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YuGiMon: The Invasion Begins [Started | Still Accepting]

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Is it OK to un-reserve my reserved spot(The fifth trainer) and reserve the 1st Gym Leader instead? You did wanna try to have less regular Trainers.

If yes, I'm already starting on an app...

EDIT: Nevermind, fighting myself in the first gym is just... awkward.
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[spoiler=Kamille Raida - RadioKirby][b]Name:[/b] Kamille Raida
[b]Age:[/b] 22
[b]Gender:[/b] Female
[b]Race:[/b] Isshu
[spoiler=Appearance] [IMG]http://i56.tinypic.com/2enbvk1.png[/IMG]
[b]Height:[/b] 1.7 metres
[b]Weight[/b] 69.3 Kg
[b]Skin tone:[/b] White
[b]Body size:[/b] Slim, but healthy.
[b]Facial appearance:[/b] Normal.
[b]Hair look and colour:[/b] Look at the pic.
[b]Eye colour:[/b] Brown
[b]Daily clothes:[/b] Kamille wears a long leather jacket, with a yellow thunderbolt pattern specially tailored on. The jacket is black with two yellow stripes on the sleeves. The sleeves extend onto her hand, as if they were gloves as well. Underneath her jacket, she wears yellow tights, and black boots.
[b]Other:[/b] Nah.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Bio] Kamille is the younger sister of Raimon City's Gym Leader, Kamitsure. Always in her sister's shadow, Kamille never gained the approval of their parents. Kamille would instead play with robots and machines in her solitude, whereas Kamitsure basked in the glory of the spotlight. Kamille managed to make many things, including her own type of Pokeball, which she named the Spark Ball. The Spark Ball can catch any Pokemon that is Electric-Type, or knows an Electric move, with ability surpassing the Ultra Ball. Even so, her parents and her peers still rathered Kamitsure.
Feeling she would never feel adequate, she ran away from home at age 16. She lived in an alleyway in Hiun City, where she was able to make friends with the homeless people, and nearby restaurant managers. She worked as a waitress in a restaurant, until a well-dressed customer introduced himself as a business manager. He asked about the special ball on her waist, the Spark Ball. Kamille explained it, along with other utilities she made, such as the upgraded Xtransceiver on her wrist. The man offered her a job as an employee at PokeTech University, located in Watt City of the Sclora Region. She happily accepted the job, and moved nearly across the globe. She now lives in a penthouse with her Pokemon, which also happens to be her Gym.[/spoiler]
[b]Attitude/Personality:[/b] Kamille is an outgoing young girl, in her early 20's. She tends to be a bit conceited, though, but she doesn't show it through dialogue. Instead, she hates teaming up with a person she deems inadequate. She goes all-out in battles, but will still keep a sense of honor and dignity. She dislikes cheating, and will stop a battle if there is.
[b]Team:[/b] The good side.
[b]Position:[/b] Gym Leader of Watt City - The Sparkling Beauty
[b]Starter Pokemon: [/b]Mareep
[b]Pokemon Team: [/b] [size="1"][sub][i](Name / Species / Gender / Ability / Move 1 ~ Move 2 ~ Move 3 ~ Move 4 / Item)[/i][/sub][/size]
[img]http://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/a/ae/Spr_4h_181.png[/img]Amp / Denryuu / Female / Static / Thunderbolt ~ Cotton Guard ~ Brick Break ~ Light Screen / None
[img]http://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/5/5b/Spr_5b_604.png[/img]Mora / Shibirudon / Female / Levitate / Crunch ~ Thunderbolt ~ Flash Cannon ~ Zap Cannon / None
[img]http://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/4/45/Spr_5b_082.png[/img]Trip / Rarecoil / Genderless / Magnet Pull / Magnet Rise ~ Gyro Ball ~ Zap Cannon ~ Signal Beam / Magnet
[img]http://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/0/01/Spr_5b_171.png[/img]Angi / Lantern / Female / Volt Absorb / Surf ~ Hydro Pump ~ Rain Dance ~ Thunder / None
Shocklett / Wattmole
[b]Starter YuGiMon:[/b]Wattmole
[spoiler=YuGiMon Information]
Fill all of this out.
[spoiler=Card Image][img]http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110210033649/yugioh/images/thumb/7/78/WattmoleSTOR-EN-C-1E.png/300px-WattmoleSTOR-EN-C-1E.png[/img][/spoiler]
[b]Name (monster):[/b] Wattmole
[b]Name (preferably nickname):[/b] Shocklett
[b]General Stats:[/b] Speed and Sp. Attack oriented, lacking in Attack. So-so in other stats.
[b]Type(s)[/b] Ground / Electric
[b]Moveset:[/b] Slash / Thunderbolt / Dig / Rollout
[b]Ability:[/b] Sheer Force
[b]Held Item:[/b] Quick Claw
[b]Behavior:[/b] It finds food by sniffing, and same with anything else. If it meets an unfamiliar person, Pokemon, YugiMon, et cetera, it immediately sniffs it. It's fairly calm about meeting new people, and doesn't mind being carried.
[b]Other:[/b] Speaks minor human English. Shocklett is blind, but he has super-sensitive hearing and smell and can feel vibrations in the ground to make up for it. [/spoiler]
[spoiler=RP Sample]Orwell Jones, the professor of PokeTech University, brought Kamille into the atrium. Kamille looked around at the vast space. She noticed the automatic doors, magnetic lifts, et cetera, et cetera.
"Now, Miss Raida, you have been accepted, and first, we'd like you to demonstrate your Spark Ball to us," he spoke, "Come with me." Orwell led Kamille through one of the doors, to a MagLift (MagLift: An elevator that uses electromagnetic force to move platforms up and down.) They were both taken into a basement room, where there was a strange Pokemon in a glass case, with electrodes and wires hooked up to it. It was round, brown, and furry. It wore yellowish claws, and stylish, bolt-shaped sunglasses. It also sported a miner's hat, with a crystal flashlight. Its nose twitched as it sensed Kamille enter the room.
"I smell new person," it said. Kamille was surprised that it could say anything at all.
"Kamille," Orwell started, "you must catch this Shocklett."
"My name called Wattmole, no Shocklett," it said.
"But," Kamille stammered, "I've never heard of Shocklett before."
"Is Wattmole"
"Wattmole, sorry. Is it Electric?"
"Yes, we have found properties of it being Ground and Electric."
"Very well, then." Kamille took an empty Spark Ball off of her belt, and tossed it at the creature. It glowed bright yellow, and absorbed the Shocklett--
...sorry. It absorbed the [i]Wattmole[/i] in a yellow flash of light. The ball wiggled thrice, and settled. The others in the room clapped at the demonstration of this new Ball.[/spoiler][/spoiler]

Now may I also reserve an Elite 4 if possible?
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For your Gym Leader... probably around 25-ish. For the Elite Four member, they sit in their mountain doing nothing, so they only have one or two max.

Still need apps from these people:
Final Fantasy Revolution (Trainer)
♫♪GoldenBoy♪♫ (Elite Four Member 4)
Zextra (Team Dimension Lieutenant)
CardMaster24 (Team Dimension Lieutenant)
Final Fantasy Revolution (Team Dimension Grunt)
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[color="#666600"][[/color]spoiler[color="#666600"]=[/color][color="#660066"]Trainer[/color] [color="#660066"]Name[/color] [color="#666600"]- Benson Rotason, or ben[/color] [color="#660066"]Username Kingofmuffins[/color][color="#666600"]][[/color]b[color="#666600"]][/color][color="#660066"]Name[/color][color="#666600"]: Benkae[/[/color]b[color="#666600"]][/color]
[color="#666600"][[/color]b[color="#666600"]][/color][color="#660066"]Gender[/color][color="#666600"]:[/[/color]b[color="#666600"]][/color] [color="#660066"]Male
[/color][color="#666600"][[/color]b[color="#666600"]][/color][color="#660066"]Race[/color][color="#666600"]:[/[/color]b[color="#666600"]][/color] [color="#660066"]umm, American
[/color][color="#666600"][[/color]spoiler[color="#666600"]=[/color][color="#660066"]Appearance[/color][color="#666600"]][/color] [url="http://browse.deviantart.com/?qh=&section=&q=Young+Pokemon+Trainer#/d2at2k1"]Me[/url][color="#666600"][[/color]b[color="#666600"]]
[/color][color="#666600"][[/color]b[color="#666600"]][/color][color="#660066"]Weight[/color][color="#666600"][[/color][color="#008800"]/b]40 kg [b]Skin tone:[/b]Olive
[b]Body size:[/b] Same as Pic
[b]Facial appearance:[/b] Eyes are a bit close.
[b]Hair look and colour:[/b] Looks like a danger zone, so he wears a different hat everyday. His hair is blond
[b]Eye colour:[/b] Brown
[b]Daily clothes:[/b] Jeans, T-shirt[/color]
[color="#666600"][[/color]b[color="#666600"]][/color][color="#660066"]Other[/color][color="#666600"]:[/[/color]b[color="#666600"]] His eyes sometimes change a bit when he's mad, I'll go deepper as the story line progresses[/color] [color="#666600"][/[/color]spoiler[color="#666600"]][/color]
[color="#666600"][[/color]spoiler[color="#666600"]=[/color][color="#660066"]Bio[/color][color="#666600"]]Benson Rotasan was born by his father, Barry Rotasan, who was the past Gym leader, and his mother, Jessica Rotsan. His dad specialized in Ground type, but Ben decided thatnhe liked Fighting type better, so there was debate wether or not his worse at battling brother, Tanner, who used Ground types, or the fighting specialized Benson should be the heir. Well, what they did was, they were both given a Rattata, with the same stats, moves, level, as the other one. This was to test who was the better battler. Well, Benson won that one. They were then tested on who raised there pokemon better, and since Tanner was older and had more powerful pokemon than he did, Tanner won. As the tie-breacker, Barry decided that whoever could beat him first,with three tries only, would be the heir. Well, Tanner, being a bit on the stupider side, chose to fight as ssoon as he said that. While that was happening, Ben went out and caught his Timburr, and came back to battle his father with two of his ownpokemon istead of 1 Meditite and a losey Rattata. Ben won the battle, and Tanner ran into the forest to join team dimension. ([/color][color="#666600"][/[/color]spoiler[color="#666600"]][/color] [color="#666600"][[/color]b[color="#666600"]][/color][color="#660066"]Attitude[/color][color="#666600"]/[/color][color="#660066"]Personality[/color][color="#666600"]:[/[/color]b[color="#666600"]] Ben's goal is to eventually have his brother come in and battle him, and convince him that he is welcome home. His favorite food is the very exspensive Garydos Sushi, which is a delacicy all around the world.He loves hats, and never brushes his hair.[/color]
[color="#666600"][[/color]b[color="#666600"]][/color][color="#660066"]Team[/color][color="#666600"]:[/[/color]b[color="#666600"]][/color] [color="#660066"]Gym Leader
[/color][color="#666600"][[/color]b[color="#666600"]][/color][color="#660066"]Position[/color][color="#666600"]:[/[/color]b[color="#666600"]]1st leader[/color] Fighting [color="#666600"]
[/color][b[color="#666600"]][/color][color="#660066"]Starter[/color] [color="#660066"]Pokemon[/color][color="#666600"]:Medidtite[/[/color]b[color="#666600"]][/color][color="#666600"][[/color]b[color="#666600"]][/color][color="#660066"]Pokemon[/color] [color="#660066"]Team[/color][color="#666600"]:[/color] [color="#666600"][/[/color]b[color="#666600"]][/color] [color="#660066"]Meditite Moves:Bide, Confusion, Meditate, Grass Knot. Ability: Pure Power Held Item: Soothe Bell. Timburr Moves: Pound, Leer, Low Kick, Rock Throw Ability: Sheer Force. Dummy Golem (Yugimon)
[/color][color="#666600"][[/color]b[color="#666600"]][/color][color="#660066"]Starter[/color] [color="#660066"]YuGiMon[/color][color="#666600"]:[/[/color]b[color="#666600"]]Dummy Golem, Nickname, Smasher[/color][color="#666600"][[/color]spoiler[color="#666600"]=[/color][color="#660066"]YuGiMon[/color] [color="#660066"]Information[/color][color="#666600"]][/color]
[color="#666600"][[/color]spoiler[color="#666600"]=[/color][color="#660066"]Card[/color] [color="#660066"]Image[/color][color="#666600"]][url="http://images.wikia.com/yugioh/images/a/af/DummyGolemDR3-EN-C-UE.jpg"][img]http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20070802202328/yugioh/images/thumb/a/af/DummyGolemDR3-EN-C-UE.jpg/300px-DummyGolemDR3-EN-C-UE.jpg[/img][/url][[/color]spoiler[color="#666600"]][/color]

[color="#666600"][[/color]b[color="#666600"]][/color][color="#660066"]Name[/color] [color="#666600"]([/color]monster[color="#666600"]):[/[/color]b[color="#666600"]][/color] [color="#660066"]Dummy Golem, [/color]

[color="#666600"][[/color]b[color="#666600"]][/color][color="#660066"]Name[/color] Smasher[color="#666600"]([/color]preferably nickname[color="#666600"]):[/[/color]b[color="#666600"]][/color]
[color="#666600"][[/color]b[color="#666600"]][/color][color="#660066"]General[/color] [color="#660066"]Stats[/color][color="#666600"]:[/[/color]b[color="#666600"]][/color] [color="#660066"]High Ph. Attck and Defence, Average-low Special Attack,Avrg. high Spcl defence, extremely low speed[/color][color="#666600"].[/color]

[color="#666600"][[/color]b[color="#666600"]][/color][color="#660066"]Type[/color][color="#666600"]([/color]s[color="#666600"])[/[/color]b[color="#666600"]][/color] Fighting Rock
[color="#666600"][[/color]b[color="#666600"]][/color][color="#660066"]Moveset[/color][color="#666600"]:[/[/color]b[color="#666600"]][/color] [color="#660066"]Rock Throw, Arm Thrust, Low Kick, Rollout[/color]
[color="#666600"][[/color]b[color="#666600"]][/color][color="#660066"]Ability[/color][color="#666600"]:[/[/color]b[color="#666600"]][/color] Imposter. (To powerful?)
[color="#666600"][[/color]b[color="#666600"]][/color][color="#660066"]Held[/color] [color="#660066"]Item[/color][color="#666600"]:[/[/color]b[color="#666600"]][/color] [color="#660066"]Black Belt
[/color][color="#666600"][[/color]b[color="#666600"]][/color][color="#660066"]Behavior[/color][color="#666600"]:[/[/color]b[color="#666600"]][/color] [color="#660066"]Very Aggresive
[/color][color="#666600"][[/color]b[color="#666600"]][/color][color="#660066"]Other[/color][color="#666600"]:[/[/color]b[color="#666600"]][/color] It is learning to speak human. It is very heavy.[color="#666600"][/[/color]spoiler[color="#666600"]][/color]
[color="#666600"][[/color]spoiler[color="#666600"]=[/color]RP [color="#660066"]Sample[/color][color="#666600"]][/color][color="#666600"].[/[/color]spoiler[color="#666600"]]Benkae left the Gym. It would be fine for now. Anyway, he needed to train Meditite. As he walked into the forest, he heard a rustling sound. Meditite focused in a bit, while at Ben's side, medatating. He looked up, his countanance showing fear. Benkae knew that this could be one of two things. One, a mean Legendary. The other, one of those new and mean pokemon. He looked into the bushes, and into the clearing behind it. Sitting there was a infernape-sized rock/ human thing. He took out his Pokeputer, and Foodled how to capture the new pokemon. It said to weaken them, then throw a Pokeball. "Well, that's pretty obvious. Return, meditite! Go Timburr!" A Pokeon holding a large plank off wood popped out. It needed more training. "Use Low Kick!" The Pokemon swung its legs in circular motion, using the plank to support itself. The large pokemon fell, obviosly hurt. It used Rock Throw, and it hit the Timburr hard. "Well, an eye for an eye makes the world blind, but what about a black eye for a black eye? (OOC: This becomes his catch phrase) Timburr, use pound!" Timburr picked up the plank, and swung it at the odd pokemon. It was almost knocked out, so he threw a Pokeball at it. Tick, Tick, Bing. "Well, that was a certainly odd experience, wasn't it, Timburr?" Burr! The pokemon said, nodding. The bonding friends went back to the Gym, to inspect the new Pokemon[/[/color]spoiler[color="#666600"]][/color]

oops, i'll be a the fifth, then. Let me rewrite my Pokemon please

(He also has Timburr, but doesn't use it Gym battles)
Moves: Dynamic Punch, Rock Slide, Low sweep, Facade Ability: Sheer Force Held Item: Shell Bell

Moves: Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Thunder Punch, Hi-Jump Kick

Plus, smasher.



And one more:


Moves:Aerial Ace, Force Palm, Giga Drain, Drain Punch Ability: Effect Spore Held Item: Big Root

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When I get the promised apps from people listed in one of my recent posts.
Or... on second thought, we mainly just need someone to be a first Gym Leader. The others can be filled in later. Because some trainers are going to be fast.

Also, we need a map, which I am in progress of drawing so that Crys can sprite it and I can make it look pretty.
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I'll trade the Trainer position for the First Gym Leader, if I may.

[spoiler=Kiyo Misawa - Luxray]
[b]Name:[/b] Kiyo Misawa

[b]Age:[/b]I don’t think ten-year-olds would really be on their own, so they have to be at least 13 <- Why is everyone copying that off me? 13

[b]Gender:[/b] Female

[b]Race:[/b] Johto

[spoiler=Appearance] Either give an image, or fill out the below form.
[b]Height:[/b] 5'7''

[b]Weight[/b] 57.6 kg

[b]Skin tone:[/b] Dark brown

[b]Body size:[/b] Androgynous

[b]Facial appearance:[/b] Rather normal, with a heart-shaped face. And, also, like all Kimono Girls, her face and figure are vaguely Asiatic.

[b]Hair look and colour:[/b] Kiyo's hair is short and black. It falls down just far enough to reach the far ends of her earlobes, while an additional two parts, located on either side of her head, are tied up into twin buns by pieces of cloth that had a small, minature Poke Ball woven into them.

[b]Eye colour:[/b] Dark green.

[b]Daily clothes:[/b] Due to the fact she will be traveling around a lot, Kiyo has ditched the kimono that garnered her and her sister's their name. Instead, she wears a small, red Oriental jacket with gold piping and sleeves that reach to her elbows, thrown over a longer black shirt. This is combined with a rather poofy white skirt that reaches her knees, and a light pink Poke Ball pattern is printed on the fabric. The skirt is held up by a large brown cloth belt with gold threads woven through it. The outfit is completed by a pair of rather ordinary brown running shoes. However, when the situation calls (like during a Coordinator event) she will switch into her family's kimono, which is quite similar to her sisters' kimono, but while they are red with green accents, her's is white with gold-brown accents.

[b]Other:[/b] Kiyo specializes in two things; Pokemon and dancing, which is approriate since Kiyo hails from a dance hall that mixed both.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Bio]Kiyo is one of six sisters that made up the famous Kimono Girls who lived in Ecruteak City, Johto. Being raised in a dancing hall might make you think that Kiyo would want to be a dancer- her sister's did- but Kiyo was different, even from birth; at the age of 5, she had already obtained the habit of sneaking away from the hall to go see Cooridinator events. Even from a young age, Kiyo knew she wanted to be a Coordinator, dancing on stage with her Pokemon.

You might think that, because she was a Kimono Girl and naturally suited for such things, it would have been an easy thing for her parents and sisters to accept- but it wasn't. A rivalry between the Coordinators and Kimono Girls- a rivalry quite similar to a rivalry between two theater companies- had grown over the years, and once Kiyo first espoused the idea of becoming a Coordinator, her family had vehemently opposed it, and so, Kiyo learned to stop talking about it. The want never went away, however.

While her sisters were preparing to take their elders positions over in the Dance Hall, Kiyo was secretly preparing her Eevee- that was the traditional Pokemon of the Kimono Girls- to become a great Pokemon for Coordination. At the same time, Kiyo began to hatch a daring plan- she would sneak off to the new Sclora Region where her parents couldn't try to stop her and become a famous Coordinator. Finally, after having obtained enough supplies for the trip, Kiyo put her plan into action; telling her parents she was going to visit Aunt Miki, Kiyo quietly slipped away to the docks in Goldenrod City.[/spoiler]
[b]Attitude/Personality:[/b] Kiyo favors action over talk. Perhaps inspired by her lack of social interaction with anyone but her parents and sisters, Kiyo is suitably shy and rathen unkeen on social interaction, though she is the first one to spring to action when someone else is in trouble. It's just the talking afterwards that Kiyo doesn't like.

Full of daring and spunk, Kiyo is an independent spirit that won't bow down to anyone. Set in her ways, it is quite hard to dissuade Kiyo from doing what she wants- which is good when it comes to pursuing goals, but bad when it comes it trying to do things that are impossible. This stubborn, perservering personality also has the unintended side effect of making it very hard for Kiyo to say that she is wrong. More often than not, she'll hold onto an idea even when it's been proven wrong.

However, Kiyo seems to morph into a different person when she walks onto a stage. She could be the perfect showgirl- she adopts whatever personality she needs to take, and interacts with the crowd well, so well in fact it's not just easy, but simple for Kiyo to make the audience cry, laugh, or cheer while onstage. They are quite twisted around her finger. This has led Kiyo far down the path as a Coordinator, and you'll often find acquaintences of hers expressing amazement on how the girl can transform as soon as she steps on a stage.

[b]Team:[/b] Regular Trainers


[b]Starter Pokemon:[/b]Eevee

[b]Pokemon Team: [/b] Imoto (Called Imi) / Eevee / Female / Run Away / Tail Whip ~ Tackle ~ Helping Hand ~ Shadow Ball* / Oran Berry

Aoe / Blue Rose Dragon / Male / Leech Seed ~ Vine Whip ~ Dark Pulse ~ Fly/ N/A

*Move taught by TM.

[b]Starter YuGiMon:[/b] Blue Rose Dragon

[spoiler=YuGiMon Information]
[spoiler=Card Image][img]http://images.wikia.com/yugioh/images/c/c1/BlueRoseDragonWC11-JP-UR.jpg[/img][/spoiler]
[b]Name (monster):[/b] Blue Rose Dragon

[b]Name (preferably nickname):[/b] Aoe

[b]General Stats:[/b] Speed and Special Attack-oriented, but lacks in Defense and Special Defense.

[b]Type(s)[/b] Grass/Dark (Though the name might make you think of Grass/Dragon, if you look at the card image Grass/Dark seems more approriate.)

[b]Moveset:[/b] Leech Seed ~ Vine Whip ~ Dark Pulse ~ Fly

[b]Ability:[/b] Effect Spore

[b]Held Item:[/b] N/A

[b]Behavior:[/b] Aoe is skittish and only opens up to a few select people. Strangely, at this time all but one (Kiyo) are Pokemon- Aoe seems to feel more secure around other animals as opposed to humans. When approached or backed into a corner, however, Aoe will become aggressive, trying to escape, usually thrashing about in blind desperation to do so. However, when he deals with people he likes, Aoe reveals himself to be a nice and caring companion.

[b]Other:[/b] Since the only appendages Aoe possesses are wings, it is quite hard for him to grasp things. Flying at the same time is out of the question. However, lack of appendages makes Aoe more aerodynamic, and as such is a skilled flyer.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=RP Sample]Kiyo walked forward along the side of the Route 35 cautiously, her eyes and ears on the alert for anyone around, her slim form only outlined by the moon on her back. While it was unlikely that her excuse how given out so early, and even more unlikely that her family would have people out looking for her at this ungodly hour, it never hurt to be cautiously. One less person seeing her walking was one less person to tell her parents she had run away. The only time Kiyo would truly feel safe is when she got onto the boat to take her to the Sclora Region.

Wait. What was that noise? Kiyo paused, and her ears began to hear a noise once more. It was a sort of rustling...and then, a short form emerged from the woods, pausing several meters in front of her.

Kiyo paused immediately, her eyes now examining the feature. It was small and obviously not a human, but it was like no Pokemon she had seen before. It was shaped like a Ekans, but slimmer, differently colored, and possessing of extra appendages, like a strange flowery ruff and wings. It was hovering several meters off the ground, it's small wings beating back and forth steadily. It's nose was low to the ground, sniffing something, but a second later it had turned to look at Kiyo.

Kiyo saw the Pokemon's eyes widen and knew instinctively this Pokemon was about to cry out- and that was something that Kiyo couldn't have happen. Moving quickly, Kiyo grabbed a Poke Ball out of her belt and threw it; in a gentle arc it sailed closer and closer to the strange Pokemon, before it opened and in a red flash, consumed the dragon thing. There was a click, several shakes, and then- the thing was caught.

The young girl sighed in relief. Hurriedly moving forward to collect her new companion, she spared no time in departing; the boat was leaving Goldenrod City in the morning, and Kiyo intended to be on it when it did so.[/spoiler][/spoiler]

I'll add the Gym Leader tomorrow.
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[spoiler=Geraldine Blaze - Jolta][b]Name:[/b] Geraldine Blaze
[b]Age:[/b] 25
[b]Gender:[/b] Female
[b]Race:[/b] British
[b]Height:[/b] 1.82m
[b]Weight[/b] 50kg
[b]Skin tone:[/b] Light
[b]Body size:[/b] Thin
[b]Facial appearance:[/b] Nothing abnormal... except single eyelids.
[b]Hair look and colour:[/b] Her hair is long, wavy, and blue, reaching down to the floor, resembling a blue flame. [b]Eye colour:[/b] Crimson Red
[b]Daily clothes:[/b] She usually wears a long-sleeve red jacket over a simple white dress.
[b]Other:[/b] She tends to keep Volcarona and Element Valkyrie out of their Pokeballs[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Bio]Geraldine was born in Watt City and in turn led a Normal Life. She always got along with small Pokemon and children of her age. On her tenth birthday, she recieved her first Pokemon as a birthday present - Larvesta. Despite being creeped out by it at first, she didn't want to reject a gift, especially a first Pokemon, thus she tried bonding with it. As their friendship grew, Larvesta too grew into a much bigger Pokemon - a flying Volcarona.

At the age of fifteen, she decided to set forth on her Pokemon Journey, thus adding Infernape and Castform to her Party. After fighting the Elite Four numerous times, she had soon been proven to be capable of taking the first spot of the Elite Four.

One night, while she was taking a stroll outside her house in Watt City, she saw a cloaked figure asking her to follow it. This was when the dark figure revealed itself to be Element Valkyrie. She told Geraldine to catch her, but Geraldine was extremely hestitant since it was a human. When Valkyrie pointed her staff at Geraldine, Geraldine shrugged in fear and captured Valkyrie with a Pokeball.

Element Valkyrie was caught.[/spoiler]
[b]Attitude/Personality:[/b] She is rather flirtatious at time, but beomes hot-headed during battle.
[b]Team:[/b] Elite Four
[b]Position:[/b] 1st
[b]Starter Pokemon:[/b] Larvesta
[b]Pokemon Team: [/b]
Volcarona (Male Volcarona) | Charcoal | Flame Body | Flamethrower, Quiver Dance, Fiery Dance, Silver Wind
Infernape (Male Infernape) | No Item | Blaze | Mach Punch, Close Combat, Flare Blitz, Bulk Up
Castform (Female Castform) | Focus Sash | Forecast | Weather Ball, Sunny Day, SolarBeam, Fire Blast
Element Valkyrie
[b]Starter YuGiMon:[/b]Alright, this gets interesting. Any monster, including Tokens, from any series. Custom cards may be allowed, but need approval via PM first. Only one monster per person to start, and no two people may have the same monster.
[spoiler=YuGiMon Information]
Fill all of this out.
[spoiler=Card Image][img]http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20070713131361/yugioh/images/thumb/f/fc/ElementValkyrieDR3-EN-C-UE.jpg/300px-ElementValkyrieDR3-EN-C-UE.jpg[/img][/spoiler]
[b]Name (monster):[/b] Element Valkyrie
[b]General Stats:[/b] Valkyrie has slighty higher Attack and Sp. Attack, and slightly lower Defense and Sp. Defense. Her evasiveness and Speed make up for her low Defenses.
[b]Type(s)[/b] Water/Fire
[b]Moveset:[/b] Searing Shot, Calm Mind, Swords Dance, Waterfall
[b]Ability:[/b] Adaptibility
[b]Held Item:[/b] Splash Plate
[b]Behavior:[/b] During Battle, she will usually continuously hammer her opponents down with powerful attacks.
[b]Other:[/b] She can speak human. She wields a two-sided staff, one side controlling the power of fire, the other controlling the power of water, thus allowing her to attack. She can walk on Magma and Water without getting hurt. [/spoiler]

I think I'm a pervert because I choose cute girls to be my Pokeymanz. Ah whatever.
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