Naimo Posted February 25, 2011 Report Share Posted February 25, 2011 Now wrapped in her success, Melina continued to ride on the back of a vine-free Guardon, and it was not long before she came across Nathan. "Hiya! You're not going to believe what just happened - I've got a Bulbasaur!" She excitedly waved the still-warm Pokeball in the air, before she accidently dropped it and released her new catch. "Oops, silly me." She got off Guardon and hobbled over to the fallen ball; her Bulbasaur, who was still nameless, watched her pick up the fallen object, before he suddenly sat down on her foot and curled up, as if fast asleep. "I guess all the battling's tired him," she said as she returned him to his Pokeball. "I still a need a name for him ... hmmm ..." She then noticed that Nathan looked happy, and inquired after the reason. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Magnet Soldier Posted February 25, 2011 Report Share Posted February 25, 2011 "Vincent?" Kori suggested, though he knew it was rubbish. "Vinny? Whatever you call him, dont name him one of my Idea's. They're never any good." Kori said, sighing again. "Which is why I dont name my pokémon. Though Squirtle doesn't seem to mind that." Kori said, laughing as squirtle decided to Join Bulbasaur in a nap, annoying the grass type with the continuous fountain of rain that was caused by Squirtle spitting a water gun into the air. "Well, our pokémon dont seem to want to get along." Kori said, watching as squirtle fell into a soft sleep, still ejecting water out of his mouth. "Anyway, congrats on the Bulbasaur. From the looks of Guardon, he was quite a hassle." Noting the Guardon was out of breath. As Melina withdrew her Bulbasaur, Kori sighed. "Sooo, where do you think this Assistant guy will be?" Kori asked, just before he heard a cry of "RUN FERNANDO!" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Premier Alexander Romanov Posted February 25, 2011 Report Share Posted February 25, 2011 Daniel saw the incoming slime, and did something he really didn't want to do, especially since he promised he wouldn't, but he had no choice. He opened a hidden Pokeball, one that was old and worn, and activated it. A sudden blast of water deflected the slime as Daniel's pride and joy, the Kingler that evolved from the Krabby he caught when he was 8, the very first Pokemon he ever had, one that had been with him for over a decade, readied himself to defend his master. Daniel weeped and hung his head in shame as the massive Kingler stared down the insolent Grimer and his master, telling them that if they messed with his master or any of his friends ever again, they would dearly pay for it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Quiksilver Posted February 25, 2011 Author Report Share Posted February 25, 2011 "That wasn't..." Nathan began to say, then saw from Kori's expression it would be useless to try to lie. So, he decided to get off the topic of the scream. He turned to Melina hurriedly as she asked him why he looked so happy. Thankful for a excuse, he said "I just caught a Munchlax, which I named Kip, and my Roli Poli just learned a new move, so yeah I'm happy!" Natahn smiled. "And what did you guys catch? Melina, you got a Bulbasaur, and Kori, a Squirtle? Nice, guys, nice...I would name Bulbasaur...I dunno, maybe...Dahlia?" Nathan was going to list more names when he, like Kori, heard the scream. "What was that..." Nathan murmured, before realizing what it was. "Guys, let's go, that might be the assistant!" Certainly it was a voice Nathan had never heard before, and since it was dark out now, Nathan doubted it was anyone except the assistant. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Naimo Posted February 25, 2011 Report Share Posted February 25, 2011 "Dahlia? Sounds a bit -" Melina was hastily interposed by the scream, and she turned her head too. "Come on, let's go and have a look. Go Guardon!" She was back on the Rhyhorn's back, and he instinctively took charge; if the other trainers were wise, it was best to be following him rather than try and outrun him. Of course, this meant stopping and waiting for the other trainers to catch up, and Guardon eventually slowed down enough so that Melina was just about in the lead. "Wait - where did it come from again?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Magnet Soldier Posted February 25, 2011 Report Share Posted February 25, 2011 "Not again." Kori said, diving out of the way of the Rhyhorn, just dodging its charge once again. "Well, it was this way, I think." Kori said, standing up slowly. "Just please, be a bit slower. I dont particularly fancy being a pancake." Kori stated, tapping squirtle to wake him up and walking in the direction of the scream. Luckily the undergrowth seemed too thick for Rhyhorn to charge in, atleast, not if he didn't want to give himself a massive head ache from hitting trees, and they set off at a slow pace. Kori sighed as Nathan was about to comfort him with the name thing, and waved it away. "Dont lie to me. I thought of Vincent or Vinny because of Vines, and that's all I could think of." Kori stated, discomforted by his lack of any talents whatsoever, besides pokémon battles. "Anyway, we better find him. It seems to be getting dark." Kori noted, looking down at Squirtle. He seemed to be tired, and was lagging slightly, so Kori withdrew him. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Quiksilver Posted February 25, 2011 Author Report Share Posted February 25, 2011 Nathan had nodded in agreement when Kori pointed to where the scream had come from, but a frown dotted his face when he started talking about the name. "Um, I wasn't trying to say anything with the name. Dahlia is the name of a flower that my mother used to grow, and I thought it would sound good for a female Grass-Type Pokemon. That is, if it is female- I can't tell." Nathan scrutinized Melina's Bulbasaur for a few seconds as the group began walking towards the scream, but he was forced to give up. Stupid androgynous Pokemon. "So- what did you think could have caused someone to scream like that?" Nathan wondered, forcing himself to think about the present. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Master Red Posted February 25, 2011 Report Share Posted February 25, 2011 He charged through the woods with Fernando right in front of him. He took the risk of looking behind him every now and then. "Darn it it's still after us... and it's closing in." He panted, tripping over his feets a little. "I think we'll have to try and fight it Fernando" He gasped afterwards, knowing that he wouldn't be able to run for very much longer and that thing surely didn't seem like it was getting tired either. Fernando glanced back at him looking worried. "I know you don't like battling, but I can't run for very much longer and if we don't fight it will probably eat us. Please Fernado, we have to try!" He pleaded, grunting a little as he felt himself growing more and more tired at a fast pace, his throat starting to go dry. The creamoo nodded, still with a worried look on its face and then they started to slow down. "Okay Fernando, wait until it comes a bit closer and then charge at it with a Tackle attack, got it?" Jesse said, looking at Fernando who was standing by his side. "moo!" It exclaimed, looking slightly more determined and nodding. [i]"I hope it's not as strong as it seems"[/i] jesse thought, as he was regaining his breath. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GreyCat Posted February 25, 2011 Report Share Posted February 25, 2011 The upside of following a Ryhorn through a forest was that it cleared a nice path for you to follow. Duke considered the cause of a scream. It could have been anything. It was a forest. Many types of pokemon lived in forests. And not all of them were friendly. Or nice. "I'd say a swarm of beedrill. That would make anything scream. And professor Ivy did say there were a lot of bugs in the forest." Behind him, Kit and Alice followed; Kit skipping happily while Alice strut along with a regal air. Duke though about it some more. "Then again, maybe he just hurt himself." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Quiksilver Posted February 25, 2011 Author Report Share Posted February 25, 2011 "I don't think he fell down!" Nathan said ominously, and a second later he pointed to something off in the distance, which, when scrutinized, revealed itself to be a young man and some sort of Pokemon, whose stance and position made it seem like they were facing something. "That could be the assistant! Come on!" Nathan raced towards the assistant, bashing his way through the foliage until he reached the man. He arrived just in time to hear the guy say, "Okay Fernando, wait until it comes a bit closer and then charge at it with a Tackle attack, got it?" "Wait!" Nathan shouted. "Are you Jesse?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Master Red Posted February 25, 2011 Report Share Posted February 25, 2011 He was just about to order Fernando to charge when he heard someone to scream at him to wait. He was thrown off a bit and looked in the direction the voice was coming from. A Ryhorn, and a couple of kids... but how did they know his name? "Go Fernando!" He ordered, he knew he had to order Fernando to charge at it before he answered, or it might be too late. He turned to them, running a hand through his hair, that for once wasn't styled. "Yeah I'm Jesse, who's asking?" He called back, glancing over to see that Fernando was charging towards their stalker. "Who's asking?" He added, and crossed his arms over his chest. ((OOC: Posting app in thread nao! )) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
.Corgi Posted February 25, 2011 Report Share Posted February 25, 2011 Josh vad been following a Rhyhorn that probarly one in the group owned. Then he heard a scream... And saw a scared man in a lab coat and his Pokémon. And some Pokémon was going too attack the strange man... And Nathan tried to talk with him. Josh did'nt like the way Nathan was acting. Nathan should ask his question a bit later, when the charging Pokémon had been fended off, so Nathan should'nt disturb and draw the attention to the man. Josh backes off when he saw the charging Pokémon... It was quote scary. He swallowed, and screamed, full off fear, to everyone in the area. "Get out of the way! Get out of the way, or that Pokémon will crush you!" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GreyCat Posted February 25, 2011 Report Share Posted February 25, 2011 "Random do-gooders who want a pokemon licenses. We stopped by Professor Ivy got bribed into rescuing you!" Duke called back as he ran towards Jesse. Why couldn't it have been something as simple as a fall in the forest? No, Jesse had to have pokemon chasing him. It seemed chasing people and possibly running them over was the trend for large pokemon in the region. Beside him, Josh yelled out in panic. Not that he blamed him. It probably was the right reaction in the situation. But Duke had never seen a pokemon like Jesse's before. He all but itched for a chance to examine it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Master Red Posted February 25, 2011 Report Share Posted February 25, 2011 The Pendra that had been chasing them for the last couple of minutes was still going at full speed towards Jesse's creamoo. Ferdinand didn't back down though. Even though he didn't like battling he took it very seriously when he was and he didn't back down, unless he was really frightened by it. Jesse doubted anything would make him back now though, he knew their lives could very well depend on it. Ferdinand made contact with the Pendra and it was a really good hit too, sadly the Pendra didn't seem very phazed by it all. Jesse grunted a little, he knew it wouldn't do much as Pendra was a fully evolved pokémon while Creamoo was still at its baby stage. "Okay Ferdinand growl at it and then stand down, be ready to try to dodge and then use Rage!" He called to his Pokémon who mooo'd back at hom. "Wanting Trainer Card's eh?" He muttered to the trainers.. "We'll see about that if we get away from here in one piece" he added and looked at the Pendra, wondering what it would have in store for Ferdinand, hoping his pokémon would be able to take the hit. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Quiksilver Posted February 25, 2011 Author Report Share Posted February 25, 2011 "Whaddya mean- oh snap, that is one huge Pokemon," Nathan said, finally turning and seeing the large Pokemon that was approaching them. He faintly heard Duke and some other kid shout something, but he was too busy focusing on the Pokemon in front of him to care. "Oh my's...a Pendra!" Nathan shouted. A Pendra. One of the most ferocious Bug Pokemon known throughout the Pokemon World, it hailed from the Unova region and was the final evolution of the more commonly known Fushide. A Pendra is a centipede-like Pokémon, with a purplish body and long, twisted horns capable of impaling. Pendra also has four small feet-like limbs which make it capable of running down prey at very high speeds. Unfortunately, Pendra are known to be very aggressive, and one of the telltale signs of a angry Pendra is frothing at the mouth, which, unfortunately, this one was. "Jesse, call off your...Creamoo." Nathan said, taking a second to remember what the Pokemon's name was. It was a new find, one of the rare breeds that had popped up in the Orange Archipelago with the Shiny Mew. "This Pendra is too strong to take on alone. We have to work together to take it down." The Pendra, eyes glowing, was slowly approaching the young man and it's Pokemon, and as it worked it's way into the (moon) light, it showed that it stood taller than even the tallest person among the group. Nathan hoped this fact would convince Jesse to stand down and listen to his advice... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Master Red Posted February 25, 2011 Report Share Posted February 25, 2011 He didn't have to be told twice after seeing that pokémon more up close, it was one scary bug alright. "Oh shi- ..Forget what I said Fernando, RUN!" He turned on his heel and started to run away for a bit, his creamoo not being late to follow his trainers lead. As he came closer to the other trainers he came to a stop. "So... what's the plan then?" He asked, glancing behind him seeing how they actually managed to dodge an attack, which, probably would have knocked a great deal of damage into Fernando. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Naimo Posted February 25, 2011 Report Share Posted February 25, 2011 Seeing the Pendra reminded Melina of one of the reasons why she wished that Rhyhorn was a Rhydon or Rhyperior instead - even though she was certain she had the bulkiest Pokemon in the group, something has hard as Guardon couldn't stand the Pendra alone. Sure, with a bit training before level 42, he might be able to take down the bug - but he wasn't a level 42, and he was most certainly not in the double figures in terms of level. "Good point, what is the plan?" asked Melina. She was already reaching for her walking stick, prepared to get off Guardon so that he could charge with full velocity. "I mean, are we going to be using all our Pokemon to fight, or...?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GreyCat Posted February 25, 2011 Report Share Posted February 25, 2011 "Let Kit and Alice help fight," Duke suggested as he ran what he knew about Pendra through his head. He was so getting on of those for his team. "Kit can be pretty intimidating and Alice has charm. They can help lower it's power." He made his suggestions quickly, as the Pendra was not going to give them a lot of time to think. He considered what he had seen about the team. "Kit can try thunder wave too. To paralyze it. And Melina's Guardon, and maybe your Munchlax Nathan, are probably our hardest hitters..." He stalled. "Aside from that, I've got nothing. Hit and run?" he suggested. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Renzoku Kira- Posted February 25, 2011 Report Share Posted February 25, 2011 Aiden was searching for Professor Ivy's assistant when he heard a commotion coming from his left. "Empress did you hear that noise?" The Charmander was looking directly to Aiden's left. She then jumped off his back, and started to run that direction. "EMPRESS GET BACK HERE RIGHT NOW!" Aiden said as he took off chasing his Pokémon. When he caught up to her she was behind a tree. "Empress what were you thinking taking off like...." He then looked up, and saw this gigantic Pokémon. "Good lord that is a huge Pokémon." Aiden noticed that the group of trainers he was with was standing on the other side of the Pokémon, and across from them was Professor Ivy's assistant. "Well Empress it looks like those guys are in a jam with that great beast. I don't know if we should help or just try to get over there. I got an idea." Aiden then walked out into the sight of the other trains, and yelled out something. "NATHAN DO YOU GUYS HAVE A PLAN TO DEAL WITH THIS?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Master Red Posted February 25, 2011 Report Share Posted February 25, 2011 Jesse pondered for a short while, knowing that the Pendra would not give them much time to have a pep talk. He was apparently the oldest in the group and thus he felt like he was the responsible one in a way. His work at Ivy's lab had certainly helped him prepare a bit for this, he couldn't be rash now. He had to earlier in an attempt to save himself, but now they had a strength in numbers and thus they could be more calculating. "That sounds good, I can help weakening it's attack power with Fernando's growl, and he could probably help attack a bit with rage and tackle if needed" He added to the plan and then saw that the Pendra had started to move about, from side to side, probably making up its mind of how to brutally attack them. "And I think that if we get it paralyzed we'll have a good chance of actually outrunning it so we should probably try that" He said and then smiled. "Go team?" he said and laughed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sweetie Belle Posted February 25, 2011 Report Share Posted February 25, 2011 Better dimwittingly stared back into the Kingler's eyes. The staredown lasted for about five minuted until Grimer spat something up again. They harmlessly glanced off of the Kingler's forehead, and landed in front of both of them. It was covered in slime, but a gold patch shone through. Kusajin picked it up, and wiped the sludge off. It was two PokeCoins, with a total denomination of [img][/img]500. "Better, I think I should keep track of what you eat more." He looked at Better, who stood there, and looked up at the boy who was hanging his head in shame. Despite his isolationist personality, he called out to the boy. "Here, catch!" And he threw [img][/img]250 to the boy. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Quiksilver Posted February 25, 2011 Author Report Share Posted February 25, 2011 Nathan turned and saw a familiar face across the opening. "Aiden! Come on over here, we're discussing a game plan to deal with this Pokemon. Alright, so Jesse and Duke will both weaken the Pendra, and then me and Melina will attack? Kori and Aiden can also help us out by attacking too- and once you guys Jesse and Duke are done too, hit him with all you got! All right?" Nathan heard what Jesse said and gave a nervous laugh. "Yeah, go team!" he said, and turned back to the Pendra. The large Pokemon had been watching the group warily for a few moments while they discussed tactics, but when Nathan turned around, he seemed to see it as a chance to strike and lunged forward. It took all of Nathan's willpower to not turn around and run and instead pull out his Poke Balls and release Kip and Roli Poli, who stood silently side by side, waiting for there master's command. "All right! Jesse, Duke...get ready!" Nathan called out, watching the Pendra come closer and closer. "Strike when you're ready!" *** Professor Ivy nodded happily as the Vileplume's temperature dropped. "That seems to have taken care of it, but let me take a few diagnostics, just to be sure." Professor Ivy waved what seemed to be a mechanical wand over the Pokemon, and turned to inspect a machine behind her. "Heart rate's sign of the virus...well, I better give her a couple of Berries, just to make sure. Don't want to let our guard down, eh?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GreyCat Posted February 25, 2011 Report Share Posted February 25, 2011 Duke nodded. The best thing to do was to weaken the fully evolved pokemon enough that their starters wouldn't get knocked out by a idle brush from the Pendra. He reacted almost before Nathan told him to. "Okay then. I'll treat this as a double battle! Kit! Alice! Front and center!" The two cats jumped into position. Kit immediately switched to battle mode, shooting a glare at the giant bug. "Kit, give him a thunder wave! Alice, Charm that giant bug like you've never charmed a giant bug before!" Then again, for all he knew, she probably never did charm a giant bug before. Either way, Alice purred at Pendra and gave him a seductive wink as she stretched out her limber body. Pendra hesitated in the face of her charm and blinked in surprise. Kit on the other hand, had prepped his power blasted the bug with a jolt of blue lightning as it looked away form him focusing on Alice instead. The blue electricity hit the beast head on. "Jesse, you're up!" [spoiler=OOC]I never did tell Alice's moves. I'll add it to my app too. Kit: Shinx [Intimidation]- Tackle, Howl, Thunder Wave, Quick Attack Alice: Purrloin [Limber]- Scratch, Charm, Faint Attack, Sand Attack[/spoiler] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Master Red Posted February 25, 2011 Report Share Posted February 25, 2011 Jesse nodded and then looked down at Ferdinand. "Okay Ferdinand, I want you to go out there and growl as cutely as you ever have at that damn overgrown centipede" He said, smiling down at his creamoo, who nodded a little and jumped forward a little starting to moo. It swayed a bit from side to side as it did so and the bell at its neck chimed in with its mooing, almost making it sound like it was singing. "Good job buddy, keep it up!" he cheered, smiling. He was amazed at how good Ferdinand was taking commands in battle, and not even seeming all that worried about the large strong and scary pokémon it was up against. Normally he'd whimper and run away somewhere to hide, but he must really have known the seriousness of this battle. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pichu Posted February 25, 2011 Report Share Posted February 25, 2011 "No we don't. Give her a while. Pichu, Eevee!" Austin yelled. Pichu and Eevee ran up to Austin. "Oran Berries and...." Austin looked at Vileplume. "The Drink. Oran Berries and the drink." Austin said. Pichu and Eevee grabbed the items and gave them to Austin. Austin gave Vileplume the Drink, then the berries. "Give her an half hour...." A Half Hour later, Vileplume was up and running around. She played a game of tag with Pichu and Eevee and had some of Pichu's Pokeblock. Austin looked at Ivy and smiled. "All better now, huh?" The wand to the machine fell onto the ground and passed Vileplume on the way down. The machine said that Vileplume was indeed, cured. Her temperture was back down to 97, a safe temperture for a Pokemom like her. Austin picked up Eevee. "Well Ivy, I'm going to find Nathan and the others." Austin waved and started walking to the door. Pichu and Vileplume followed. Pichu jumped into Austin's backpack. Vileplume grabbed Austin's baggy pants and pulled him back. Austin was tugged back. "Whoa! What's wrong, sweetie?" Austin asked. "Vile! V-Vileplume!" Austin sensed the bond between the two. He looked up at Ivy. "I feel this won't be the last time I see her..." Austin turned away. [i]'Bye Vileplume.... I see you again.... Sometime soon....'[/i] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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