StealthyTyranitar Posted March 12, 2011 Report Share Posted March 12, 2011 umm, I think you guys missed my post. I'm the fith gym leader, fightingg type. Please read my app Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheGenuine Posted March 12, 2011 Report Share Posted March 12, 2011 If needed i can make 8th Gym Leader or something Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yang Xiao-Long Posted March 12, 2011 Report Share Posted March 12, 2011 [quote name='TheGenuine' timestamp='1299890257' post='5067376'] If needed i can make 8th Gym Leader or something [/quote] I'm already 8th gym leader as the Dragon-type user. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheGenuine Posted March 12, 2011 Report Share Posted March 12, 2011 ohh sry i though it said 4-8 edit: of needed i can be 7th Gym Leader of ghost/dark pokemon Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Azphreal Posted March 12, 2011 Author Report Share Posted March 12, 2011 Geunuine: Alright. Jolta: Accepted. People whose apps I've missed, please link or quote. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Quiksilver Posted March 12, 2011 Report Share Posted March 12, 2011 Actually, it is this character that is going to be the Gym Leader, Kiyo is my Coordinator. By the way, I made it a Water Gym, since Yanza is a peninsula, and stuff... [spoiler=Brice Whitmore - Luxray] [b]Name:[/b] Brice Whitmore [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Hoenn [spoiler=Appearance] [b]Height:[/b] 6'2'' [b]Weight[/b] 75.7 kg [b]Skin tone:[/b] Tanned [b]Body size:[/b] Husky [b]Facial appearance:[/b] Brice's face has become a bit weathered over the years, but it still possesses the charm and handsomeness that made him popular as a child. He is also known to have a six-o-clock shadow on some days. [b]Hair look and colour:[/b] White blond and spiked at the edges. Since Brice doesn't want to be bothered with styling his hair after surfing, he keeps it cut close and cropped, leaving only a small portion of his bangs long. [b]Eye colour:[/b] Gray with flecks of green. [b]Daily clothes:[/b] Brice traditionally dresses is a one-piece suit that is remarkably similar to a surfer's wet-suit, with it being a dark blue color with a large white Poke Ball pattern across the edge right leg and another curving around the abdomen area. Over this he wears a zip-up red hoodie, which is usually left unzipped. Brice generally wears regular tan shoes, but on sunny days he trades them for a pair of sandals. All of his supplies, including his Poke Balls and Badges, can be found in his dark brown messenger bag, which is usually slung across his back. [b]Other:[/b] Brice, as you might expect, is quite the surfer, and takes Saturdays off in the summer to go surfing.[/spoiler] [spoiler=Bio]Brice hails from Slateport City, in Hoenn, where he was raised in a seaside cottage belonging to two fishers. As such, Brice grew up near the sea, and quickly became good with the local Water Pokemon, to the point where a crowd would gather as soon as Brice entered the water. One of these friends, a female Clamperl, would join Brice as he started his Gym Challenge, accompanying him as he grew in strength, beat all the Gyms and entered the Elite Four tournament. Although he lost the tournament, Brice has amassed quite the Water Pokemon team, of which the star was his Clamperl, now evolved into a Gorebyss. It was this awesome team that led people to speculate about the day Brice would become the next Water Gym Leader of Hoenn. However, this day never came; Brice caught wind of the new region, Sclora, and, intrigued, moved there. However, viewing it as a fresh start, he only took the child of his Gorebyss, a male Clamperl named Krile. This new adventure in Sclora turned out quite like it had in Hoenn, to the point where Brice was asked, almost pleaded with, to take the position of Water Gym Leader when the former one retired. He agreed, and moved to Yanza the next day. Though the city was underfed and overpopulated, he fell in love with the city and quickly became popular with the people for his many charity efforts in an attempt to improve the city.[/spoiler] [b]Attitude/Personality:[/b] Brice at first glance has the attitude you would expect of a surfer; laid-back and lighthearted, with a penchant for speaking in surfer jargon. As you get past this outer layer, you find Brice is much more, however; he is actually quite a perceptive, intelligent young man with a keen eye for battling. He takes a rather unorthodox view towards battling however, finding the bond between Trainer and Pokemon and a drive to win a better judge of a Trainer than actual battling skill. There has been several instances where Brice has awarded his badge to a Trainer, even though they lost to him. One of the greatest thing Brice hates are people that take advantage of other beings, even worse than criminals in his mind. To him, such characters are callous and cold-hearted, and not even worthy of his time. There have also been a couple of instances where Brice refused to battle some Trainers, because the Trainers in question only saw Pokemon as a means to become a good Trainer. This has led to several sticky situations, as some of these Trainers come from quite rich families, and it is only through the love of his people and his skill as a Gym Leader that got Brice out of these situations. [b]Team:[/b] Gym Leaders [b]Position:[/b] 1 [b]Starter Pokemon:[/b] Clamperl [b]Pokemon Team: [/b] Krile / Huntail / Male / Swift Swim / Whirlpool ~ Bite ~ Screech ~ Water Pulse / N/A Eira / Tympole / Female / Hydration / Bubble ~ Supersonic ~ BubbleBeam ~ Mud Shot / N/A Sushi / Golden Flying Fish / Male / Water Veil / Growl ~ Wing Attack ~ Water Sport ~ BubbleBeam / N/A [b]Starter YuGiMon:[/b] Golden Flying Fish [spoiler=YuGiMon Information] [spoiler=Card Image][img][/img][/spoiler] [b]Name (monster):[/b] Golden Flying Fish [b]Name (preferably nickname):[/b] Sushi [b]General Stats:[/b] Lacks in Defense but makes up for it with Special Attack. [b]Type(s)[/b] Water/Flying [b]Moveset:[/b] Wing Attack ~ Water Sport ~ Water Gun ~ BubbleBeam [b]Ability:[/b] Water Veil [b]Held Item:[/b] N/A [b]Behavior:[/b] Sushi seems to enjoy deliberately ignoring people. It's only goal in life seems to be to rest for as long a period as he possibly can, and to this end he has developed a habit of "tuning out" all unnecessary noise, i.e. everyone around it. It has gotten used (begrudgingly) to the fact it will have to obey it's master, Brice, but everyone else- not a chance. [b]Other:[/b] It can survive in land, sea, and air, but after that, it's about it.[/spoiler][/spoiler] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sweetie Belle Posted March 12, 2011 Report Share Posted March 12, 2011 [quote name='Kingofmuffins' timestamp='1299625931' post='5061028'] [spoiler=Trainer Name - Benson Rotason, or ben Username Kingofmuffins][b]Name: Benkae[/b] [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] umm, American [spoiler=Appearance] [url="§ion=&q=Young+Pokemon+Trainer#/d2at2k1"]Me[/url] [b]Height:[/b] 6' [b]Weight[/b]40 kg [b]Skin tone:[/b]Olive [b]Body size:[/b] Same as Pic [b]Facial appearance:[/b] Eyes are a bit close. [b]Hair look and colour:[/b] Looks like a danger zone, so he wears a different hat everyday. His hair is blond [b]Eye colour:[/b] Brown [b]Daily clothes:[/b] Jeans, T-shirt[/color] [b]Other:[/b] His eyes sometimes change a bit when he's mad, I'll go deepper as the story line progresses [/spoiler] [spoiler=Bio]Benson Rotasan was born by his father, Barry Rotasan, who was the past Gym leader, and his mother, Jessica Rotsan. His dad specialized in Ground type, but Ben decided thatnhe liked Fighting type better, so there was debate wether or not his worse at battling brother, Tanner, who used Ground types, or the fighting specialized Benson should be the heir. Well, what they did was, they were both given a Rattata, with the same stats, moves, level, as the other one. This was to test who was the better battler. Well, Benson won that one. They were then tested on who raised there pokemon better, and since Tanner was older and had more powerful pokemon than he did, Tanner won. As the tie-breacker, Barry decided that whoever could beat him first,with three tries only, would be the heir. Well, Tanner, being a bit on the stupider side, chose to fight as ssoon as he said that. While that was happening, Ben went out and caught his Timburr, and came back to battle his father with two of his ownpokemon istead of 1 Meditite and a losey Rattata. Ben won the battle, and Tanner ran into the forest to join team dimension. [/spoiler] [b]Attitude/Personality:[/b] Ben's goal is to eventually have his brother come in and battle him, and convince him that he is welcome home. His favorite food is the very exspensive Garydos Sushi, which is a delacicy all around the world.He loves hats, and never brushes his hair.[/color] [b]Team:[/b] Gym Leader [b]Position:[/b] 1st leader Fighting [b]Starter Pokemon:Medidtite[/b] [b]Pokemon Team: [/b] Meditite Moves:Bide, Confusion, Meditate, Grass Knot. Ability: Pure Power Held Item: Soothe Bell. Timburr Moves: Pound, Leer, Low Kick, Rock Throw Ability: Sheer Force. Dummy Golem (Yugimon) [b]Starter YuGiMon:[/b]Dummy Golem, Nickname, Smasher[spoiler=YuGiMon Information] [spoiler=Card Image][url=""][img][/img][/url][spoiler] [b]Name (monster):[/b] Dummy Golem, [b]Name Smasher(preferably nickname):[/b] [b]General Stats:[/b] High Ph. Attck and Defence, Average-low Special Attack,Avrg. high Spcl defence, extremely low speed. [b]Type(s)[/b] Fighting Rock [b]Moveset:[/b] Rock Throw, Arm Thrust, Low Kick, Rollout [b]Ability:[/b] Imposter. (To powerful?) [b]Held Item:[/b] Black Belt [b]Behavior:[/b] Very Aggresive [b]Other:[/b] It is learning to speak human. It is very heavy.[/spoiler] [spoiler=RP Sample].[/spoiler]Benkae left the Gym. It would be fine for now. Anyway, he needed to train Meditite. As he walked into the forest, he heard a rustling sound. Meditite focused in a bit, while at Ben's side, medatating. He looked up, his countanance showing fear. Benkae knew that this could be one of two things. One, a mean Legendary. The other, one of those new and mean pokemon. He looked into the bushes, and into the clearing behind it. Sitting there was a infernape-sized rock/ human thing. He took out his Pokeputer, and Foodled how to capture the new pokemon. It said to weaken them, then throw a Pokeball. "Well, that's pretty obvious. Return, meditite! Go Timburr!" A Pokeon holding a large plank off wood popped out. It needed more training. "Use Low Kick!" The Pokemon swung its legs in circular motion, using the plank to support itself. The large pokemon fell, obviosly hurt. It used Rock Throw, and it hit the Timburr hard. "Well, an eye for an eye makes the world blind, but what about a black eye for a black eye? (OOC: This becomes his catch phrase) Timburr, use pound!" Timburr picked up the plank, and swung it at the odd pokemon. It was almost knocked out, so he threw a Pokeball at it. Tick, Tick, Bing. "Well, that was a certainly odd experience, wasn't it, Timburr?" Burr! The pokemon said, nodding. The bonding friends went back to the Gym, to inspect the new Pokemon[/spoiler] oops, i'll be a the fifth, then. Let me rewrite my Pokemon please (He also has Timburr, but doesn't use it Gym battles) Gurdurr Moves: Dynamic Punch, Rock Slide, Low sweep, Facade Ability: Sheer Force Held Item: Shell Bell Medicham Moves: Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Thunder Punch, Hi-Jump Kick Plus, smasher. And And And one more: Breloom, Moves:Aerial Ace, Force Palm, Giga Drain, Drain Punch Ability: Effect Spore Held Item: Big Root [/quote] Fixed Kingofmuffin's app, I did not change anything in the app itself, but I removed the unnecessary colorings (See his original post to understand.) I never want to see a color tag again... -.-" inb4[color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Azphreal Posted March 12, 2011 Author Report Share Posted March 12, 2011 Luxray, all good. [b]The position of first Gym Leader has now been filled.[/b] And I just realised, Jolta, that you didn't post an RP sample. Never mind it, though. The option of 'if you have a surviving and flourishing RP running, then there is no need for a sample' is now available. [b]The position of first Elite Four member has now been filled.[/b] RadioKirby, thanks for that. Now I know why I looked over it. P.S., you still need to hand in a E4 member 2 app. Seriously, Kingofmuffins, tidy it up. That's why you haven't been admitted yet. [hr]Other than RadioKirby's, the following apps must be handed in soon-ish. Final Fantasy Revolution - Trainer ♫♪GoldenBoy♪♫ - E4 position 4 Zextra - Team Dimension (T.D.) Lieutenant (It still hasn't been fixed up from around page two or three...) CardMaster24 - T.D. Lieutenant Final Fantasy Revolution - T.D. Grunt [hr]Oh, and sorry, Genuine. No, you can't be Ghost; it's taken up by the third Gym. And I don't want to have too many similar or dual-type Gyms. There was never a Dark and Ghost in the same region. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CrystalCyae Posted March 12, 2011 Report Share Posted March 12, 2011 There' never been a Dark Type gym to begin with, from what I understand. ANYWHO..... I'mma make Elite 4 Numero Dos, if that's available. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Azphreal Posted March 12, 2011 Author Report Share Posted March 12, 2011 [quote name='♪♫Crystal Star♫♪' timestamp='1299901164' post='5067703'] There' never been a Dark Type gym to begin with, from what I understand. [/quote] Exactly. [quote name='♪♫Crystal Star♫♪' timestamp='1299901164' post='5067703'] ANYWHO..... I'mma make Elite 4 Numero Dos, if that's available. [/quote] That's what I'm getting up RadioKirby for. So not just yet. Oh, and I'm starting the map today. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CrystalCyae Posted March 12, 2011 Report Share Posted March 12, 2011 Oh f*ck. I'm behind. Numero Tres? ALL HAIL....... ummm..... STEEL type Elite 4! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Azphreal Posted March 12, 2011 Author Report Share Posted March 12, 2011 [quote name='♪♫Crystal Star♫♪' timestamp='1299901422' post='5067714'] Numero Tres? [/quote] THAT's confirmed. There's a list of available positions on the first post, under "Positions Taken/Reserved". Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CrystalCyae Posted March 12, 2011 Report Share Posted March 12, 2011 Ahhhhh praire sh*t I'll go check. But I'mma keeping steel. EDIT: GYM LEADER SEVEN IS MIIINNNEEEEEEEE! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yang Xiao-Long Posted March 12, 2011 Report Share Posted March 12, 2011 [quote name='♪♫Crystal Star♫♪' timestamp='1299901987' post='5067726'] Ahhhhh praire sh*t I'll go check. But I'mma keeping steel. EDIT: GYM LEADER SEVEN IS MIIINNNEEEEEEEE! [/quote] Steel. ... AWESOME. It's about time another one of those came up. Last one was like when, Johto with Jasmine? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CrystalCyae Posted March 12, 2011 Report Share Posted March 12, 2011 Really? *Bulbapedia* EDIT: No, Byron of Sinnoh was a Steel Type Gym Leader. Y'kno, Roark's dad? Oh yeah, and I'm going to be a weirdo and say that my Steel Type Gym Leader is like a Co-Ordinator of sorts. Like Fantina!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yang Xiao-Long Posted March 12, 2011 Report Share Posted March 12, 2011 A Steel-type Coordinating Gym Leader? *Mind explodes* Oh, just a reminder for everyone that my character is 6 feet 7 inches tall. He is TALL. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CrystalCyae Posted March 12, 2011 Report Share Posted March 12, 2011 Hey, Jasmine uses her FRICKEN Steelix in Sinnoh Super Contests! What's so bad about a steel gym leader contesting?! Besides, I like Fantina. Except for her type as Ghost. Ugghhhh... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Azphreal Posted March 12, 2011 Author Report Share Posted March 12, 2011 Alright, that's available. Since it's been so long since Platinum was released, it's hard to remember that there was a Steel leader in Sinnoh. Oh, and for some reason, the region so far looks like Oz On a much smaller scale. Speaking of which, the map will be way off proportions. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheGenuine Posted March 12, 2011 Report Share Posted March 12, 2011 fine i will 4 or 5 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CrystalCyae Posted March 12, 2011 Report Share Posted March 12, 2011 Oz? OH GOOD LORD SOMEONES MAKING AN AUSSIE REGION! That makes my life SOOOO much easier. A bit. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Azphreal Posted March 12, 2011 Author Report Share Posted March 12, 2011 Alright, how does 5 sound? Also, [b]EVOLUTION CHARTS ARE UP.[/b] Only got the basics, like Signers and BEWD/REBD and Neos. That'll be fun. You are allowed to reserve 1 YuGiMon for catching/evolving into per character. This is your only reservation, and if need be, you can change your starter YuGiMon to make allowances. However, you must notify when you are going to evolve, either on the OT thread or by PMing the owners. Also, please remind me, for those who reserved them, who wanted the Signer Dragons. I'm assuming Demmy wants REBD and Rainbow Dragon, Shion wants Stardust and Luxray wants Black Rose. And I get Archfiend. And note that there are not actually levels; I just put that there to give you an idea of how high I want it to be before it evolves. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CrystalCyae Posted March 12, 2011 Report Share Posted March 12, 2011 I wanted my wuvely Ancient Fairy. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Azphreal Posted March 12, 2011 Author Report Share Posted March 12, 2011 Alrighty. Your dragon, your choice on prevolution, because I can't decide. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CrystalCyae Posted March 12, 2011 Report Share Posted March 12, 2011 AGGHHHH.... I need to find a light Yu-Gi-Mon.... (goes hunting) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yang Xiao-Long Posted March 12, 2011 Report Share Posted March 12, 2011 Since I have Debris Dragon and it will evolve into Stardust, will it be assumed as well that it will evolve into Shooting Star and Shooting Quasar if it ever reaches those respective points? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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