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The Aliens are coming.


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That's right, this forum now has a resident creep. Although I'm not too sure if you already had one.

I like anything that is remotely creepy and I am fascinated by said thing to no extent. My name is Tony and I am not very good at social interactions; I like video games such as Tekken and Naruto - Ultimate Ninja Storm. And I love to partake in the martial art known as Muay Thai.

I am 15 years of age and enjoy music such as Pink Floyd and Bob Marley. I am also rather fond of the Anime and Manga known as Naruto.

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Welcome to the forum Tony. I'm FTW, alternately Wynn. I also enjoy Naruto and various other anime/manga and I am the resident horror master, comedian and greeter of other people. I also run the 1v1 Tournament Leaderboard for those fortunate enough to make it on there (which is quite a few people), I am one of the most famous or infamous members on the status bar, and I'm well known for my status bar parties.


My YCM career aside, just read/follow the rules, and have a good time. If you have any questions, feel free to PM (Private Message) me or just write on my wall, and I'll get back to you ASAP. Welcome ^^


PS, if you're interested in the paranormal or you just like horror shows/movies, feel free to join my club. Just click on the banner in my sig. It will take you straight there. If you don't know what I mean by that, just click on the pic that says Supernatural Club and you'll be transported there.

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Welcome to the forum Tony. I'm FTW, alternately Wynn. I also enjoy Naruto and various other anime/manga and I am the resident horror master, comedian and greeter of other people. I also run the 1v1 Tournament Leaderboard for those fortunate enough to make it on there (which is quite a few people), I am one of the most famous or infamous members on the status bar, and I'm well known for my status bar parties.


My YCM career aside, just read/follow the rules, and have a good time. If you have any questions, feel free to PM (Private Message) me or just write on my wall, and I'll get back to you ASAP. Welcome ^^


PS, if you're interested in the paranormal or you just like horror shows/movies, feel free to join my club. Just click on the banner in my sig. It will take you straight there. If you don't know what I mean by that, just click on the pic that says Supernatural Club and you'll be transported there.

I might just do that, but I’m guessing I won’t be able to go as extreme as they do on 4Chan in that club?

these introductions will obviously out cool mine so ima just say was ahp and welcome to the forum

Indeed they will. Thank you.

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