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Avatar Arena Delta

Chiri Tsukikawa

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OoT - Hmm...interesting place you chose. :3 Expecting your [i]Kudan[/i] real soon.

The atmosphere feels slightly humid and there are several clouds hovering over us. That doesn't distract me from your running. I close my eyes and feel the vibrations of your steps. With a clear mind, I pin point your location using earthbending and bend a wall, closing the exit from the two buildings. I bend the air around my feet and catch up to you. "Going somewhere?"

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[quote name='Athena Tennousu' timestamp='1310497183' post='5348726']
Nope. I said Mokona runs toward a building. I was just where I teleported to.

But fine, I was running, then I stop and attempt to slash you in the back as I am behind you now after stopping. I take a step back and ready as you're going to bend something.

Your instincts are correct. I extend my arms and pull the metal frames from the walls to counter your sword strike. Then, I turn around pull the metal from your blade away with my left hand and unleash a fire blast with my right hand.

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OoT - Some buildings have metal support frames to support the structure. I do know we are outside, but I can still bend the metal inside the walls forcibly. :P I should've been more descriptive. Oh...and I didn't catch that bit about Rayearth :blinks:

As the flames catch on, I dispell them using fire bending and bend a chill of freezing air at your helper before shooting a tower of flames vertically and then guiding it downwards so that they resemble a burning building falling over you.

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I guess I'm screwed but the advise I was given was to try to kill you. I'll just try to knock you out then.

I jump out of your way and Rayearth jumps through a building (yeah, that's right) close to the side of the building we're on. Then the entire side of the building falls over this way as I go on top of the building on the other side.

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As I see the building begin to fall over. I let my molten armor fall apart and bend several of the metal supports that were exposed earlier. I coat them with the earth from the ground to make several large rocky pillars (four vertical ones and four horizontal ones that are laying on the vertical ones resembling a large "T") and fuse the ends of the horizontal pillars with the walls of the two buildings (the one falling and the one that isn't falling), stopping the other in its tracks. I take in deep breaths as I take off my shoes so that I'm barefoot and firebend bursts of flame at the soles of my feet and in my hands like rockets, flying towards the top of the building.

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I get kicked pretty hard in the chest and get pushed back. However, I find my ground and stomp to a stop, slide my arms through my ribs, tightening my chest to dispell the impact, stop the pain and earth bend these three small earthy pillars from your back to fling you at me.
Then, I cover myself in earth once more
and to top it off, I super heat the surface once more, so that it's magma hot.

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my new app
Name: Your nameFunky99
Name of Avatar (optional):Zebukku
Power(s): All Special Powers you might have (including negative powers/Weaknesses).can shoot up to 5 arrows at once;turn invisableity;shoot lightning
Physical Properties: All physical powers that you might have (including negative powers/Weaknesses).Have an unlimited ammount of lightning arrows;duel uzis in pocket;bag with unlimited space;industruckdidle bow
Class: The combination of classes as described above.Range/artillery;Darkness;Lightning;Magic
Team: The team you're in for events. (Does not aply for existing members).doesnt matter

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[quote name='funky99' timestamp='1310607237' post='5353060']
my new app
Name: Your nameFunky99
Name of Avatar (optional):Zebukku
Power(s): All Special Powers you might have (including negative powers/Weaknesses).can shoot up to 5 arrows at once;turn invisableity;shoot lightning
Physical Properties: All physical powers that you might have (including negative powers/Weaknesses).Have an unlimited ammount of lightning arrows;duel uzis in pocket;bag with unlimited space;industruckdidle bow
Class: The combination of classes as described above.Range/artillery;Darkness;Lightning;Magic
Team: The team you're in for events. (Does not aply for existing members).doesnt matter
O_O Massive grammer errors but accepted. I'll fix it. Accepted to the Orange Team.

@Cody: :D

I hold a sword above me as I crouch down and you seem to trip anyway.

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The molten surface from my armor makes contact with your leg, and I stop after burning part of it. "Foolishness never goes unpunished..." My armor bursts into a myriad of small molten projectiles scattering everywhere.

OoT - It looks like my armor exploded and your getting caught by hot lava/rock debris.

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OoT: Nope. I was on the building's roof same as you.

BoT: I split my chi and electricity begins to flow around me. I check your kick your kick, ride through your attack extending my arm towards your chest. As my fingers touch your chest, the lightning bolt is released.

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