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Video Games and society


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[quote name='Random Dude' timestamp='1300026894' post='5070902']
That is why Jack Thompson must be eliminated, through Mortal Kombat.
Funny situation about that is that Jack Thompson tried to sue Midway because players can use the Kreate-a-Fighter to make a character to his own likliness
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[quote name='ZeroChill' timestamp='1300047511' post='5071787']
Funny situation about that is that Jack Thompson tried to sue Midway because players can use the Kreate-a-Fighter to make a character to his own likliness

Wow...How retarded is he?

I read the whole thing on wikipedia yesterday. He sounds like a big hypocrite. He seems to know absolutely NOTHING about the Human race. Yes, we are a horrid race. We fight over petty things and kill each other. Why? Not over Homes or Mates like many other species, but money.
He just seems to want to win the Nobel Peace Prize by thinking he knows absolutely everything about the human brain; and his lack of intelligence shows. He isnults the creators of said games, and the children playing them. He's aiming at the wrong crowd, he needs to be ranting at the [u]Parents[/u] for buying thier children these games. Let me tell you a story; I have a cousin, exactly the same age as me( He's 4 months older but w/e) and he loves violence, and violent games. Did it come from the games? No. he was violent before he had these games. Violent people like Violent games. It depends on your morals and standards as a person. Show me some FPS and I'll just walk away laughing at you for being so stupid and wasting your life away. Show me mario platformers( 2D or 3D ) and I'll probably want to help you. He can't even structure a rant correctly, and has a lack of understanding. It's simple; Don't go into a topic you know absolutely nothing about. Reading down, somewhere in the article there is something ranting at the game stores for selling children these games. So, you expect the cashiers to be telepathic now? How does he/she not know that an adult will be playing the game?
In other words: He's a idiot. Video games have little to no effect on human society, It is people in general. Humans are a vile race, and many seem to sell themselves out for money. 97% or more like violence and the like. I'm part of the 3% that doesn't. Do I deserve to be slated because I enjoy platformers like Mario and adventures like Legend Of Zelda? No. Pokemon isn't violent. Mario isn't violent. Legend Of Zelda isn't violent.
It seems he was obviously brought up in a family who treats video games like the devil and can't bear to watch people enjoying themselves. He then continues to say all School Violence is caused by video gamers. No. Just no. You can't blame the game. You blame the child and thier parents. Only someone massively drunk or on something would even try to imitate a video game. Anyone with a slight grip on reality would understand the fact that it is a video game. I defend some of his ideas, such as his opposition of rap music, maybe because I dislike it. He then goes on to rant about the control vibrate feature...Seriously? I turn it off whenever I can, because I find that sudden rumbles in the controller makes my hands feel all numb. He rants about things that just arn't worth ranting about, he proves himself to know nothing about Video games, OR Human Behaviour, and looks like a complete idiot while ranting. I laughed at his obvious stupidity. It goes without question that [i]They actually reduce crime[/i]. Why? You are giving them entertainment, If a person is preocupied with a game, they can't go and commit a crime. Excuse the word wall, but this is my opinion on the matter.


He then goes on to call video games "Mental Masturbation" You kidding me? That entire sentance was so pointless. What is bad about that, even if they where Mental masturbation? It's not illegal, and suprise suprise, he's contradicted himself yet again. He says nothing good comes out of them. If it's Mental masturbation, you are OBVIOUSLY enjoying yourself, again why you even do such a thing.
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[quote name='ZeroChill' timestamp='1299756655' post='5064313']
You forgot about one more factor:

[b]They actually reduce crime[/b]

M-Rated games create an outlet for healthy levels of aggression. Thus, most people will lose the need to commit crime

Exactly. I try to tell people that all the time.
and, sorry, I clicked - on your post when I meant to click +
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If they ban M-Rated games, wouldn't that mean 80% of the Xbox's library would disappear? Then E-Rated games would skyrocket in demand, quadrupling Wii sales.

Its a conspiracy I say!

But seriously, society is quick to hate on anything new, they did it with comic books, tv and now video games. Here an example of this: "Video games are blamed for a man burning down a house, due to him playing as a Pyro in Team Fortress 2 the week prior." In other words, if you have a seizure and you played Pokemon, that means Pikachu possessed you.
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Okay, here's my argument

1. Boost economy- Most games aren't cheap at around $60. CoD black Ops sold around 5 billion units in the FIRST DAY. I think that's a good bit of money.

2. IMO causes less crimes- Not proven, but in theory a violent person would like to play CoD or Halo adult or otherwise. So? I think that this would help releive anger instead of causing it. It's also a better alternitive to that person joining a gang, killing, stealling, ect.

3. Just like a book/movie- It's a form of entertainment. Has the ability to have a very well developed plot like a book would have. You can also see and live that plot out through the character's eyes like you could in a movie, except you don't have the 1-2 hour restriction.

4. Promotes critical thinking- Ex. in Fallout, you don't have a straight-forward plot. You make every single descison your character makes with little restrictions. This also means that they have consequences. You have to actually think of the decisions you make instead of the developer dictating every choice.

5. Educational- Call of Dutys 1, 2, 3, and 5 have taught me a lot about WW2 and the battles fought in it. The Assassin's Creed games taught me about the crusades and Anceint Italy/Rome, which gives facts about all of buildings and landmarks and their customs durring that time.
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  • 5 weeks later...
Actually I find Video Games a type of a " learning system ". I mean come on there are video games out there that show skills that could benefit you other than being excellent at thumb wars, for example the Call of Duty series teaches you a little history in cut scenes and such about famous wars. Portal is a game that put's your mind into work by trying to solve a difficult puzzle. Video Games isn't just a way to entertain your self it is also a way to teach you things that could benefit you in real life situations.
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  • 1 month later...
Video games relieve more stress for me, personally, then television show or movie ever will. They are a bunch more entertaining, as well as some of them are even educational. That single game expanded my vocabulary much more than most other English classes can do in the same quantity of time.
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[quote name='ZeroChill' timestamp='1299961008' post='5069183']
Dora, preschool games. Those would be the only legal games IF Jack Thompson achieved his New World Order:(
I remember playing a Whack-A-Mole party game. If Thompson got his hands on that, he'd ban it for Animal Abuse and Violence.
But come on! Video Games rake in tons of cash, and M-games are the most profitable. That's like saying it makes good buisness sense to get rid of chocolate because people have diabetes.
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Jack Thompson: You would oppose me as well? So be it.
PkMn Trainer Jack Thompson wants to fight!

Gamers Used Zanmato!
PkMn Trainer Jack Thompson Fainted!
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A resurgance of this retarded topic?

Realize that the majority of people who think video games have adverse effects are elderly people who haven't played a video game in their life. The anchors on FOX News and the old people in the retirement home don't know what a "Okami" is or what an "Call of Duty" is. They don't know anything about the topic and make baseless claims with very little research backing them up. In short, they are goddamn retarded.

Their argument is [b]literally[/b], "You young'uns have this videomagames and I didn't have 'em. Back in my day we read books and people wern't this retardad. These videomagames are bad and should be b&."
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[quote name='Dark' timestamp='1306683433' post='5239692']
A resurgance of this retarded topic?

Realize that the majority of people who think video games have adverse effects are elderly people who haven't played a video game in their life. The anchors on FOX News and the old people in the retirement home don't know what[b] a "Okami[/b]" is or what[b] an "Call of Duty[/b]" is. They don't know anything about the topic and make baseless claims with very little research backing them up. In short, they are goddamn retarded.

Their argument is [b]literally[/b], "You young'uns have this videomagames and I didn't have 'em. Back in my day we read books and people wern't this retardad. These videomagames are bad and should be b&."

Ooooo, I see what you did there!

But you're right. There's no sense in pretending that everyone hates video games. It's just a hand-full of people, most of whom don't actually hate video games. The majority of it is just the desire to censor explicit content from them.

The important games like Mario and Pokemon wouldn't be affected, so who cares?
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[i]censor explicit content[/i]

Also a terrible argument. Pornography is legal for those above the age of eighteen, and in a perfect world, people under eighteen are restricted from viewing it. In a perfect world, M rated games could not be played by those under eighteen. We don't live in a perfect world. If you want to ban explicit video games, ban explicit everything. Anything that is "x years or older" could always be bought by someone that age and given to someone younger.
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[quote name='Dark' timestamp='1306697342' post='5240207']
[i]censor explicit content[/i]

Also a terrible argument. Pornography is legal for those above the age of eighteen, and in a perfect world, people under eighteen are restricted from viewing it. In a perfect world, M rated games could not be played by those under eighteen. We don't live in a perfect world. If you want to ban explicit video games, ban explicit everything. Anything that is "x years or older" could always be bought by someone that age and given to someone younger.

+1 cookies for you


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They're not trying to ban Chrono Trigger or Pokemon. They're trying to ban games with sex scenes in them. Don't ask me why that's such a bigger deal than gratuitous violence, but I guess that's just America. >.>

And that cover art is horrible. That chick is shooting fire out of her hand when in the game she uses water magic. WHAT THE HELL! D:
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[quote name='ADHD-Guitar' timestamp='1306730779' post='5241302']
They're not trying to ban Chrono Trigger or Pokemon. They're trying to ban games with sex scenes in them. Don't ask me why that's such a bigger deal than gratuitous violence, but I guess that's just America. >.>

And that cover art is horrible. That chick is shooting fire out of her hand when in the game she uses water magic. WHAT THE HELL! D:

It's coming from the sword... Marle was also originially planed to use Fire Magic, then they suddenly changed it to water for no reason.
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