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[REQ] Avis, Banners and Userbars, I'm paying 100-1000 [REQ]

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Dragonite : http://media.skateboard.com.au/forum/images/149_dragonite2.jpg (Found out it was no a render so you may render and I will pay you 100 points when you post it or you can find another pic.)
Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beggining : http://i52.tinypic.com/6ykw13.png

Rules :
Choose any of the 2 renders and you can make avis, banners and userbars
Text must say
Da Legendary Club
on each one
So you can have up to 6 differents entries (1 Dragonite Avi, Banner and Userbar and 1 Luster Soldier Avi, Banner and Userbar)

I will pay 100-1000 if I like the avi, banner or userbar.
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Here is the userbar of dragonite.

By the way, the dragonite pic wasn't a render so I used a different one.

Here is the black luster soldier one.

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