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•The Vocaloid Project•


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[quote name='Eclair Martinozzi' timestamp='1315441540' post='5498925']
Because I have to get off for my mom. She always gets on later and we usually have time from after school until we have to go somewhere, she gets on, etc.

We're usually on right after school for a while.

Nagi is on before school sometimes. :D

You guys should invest in some more computers then =D

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[quote name='Anthony Hatsune' timestamp='1315442186' post='5498950']
Technology is the greatest thing to happen to society... Except YCM... Its a curse...

YCM. It's a curse to all of the people some of the time, and even some of the people all of the time, but it's not a curse to all of the people all of the time.


@Thanatos: Don't even think about it.

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[quote name='Clair' timestamp='1315453099' post='5499394']
could somebody pretty please link me to the rp? 8D

i likes them~
[/quote][quote name='☠ΤΗΑΝΑΤΟS☠' timestamp='1315453338' post='5499403']
I would but I lost the link and I'm to busy to find it. T_T /uselesspost

I links you to the RP section this time :3

BTW, since Accelerator did say [i]our[/i] Vocaloids, I can make apps for most of my Vocaloids, because I don't actually know if Clair made any. So say if you would like to see any, please, because I'm only going to do it if you would like to see it. He did in the first draft or something...

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[quote name='Shizuo Heiwajima' timestamp='1315534145' post='5501537']
Second page >.>

Well I mean, can't Clair use Luka or Miku if she wants to? She's a really good RPer who can easily make those personalities seem very real.
Okay. [size=1]Thanatos isn't here. Well it says he's offline.[/size]

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[quote name='~Lawliet~' timestamp='1315543803' post='5501844']
Well hai dar b****es.

Hai dar bish ;D

[quote name='Nagi Sanzenin' timestamp='1315553899' post='5501971']
Okay. [size=1]Thanatos isn't here. Well it says he's offline.[/size]

And now it's like nobody's been online all day to post here o.o
People need to post in the RP >.>

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