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YuGiMon: The Invasion Begins [Started | Still Accepting]

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[quote name='Shion Kaito' timestamp='1299908057' post='5067909']
Since I have Debris Dragon and it will evolve into Stardust, will it be assumed as well that it will evolve into Shooting Star and Shooting Quasar if it ever reaches those respective points?
Or Buster. But yeah.
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Well, I would wanna have Yata-Garasu for Jolta to catch much later in the game...

[spoiler=Card Image][img]http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100709021807/yugioh/images/thumb/b/b0/Yata-GarasuLOD-EN-ScR.jpg/300px-Yata-GarasuLOD-EN-ScR.jpg[/img][/spoiler]
[b]Name (monster):[/b] Yata-Garasu
[b]General Stats:[/b] Yata-Garasu has very high Sp. Attack and Defense, but slightly lower-than-average Special Defense. Its Attack is normal, its Speed is high, but its evasiveness is low.
[b]Type(s)[/b] Dark/Ghost
[b]Moveset:[/b] Mean Look, Drill Peck, Magnet Rise, Dark Pulse
[b]Ability:[/b] Magic Guard
[b]Held Item:[/b] Life Orb
[b]Behavior:[/b] Yata-Garasu tends to be sneaky at times, thus allowing it to have high accuracy. It attacks straight, and always uses either Mean Look or Magnet Rise at the beginning of the battle.
[b]Other:[/b] Yata-Garasu, unlike other bird 'Pokemon', has 3 legs. He is capable of flying. Yata-Garasu also caws very often.[/spoiler]

P.S. Volcarona/Jolteon/Elekid too can use Magnet Rise, don't find this abnormal.
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[quote name='Phoenix19' timestamp='1299906230' post='5067863']
Alright, how does 5 sound?
Only got the basics, like Signers and BEWD/REBD and Neos. That'll be fun.

You are allowed to reserve 1 YuGiMon for catching/evolving into per character. This is your only reservation, and if need be, you can change your starter YuGiMon to make allowances. However, you must notify when you are going to evolve, either on the OT thread or by PMing the owners. Also, please remind me, for those who reserved them, who wanted the Signer Dragons.
I'm assuming Demmy wants REBD and Rainbow Dragon, Shion wants Stardust and Luxray wants Black Rose. And I get Archfiend.

And note that there are not actually levels; I just put that there to give you an idea of how high I want it to be before it evolves.

Sure, I'll take Black Rose. That should make for some fun Coordinator events...
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[spoiler=Reece Kourimura - RadioKirby][b]Name:[/b] Reece Kourimura
[b]Age:[/b] 65
[b]Gender:[/b] Male
[b]Race:[/b] Isshu
[spoiler=Appearance] [IMG]http://i54.tinypic.com/2ltom87.png[/IMG]
[b]Height:[/b] 1.6 metres
[b]Weight[/b] 65.2 Kg
[b]Skin tone:[/b] White
[b]Body size:[/b] Wiry, but still built. Active as he was when he was 20.
[b]Facial appearance:[/b] Left eye is partially blind.
[b]Hair look and colour:[/b] White, hidden by a hat.
[b]Eye colour:[/b] Left is becoming gray, right eye is a vivid blue.
[b]Daily clothes:[/b] Look at the pic.
[b]Other:[/b] Not really.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Bio]Reece was born in Chouji Town, located in Johto. Not much occured there, save the Rocket Gang fiasco at the Lake of Rage. He trained Ice-Type Pokemon, along with his long-time friend, Yanagi. They were friendly rivals, battling each other at various intervals to see who was stronger. They were both offered a dual position as Gym Leader by Gold, the Johto Region's Champion at the time, but Reece refused. He said he didn't want to be in a Gym, but instead wanted to aim higher. He was then told about a new region, Sclora, and how there was an opening for Elite Four. He immediately jumped at the position, and moved to the new region.
Upon arriving, the first thing he noticed was the cold climate of the Pokemon League. His section was covered in snow, with random blizzards occurring every now and then. He strolls through the snow every morning, as a way to build up his stamina and to make his Pokemon stronger. The room that trainers challenge him in is always cold, colder than it is outside.[/spoiler]
[b]Attitude/Personality:[/b] Reece is a somewhat generous old man, giving whatever someone asks for, within certain parameters, of course. Still, he is manner-oriented, and so if someone asks for something rudely, he ignores or refuses. He loves eating things cold, even when it's supposed to be warm or hot.
[b]Team:[/b] Neutral (Elite Four)
[b]Position:[/b] Elite 4 # 2
[b]Starter Pokemon:[/b] Tamazarashi
[b]Pokemon Team: [/b] (Name / Species / Gender / Ability / Move 1 ~ Move 2 ~ Move 3 ~ Move 4 / Item)
[img]http://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/a/a1/Spr_5b_365.png[/img]Ikkaku / Todozeruga / Male / Thick Fat / Sheer Cold ~ Surf ~ Body Slam ~ Ice Beam / None
[img]http://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/a/a5/Spr_5b_460_m.png[/img]Yeti / Yukinoo / Male / Snow Warning / Blizzard ~ Ingrain ~ Wood Hammer ~ Seed Bomb / None
[img]http://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/8/89/Spr_5b_471.png[/img]Glacia / Glacia / Female / Snow Cloak / Hail ~ Double Team ~ Ice Beam ~ Blizzard / BrightPowder
[img]http://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/d/d5/Spr_5b_478.png[/img]YukiOnna / Yukimenoko / Female / Cursed Body / Ice Beam ~ Shadow Ball ~ Destiny Bond ~ Crunch / None
[IMG]http://i53.tinypic.com/w2j29d.png[/IMG]Frostosaur / Frostosaurus / Male
[IMG]http://i53.tinypic.com/efh1fn.png[/IMG]Freezect / N.G. in the I.B. / Male
[b]Starter YuGiMon:[/b] Frostosaurus
[spoiler=YuGiMon Information - Frostosaurus]
[spoiler=Card Image][img]http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20070304014053/yugioh/images/thumb/2/2d/FrostosaurusSTON-EN-R-1E.jpg/300px-FrostosaurusSTON-EN-R-1E.jpg[/img][/spoiler]
[b]Name (monster):[/b] Frostosaurus
[b]Name (preferably nickname):[/b] Frostosaur
[b]General Stats:[/b] Heavily Attack oriented, Defense somewhat above average, all other stats lacking, esp. Speed.
[b]Type(s)[/b] Ice / Dragon
[b]Moveset:[/b] Freeze Shock, Earthquake, Outrage, Stone Edge
[b]Ability:[/b] Mold Breaker
[b]Held Item:[/b] Muscle Band
[b]Behavior:[/b] Frostosaur is extremely vicious when it comes to battling. It will not take orders from anyone except its owner, and it despises other Pokemon (Yugimon not included.). If a person acts a certain way towards it, it retaliates angrily. It has a short temper.
[b]Other:[/b] It can speak and understand human, but it can't enunciate. So, if it could project its thoughts, it would speak English. When it does speak, it sounds like someone trying to speak with his/her mouth closed over a roar. So, for any practical purpose, no, it cannot speak human.[/spoiler][spoiler=YuGiMon Information - Numbing Grub in the Ice Barrier][spoiler=Card Image][img]http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100624021107/yugioh/images/thumb/8/88/NumbingGrubintheIceBarrierGLD3-EN-C-LE.png/300px-NumbingGrubintheIceBarrierGLD3-EN-C-LE.png[/img][/spoiler]
[b]Name (monster):[/b] Numbing Grub in the Ice Barrier
[b]Name (preferably nickname):[/b] Freezect
[b]General Stats:[/b] Heavily Speed oriented, Sp. Defense somewhat above average, all other stats lacking, esp. Attack.
[b]Type(s)[/b] Ice / Bug
[b]Moveset:[/b] Protect, Rollout, Ice Beam, Signal Beam
[b]Ability:[/b] Swarm
[b]Held Item:[/b] None
[b]Behavior:[/b] It mostly just defends itself, and will attack when it sees fit to. If it likes a person, it will rub up against that person's leg, similar to a cat.
[b]Other:[/b] It doesn't speak, and it only understands commands. It's very slimy.[/spoiler][spoiler=RP Sample]Reece took his daily morning walk through the icy mountains of the Pokemon League. At least, his section was the higher point of the League, despite being only the second. Bearing against the wind and snow, with his Ikakku dragging itself by him, he noticed it got colder, and colder as he progressed towards an unfamiliar clearing. As he got closer, he was able to see more and more. The clearing was a crater, and inside, bursts of icy breath were blasted in every direction. Slowly sliding into the crater, Reece got a better view of the strange creature. It looked like a dinosaur covered in ice. So, he made the pet name "Frostosaur," since he didn't know the actual name. He pulled an Ultra Ball out of his pocket, and tossed it underhandedly at the Frostosaur. The creature, however, noticed, and froze the ball in midair.
"Todo!!" Ikakku cried out. It dashed at the Frostosaur and rammed into it full force. The creature stumbled back slightly, but not much damage was done. A second time it rushed at the Pokemon, this time from the side. The beast turned to the side to retaliate against the Todozeruga. Reece immediately took the opportunity to throw a second Ball at the monster. The Ultra Ball hit Frostosaur, and absorbed it inside. It landed and wiggled once, then settled. As soon as the creature was captured, the blizzard subsided, and it became clear again. Reece noticed, however, that something had been left behind by the Frostosaur. He came up closer to inspect it, and saw it was a grub of sorts. It looked up at him, and immediately attacked. Reece, defending himself, threw another Ball, the last empty one he had on him, and captured the insect. [/spoiler][/spoiler]

Also, you spelled Kamille's last name wrong on the OP. It's Raida, not Radia.
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Now THAT looks good. And you understood that people in high spots could have multiple YuGiMon.
[b]The position of Elite Four #2 has been filled.[/b]

[size="5"][b]The RP shall start as soon as the map is finished and prepared.[/b][/size]
It just means the Team Dimension will have to stay out of the way until they recruit some people.
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[quote name='TheGenuine' timestamp='1299965758' post='5069383']
What Ya Mean?

No Caps and Ok......I thought i reserved Ghost but o well i don't care

I mean you are capitalizing the first letter of each word. You Were Talking Like This. And, the Ghost Gym Leader was one of the first apps submitted, and Phoenix told you you couldn't have it, so...
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I don't even know if Crystal Rose Angel can be used in an evo chain.... I sure f*cking hope so. Pity I'm distracted from searching.

So how's the map coming along Phoenix?

Also, I suggest we start before we get the map, if it starts taking a million years to complete. The longer we take to start, the more intrest we'll lose. And we don't want to lose RPers.
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Hey, Phoenix, you might want to change Yanza City from saying "...The Martial Badge, held by __________" into "...The Dewdrop Badge, held by Brice Whitmore". Also, if Yanza City has a flourishing commercial industry due to the influx of Trainers, how can it be so underfed.

And where is our Fourth Elite Four?
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