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[quote name='Shizuo Heiwajima' timestamp='1317352403' post='5549412']
I'm still top poster in this club XD XD

Sometimes I wonder if anyone is able to beat me at it here xD

Why watchog me kick your butt when I can just listen to some Roggenrola? *shot repeatedly*

Yes. Me, Taiga, [s]Accelerator[/s], and Jaxcob will at some point if we all post more than you do in this club daily. :3

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[quote name='☽☖☠☗☾JAX☼COB☽☗☠☖☾' timestamp='1317353040' post='5549439']
I'll be the top poster. 8D

...dafuq's with the name change?
It's symbol overload ._.

[quote name='Nagi Sanzenin' timestamp='1317353116' post='5549442']
During summer? D:Well... we're gonna pass DL... Maybe that's it...

Probably DL xD
Good luck getting past me, let alone Accelerator.
...well actually, until he can get his wi-fi consistent again, you might pass him one day.

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[quote name='Shizuo Heiwajima' timestamp='1317353208' post='5549450']

...dafuq's with the name change?
It's symbol overload ._.

Probably DL xD
Good luck getting past me, let alone Accelerator.
...well actually, until he can get his wi-fi consistent again, you might pass him one day.


My name dominates the "Whos Online List" 8D

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[quote name='☽☖☠☗☾JAX☼COB☽☗☠☖☾' timestamp='1317353315' post='5549453']


My name dominates the "Whos Online List" 8D

I. DIED. XD @Kaito: Desu said his new name was stupid, Jaxcob said he likes stupid things because his name is stupid, or someone else pointed out he basically said that. xD

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