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[quote name='Antagonistic Crocodile β' timestamp='1311798379' post='5392764']
I'm sitting down, listening to Vocaloid, while reading History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi.

Kenichi is FTFW


I heard Mizuki mentioned

Was she here?

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[quote name='Shion Kaito' timestamp='1311810131' post='5393263']
It's a slow day xD
Wednesday's a slow day?! o.O

And behold the Youtube style of Scarlet Knight, Take Sutomu! :3

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[quote name='Accelerator' timestamp='1311810229' post='5393271']
Wednesday's a slow day?! o.O

And behold the Youtube style of Scarlet Knight, Take Sutomu! :3

I like the art :3
I'm currently listening to Hikaru though xD
Don't worry, I'll get to it after Hikaru's done^^

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[quote name='Shion Kaito' timestamp='1311810362' post='5393285']
I like the art :3
I'm currently listening to Hikaru though xD
Don't worry, I'll get to it after Hikaru's done^^

Thanks about the art :3

And no problemo

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[quote name='Accelerator' timestamp='1311810448' post='5393289']
Thanks about the art :3

And no problemo


[quote name='The Twizzler' timestamp='1311811059' post='5393322']
I probably didn't join yet, so i shall now.

Username: The Twizzler
Why you want to join: VOCALOIDS.
Favorite Vocaloid: Rin.
Favorite Vocaloid song: Ievan Polkka.

inb4starrk >:3

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[quote name='Accelerator' timestamp='1311811410' post='5393345']
I forgot again, but what's inb4?

in + "b4" (before)
inbefore, basically.

[quote name='☠ΤΗΑΝΑΤΟS☠' timestamp='1311811427' post='5393347']

imcontradiction :3

[quote name='Daemon' timestamp='1311811548' post='5393354']

People give me lulz :3

[quote name='Accelerator' timestamp='1311811595' post='5393355']
I'm half European, one-fourth Russian and one-fourth German :[b][/b]D

I'm Scottish, English, French, and South Korean :[b][/b]D

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[quote name='Shion Kaito' timestamp='1311811766' post='5393366']
in + "b4" (before)
inbefore, basically.

Ah I see

[quote name='Shion Kaito' timestamp='1311811766' post='5393366']
I'm Scottish, English, French, and South Korean :[b][/b]D


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