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Pokemon: A Dark Path ((OOC Thread/Not Started/Accepting))


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[center][b][size="6"]WELCOME TO.....[/size]
[size="4"]A Dark Path[/size][/center][/b]

Hello everyone! It's your good buddy Warrior_Tal, and I am here to start off a whole new adventure for you RP and Pokemon fans. Something entirely new that I am really hopping will be a success here on Yu-Gi-Oh! Cardmaker. This will be my first Pokemon role-play to start with as others revolved around with Naruto. Nothing wrong with that; as I figured something new would be very interesting. Pokemon is my next in line just above Naruto and just below Star Wars. This will be an interesting role-play as I have plenty of ideas to go about for it. I'm always a 100% ready for any ideas that will come of those who participate, and will give a 110% to make it all the more fun for you all. This adventure will take place in the wondrous world of the [url=http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Sinnoh]Sinnoh Region[/url] were surprises are to lurk around every corner. This time around it won't be trainers fighting with their pokemon partners. This time you are the pokemon fighting for something greater and to save the world in which pokemon live in.


I have even a better feeling for this RP then most of the Star Wars RP's I partake in. LOL!

[spoiler=The Story] The Sinnoh Region is one of those regions that holds a great many mysterious around it. The legendary pokemon of Dialga and Palkia, Spear Pillar, the reverse world with Giratina, and then the pokemon Arceus. The three lake guardians of Sinnoh. But what do these pokemon have to deal with Sinnoh? Much has occurred in the recent events. Those who lived in the Sinnoh Region - those pokemon - were to live in peace and harmony. No problems, wars, battles.... it was supposed to be a time of peace and calmness. Is that to be true? Is there to be peace in the Sinnoh Region. A time where pokemon didn't have to worry about the threats to their world. That would be seemingly pushed down the drain. Sinnoh is now in trouble once more. A mysterious dark pokemon is looking to pull the legendary pokemon of Sinnoh from their respective worlds and destroy them. This pokemon is hopping to create a new world were he doesn't have to worry about the [b]guardians[/b] of Sinnoh interrupting. However, with the possible threat to the Sinnoh region coming of this dark mysterious pokemon the three Lake Guardians of Sinnoh: Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf gain the help of a cloned pokemon Mewtwo. These four pokemon combined together in to keep Sinnoh and the rest of the pokemon world safe. Thing is they can't do it all alone; they need help.... your help. Bringing together a team of pokemon who hold the power and strength to take this dark mysterious pokemon down.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Sinnoh Region] [center][img]http://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/7/7d/Sinnoh_Anime.png[/img]

Within this role-play their will be major points of Sinnoh that will be used. If I missed any of the areas that was used with Team Galactic please PM and let me know. I got most of this information off of Bulbapedia to say the least. Other areas will be revealed in due time, this is just to show what we are looking at right now. Decided to add in a few of the towns from movies. Should be fun with them.

-Mt. Coronet
-Spear Pillar
-Veilstone City
-Snowpoint City (Lake Acuity
-Lake Valor
-Lake Verity
-Alamos Town
-Crown City

more will come....[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Rules] Many of you should already know the standard rules of YCM by now so I won't go in depth with them.

1.)- Only [b]one (1)[/b] application per person ((unless said otherwise or needed))
2.)- Please Spell-Check before posting
3.)- Be descriptive with your IC posts at least four or more lines
4.)- Remember to post often..... be active please.

To understand that you've read these rules please turn one of the words in your application to [color="orange"]ORANGE[/color].[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Application] Please remove all parentheses.

[b]Name:[/b] (A sort of nick-name that people will call your character.)
[b]Pokemon Name:[/b] (Species of pokemon.)
[b]Pokemon Species:[/b] (What is normally said by the poke-dex after saying the pokemon name. Ex: Growlithe would be the Puppy Pokemon)
[b]Special Ability:[/b] (What your Pokemon usually has.. like how chimchar has Blaze. No custom abilities.)
[b]Appearance:[/b] (Photo is accepted... if there is anything special please put up four lines of a description under the picture.)
[b]Moves:[/b] (At least four moves *Note: We will be able to learn more as the RP goes on.)

Below is the code so you can simply copy and paste.

[code] [b]Name:[/b]
[b]Pokemon Name:[/b]
[b]Pokemon Species:[/b]
[b]Special Ability:[/b]
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I think we're all familiar with the[color="#ffa500"] Sinnoh [/color]Region?<br>&nbsp;[b]Name:[/b] Nazo <br>[b]Pokemon Name:[/b] X <br>[b]Pokemon Species:[/b] Scyther <br>[b]Type:[/b] Flying/Bug <br>[b]Special Ability:[/b] Swarm <br>[b]Gender:[/b] Male <br>[b]Personality:[/b] Hot headed, vengeful, comedic, strong willed [b]Appearance:[/b] A Scyther with a three scars running down his right eye. <br>[b]Biography:[/b] X was the runt of his family and was disowned and left to die. He was forced to become strong on his own. The scars on his eye came from fighting a rival group of 3 Alpha male Scythers, who each individually cut across his right eye. Ever since then, X has devoted himself to become stronger at whatever cost. <br>[b]Moves:[/b] Slash, Quick Attack, Sword Dance, Aerial Ace
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[b]Accepted Applications[/b]

Here is where applications of users and their characters will be posted. We will be seeing them in spoilers so that this post isn't cluttered with full-on bio's of character. Also as a reminder other characters that will be revealed in due time will be shown here as well with a photo and brief description of their roll.

[spoiler=Warrior_Tal] [b]Name:[/b] Max
[b]Pokemon Name:[/b] Lucario
[b]Pokemon Species:[/b] Aura Pokemon
[b]Type:[/b] Fighting/Steel
[b]Special Ability:[/b] Steadfast or Inner Focus
[b]Gender:[/b] Male
[b]Personality:[/b] Max is the kind of person who is calm minded, centered, and focused. Rarely is there a chance that one will actually anger him to a point. He tries to stand at least two steps ahead of someone whether he is fighting in a battle or in a simple standard game. For being a Lucario many would see him off as a prideful individual and very loyal. Yes that is true, but there are some things that can be seen through fear. He does have a fear of pokemon who hold much more power then himself, and hates to see his friends getting hurt. He would rather put his own life on the line to save a friend then watch someone get hurt. Many would see him off as a calm, cold heart-ed individual, but once you get to know him he isn't that bad.
[b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://i34.tinypic.com/2nq8bav.jpg[/img]
[b]Biography:[/b] What is there to say about this 'shinny' Lucario? Not much really. Only a few know of his past, and those are usually the ones who don't survive when facing off against a Lucario. He has seen many fights through the pokemon world and lived to tell the tale of what has happened. For those who know of him and what rumore's that have come speak of a Lucario who was born into the world as a Riolu. Raised just outside the Hoenn region on a small island; Max had to learn to fend for himself against those who were considered dangerous. He trained there long and hard until he was finally able to make it off the island and travel across the maps helping out anyway he could. Certain fights with bullies and other bad people helped him to evolve into a Lucario. His fighting spirit allows him to keep him going and continue fighting on even in the toughest situations.
-Aura Sphere
-Quick Attack
-Force Palm
-Close Combat[/spoiler]
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