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This is just a deck I made for fun (designed for other "non-competitive decks") Oh, and it's the GKO format...


* 2x Appropriate

* 2x Card of Safe Return

* 3x Dark Bribe

* 3x Dark World Dealings

* 3x Destiny Hero - Defender

* 3x Emissary of the Afterlife

* 1x Exodia the Forbidden One

* 3x Foolish Burial

* 2x Green Gadget

* 1x Left Arm of the Forbidden One

* 1x Left Leg of the Forbidden One

* 2x Manticore of Darkness

* 1x Mirror Force

* 3x Nimble Momonga

* 1x Pot of Avarice

* 2x Red Gadget

* 1x Right Arm of the Forbidden One

* 1x Right Leg of the Forbidden One

* 1x Sangan

* 1x Swords of Revealing Light

* 1x Vortex Trooper

* 2x Yellow Gadget



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Well you could opt for a more Sangan/Manticore Oriented Exodia draw. premature burial, call of the haunted + other return from graveyard cards (A Feather of the Phoenix), some mystic tomatoes (they draw out some defence and Sangan) + all 3 card of safe return. I don't like the gadgets for an exodia deck personally, I prefer tomatoes, or similar as they don't require attack position for their effect, and provide some extra cover.

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