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YuGiMon: The Invasion Begins [Started | Still Accepting]

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[spoiler=Jolta Priest - Jolta][b]Name:[/b] Jolta King.
[b]Gender:[/b] Male
[b]Race:[/b] British
[b]Skin tone:[/b] [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Von_Luschan_scale"]14[/url]
[b]Body size:[/b] Thin
[b]Facial appearance:[/b] His head is not abnormal, fitting his body size perfectly. He has double eyelids and very thin blue eyebrows.
[b]Hair look and colour:[/b] Jolta is usually seen to have medium-long blue hair, at times being mistaken for a girl. His hair is completely straight, with lines of yellow on them.
[b]Eye colour:[/b] Left eye Blue, right eye yellow.
[b]Daily clothes:[/b] Jolta is usually seen with blue hoodie covering his head. He also wears yellow skinny-jeans. His left glove is blue and his right is yellow.
[b]Other:[/b] His Eevee and Eria stay outside their Pokeballs most of the time.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Bio]Jolta , despite his family not being that rich, led a rather cheerful childhood in Mariana Town. Since young, he had played with wild Pokemon from surrounding areas, trying his best to understand their way of communication. Thus, it is no wonder he can easily make friends with a first-stage Pokemon at a glance, but he definitely has problems with second or third stage Pokemon, sometimes getting minor injuries when trying to befriend them. His mother, being a retired Pokemon Trainer, always helps him get out of trouble.

For his eleventh birthday, his parents originally wanted to buy a Beautifly for him, but was afraid that he might get injured, thus they bought an Egg instead. When the egg hatched, it revealed to be an Eevee. Jolta and Eevee did indeed become the best of friends, playing together everyday and going through thick and thin. Eevee also helped Jolta overcome problems, such as attacking Pokemon. One day after his fourteenth birthday, he decided to go on a journey with his best friend, Eevee, uncovering the outside world and defeating all the gyms.[/spoiler]
[b]Attitude/Personality:[/b] Jolta is a rather happy-go-lucky young child. He tends to be careless at times, and is easily attracted by any beautiful girl unless she is evil. He likes blue and yellow a lot, and will be curious enough to go take a look.
[b]Team:[/b] Team Trainers
[b]Starter Pokemon:[/b] Eevee
[b]Pokemon Team: [/b] Pokemon / Ability / Item / Attack / Attack / Attack / Attack
Eevee (Male Eevee) / Adaptibility / Oran Berry / Facade / Baton Pass / Double Team / Bite
Eria the Water Charmer
[b]Starter YuGiMon:[/b]Alright, this gets interesting. Any monster, including Tokens, from any series. Custom cards may be allowed, but need approval via PM first. Only one monster per person to start, and no two people may have the same monster.
[spoiler=YuGiMon Information]
Fill all of this out.
[spoiler=Card Image][img]http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20070802203120/yugioh/images/thumb/2/20/EriatheWaterCharmerDR3-EN-C-UE.jpg/300px-EriatheWaterCharmerDR3-EN-C-UE.jpg[/img][/spoiler]
[b]Name (monster):[/b] Eria the Water Charmer
[b]Name (preferably nickname):[/b] Eria
[b]General Stats:[/b] Eria is mainly high in Special Attack and Normal Defense, her Special Defense is average, and her Normal Attack is low. Her Speed and accuracy are slightly above her Special Defense, and her evasiveness slightly lower than Special Defense
[b]Type(s)[/b] Water
[b]Moveset:[/b] Hydro Pump, Aqua Ring, Baton Pass, Calm Mind
[b]Ability:[/b] Torrent
[b]Held Item:[/b] Water Gem (Gen V Item)
[b]Behavior:[/b] Eria has the habit of spinning her staff when ready to battle. When she senses danger, she would aim a Hydro Pump at the source.
[b]Other:[/b] Eria verbally speaks human. She carries a staff which manipulates the power of water. She also has a familiar, Gigobyte, who doesn't really do any battling, similiar to Kanghaskan and the baby. When Eria's 'Torrent' ability activates, Gigobyte will enter her body in the form of a Spirit, making her Familiar-Possessed. However, this ability controls her and she hardly has any control over it.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=RP Sample]
Jolta stared into the sky with his buddy Eevee. "Isn't that great, Eevee? Tomorrow we're starting on our Pokemon Journey! Imagine all the new friends we'll make..." Eevee simply growled in envy. "No, no! Of course I like you! You're my best friend! Besides, I can't run a team on one Pokemon, and I don't wanna tire you out..." When Jolta turned back, Eevee wasn't there.
Jolta believed that Eevee had went missing. "Eevee? EEVEE?" Jolta shouted, but it just echoed back. There was no sign of Eevee. Jolta sat on the floor, starting to sob.
Just then, a mysterious girl appeared. He had long blue hair and wore a cloak to protect herself. She was carrying Eevee.
"What is this? A young boy with a kind soul?" she spoke, "you must be brave and persistent. Is this your friend?" She showed Jolta the Eevee in her arms. Eevee, upon seeing Jolta, jumped on him and licked him.
"Oh Eevee, it tickles so much!" Jolta spoke in his usual British accent, "so, young lady, how can I repay you? I'd do anything!"
The young lady pointed to a Cherish Ball on the floor. "The rare item you dropped," she said, "use it to capture me."
"You said you'd do anything."
"But you're human-"
"And You said-"
"OK, OK..." with that, Jolta tossed the Cherish Ball at the girl's head. He watched as she was absorbed into the ball.
1...2...3... Poof. The young lady was caught.
"My parents wouldn't like the looks of this. Better keep it a secret until our journey, hey Eevee?" Eevee nodded as they headed home.

Can our Yugimon and Pokemon learn new attacks on the way?
[s]Can we breed Yugimon[/s]
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I leave for a few hours... *Sigh*
Damnit, BFD/RDD was already called.
Ah well, I'm still getting Rainbow Dragon.

Also, why not use a [b][u]Star[/u] Piece[/b] as Stardust's evolutionary item?
Or better yet, the actual [b][u][i]Stardust[/i][/u][/b] item?
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[quote name='Phoenix19' timestamp='1299403693' post='5054932']
I'm kinda just making them level 52 with a specific item or move.
Oh, and whoever took Stardust, I'm giving you the option of Malefic as well :D

I'll stick with regular Stardust; Malefic doesn't really suit Alistair's personality.

[quote name='Dementuo' timestamp='1299423319' post='5055310']
I leave for a few hours... *Sigh*
Damnit, BFD/RDD was already called.
Ah well, I'm still getting Rainbow Dragon.

Also, why not use a [b][u]Star[/u] Piece[/b] as Stardust's evolutionary item?
Or better yet, the actual [b][u][i]Stardust[/i][/u][/b] item?

Star Piece...sounds like a good idea actually.
Stardust not so much; it's just shimmering red sand found on beaches.

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As Crystal said, yes.
Sorry, been hooked on White.
Genuine, accepted.... I suppose. It's a bit wierd, since how did you know it was Amazoness Archer? And like Jolta's, shouldn't you have had predjudices agaisnt capturing a human?

As a side note, why is everyone using Cherish Balls for their YuGiMon?
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Fair enough.
Free ball for 10 Pokeballs is epic.
[hr]I need some ideas for Impossibly Rare Legends and Uncommon Legends.
Just because I felt like it... so far...
Earthbound Immortals (All)[/spoiler]
And I've just about done all the Signers. Stardust is so annoying -.-
But I need an idea from what Ancient Fairy could evolve FROM. It doesn't make anything specific. Splashable ftw.
[hr]Oh, and who has the fetish with the Red-Eyes? Because I need to figure out whether to make them evolving Legends (unobtainable through catching) or just regular Legends.
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Oh Grreeaaaattt. It just happens to be MAH SIGNER dragon that doesn't have a particular pre-evo. Oh the HORROR!
Pity I'm not good enough with Yu-Gi-Oh. DEM! We need your knowledge! NOW!

Don't forget the Machine Emperors on the IMMPOSSIBLE RARE LEGENDS list. I mean, SERIOUSLY.
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@Crystal: I might just make it (since it's so splashable in the TCG) from any Level 4 comparison. And yes, I'll put them on.
@Simdoggy; Exodia and Thud are on the banneds, yes.

And how did people like the Earthbounds?
[hr]I was looking through the reservations, and I still need an app handed in or completed from the following:
Final Fantasy Revolution (Trainer)
RadioKirby (Watt City Gym Leader)
♫♪GoldenBoy♪♫ (Elite Four Member 4)
Zextra (Team Dimension Lieutenant)
CardMaster24 (Team Dimension Lieutenant)
Final Fantasy Revolution (Team Dimension Grunt)
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Sorry, still thinking... I'll sketch it tomorrow when I have some time.

EDIT: When I say 'in-detail map', I mean kinda like this:
You can sprite it, but if you do you might need to number it.
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[quote name='Phoenix19' timestamp='1299488394' post='5057553']
Fair enough.
Free ball for 10 Pokeballs is epic.
[hr]I need some ideas for Impossibly Rare Legends and Uncommon Legends.
Just because I felt like it... so far...
Earthbound Immortals (All)[/spoiler]
[b]Crimson Dragon, as a Yugimon similiar to Arceus. Not really a card, but... Capable of using Judgement. lolYes.
And maybe Life Drainer Dragon whateveryoucallthatthingwhichemergesfrompowertool. It could take the form of PTD while holding an orb or something... Or PTD could take the form of Life Drainer while holding an item.[/b]But I need an idea from what Ancient Fairy could evolve FROM. It doesn't make anything specific. Splashable ftw.
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I love that though the starting out Trainers are the most important, there are less of them than of anyone else.

Reserve a starting out Trainer and a starting out Coordinator, if I can. I though I saw a rule that said we can take up to three Trainers, but everyone only has one character, so...Information, please?

And, don't worry- that app(s) will be up quick.
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No, no, Crys, just sprite it. I'll add in numbers and then label it. Just get in the spriting, and do you use Photoshop? If so, transform it to 2x size (DON'T ACCEPT IT), or zoom in to 200%, and just screen capture. Then send me the blown-up, which should be big enough. And that way, there will be single pixels in 2x2 pixels, rather than a shoddy attempt to smooth it done by the program.
Or, just send me the PNG of the map.

Demmy, I need you to tell me whether or not to make the majority of the Red Eyes line catchables or evolutions only.

Luxray, you can have up to four characters. But most people here just want one, except for Final Fantasy Revolution, who wants three. I personally just can't keep that many characters seperate yet. And yes, reserves are in.
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