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Pokemon! High Seas Miracle! [OoC Thread/Started/Not Accepting]


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Alright, guys, so I've noticed that lately posts in the RP hasn't been up to scratch. Shortposting and posts riddled with grammar and spelling mistakes...well, it simply won't do, and so from now on I will be enforcing a stricter policy of making sure posts are good-quality. This stricter policy will take the form of a "three strikes and you're out" system- and when I say out, I mean out. However, don't take this as me saying that all posts in the RP have been bad- no, many among you are posting excellent, top-notch posts. But there are some among us (who shall not be named here- you know who you are) that are not meeting my expectations, and so I am enforcing this new system to make the RP more enjoyable for the rest of us. So, please, make sure to run your posts through a spellchecker and make sure they are a legitimate four lines long before posting them.

On a happier note, it seems Naimo and Magnet Soldier's group has set off for Pummelo Island smoothly. I will be making a couple of NPCs soon to interact with both your group and legolover to sorta "guide" you guys, while I get Nathan and co. off to Kumquat Island. Well, that's all for now; be ready, RPers, your next challenge is just around the corner...
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[quote name='Xx\Mew/xX' timestamp='1299169882' post='5048223']
Lol. Random Onix beaten by tackles. If it was a card, it would be OP'd.

I've arleady voiced my opinion about that matter in the OOC of one of my previous posts, but I can just say that I think that whole ordeal was bull poopie.
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All right. First of all, guys, you don't control the NPCs. Please stop having them come up to you and challenge you- all I wanted to know if you guys wanted to beat up some NPCs. Second of all, there is "no area surrounded by wire"- this is the cabin of a rather nice ship after all, I doubt there would be something so tacky as that. As for what you said, Mew, there were Pokemon battles on the S.S. Anne in the anime, so I presume it would be the same here. Third of all, legolover, in addition to what I said before, Gym Leaders, the Elite Four, and the Champion are strictly [i]off-limits[/i]. There might be situations in the future where I will allow you to control NPCs, but any of the NPCs listing above are not included. Also, you talked about the Gym challenging process; that is something I need to explain, not you. I have a plan for all Gym Leaders and it does not include tickets being involved. Finally, I sent a girl named Katie to talk to you, and you have blatantly ignored her and walked away.

The last thing I want to talk about is Red is right, Pichu. A Eevee (a weak one, I might add) going up against a full-scale Onix with a [i]Tackle[/i]? AND WINNING??? No. Also, we were in Ivy's lab (Or at least that's where I though we would be) so how did that happen anyways?
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Ah, sorry about that. I was thinking it was alright (especially since Jesse would have no interest in battling anyways) but didn't consider that someone else would go up against him. And I also didn't think about asking before I created an NPC (unimportant NPC that would probably never be seen again, but still) without asking.

I'll make sure not to create an NPC without asking your permission first :)

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I guess I should revise what I said- creating NPCs like that is fine- I'm not going to stop you from making a Nurse Joy or something- it's just that it must be kept that way. Now, that "little insignificant NPC" is involved in a battle with Mew and it sparked a wave of choosing NPC opponents, even though I had specific Trainers for you to battle. I guess what I'm trying to say here is little things are okay, just leave all the big things to me, the RP owner.

It's actually somewhere in the middle, being a rather nice transport ship- I wouldn't call it luxury or anything. Still, I can't see a decent ship have an area roped off with wire anywhere on it. Besides, ships in the Pokemon world tend to be higher end pieces.
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Yeah I know what you mean (I didn't mean I would ask you if I could create a store clerk or anything as these are necessairy anyways and their position is given). Like I said, never really thought about the fact that anyone else could go up against him, something I realize was quite stupid now...

also: thanks for agreeing with me on the Onix matter. It's ridiculous in my opinion and I was rather confused when I saw that it appeared as I also thought you guys were still in the lab or at the very least just outside of it.
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