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Steps to the End

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[color="#9932CC"]First Step to the End - Recurring Horde
Countious Trap
If a monster you control is removed from the field, you can pay Life Points equal to the monster's ATK and Special Summon it to your side of the field. If this card is destroyed, destroy all "Step to the End" cards. During your opponents End Phase add 1 "Second Step to the End - Deadly Mistake".[/color]
Second Step to the End - Deadly Mistake
Countious Spell
If your opponent Summons a monster, you can Tribute 1 monster you control to destroy that monster. If this card is destroyed, destroy all "Step to the End" cards. During your opponents End Phase add 1 "Third Step to the End - Overwhelming Power".

Third Step to the End - Overwhelming Power
Countious Spell
All monsters on your side of the field can attack your opponent directly. If this card is destroyed, destroy all "Step to the End" cards.
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