTW (For The Wynn)' timestamp='1299979245' post='5069886']
I can already see this degenerating to an argument between how men are horrible and women are horrible, so let me sum this up. Both sides are horrible and have no idea what they want. Nobody knows what they want until they get something that they hate.
Agreed and repped
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[quote name='FTW (For The Wynn)' timestamp='1299979245' post='5069886']
I can already see this degenerating to an argument between how men are horrible and women are horrible, so let me sum this up. Both sides are horrible and have no idea what they want. Nobody knows what they want until they get something that they hate.
Something that they hate being anal?
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Its the element of danger that they present to them. They find that testosterone attractive and it draws them to them. And they want to be able to say that they tamed that guy. A man has to develop his own swagger in that sense. Some men can charm girls with words. Some are distant. But they must find out what works for them. And use wise judgment in how you deal with them.
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[quote name='FTW (For The Wynn)' timestamp='1299979245' post='5069886']
I can already see this degenerating to an argument between how men are horrible and women are horrible, so let me sum this up. Both sides are horrible and have no idea what they want. Nobody knows what they want until they get something that they hate.
totally agree but not because it's the gender but as in human commonality, I'm actually a guy but i give as non-genderless perspective, I would say to both sides that to get their effing attitudes straighten up as well as their common senses (which i swear to god from where i lived it seem so poor in that!) points aside. man like to cheat women but women does as well, that is the same to each other. it just unfair the law treatment to both side are too great in gapped... =_= I tried to get a restraining order to an ex i had and they denied even if it was going on for more than a half a year and even with witnesses and statements and proofs been filled out and still they denied it, but if it was other way around, oh for sure they will approve just because i'm a guy and she a girl not other way around, oh last detail she already put scars on me!!.
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I can't really say; the guys I know and have dated can't even be men by definition due to age and maturity level.

However, this also goes in comparison with: why do girls decide to date the popular jerks, when they could have the nice/sweet guys who could care less about popularity?

I believe a lot of the girls I know of are in for the reputation. They also care about looks more than anything, because well, to them it's less embarrassing and more of a claim to say "oh hey, I'm dating that hot guy who knows like, everyone in the school and stuff".

But then again, can you call those girls 'women'? Can you sincerely group them into one whole category, when there are other outstanding girls who WILL go for the 'men' since they know better?

That's just our world for you.

The generation keeps going down and down, I'm lucky to even be among older people to keep away from those my age and below who are obviously slow at maturing.

And also, as FTW mentions, girls DO wonder the same thing about guys. Why do guys/men go for the slutty girls when they could have the intellectual ones? So never put something against one gender - both has their issues.
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[quote name='~Jay~' timestamp='1299952218' post='5068809']
The definition of a "good" man or guy or whatever varies depending on the female. Some prefer looks over personality, some prefer personality over looks and others just prefer similar interests. Just depends on the girl. There isn't a single answer that can answer your question. It varies.

[quote name='Marisa Kirisame-ze' timestamp='1300166361' post='5074803']
I believe a lot of the girls I know of are in for the reputation. They also care about looks more than anything, because well, to them it's less embarrassing and more of a claim to say "oh hey, I'm dating that hot guy who knows like, everyone in the school and stuff".

This is along the lines of what I was thinking. [i]Typically[/i], when talking about the "popular" girls, they're going to date the guys who are just as popular to avoid embarrassment. Or they may hope to become popular if they date someone who is. Plus a lot of people, assuming we're talking about people still in high school, are looking strictly for looks and not personality. It's high school; relationships aren't supposed to delve so deep. A lot of girls can't help that they're attracted to douches.

But then again, you can't stereotype all girls by saying we all fall for "guys" instead of "men". A lot of girls will resent those jerks, even if they are good looking. It's a case by case basis.

And yes, why [i]do[/i] guys go after slutty girls? x)
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[quote name='♚Kelp' timestamp='1300222793' post='5075625']
And yes, why [i]do[/i] guys go after slutty girls? x)

ooooh i definatly want to answer this one with my piece of mind [s]oh noes[/s]

they dont go after the slutty girls ,cuz they have a pretty face noooo wayz ho-zay
its cuz usually slutty girls are also b****es.
they aint afraid to tell you, you one ugly mutha-fucka, cuz they shallow they go for the hot dudes, or anyone with a sizeable *BUH-GOCK*
so in a way when a dude nails a slutty girl, you just took one girl down with, relativly high standards, so relativly easily

ever wonder why guys go to strip clubs?

*IRL* guys goes up to a girl "do you want a drink"
girl says "sure"
guy buys girls drink, girl instantly leaves
guy goes "oh you only wanted the drink, its okay i diddnt really wanna talk so..."

girl goes up to guy "do you want a lap dance?"
the guy gets to say "no, not from you b****"

this is the real reason my freinds

[quote name='FTW (For The Wynn)' timestamp='1300224957' post='5075694']
I'm going to add to that last post of mine. Just like how not every girl is interested in guys who tend to be asses, not every guy likes girls who look/act slutty.

also that :/
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[quote name='♚Kelp' timestamp='1300311055' post='5077430']
Your post is making absolutely no sense. xD

Guys want to be insulted by b****es?

its like an ego superiority thing, you get get a high standard slut (as in there shallow and only screw guys who look good, or have big tallywackers)
and take her to bed, atleast you know you have 2 things with you, good looks and a sizable tallywacker

its...a dude thing
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[quote name='Thatnoobkorean' timestamp='1300311518' post='5077447']
its like an ego superiority thing, you get get a high standard slut (as in there shallow and only screw guys who look good, or have big tallywackers)
and take her to bed, atleast you know you have 2 things with you, good looks and a sizable tallywacker

its...a dude thing
I think that might be just a "you and a few others" kind of thing. I never subscribed to that line of thought.
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