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This chapter was a lot better to me this time around. I think part of it is because I used this exact method when I wrote DEF and connected events back then to what happens at the end.
Plus, it makes me think of how other authors must have done the same, like Bleach with the shinigami badge and Ishida or Naruto and "that" jutsu.
So I'm looking forward to seeing how PCP will change.[/spoiler]

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Kosugi told Miura to talk to the end and pointed out the predicted how this competition would work. Kosugi is definitely my favorite editor.

So let me see if got this right: Something is mentioned only briefly in the story, and then the author later revisits that and retroactively makes it foreshadowing of future events. Ashirogi is going to employ a similar tactic by making a standalone that will make readers want to see more of that story.

I also have renewed faith in this arc. Let's hope that lasts.

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Takahama is kind of an odd choice, so I don't really like the thought that he got first. I'm also a diehard Fukuya/Aoki fun, so all the Hiramaru/Aoki has been bugging me.

Still, this chapter really helped redeem this arc. Kosugi is just amazing, and is definitely tied with Mashiro for my favorite character. I'm especially happy that Azuma got fourth, and it's a fitting achievement for his character.

But seriously, can we [i]please[/i] have enough of Nanamine? He lost the bet, so he can't get published in Jump again, so he has to go to another magazine. That could lead into a potential arc, but I'm just tired of him.

I'm glad that they actually remember Azuki exists. It's been ages since she's shown up.

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That chapter was an awesome surprise.
Even though he could be a bit anal sometimes, I always liked the editor in chief, kinda sad to see him go, but this change-up in the editorial department is kinda cool. Plus I feel Ashirogi and Niizuma's rivalry has just gone up another level. I'm guessing the next arc will focus on Niizuma's new manga and the development of Ashirogi's new manga.
Very good stuff.[/spoiler]

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It's sad to see him go, but at least Heishi is the new EIC. I didn't expect him to have been the editor for Yu-Gi-Oh!, but I loved the scene with his wife. Aida as Assistant EIC makes sense, and I like that Yujiro is now a Team Leader. I'm curious if any of this was based on real-life changes in the Shueisha staff.

I'm glad that this Nanamine arc is finally over. Hopefully we don't see him again, but if we do, it had better be the last time. I do want to see more of Kosugi though.

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The date of my was mentioned a while ago, with July 29 being a Friday just like it was this year. Of course, let's see what days July 29 falls on in the following years.

2012: Sunday
2013: Monday
2014: Tuesday
2015: Wednesday
2016: Friday

Considering how it's a new year in-universe, the story indeed takes place in 2017.

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