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[quote name='Kuroashi Gouki' timestamp='1318972002' post='5586760']
You do that while I think of more cards for the set 8D
[/quote]I did say later, I was practicing doing things...





Also, I might try and think of more for the set... :3

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[quote name='Lovely Warrior ❤ Fairymon' timestamp='1318972856' post='5586779']
the vocaloid club isnt even about vocaloid any more -.-
I can't even find it but I this once I said something like

[quote]This club is 50% on topic and 50%spam[/quote]

and then Shizuo or DL said something like

[quote]more like 50% on topic, 25% spam, and[b] [/b][color=#ff0000][b]25%off topic[/b][/color][/quote]
Which we all know, is spam.

But yes, it obviously does talk about Vocaloids, but since the beginning, it never really talked about it that much.

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[quote name='Taiga Aisaka' timestamp='1318982448' post='5587180']
I'm listening to this right now. :D


So cute, yet so annoying. D8 8D

[quote name='Shizuo Heiwajima' timestamp='1318982473' post='5587181']

I'm currently hooked on this xD

Country music? 8D

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