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It's like most pro and splashable draw engine


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[spoiler=Don't even bother to post here if you:]
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2. Are going to post a half-sentence rate
3. Are not going to rate playablity and balance
4. Will lower your rate because card isn't original and creative

[color="#00FF00"][b]Gambler's Hand[/b]
[i]Normal Spell
Discard 1 card. For the next 3 turns, during each of your Standby Phases, draw 1 card. You can activate only 1 "Gambler's Hand" per Duel.[/i][/color]

Griffin, don't comment on this. You stated your opinion on this multiple times, and I realize that everything you said about it is right, but I wanted to see what other people think about this.
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Well, I think what it should say is -

"During each one of your turns, during your standby phase, flip a coin. If heads, draw a card. If tails, you lose 500 lifepoints." It's not much of a gamble if you're guaranteed a free card every turn for 2 turns. Then again, this is a +1 at best...hm...

I'm going to say its overpowered because there are a lot of cards that WANT to be in the graveyard, and because of the amazing splashability (as you stated) with this card. If there was some form of risk, I think it would be better.
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I...genuinely like it. I feel it might be OP'd, giving you essentially Pot of Greed for three turns, but that doesn't stop me from liking it. And as per your terms, this is definitely longer than half a sentence. And to be even more explicit:

Playability: Insanely splashable. There isn't a deck that couldn't run this, or that shouldn't run this. It adds necessary speed to those decks that need it and unnecessary speed to those that don't.

Balance: Its self-limitation helps, but it's still on thin ice. Like I said above, you're essentially getting a Pot of Greed for three turns. It's hard to say that this isn't OP'd.
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[quote name='A Veritable Truth' timestamp='1298098648' post='5018126']
I...genuinely like it. I feel it might be OP'd, giving you essentially Pot of Greed for three turns, but that doesn't stop me from liking it. And as per your terms, this is definitely longer than half a sentence. And to be even more explicit:

Playability: Insanely splashable. There isn't a deck that couldn't run this, or that shouldn't run this. It adds necessary speed to those decks that need it and unnecessary speed to those that don't.

Balance: Its self-limitation helps, but it's still on thin ice. Like I said above, you're essentially getting a Pot of Greed for three turns. It's hard to say that this isn't OP'd.

Ah, but just because something is overpowered does not mean it is bad for the game, does it? Although in my opinion this would be bad for the game (as it is basically letting you draw 3 cards, which would speed up OTKs massively), I don't think it would be banworthy as it self-limits.
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So instead of waiting for some game-regulator to limit this, you put a limit clause on it, means playing on self-limiting instead of banning in the first place. But even though it is less draw-powerful than Graceful Charity, it is a +1, which looks like finding a middle between Graceful Charity and Pot of Greed. However, finding a middle between 2 banned cards most likely (not forcefully, but most likely). It is OP, but the main question: Is it bad for the game? Although it comes at a cost, it gives you a higher draw-capability for the next 3 turns, at the risk of discarding a card, which is not always negative.
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We don't need this, we can just use Pot of Greed. I don't like it. 2/10 because it isn't original.
Seriously though, this is a very cool card. It is almost balanced I believe, starting out as a -2 and taking 3 turns for the +1. It is certainly playable. Although I agree with Ghostmyth in that it should have some disadvantage attatched, because drawing 2 cards in your Draw Phase essentially is uber hax. It isn't the most OP'd thing ever, but...[/color][/actual review]
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Fableds saw this.

They came.

There is no doubt that it is somewhat slow and can be a dead draw if you lose hand advantage. The self-limit doesn't matter here. I'd still run three (just make sure I have a way to drop the other two for advantage). Basically, if it is restricted it becomes much weaker, because this card loses a lot of power the later it is drawn in the game, so basically you need to get it as early as possible. If this card was @3, I'd definitely run it in almost every deck, because the chances of getting it in the first few turns would be high, and I'd be able to build up a momentum that dead-drawing into another one would not hurt much. If this card was @2, I'd still run it, especially in decks that cannot avoid bad draws consistently enough and / or are able to maintain a steady hand size. If this was @1, I'd [i]still[/i] run it a lot, but only because most decks I can think of benefit from getting certain cards to the Graveyard.

It's a draw engine that becomes inconsistent as the game drags on. Good for decks that can maintain their hands, but almost useless for very fast decks. The problem is defining the line. If this card works with too many high-end decks, it might push a lot of cards being borderline overpowered, to totally broken. Personally I feel it'd be too good in many decks focusing around any variety of Dark monsters (eg Zombies, Twilight, not Blackwings - too fast, not Infernities - lol etc). Dark monsters have a lot of things in common: they dislike RFP, they like Graveyard, their best universal draw engine is Allure, and there are precious few other ways to get the cards you need. This card basically works wonders with them.

If this had appeared before Pot of Duality, it might be taking the three spots PoDs take up now on nearly every competitive deck. Now... well, people who prefer control will place their bets on this, people who prefer speed will opt for PoD. People who go for speed usually win at this game, but this card is almost a godsend for slower decks.

I'd say that this would go about 30-40% towards replacing PoD. But it would not have the massive impact PoD had. PoD made EVERY deck more playable. But when you make EVERY deck more playable, the overall state remains the same (well, not entirely, PoD benefited a lot those decks that don't SS much, but still). This deck would not go in every deck, but it would still affect enough of a number to shift around the balance, and it's very possible that some would become way too strong because of the advantage it offers, even at the expense of speed.

Nice card, but, I repeat:

Fableds be fabling with this too much.
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