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Random Cards

Dearg Doom

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Devil Axe Raider
Attribute: Dark
Stars: 6
Effect Monster
Type: Warrior
Effect: This effect can only be activated during your opponents draw phase. Send the drawn card back to the top of your opponents deck.
Atk/Def: 2300/1900

Dark Wiz
Attribute: Dark
Stars: 4
Effect Monster
Type: Spellcaster
Effect: This effect can only be activated when your opponent activates a spell card. Negate that card and return it to the bottom of your opponents deck.
Atk/Def: 1600/1000

Black Hole Sorcerrer
Attribute: Dark
Stars: 8
Effect/Fusion monster
Type: Spellcaster
Effect: "Devil Axe Raider" + "Dark Wiz"
This card can only be summoned by Fusion Summon. Once per turn, You can Remove one DARK monster from your Graveyard for this card to gain 200 Atk.
Atk/Def: 2700/2000
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