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[quote name='Nagi Sanzenin' timestamp='1316727377' post='5533329']
[color=#ffd700]I tried putting them on at the same time but I can't so I started SeeU first and it caused some sort of echo xD[/color]
[color=#ffd700]She has the best song![/color]
that i like her more thaan the others :3

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[quote name='Taiga Aisaka' timestamp='1316723160' post='5533202']
Should I?
[color=#ffd700]Yes, yes you should.[/color]

[color=#ffd700][spoiler=So I tried searching I=Fantasy Kaito and this is all I could find:][/color]


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[quote name='☠ΤΗΑΝΑΤΟS☠' timestamp='1316735963' post='5533566']

Y U CHange your name? ;-;

[quote name='Nagi Sanzenin' timestamp='1316570112' post='5529993']
Because he said he would and so I reminded him :D

[color=#ffd700]Also, my Vocaloid phoned yours.[/color]

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Here is the first chapter of your book.

[spoiler=The RP so we'll always have it in case something happens to Accelerator]Plot of the story:
After the incidents on the island, the Vocaloids got rescued and were sent home.
About 3 months later, Kurai Kokoro sent invitations to all the available Vocaloids to come to a highly-suited resort on a private island, all payments were on him. It was supposed to be just a happy and fun vacation, among friends, but they didn't knew that things would start getting weird...
It starts on their first night in there, well the first night which they got some sleep there...


AccelCatherine=Kuroashi Gouki
Nagi Sanzenin=Nagi Sanzenin
Taiga Aisaka=Taiga Aisaka
Gabriel Maeso=Gabriel Maeso
Shizuo Heiwajima=Shizuo Heiwajima
bluecolordsakura= SubZeroSakura


Note: I WILL fix the grammar (and where there is absolutly horrible grammer it will be explictly pointed out)


On a large busy airport:
"Hey, can you hurry up? We're almost late for our flight." a red-haired girl said, half-walking, half-running.
"That's easy for you to say..." A white-haired boy said, struggling to walk with large luggage on his arms. "Can I take a break, my arms are killing me."
"Take Sutomu! You're slacking today, aren't you?" scolded the red-haired girl.
"Hey Mizuna, you woke me up in the middle of the night, just to tell me what clothes to bring..." Take complained. "It was hard to sleep after that."
Mizuna sticks her tongue at him, "Boo boo, I want to look the best I am for our vacation to Kurai's, sweetie."
A woman's voice went out through the speakers, "Attention, Flight E354 is almost ready to take flight."
Take's eyes widen, "Oh shi-! We gotta hurry up!" starts to run while holding the heavy luggage as best as he can. Mizuna was in front of him, also running towards the entrance of the plane.

Gabriel Maeso:

A black clothed man was standing next to the plane's entrance, he had long dark hair and carried a stone sword with him, it was lokced by some chains to his back and the chains were aorund his torso so they could keep the sword from falling, it was Kurai. He looked over and saw Take and Mizuna runing to his way, he looked at them and waved his arm and shouted "HEY YOU TWO! TAKE! MIZUNA! OVER HERE!" he then got inside the place and asked "Hey! can someone help em out here? Mizuna and Take are finaly here and they got a lot of luggage." He then got down the place and opened the cargo compartment and waited for the others.

(BTW it is a private flight that they are taking so they will not board from one of those tube like stuff that they have on airports for big flights.)

Nagi Sanzenin:

"You... you're pretty slow, aren't you?" Said a smaller red-haired girl, Yukari Tendo.
"Though Mizuna, you need to not procrastinate until just the night before if you need to choose your clothes carefully, and even he might not be able to carry that much... or a bit less... or a lot less..." She said, while asking for her luggage to be taken care of. She even got there in plenty of time, as not to rush.


Take smiles at Yukari, "I can't always be Superman you know..."
Take saw Kurai waving his arms, standing in front of a giant airplane, "Hey Mizuna, Yukari, I see Kurai over there!" Take points his head since he can't use his arms right now...
The trio meets with Kurai, Mizuna hugs Kurai, "How you've been, silly?"

Gabriel Maeso:

"I had been great these last couple of days. Say, why don't you get yourself inside and take Yukari with you while me and Take put the bags in the cargo?"
Kurai then looked at Take while the 2 girls got inside the plane, he then got some of the luggage and put it on the cargo part, he then looked at Take and said "Did she woke you up in the middle of the night to chose her clothes too?"

Inside the plane Ihime saw Mizuna get inside and ran and huged her "Miz!!!! How have you been? please have a sit, drink something! have you met Kurai's band members already?" Ihime then smiled at her while showing a spot where she and Take could sit when he arived.


Take waved Mizuna a 'See ya in the plane' hand.
An exhausted Take was struggling to move the cargo, "Yeah...she did. And you, too?" Take yawns heavily. "So how's your life working for ya, buddy?

While Take was helping Kurai, Mizuna and Ihime was talking, or rather, gossiping. When Ihime showed Mizuna where she and take will sit for the flight. Mizuna scans around to look for Yukari and maybe other Vocaloids. "This is rather a small group, isn't it?' she thought.

Gabriel Maeso:

Kurai laughed and looked at Take and said "Ihime woke me up at 3 AM for me to take my medicine then I helped her to choose her clothes." he then closed part of the cargo compartiment and said "Life? Well it is working isn't it?...I'm planning on doing something special for Ihime in this vacation..." Silence covered the place for a while. "Well why don't you go inside, I have to wait for a few more people to come anyway."

Inside Ihime was talking to Mizuna, "you are probably thinking about the size of the group right? Well there are stills oem(Is this one? No, there are two more people...) more people to come." She saw Take get inside and said "Take-kun!..." while weaving at him "...Miz is here!" she then looked at Mizuna and asked "Well do you want anything to drink? you see this is Kurai's private so there is lots of stuff here, you can eat, drink, sleep, watch a movie, and there is a game room too! some memebrs of the Black Raven(Kurai's Band) are playing there now!"

Nagi Sanzenin:

While she is hoping no one will hear her, Yukari said "I kind of thought Mizuna would say something about my smarta-wait... I'm thirsty... Gaah... I forgot to bring wa-water..."
Yukari once more checks the small bag she brought with her. Then she tries to get Ihime's attention: "Where is the food and drink on this plane?" Letting a slight drop of tear run down her left eye.

Gabriel Maeso:

Ihime looked over and saw Yukari standing there asking for food and drink, she then smiled and said "Aw! Here I will take you there." she then turned to Mizuna and said "Well I will let you two be alone now, bye!" She then got up and made a hand gesture to Yukari follow her as she walked to the other room, in there she looked at Yukari and asked "So what do you want? water? juice?"

While outside Kurai was waiting for more people to come, "Man they sure can take time to get here... hehe good luck this one isn't from any company..." Kurai said, sudently he felt an enormous presure on his chest "GHN! no... not now!.... hold it Kurai.... just so you can get everyone there safe... there!" he said with pain as he tryed(Really?! It's actually tried...) to hold it.

Nagi Sanzenin:

"I would just like some water, thank you very much." Yukari said once they got to the other room.
Once she got back, she looked out the window and no one else had gotten here yet.
*yawn* "Take your time, I guess."


Take chuckled, "They all like to push us men around, huh?" An echoing silence went by. "Are you sure pal?" Take asked, walking up the small stairs, "Well, I'll see you in the plane." Take checks around the luxury plane, "This is a nice plane, i wonder where Mizuna and I are seating?" Then he saw Ihime and Mizuna deeper into the back of the plane: "I feel all nostalgic in a plane now, and it's uncomfortable..." Take uneasely rubbing his shoulders. "What ya girls talking about, the usual?"

"Yeah, I hope more people will come, it feels lonely in here." Mizuna said to the cheerful Ihime when Take came in, "Hey sweetie, you're done carrying the luggage?" and she saw Take's uncomfortable expression, "Don't worry, Take-kun it'll be alright..." Ihime said she was leaving, so Take and Mizuna waved back. "You want to sit down and have a glass of water?" Mizuna pulled on a worried face.

"No, no, no I'm good. It's just about the incident..." take said pulling a hand on his temples, and rubbing them. "Oh, I'm not gonna ruin our fun time, just because of my past, and some of our pasts as well." Take sat down on his passanger seat. He looked at Mizuna, and smiled. Then he remembered, "What is Kurai doing, taking so long(Or, why is Kurai taking so long), I'm gonna check on him." Take rushed through the hallway, finding Yukari drinking water, "Hey Yukari, you should go and talk with Mizuna and hold on tight."

Nagi Sanzenin:

"Oh, Onii-chan? You want me to talk to Miz-z-z-Onee-chan? Okay, I'll go over to Onee-chan."
Yukari walks over to where Mizuna is sitting. "Gossiping is stupid."
Then, Yukari takes out her mp3 or whatever and plugs in her headphones. She starts listening to Piko's "Remember".

Shizuo Heiwajima:

Kazuki ran his hand through his hair as he walked up to the plane on the runway.
[i]Sigh...can't believe I was almost late for the flight... he thought to himself, as he dragged his suitcase behind him. Well at least it's just a minor error; I have a vacation to look forward to.[/i] He looked up into the sky, contemplating.
He soon walked up to a plane, waved to a fellow Vocaloid as he loaded his luggage in the compartment, and boarded the plane.

"Hey guys, sorry I'm late; the traffic was terrible," he said, smiling in an embarassed manner, his hand scratching the back of his head. He took a seat and sat back, stretching.
"So, guys, what'd I miss?" he asked the others, as he gazed at his Rosario.


Mizuna watched Yukari as she came, "Hey Yukari-chan, how have been the cute little pie?"(Why would she as that? Was it something more like, "Hey Yukari-chan, how have you been little cutie pie?") Mizuna said while making baby sounds.
She saw Yukari listening to her music, She's growing up Mizuna thought, and then she smiled.

As soon as Take walked out of the plane, he saw someone walking by with a suitcase. He walked closer, seeing that it was Kazuki. He waved at him, Heh...he probably overslept. Then Take saw Kurai crounching on the side of the plane, "Huh, Kurai?" he walked up to the pained Vocaloid.
"Hey, are you fine?" Take said with a worried face.

Staring through the plane window, Mizuna was daydreaming about Take and her days together in the old times until Kazuki appeared, Mizuna saw him being embarassed. She stood up and came to him, "Hey sweetie, what happened to you?" she checked around him, looking for any(anything?) bad.

Shizuo Heiwajima:

"Oh, hey there Mizuna," Kazuki began, as he looked up at the young lady. He met her gaze, then looked out the open window and replied. "I'm fine; I was running late this morning due to traffic on my way here." His facial expression betrayed what really happened that morning, and he only hoped that Mizuna hadn't seen the pain on his face, or ask him about what happened.

Kazuki never really was one for talking about romance, let alone talking about romance with a girl, alone.

Gabriel Maeso:

Kurai looked to Take and said while enduring the pain, "Don't worry, I'm fine, I just need to take a deep breath." but he said with a smile, but his mind was somewhere else, (I can't allow myself to let that disease strike now... I need to hold it until we get there safe.... I know what happened to them not long ago... I need to make them get there safe!) he thought, he then turned to Take and said, "hey can you do me a favor and get me a class(GLASS. I am leaving that extreme fail right there...) of water please?"


"Are you sure nothing really happened?" Mizuna stared at Kazuki with her strong, and straight-forward eyes. But she can see that he was acting strange. "So you can't tell me?" Mizuna is always like this, worrying for people close to her. She thought about how long it will last.

Take was eyeing Kurai in pain, trying to endure it. He can see him trying hard, "Dude, do you need anything?" he asked. Then Kurai answered.
"So you only wanted a glass of water? Okay I can get that for ya, pal." he patted his friend's back and went back inside the plane.

Shizuo Heiwajima:

Kazuki could feel Mizuna's eyes bearing down on him, and he was starting to feel a bit uncomfortable.
"Alright, alright, I'll tell you," he said, waving his arms up in surrender. "Just don't stare though; it's impolite to stare, you know."
He got himself comfortable in his chair and began to tell Mizuna what had happened that morning.

"I was about to head over here on time, when I accidentally bumped into this really pretty girl as I was walking to my car. I helped her gather her things, and she thanked me. She wanted to walk with me, but I told her that I couldn't, as I had a plane to catch. She said she'd wait, but when I told her that I didn't know how long the trip would take, she said she'd wait no matter how long it would take. I spent almost an hour trying to get her to go on her way, but she was just so clingy. I found myself running late. After seeing how she really was personality-wise, I couldn't handle it, and I finally just told her to go away.
It got me thinking, 'When will I find someone whom I can call "The One"?' I mean, I know I have strict standards for finding that person, and I know that there's an even slimmer chance that I'll meet that person, but...I have times when I feel like I'm not going to be able to find anyone I can truly fall in love with. I feel like I'm falling into some void when it comes to love. I find it...saddening, really."

Kazuki merely sighed a heavy sigh as he finished, and momentarily glanced out the window before turning his attention to what his friend Mizuna had to say to what he had just said.

Nagi Sanzenin:

"Un? Hikaru-san got here now? Mumei probably slept in." Yukari said while turning of her music for a while.
She had turned it off just in time to hear Kazuki talking to Mizuna wherever he was sitting. Why don't you write a book, Hikaru-san? Yukari thought, while listening to his speech.

[i]But wait... there wouldn't be that many people here, and all of them know each other, so obviously he's close by![/i] She thought. "W-well, I should get out of Onii-chan's spot!" She said while picking herself up and moving back to her seat. Once she got there, she picked up her water. "Ah, it wasn't t-this c-c-cold b-before!" She kind of yelled while the hand she was holding the water was moving around so much, but not from cold.

Taiga Aisaka:

A long, shiny black, limousine pulled up to a stop outside of the airport. There, two people came out of it. One small girl, and one older boy. The boy felt the need to complain about something but he tried to hold it. "What are you going to do about your limo." the girl said.

"It's Kurai's private flight, I'm sure he'll get someone to take care of it." As they get closer, a worker stopped them and asked, "Is that your limo?" Yuuno said, "See? I told you. Yes, it is. Here are the keys." "Thank you, sir." Said the worker.

Before they walked into the plane, Yuuno walked up to Kurai and said, "Oh, you're not going to belieeeeeve thiiiis, but why does she feel the need to have me drive my limo all the way here for only two people? Does that make any sense? And why do girls take so long or wait until the last second to get ready?" He had thought of saying, This is MADNESS! but realized that might have taken it over the top.

"Shut up." Mumei said.

Gabriel Maeso:

Kurai looked at Yuuno and Mumei then laughed and said "Well everyone is here at least..." he then got their luggage except for the hand bags and put them all with the others' at the cargo part, he then closed it turned and said "Well let's get inside then!" he then felt a nearly uncontrolable pain but got a hold of himself and said "Why don't you two go inside first? I forgot to do one thing. I will join you all in a few moments".

Taiga Aisaka:

"Uh, wait. There is still Kiddo. We'll go in ahead then. Oh, I think he called me and said he's almost here. I also hope you're fine. I'll see you inside." Yuuno said.

"Hey, don't ignore me. You're supposed to shut up." Mumei said.

As they walked into the plane, Yuuno walking ahead, Take was just coming out, glass of water in his hand. "I sure hope he's okay." Yuuno said.

Nagi Sanzenin:

Okay, calm down, they're all here now. Yukari got up to greet them. "Oh, they're not all here yet?" She said, then she got a text that said "I sent this to all of you guys who are going. I would like to go too, so please wait and let me". ~SAImantha Hibiki

"I have stupid news. We have to wait for 2 more people. I am also saying this for practically no reason, because you all received a text that said 1 more would come. You received it a minute ago. Your welcome."

Gabriel Maeso:

Kurai then remembered about the other two of his friends. He hit his face with his left palm and thought "How could I forget two of my friends?!" he then looked to Mumei and shouted "MUMEI! Do me a favor please? Call Ihime, say that is an emergency, she will know what to do, and tell her to call Joseph aswell." he then fell on his left knee. He then looked at Take and said trying to endure the pain, but a bit of blood was spit "The water!" he then opened the chains and his sword fell behind him, he then swifly removed his coat and it fell over his sword.

Taiga Aisaka:

Mumei stopped on her way inside and heard Kurai telling her to do him a favor. She then hurried into the plane to tell Ihime and ran to her. "Ihime! Kurai said to call Joseph... and it's an emergency!" Mumei said. Then she saw Yuuno and told him what Kurai said.

"Is that true, Mumei?" Yuuno asked. "Hey, Kazuki. Do you think he's alright?"

Gabriel Maeso:

Ihime looked serious when se saw Mumei's expression and the word "Emergency", she looked and Mumei and thanked her to come tell her that in such a hurry, Ihime then went to the game room and shouted "Joseph!" a man with short silver hair, wearing a short sleaved gray shirt, black jeens and riding boots, he looked at Ihime and saw her worried self he then asked "Ihime, what's the matter?" Ihime looked at him and said "Kurai! I will go get his medicine, you go and aid him!" Joseph looked serious and answered "Yes, ma'ad!" he then rushed trough where the other vocaloids were to get outside, on the way he acidentaly hit Mumei and she almost fell but he hold her before that she could fall, he then said in a hurry "Sorry..." and ran outside. he jumped on the stairs side so he could get some time, he then passed by Take and got to Kurai, as he got to him he said "Heh, I guess Ihime should put a lesh on you, otherwise you would hold it till you die." he then kneeled at Kurai's side and pulled out a knife from his belt, "Sorry, but you know the procedure." he said while he removed one of kurai's arms bracelets and made a strong cut on Kurai's arm, making a relativly large amount of blood come out, Kurai slighty moaned in pain but he was used to it, if you looked where his arms had the bracelets you would see lots of scars from that same procedure. Kurai then coughed blood but less than expect, he then turned to Joseph and said "Hehe, it wouldn't be the first time that she would do that." Joseph then laughed and said "You better keep those comments aside for some time, there are kids around here!". Meanwhile Ihime got her purse and ran outside, she got to the bottom of the stairs when Joseph started laughing she then thought "He at least mantains his good humor, even in that state" she then sighed and ran to Kurai's aid.

Shizuo Heiwajima:

Kazuki was a bit absorbed into his conversation with Mizuna, and so it a took a few seconds for Yuuno's question to sink in.
"...huh? Wait, Kurai's hurt?"
Kazuki ran to Kurai and put his hand on the fellow Vocaloid's shoulder; he noticed blood running down Kurai's arm.
"Are you sure you're alright, Kurai? You look like you need some serious medical attention," he said, a concerned look on his face.


Kiddo had finally arived at the airport. There was a car crash and it caused the traffic to become insanley annoying.
"I hope I make the flight" Kiddo said with a sad face and a worried voice. As he got out of the car and ran deep inside the airport, he had realized he dropped his map at the entrence and was now lost inside the large building.
"I hope somebody finds me or I can find them" Kiddo said with eyes bursting with tears.

Nagi Sanzenin:

Yukari wished it would be a little faster for the plane to start going.

"It's taken quite a while, I'll call Kiddo or something." She said.

*ring* *ring*

"Hello? Yeah, why aren't you here yet?"


SAImantha finnaly arravied at the airport. she had overslept and was running late. she ran inside as fast as she could. "please still be there" she said running around. "i need my map" she said taking one out and following it.


Before Kiddo gave up in anger and frustration, he heard his phone ring.

He got his Phone and checked the Caller ID, it read Yukkuri. The name brought tears to his eyes.

"Hello?! I lost my map & now I have no idea where to go!"

"Just tell what gate your at and i'll make my way there!"

Nagi Sanzenin:

"It's a privite plane but... I think you might be able to find it if you asked the information desk." Yukari said after hearing Kiddo.

"Guys he's at the airport, should we give SAImantha a call?" She asked at a loud volume so everyone inside can hear.


I'm serious. xD

Chibiz may be back and I can sign in again, but I can't post on anything so... we still need Accelerator.

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