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Holos on Photoscape

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I was on Photoscape and have just cracked the secret to holos on it.

Here it is:


1) first save your desired card you want to holo and this holo sheets (credit goes to God GAK):



2) First open up Photoscape. On there choose whatever card you want to holo.


3) on the bottom click 'Object". Then on the top right corner on the little bar at the bottom click this button:



4) Once clicked find the saved holo sheet and double click it. Then where it says 'Opacity' set it to the lowest it can go (i think 64).


5)Then make the holo sheet bigger or smaller to fit the parts wanting to be holoed.


6) Upload your holoed card onto allyoucanupload and copy the last link.


7) then in your post place the link inbetween these tags:

Link here


8) Your Done.


Here is what you should end up with:



by God Kaiba (Soon to be Ricky_Astro):D


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