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YuGiMon: The Invasion Begins [Started | Still Accepting]

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[spoiler=Team Dimension Grunt][b]Name:[/b] Daniel Pawnson (puns!)
[b]Age:[/b] 21
[b]Gender:[/b] Male
[b]Race:[/b] American
[spoiler=Bio]Daniel grew up in Yanza City and had two loving parents. His father, a pokemon trainer, was always taking him out when he went to collect gym badges or when he went out to catch wild pokemon in the forests and mountains. When Daniel and his father had just returned from a trip to Watt City, they found themselves faced with a gang of pokemon thieves who had overrun their city and wanted all the pokemon for themselves amongst other things. His father battled with the leader of the pack and got defeated as well as got his pokeballs stolen from him. Daniel was angry, not at the band of thieves, but at his father for not being able to defend their city nor himself.

With that, Daniel left his pathetic family in search of the very group that overran his town and did such nasty things, not for vengeance or destruction, but to join their ranks and take the world down one weak soul at a time. He spent many months of searching; battling and tossing aside any trainers that got in his way and catching only pokemon he wanted to use for his own purposes until he finally found the hideout of the ones that had stormed his city. Team Dimension was their and he joined their ranks just as soon as he got there and accepted his position as a grunt in their society. With a bow to his superior he stood up and was off on his first assignment as a Team Dimension member.[/spoiler]
[b]Attitude/Personality:[/b] Daniel's personality is a dark and sinister one in-which he refuses to be nice or kind to anyone but his superiors in Team Dimension. He believes that pokemon are only meant to further one's own personal goals or the goals of one's own allegiance. His favorite kinds of cloths are nice ones such as suites made of silk or satin and he prefers the colors orange and red.
[b]Team:[/b] Team Dimension
[b]Position:[/b] Grunt
[b]Starter Pokemon:[/b] Meowth
[b]Pokemon Team: [/b]
Moveset: Bite, Fake Out, Faint Attack, and Fury Swipes

Moveset: Nightshade, Shadow Sneak, Thief, Thunder Bolt.
[b]Starter YuGiMon:[/b]None
[spoiler=YuGiMon Information]
None right now.[/spoiler][/spoiler]
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I'm thinking that after the at least two trainers get their first Gym Badges, Dimension starts to show up. Since they need to transport mosters into the world, they need to get Palkia. Along with it, they try to get Dialga, Arceus and any 5th Gen Guardians of Matter (wierd). Then it's a Dimension vs. Trainers for the Legends after people figure out what they're up to.
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I think that the Pokemon responsible for creating Unova is, and is not, at the same time, Zekrom and Reshiram. The Pokemon that created Unova was once a single being, until it split into the two, leading to speculation that it was gray. No one knows the name of this Pokemon though, before it became Zekrom and Reshiram.

But I digress. Pretty much what I'm saying is that Zekrom and Reshiram were partially responsible in creating Unova.

By the way, when is someone gonna post?
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