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Lucky you. All my friends...well lets just say they aren't the most athletic and neither am i by any means. I would say I am one of those coolish nerds. You know a smart but not self centered person but without much athletic skill. So my friends and I are easy targets the only reason it doesn't happen to my friends and I too often is because I am like freakishly tall.
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You pretty much described me too, but I can hold my own in a fight if need be. However, I was a lot more subservient in high school because I was basically afraid. I didn't want to get in trouble. Now, I still don't like getting in trouble, but I will state my opinion now and I got back at those same jocks last week by publicly humiliating them in a restaurant.
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[quote name='FTW (For The Wynn)' timestamp='1299130772' post='5047700']
You pretty much described me too, but I can hold my own in a fight if need be. However, I was a lot more subservient in high school because I was basically afraid. I didn't want to get in trouble. Now, I still don't like getting in trouble, but I will state my opinion now and I got back at those same jocks last week by publicly humiliating them in a restaurant.

Well I can hold my own in a fight but only if it is fair. And it rarely is because i figure that to be a "popular kid" or a "jock" one of the rules is that you hang around in groups to intimidate other people. That is why i get tongue tied is because they have so many people i mean when there are like 15 of them around it hard to counter all there insults.
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I got lucky that I am a middle of the road guy. Not in the popular section, but not in the bullied area. However my best friends come from the band those people know so many good jokes, and have the same interest as me. What I don't get about the popular people is that they only date inside their group. So pretty much it is like they have all kissed each other that way. Who wants to date the same person like all of your friends dated just creepy.

I hate the restrooms always why I try to not go at school. I can hold my own in a fight since most of my grade saw me do it. fights that last 7 seconds just fun. I got caught, but the gym coach was just like who won. beast.
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[quote name='Odin el Padre de los Aesir' timestamp='1299140230' post='5047855']
Kotaro : Would you be able to make any part of an anime where somebody is talking and on the bottom it sais in animation join da legendary club so it looks like the person is saying, or something like that?
Not really, im crap with text.

[quote name='Lexadin' timestamp='1299163739' post='5048078']
Luckily I don't have PE anymore, but I do have Dutch. Which basicly means you'll need to make 1 assignment after the other.
I liked P.E. It was one of my favorite lessons of the week.
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Ah you got all the fun things, I mostly did running. (Stupid running.)

Didn't really mind when we did Rugby/American Football, I have a pretty sturdy build and could easily risist most of thier tackles and could deliver a pretty powerfull 1 myself.
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You spent lessons running around?

I would have picked P.E. as a subject for GCSE, but it included theory and learning of the bones of the body and other stuff.

When I was in school, especially at the beginning, I was small. Not good at rugby. But also, dont like the sport anyway.
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Yes, a lot. At least in my experiance.

Really, huh ok then.

Lol, I always was quite large, the size of an toddler when I was born, so yeah. When I first went to middle school (when I was 13) I was like 174 cm (I'm not calculating this over in feet).
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my shcool is fine except for the people inside it, the groups there are like this:populars and me + 2 or 3 friends, but the popular some are cool people the others are just stupid people, i remember once I was talking to a friend(a cool popular person) and then she had to go talk to the Administration because someone stole her book and then some of the supid people tryed to threath me(Big mistake 1) because I was talking to my friend, I ignored them and then they tryed to attack me(Big mistake 2) when one tryed to attack me I dodged it grabed him by his neck and took him down(his fighting posture was terible) then I steped on his neck and pressed it trough the ground, the other got scared and ran away, when the guy finaly beged for get away I laughed and let him go, then my friend got back and we talked a little more, but I change a lot when fighting I'm like a maniac and somehow I know how to dogde every single attack that someone try to use on me and know how to counter attack them. it is weird but fun.
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[quote name='Lexadin' timestamp='1299168628' post='5048192']
Sounds like he deserved it. But try to be carefull on how hard you step on thier necks, a bit to hard and you'll have to go to jail.
I know that, that is why I control myself, even when I act like a maniac, if I didn't controled my self, well...let's just say that I wouldn't be talking to you guys right now.
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