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I have perused a few of the posts, although I do not currently have the time to read any. School is being a tad annoying this week, so I won't have any major time until Friday.


I don't believe any new Council members were instituted, but I know some members were added. I will take care of that on Friday.


Just note that until my return, I am denying all new members and Council upgrades. Beg Ice and Twig to get that done for you.


I saw a bit of debating in a few of the posts, so I hope that we've had some logical arguments over the course of the abortion debate and whatever you have recently migrated to. If you run out of a topic or are getting bored, please think about this topic (which has religion):


Some public school in Texas (or some southern state) wanted to mandate Honors English students to read the Bible. It wasn't for any religious connotation or shoving Jesus' dick down your throat; it was intended for students to have a better grasp of literary allusions that involve the Bible, and it would help to read some old(er) text.


However, PUBLIC school and BIBLE aren't the best things to be mixed. What are your opinions on this?




Nah, I'm kind of glad I have an enemy I can debate with. We still haven't finished the goddamn unicorn topic, so whenever I get more active, me and Ammy need to duke it out.

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However, PUBLIC school and BIBLE aren't the best things to be mixed. What are your opinions on this?


Well they're not telling them you need to believe what's in the Bible, so I believe it's ok. In 7th grade, we had to do a book review of a book in a certain list of old classical books, and the Bible was one of them. No one picked it, but it was still an option...

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Religion in general should not even be part of a persons life until the age of 18. imo.

Parents should not include their children in any religious activities until they understand the practice better.


An increase in Atheism? Maybe.

But religion in general should be up to ones self to choose, no?


I are master argument changer.

I use da questions 2 make tha peepol think.

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Nah, I'm kind of glad I have an enemy I can debate with. We still haven't finished the goddamn unicorn topic, so whenever I get more active, me and Amethyst need to duke it out.


Awwwwwwwww kitties.



I just applied because I wanted to see if I'd be let in. Now you're telling me I have to be active what is this I don't even.





Unicorns? I suppose so. How do we know the invisible pink unicorn is pink if we cannot see it? EXACTLY


You lie to people and steal men's souls and lure the women into lustful escapades of debauchery!



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About the fast food thing - I saw a program once on TV where a lady ordered some chicken fingers from a restaurant (they didn't say which one; it was blurred and everything). Well, she left the lot and reached into the bag to grab one - and she pulled out (get this) A FRIED CHICKEN HEAD! Yeah, that's right - a breaded and deep fried chicken head...beak and all. THAT made me not want to go a KFC for a LONG time...

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About the fast food thing - I saw a program once on TV where a lady ordered some chicken fingers from a restaurant (they didn't say which one; it was blurred and everything). Well, she left the lot and reached into the bag to grab one - and she pulled out (get this) A FRIED CHICKEN HEAD! Yeah, that's right - a breaded and deep fried chicken head...beak and all. THAT made me not want to go a KFC for a LONG time...


There was also that lady with the finger in her Wendy's chili. Guess how that went down? Her husband worked a a factory with potentially dangerous machinery and one of the workers had an accident that left him short a digit. So the husband stole the finger and gave it to the wife so she could plant it, and then make a ton of money off of Wendy's. How stupid.

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There was also that lady with the finger in her Wendy's chili. Guess how that went down? Her husband worked a a factory with potentially dangerous machinery and one of the workers had an accident that left him short a digit. So the husband stole the finger and gave it to the wife so she could plant it, and then make a ton of money off of Wendy's. How stupid.


I remember that. That was about as stupid as the person who sued McDonald's because they spilled coffee on their lap and used the excuse that the cup didn't say that the coffee was hot. Seriously? How stupid was that? There was STEAM coming out of the cup and most restaurants serve HOT coffee at breakfast. I cannot believe that person even won that lawsuit.

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We studied that case for a class last year. It gets sillier: a lot of the severe burns were from her wearing sweat pants, making it look like the coffee was hotter than it was (it held the hot fluids tight against her thighs for awhile). Also, she freaking balances the cup between her legs to open it and put sugar etc in it. Someone hasn't heard of a damn cup holder. And if she didn't have a cup holder, would it have killed the lazy twit to walk inside and use one of the tables to do that?



The most annoying thing, is that McDonalds coffee sucks now. She ruined it for everyone. They made the coffee incredibly hot because most people got it on the way to work and had to drive like 30 minutes before drinking it. The extreme temperature also was what brought out so many delicious flavors. But now it's all messed up, because some stupid clumsy cow spilled an obviously hot beverage on herself.

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This is what greed gets you, sadly. The ignorant twit gets a lot of money for something stupid and everyone suffers. If I were the judge, I would've thrown the book (literally) and dismissed the case on the grounds of ignorance. Next thing you know, somebody is going to complain about their ice cream being too cold and they'll sue because they got a brain freeze. (I honestly would not be surprised if something like this actually happened)


Speaking of stupid, my friend showed me a site a couple years back with some stupid warning labels. There was one on a Superman costume that said "Wearing this costume does not give you the ability to fly". Pretty bad when you have to put a warning like that, right?

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That's why I hardly eat at fast food places.



Thought the reason I don't drink coffee often is because I am not fond of overly hot things.



And yes, considering it was the woman's fault for spilling the coffee, when she knew it was hot (as coffee often tends to be right after its served) there shouldn't have been a case at all.

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