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YuGiMon: The Invasion Begins [Started | Still Accepting]

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And I've called Red Dragon, simply because it is epicsauce.
This'll be a general YuGiMon transfer sheet. It'll tell you basic crossovering evolutions, and what you can't have.
For example, please, PLEASE don't have something like Command Knight, because that's just scary. It's HUMAN, for Arceus' sake.
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^^ Phoenix is right. Aki's deck is Plant after all. That's why it's called Black [B] Rose[/b] Dragon.

Black Rose Dragon = Dragon/Grass or Dragon/Bug
Stardust Dragon = Dragon/Pyschic?
Ancient Fairy Dragon = Dragon/Pyschic (Oh oops)
Red Dragon Archefiend = Dragon/Fire
Blackwing Dragon = Dragon/Dark
Life Stream Dragon = Dragon/Steel

That's just what I think.
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[quote name='Zextra' timestamp='1299400687' post='5054847']
In that case, I would like to call Stardust :D

I called dibs on him already xD

[quote name='♪♫Crystal Star♫♪' timestamp='1299400702' post='5054848']
^^ Phoenix is right. Aki's deck is Plant after all. That's why it's called Black [B] Rose[/b] Dragon.

Black Rose Dragon = Dragon/Grass or Dragon/Bug
Stardust Dragon = Dragon/Pyschic?
Ancient Fairy Dragon = Dragon/Pyschic (Oh oops)
Red Dragon Archefiend = Dragon/Fire
Blackwing Dragon = Dragon/Dark
Life Stream Dragon = Dragon/Steel

That's just what I think.

I think it's:
Black Rose Dragon = Dragon/Grass
Stardust Dragon = Dragon/Ice
Ancient Fairy Dragon = Dragon/Physic
Red Dragon Archfiend = Dragon/Dark
Blackwing Dragon = Dragon/Flying
Life Stream Dragon = Dragon/Steel

IMO, anyway xD
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Oops, didn't see that.
I'll stick with Black-Winged Dragon then.


Black Rose Dragon = Dragon/Grass
Stardust Dragon = Dragon/Flying
Ancient Fairy Dragon = Dragon/Psychic
Red Dragon Archfiend = Dragon/Fire
Black-winged Dragon = Dragon/Dark
Life Stream Dragon = Dragon/Steel or Rock or Ground

and this is due to the facts that:
• Stardust's attacks don't really have an element
• RDA's attacks are all Fire-based
• BWD is based on Blackwings, which are all DARK attributed
• LSD's Power Tool Armor is Steel, but his actual body is ancient
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I make, I choose. Besides, we end up choosing our own dragon's Types. These are just ideas.

Black Rose Dragon = Dragon/Grass
Stardust Dragon = Dragon/Flying
Ancient Fairy Dragon = Dragon/Psychic
Red Dragon Archfiend = Dragon/Fire
Blackwing Dragon = Dragon/Dark w/ Levitate or Flying
Life Stream Dragon = Dragon/Steel or Rock

And if someone wants, they can have Power Tool without evolving it, as a Dragon/Steel. Has anyone noticed yet that Ancient Fairy, Black Rose and Life Stream, regardless of who's right (except for Zextra's third suggestion on Lfe Stream), will be the first combo? At least up until Gen IV. I'm not familiar with Gen V yet.

As for the rest, there are a couple of pre-Signers that require a move or item to evolve. That doesn't mean you godmod and give the YuGiMon that item or move straight up.
Alternatively, what item/move should Debris Dragon require to become Stardust? I can't decide.
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[quote name='Simdoggy' timestamp='1299402388' post='5054898']
blue rose dragon could evolve into black rose dragon.
That was the easiest. Other than the three that Stardust has. Did anyone else know of [url=http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Stardust_Phantom]Stardust Phantom[/url]? I didn't until about half an hour ago.
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If we get to choose our respective dib monster's types, then I'll go with Dragon/Flying.

Since I have Debris Dragon...
I would go use a cliché and say Moon Stone for Debris Dragon (because he fell out of the sky xD), but that'd be a bit too easy, especially for a Gym Leader with many connections.
So I was thinking that for Debris Dragon to evolve into Stardust, then it'll need to learn Draco Meteor WHILE holding an evolutionary stone or item of some sort. (Since I'll start off my character right after he catches Debris Dragon, he'll need to work on his relationship in order for Draco Meteor to be learned, and if need be, I'll stretch it out with a journey to find the item of sorts before he has Debris Dragon learn the move)
It's sorta like a double lock for evolution.

Edit: Wait, Stardust Phantom? Never heard of it o.O
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[quote name='Shion Kaito' timestamp='1299402723' post='5054910']
If we get to choose our respective dib monster's types, then I'll go with Dragon/Flying.

Since I have Debris Dragon...
I would go use a cliché and say Moon Stone for Debris Dragon (because he fell out of the sky xD), but that'd be a bit too easy, especially for a Gym Leader with many connections.
So I was thinking that for Debris Dragon to evolve into Stardust, then it'll need to learn Draco Meteor WHILE holding an evolutionary stone or item of some sort. (Since I'll start off my character right after he catches Debris Dragon, he'll need to work on his relationship in order for Draco Meteor to be learned, and if need be, I'll stretch it out with a journey to find the item of sorts before he has Debris Dragon learn the move)
It's sorta like a double lock for evolution.
That's actually a good idea. I never even thought of Draco Meteor.
Alright. Now the buster evos :D
Red Dragon Archfiend and Stardust Assault. I'm thinking berries, but I might try some uber-powerful Dragon move.

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Well, I reckon for Power ool Dragon to Become Life Stream Dragon, it needs to learn some epic move AND needs the Adamant Orb. But that's because I think of Life Stream Dragon as Dragon/Steel.

...Oh sh*t. Who does Luna/Ruka use to summon Ancient Fairy Dragon?

Red Dragon Archefiend's pre evo should be holding a Flame Orb in a certain place. Perhaps a volcano somewhere in this region?

Blackwing Dragon's pre evo should have either a Sharp Beak or a Sky Plate and known some epic move. *shrugs*
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Name: Asrlef
Gender: Female
Race: White
[spoiler=Appearance] http://media.photobucket.com/image/British%20female%20Anime/Jasminev7/anime_girl.jpg[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Bio]Born at a Island Resort She loved ouside. She lived out there she loved it but when she was 5 they moved to the city. She missed the wildlife and all the pokemon. She was trap in that town and always wanted togo back to her birthplace. At age of 8, she was very intellegent and top 1 in her class. She never forgot anything....espially her birthday place. Exotic plants pokemon every step. She missed it. At Age 13 She went on her pokemon Journey going straight to her birthplace.

I came to my place of birth and it was on fire. i ran and tried save it but i couldn't it was no use but i saw a Creature in the trees and fire was everywhere and a arrow was shoot and the branch went down and i caught it. t was a Apiom. After this i realized that who shoot Aipom down was Amazoness Archer. i caught Aipom and looked for Arrow everywhere. I filally found him and Aipom and i had a battle to Arrow and we caught him.....now i am starting my Adventure on the right track......
Attitude/Personality:Obvious. She is confident and very daring. Loves ourdoors and wants to have fun. She cares and want to keep creatures of every kind Safe.
Teaam: Regular trainers,
Position:Trainer Simply of Corse
Starter Pokemon:Aipom
Pokemon Team: [size="4"]Aipom(Ape)[/size] [u]Mega Ounch, Thunder Punch,Ice punch,Thunder Punch Pick Up Cocky[/u]
Starter YuGiMon: Amazoness Archer
[spoiler=YuGiMon Information]
[spoiler=Card Image][url=http://yugioh.wikia.com/index.php?title=Amazoness_Archer&image=AmazonArcherGLD3-EN-C-LE-jpg][img]http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100624001349/yugioh/images/thumb/d/d6/AmazonArcherGLD3-EN-C-LE.jpg/237px-AmazonArcherGLD3-EN-C-LE.jpg[/img][/url][/spoiler]
Name (monster): Amzaoness Archer
Name (preferably nickname): The Arrow
General Stats: Average attack and Deffence and a lot of Speed low Sp. Deffence and Att.
Type(s) Dark/Poison
Moveset: Quick Attack, Facade, Focus Blast, Toxic
Ability: Defiant(http://www.psypokes.com/lab/abilities.php is where i got it)
Held Item: Optional. N/A
Behavior:Quck and Damage Long Range Attack
Other: Can speak Basic Human but like begining to learn......
[spoiler=RP Sample]Not Needed(Co-Host) [/spoiler][/spoiler]

app Plz Accept

work on it for 45 Minutes :o

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Genuine, you're still starting out, because you're a trainer. Being a co-owner doesn't exempt you from the rules. So, you need to make it that you actually are starting out, with 1 Pokemon and 1 YuGiMon, from Mariana Town.
Plus, you need to include how you got Aipom, even though you didn't include an RP sample, and you need to list held items, nicknames (if any) and abilities for your Pokemon.

And this'll be awkward... you have a more human-like YuGiMon than the rest of us....
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umm... I'm sorry TheGenuine, but I think that all regular trainers are supposed to be just starting out on their Pokemon Journey, not well known challengers like, for example, Ash Ketchum.
I think you might have to revise that, and remove 4 of those Pokemon.

Cr*p, Phoenix! You ninja'd me! >.<
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