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im not chaging a single point its completely free and its not inverted its all modiffed and work on by me and me alone everything is different rest assured my freind

plus you couldve read the topic and the sub topic to see im not trying to sell anything im merely giving this away for free

because im a nice guy all i want if someone use on of em them i jsut want cedit for doing the work that all

i think you are talking about my signture pic that something different you find that in all my post (because the card is in my signture)
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While it's already been stated these are recolored/inverted, what's more important is that they are [color="#8B0000"][b]STOLEN[/b][/color].

LiAM's Dragon God template has had its watermark amateurishly erased, A few exceed templates have been stolen + inverted, and the rest are just either blank cards from the Magic Set Editor or inverted YCM cards.

You [b]did not[/b] make the originals of any of these. Don't demand credit for them.
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