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Deltora Quest: End of a Righteous Line.


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Hello everyone! This is the third time I've posted a fan fic of mine here. First I trid something Inazuma Eleven. I got 0 posts from it. Then Pokemon: Regan Region came along. That went down hill quickly when I just failed epicly.
So now I come with a third fan fic. One from the Deltora Quest universe. It's only a prologue so far, so don't murder me.

Dark times have come. As if the Shadow Lord has once again set his full fury upon Deltora, shadows cloak the land. But this time, the people know the cause of the evil. And, this time, the Shadow Lord himself is not to blame.
Ages ago, the Belt of Deltora underwent a change. It changes from a splendid, well fitting belt to a glamorous crown. In this way, the Crown of Deltora would be kept safe, as no Rule could convince a ruler to take off his or her crown.
The people cheered at the sudden new protection of the kingdom. With the Crown safe, they had prosperous lives. Until IT happened….

The cousin of the king, Regenald, was despised by all. His evil heart was cloaked in dark shadows, and all feared him. He had a sinister ideal, of a Deltora ruled by himself, a land were “goodness” ruled over all. To begin with, people loved his ideal, and supported it, to the end of hiring a trained assassin to kill the king, and crown Regenald. Only to be beheaded when Regenald took power. It was then, and only then, that people realized Regenald’s true ambition.
His ideal was true enough, but not the way people thought. The goodness and purity he described were actually the evil darkness the belonged beyond the mountains; The Shadow Lord. There, everyone hid in fear as all hell broke loose.
The Shadow Lord let Regenald, his loyal servant, remain in power, and ruled him from afar. His ambitions shaped the land anew. The land buckled and twisted, new hills growing and old ones crumbling to dust. Lakes drained into the earth, new ones exploding from sprouts hidden deep underground.
But these changes were not for the better. The new lakes were black and murky. The new hills were steep and dangerous. The towns had crumbled to ruin.
All hope was vanquished.
The hope of all but 3. Three people of the palace, who had ran when Regenald claimed power. They held onto hope, and gave the citizens a glimmer of hope.
“We will regain the crown. That I promise you. Never forget.”[/spoiler]

Comments and critiques are always welcome! Fell free to attack my writing; The more help I get, the better my writing becomes.
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