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[quote name='Sky Fire' timestamp='1304326370' post='5183648']
Opalmoon wanted to nominate you, but she banned you, so you can't actually be a good role model or something (no offence)
Ive been banned 5 times and I have been warned around 20 different times and yet im the first one to have an interview :P

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[quote name='Sky Fire' timestamp='1304326370' post='5183648']
Opalmoon wanted to nominate you, but she banned you, so you can't actually be a good role model or something (no offence)
I think Yin banned me and I know that Ripping is bad but he could have just removed it and moved on...Anyway I am not fussed either way.

[quote name='Yin' timestamp='1303841157' post='5169831']
I wish I could think of someone to nominated, I debated Bassa, then remembered banning him for ripping. So not a good example of someone who warrants a interview.
I wouldn't say I am a bad example, I think you'll find that I have helped YCM in my small uninporntant way.

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I know I got banned but I think you should have given me time to remove it, but whatever.
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