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Astrologia Necare [OoC/PG-13-PG-16/Accepting/Notstarted]

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[font="Arial Narrow"]X:/Trinity_Data_Files/File_F24/Classification_Level:_Triad/
Folders: Years [Inhabitants Resources Fauna State of Core]

Folder: State of Core [LOCKED]

Folder: State of Core [LOCKED]

Folder: Years: 1200 AC – 1230 AC

[indent]1200 AC:[/indent]
[indent][indent]Discovery of a planet has been confirmed by astrologists, and have also confirmed the possibility of life forms. Decisions of scouting drones and which to be sent have been satisfied, and Scout Drones R23, K14, X08, and J68 have been sent. They have sent data and proved our confirmations that the variety of resources could be used for manufacturing and what other is deemed necessary. While drones continue searching for test samples and the like from the surface, they begin digging up samples from underground. Martial scientists begin to receive data, and gain intelligence that the core of the planet is highly violent, and deem is important for the empire, and claim it could be of essential to conquering the system and more. It has been thus dubbed: PAN.do.RA[/indent][/indent]

[indent]1206 AC:[/indent]
[indent][indent]Colonies of the empire have been established in sectors of the planet and have begun extracting several of the resources, as well has the core. Colonists have been receiving trouble with the local wildlife, which have proven to be dangerous and unknown as with the planet. Troops are unfortunately unavailable; leaving colonists to fend for themselves with the weapons and tools they have been given. Few of the colonies have been evacuated to prevent heavy casualties.[/indent][/indent]

[indent]1212 AC:[/indent]
[indent][indent]Due to another war declared on another empire, all current projects and extractions of the planet have been postponed/cancelled, and will not continue. The colonists that were sent to the planet have been abandoned at once, and they have limited supplies since the start of the war. Since that event, the age for said colonists, known as “Age of Plague,” begins. This resulted as death for many of the colonists.[/indent][/indent]

[indent]1220 AC:[/indent]
[indent][indent]Adaptations to the environment have been well for the colonists, and many resort to criminal activity, such as thievery. They began to build light spacecrafts and are banded together as a group of “pirates.” As a result, they begin to create their own civilization and no longer regard themselves as Trinity allied, and name the planet as “Pandora.”[/indent][/indent]

[indent]1228 AC:[/indent]
[indent][indent]The planet is now regarded as the “Fortress of Thieves” by most surviving civilizations, and many raids against the “Fortress of Thieves” have been attempted, hoping to either end or claim the planet. However, this only made the thieves stronger and all the more powerful of a civilization and nation, as they still inhabit the planet. The Empire Trinity, who was at war, have returned victorious, and wish to reclaim the planet that was originally named PAN.do.RA.[/indent][/indent]

[indent]1230 AC:[/indent]
[indent][indent]The empire attempts to reclaim PAN.do.RA, and sends a carrier ship. However, it lands for a month, and no progress has been made. At the same time, a mercenary group known as D. Company, lands for refueling, and does not wish to do anything with the planet. However, a monstrous storm looms over at the largest continent of the planet, where it just so happens where D. Company, the carrier ship of the Empire Trinity, and the pirates where all located. They all could only remain stationary at their current positions for a month. During this month, also known as “Restless Storm”, quiet conflicts came between the empire and the pirates. When the storm ends, a skirmish occurs between the empire and the pirates, forcing the empire carrier ship to retreat from the fight. The D. Company were happening to leave at the same time, but were shot down accident in the atmospheric dog fight between the Trinity and the Betrayers, and D. Company crash lands somewhere on PAN.do.RA. Trinity declares war on the Betrayers.[/indent][/indent]


You are soldiers. Soldiers of either the Pirates who control the planet, or the Empire Trinity. Or perhaps you are neither? Maybe you are just one of the D. Company mercs. who got shot down? Only you can decide you path.

All YCM Rules apply and so do all RP Forum rules apply.
Fenrir & Enrise (Xenomonic Productions Creators) are the creators of this RP. That means, they can accept, deny, kick you out, etc. when necessary. But only when necessary. We will not do certain actions without any means. Cause we're fair that way.
Faction: (This will determine what sign you use. If you are confused as to what Factions give what signs, please refer to the “___”Section)
Sign: (Based on Faction. Can also be used as a codename)
Weapon: (At most two weapons)
Rank in Faction: (This will be decided by Fenrir and/or Enrise)
Personality: (This is based on your sign)
Appearance: (Only physical features, nothing relating to clothes. Unless it’s like a necklace or a ring.)
History: (From birth to this moment in the RP)
Enrise & Fenrir

[spoiler=Signs: VERY IMPORTANT]
For signs, they are based on the faction you choose.
You have the Pirates/Betrayers, D. Company, and the Empire/Trinity.
The Pirates AND D. Company follow the signs of the Western Horoscopes, which are like the Aquarius, Cancer, etc.
The Empire follows the Chinese Zodiac, like Rat, Dragon, etc.

Keep in mind that these are the basis of your character, and they make up your personality and the like.

There are also the leaders, who have special signs that command the basic astrological signs. But that's come in later, as you cannot possibly be a leader. Yet.
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A more in depth explanation of signs;

Signs are really the pinnacle of your character. In fact in all honesty, the sign should be the first thing you pick for your character. Try to base your character off your sign, whether it's in small ways or much more obvious ways. For example, someone based of Cancer could be interested in aquatics/themed around that, maybe the person likes heavy weaponry/armory, maybe he's interested in diseases. There's a lot you can do with signs. You also don't have to base their personality completely off their sign, partially would be better.

Also, ones under the eastern signs/years should pay attention to the weapon part of the application, since you're Trinity, you have a technological advantage and thus can get a 'bonus' whether it's in armor or weaponry. For example, let's say you're dragon, you can have a powerful sword that can light itself on fire. Mind you that's an extremely basic example.

For your western players, fear not, you'll get an advantage later. :]
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