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Dark Nephthys Deck

The Dark One

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Well, I've been really excited about Dark Nephthys. He may not have the power of Dark Armed Dragon, but I find him to be far more versatile. Anyway, I got bored and decided to make up a deck with him. This is something like the deck I plan to make when I get my copies. (If I do)


Dark Nephthys Deck:


Monster Cards: 20

1. Dark Nephthys

2. Dark Nephthys

3. Jinzo

4. Darknight Parshath

5. Dark Magician of Chaos


6. Sangan

7. Dark Grepher

8. Dark Grepher

9. Magical Merchant

10. Magical Merchant

11. Dark Crusader

12. Dark Crusader

13. Apprentice Magician

14. Apprentice Magician

15. Crystal Seer

16. Magician of Faith

17. Breaker the Magical Warrior

18. Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer

19. Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer

20. Snipe Hunter


Magic Cards: 14

21. Mystical Space Typhoon

22. Heavy Storm

23. Lightning Vortex

24. Smashing Ground

25. Fissure

26. Nobleman of Crossout

27. Reinforcements of the Army

28. Reinforcements of the Army

29. Allure of Darkness

30. Allure of Darkness

31. Fires of Doomsday

32. Fires of Doomsday

33. Premature Burial

34. The Beginning of the End


Trap Cards: 6

35. Torrential Tribute

36. Call of the Haunted

37. Mirror Force

38. Sakuretsu Armor

39. Escape from the Different Dimension

40. Escape from the Different Dimension


Side Deck: 15

1. Invader of Darkness

2. Jinzo

3. Phantom of Chaos

4. Phantom of Chaos

5. Darklord Zerato

6. Doomsday Horror

7. Doomsday Horror

8. The Calculator

9. The Calculator

10. Old Vindictive Magician

11. Old Vindictive Magician

12. Sakuretsu Armor

13. Sakuretsu Armor

14. Return from the Different Dimension

15. Return from the Different Dimension

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since chances of you actualy getting a gold sarcophagus is very low, dead low unless you got about a grand to spend on yugioh, than i suggest taking that out of your deckless and main deck the allure of darkness, also i would take out dar erruption for the other, since you only have one. since your side deck is now down 2 cards, i suggest replacing the slots with return from a different dimension or strike ninja. mabey not strike ninja, but... yeah just stick with the returns.

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since chances of you actualy getting a gold sarcophagus is very low' date=' dead low unless you got about a grand to spend on yugioh, than i suggest taking that out of your deckless and main deck the allure of darkness, also i would take out dar erruption for the other, since you only have one. since your side deck is now down 2 cards, i suggest replacing the slots with return from a different dimension or strike ninja. mabey not strike ninja, but... yeah just stick with the returns.



Ok, sounds good. I think I'll do that. But then should I side "The Beginning of the End"? I'm afraid I'll end up with dead draws. If I remove a monster in my hand from play, it's never going to get to the Graveyard.


Anything else?

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