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The Cube of ZETSUBOU!


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[color="#FF00FF"][b]The Cube of Despair[/b]
[i]Counter Trap
Activate only when a "Meklord" monster equipped with a Synchro Monster would be destroyed by a card effect. That monster is not destroyed and all Synchro Monsters equipped to it are Special Summoned to their owners' sides of the field. Then, send that monsters to the Graveyard and Special Summon 1 "Meklord Astro Machinicle" from your hand or Deck. Then, equip all face-up Synchro Monsters to the Summoned monster. Also, the Summoned monster gains the effect of a "Meklord" monster that was sent to the Graveyard by this effect.[/i][/color]

A little something to make Machinicle much better
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