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Elemental Hero Deck! R/F plz!


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Elemental Hero Avian

Elemental Hero Burstinatirx

Elemental Hero Clayman

Elemental Hero Sparkman

Elemental Hero Wildheart x2

Elemental Hero Ocean x2

Elemental Hero Stratos

Evil Hero Infernal Gainer x3

Evil Hero Infernal Prodigy

Evil Hero Malicious Edge x2

Breaker the Magical Warrior

Snipe Hunter

Granmarg the Rock Monarch x2

Cyber Dragon

Exiled Force



Dark Fusion x3

Dark Calling x3

Skyscraper 2-Hero City

E-Emergency Call x2

Swords of Revealing Light

R-Righteous Justice x2



Dark Bribe x2

Solemn Judgment x2

Call of the Haunted

Mirror Force

Hero Signal

Torrential Tribute

A Hero Emerges



Evil Hero Dark Gaia

Evil Hero Lightning Golem

Evil Hero Wild Cyclone

Evil Hero Infernal Sniper

Evil Hero Malicious Fiend


plz help! ty!

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So this is more of a Evil Hero Deck? Looks pretty cool to me. But I must warn you, be prepared to take some really brutal critism. Most of these people are Hero haters. But since I'm not one of those people, I'll give you this advise: Take out both the Oceans and replace them with 1 more Wildheart and 1 more Malicious Edge and get more Dark Gaia. Gaia is a common in Jaden Yuki 3 pack so he's easy to get.


I cant believe you got Malicious Fiend! I got, from the Jaden pack, 3 Infernal Snipers and a Wild Cyclone. You lucky.

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Hehe... It's almost impossible for me NOT to get... it... Btw.. I didn't bother putting the # fusions cuz I got 3 of each except for Malicious Fiend...


Anyway thx for the advice...

And don't worry...

Im getting ready for the war against E-HERO lover VS E-HERO haters!

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