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The Youtube Organization

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Glasstin10, You said in the head post that for every rating somebody does that person gets 1 point. Apparently that is not true. Everybody keeps giving ratings but you are not giving points. I am not trying to offend you or anything I am just trying to male a point here.

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  • Replies 207
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  • 4 months later...

I apologize, to the current members of this organization, that I was slightly unorganized with things. But, I have renewed the points system, and how things work. I have updated the main post with what this organization will now be doing, so be sure to view it when you have the chance. Also, this thread is now, a very close copy to the "Notable Video Topic" in the general section, other than the fact that this organization has a point system, and prizes. So, I assure you that things around here will be very easy to understand. Finally, I'm glad to say that this organization is once again, accepting new members. Enjoy!



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Of course! I'll add your name' date=' and the link to your youtube channel to the main post in a few minutes. :)




yayz ty


here are some videos

^ my fav

^ my fav fav completely aweseom

glasstin,^ this is josh groban

^ this was my first favorited video it has a deep meaning


^ very nice little lesson =)

^very tricky trick

^ this is so crazy!!

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