Warrior_Tal Posted February 18, 2011 Report Share Posted February 18, 2011 A coming reminder today (Friday) I'll be going out of town for the weekend so I won't be here to make any serious posts. I'll be returning on monday so overall guys have a good presidents day weekend. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Magnet Soldier Posted February 18, 2011 Report Share Posted February 18, 2011 Here's my app. [spoiler=App][center][b]Pokemon Trainer Kori Aruji[/b][/center] [b]AGE:[/b] 14 & 1/2 [b]GENDER:[/b] Male [b]MONEY:[/b] P$100 [b]APPEARANCE:[/b] - Height: 5'8 - Weight: 126lb - Body Shape: Regular/Lanky-ish - Hair Style & Color: Has hair that goes down to his neck on the back and hair covering his right eye. It's Black with a white streak down the part that covers his eye. Basically what you'd think of for an emo, with a bit longer hair at the back. - Eye Color: Dark forest green with a tinge of blue at the edge. - Complexion: Very, Very pale. - Clothing: A pair of faded jeans. Black trainers. Light blue Denim jacket over a plain white shirt. Wears a gold Pendant with an Empty Picture frame inside. [b]PERSONALITY:[/b] Kori is a friendly person, polite and quiet. He is nice to all people and thinks of everyone as equal. He is popular wherever he goes, but there are the occasional few that dislike him because of his appearence. He is generally a nice person. He likes to sit around in high places and look around, and listens to his music alot. It's this reason he moved from the nearly perfectly flat Tarroco Island to Hamlin Island, which has the tallest Mountain for miles, and is usually found on a ledge above the main city, looking out at the ocean. [b]BIOGRAPHY:[/b] Kori's parents met on Tarroco Island, when his dad saved his mom from a herd of Rampaging Tauros. They were instantly in love and......things happened. If you want to know more well......When a Man and a Women love each other Very much, they have a special kind of....Hug. This hug creates babies, and that's what happened with Kori's parents. (For the better educated of us, I'm pretty sure you can guess I'm talking about Sex.) Anyways, Kori grew up on Tarroco Island as a stranger. He hated the layout of the Island, disliking the flatness and the endless plains. He also liked a lot of different things to most of the kids on the Island. He liked different Music to them all, different styles of Clothes and different types of Pokémon. Unlike the rest of the Kids on the Island, who had either Rock, Ground or Fighting Type Pokémon, He liked Dark, Psychic and Ghost type Pokémon, aswell as Dragon Types. He was usually found in the farthest corner of the Island, in a small woods that was home to a few ghost and Psychic type Pokémon, aswell as a Family of Hydreigon, Zweilous and Deino. He befriended one of the Deino, and got along quite well with it. After the woods was knocked down to make room for a Mansion to be built on the Island, the Hydreigon Family fled, but leaving behind the One Deino. Kori came back later on the that day, to find the wood destroyed and the one Deino wandering and crying. Kori carried it back to his house, and his parents said he could keep it. He nutured it and cared for it, and after a few weeks of training, got it battle worthy. Although his parents were accepting, the other Kids weren't so much. They started to harass and attack him. With Deino's help he managed to defeat a few of them, up to the point when they were using a maximum of two pokémon which consisted of things similar to Makuhita's, Machops, Geodudes, Cubones and Onixs. However, about a month after he finished nuturing the Deino, a large gang of 16 year olds with Machokes and Gravellers attacked him. He couldn't survive against them, especially when the leader came out with a Steelix. He and his Deino were sent home gravely injured, and although they healed well, the incident caused the family to move to Hamlin Island. Originally, they alerted the Local Police, but they were told that there had been many similar injuries, with people in Pokemon battles getting Harmed unintentionally. No matter how hard the family tried to tell the police it was an Assault, not just an accident, they didn't seem to take any notice. Believing it to be a lax police force, or the police believing that because Kori was 'different', they could ignore it. Being singled out as targets now, the family decided to move, believing it to be in the best interests for their son. He's been on Hamlin Island for the Past year, and has settled in quite well, but still feels slightly different to everyone else, and hasn't made many good friends. However, he seems to be more popular than he was on Tarroco and seems to be an Average, or maybe even above Average(though only just) Pokémon trainer on this Island, and doesn't stand out as much. [b]EQUIPMENT:[/b] 5 Pokéballs. 3 Potions. [center][b]Pokemon[/b][/center] [b]NAME:[/b] Deino(I dont really do Nicknames. Sorry) [b]POKEMON SPECIES:[/b] Deino [b]GENDER:[/b] Female. [b]PERSONALITY:[/b] Deino is a cocky pokémon - being both a Dragon and a Dark type, very Powerful and rare types, is probably the reason - and looks down on even the strongest of Pokémon, even if they have defeated her. She is very proud and gets annoyed very easily, her anger being projected in any battle she starts to lose. She's also very over confident, often refusing to try in a Pokémon battle. However, she still loves Kori and respects him greatly, being the only person she trusts. [b]ABILITY:[/b] Hustle(Damage from attacks is 1.5 times as much as normal, but accuracy is lowered.) [b]MOVESET:[/b] Tackle, Dragon Rage, Bite, Headbutt.[/spoiler] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Quiksilver Posted February 18, 2011 Author Report Share Posted February 18, 2011 [b]Warrior_Tal[/b]- Edward Skar is okay, but his personality isn't cutting it at this point. Just like with IPhalanx, there are no flaws that I see. What, does he get angry often? Is he cowardly in certain situations? Not everyone is perfect, remember that. Also, I really don't like that you based your character off a picture- that's why I banned them- but as I didn't specify that you couldn't do that, it shall slide. Anyways, until the personality is updated, Not Accepted. Thank you. [b]Xx/Mew\xX[/b]- I'm sorry, but "Mewlo" has to change. Despite other difference, one of the things similar between our world and the Pokemon world is that we name people the same- and since I sincerly doubt that any parent in this world would name their kid "Mewlo", I will need you to change that. Other than that, there are only a couple of small problems- for one, there is no "Megadeth" in the Pokemon world, so it needs to be changed- and also, Rhydon has already been claimed by [s]Magnet[/s]Quaintrelle, so could you please choose another one? Thanks. Until these are changed, Not Accepted. [b]Magnet Soldier[/b]- Umm...is it really that hard to google pounds, or kilograms, or both? I think using one of these two would be much better than judging his weight by stones (?). Also, I have a question regarding your app- are you saying that, this boy was brutally attacked for weeks on end by juvenile deliquents and the Tarrocco police (Officer Jennys?) didn't do anything about it? I find that a little hard to believe. Also, Tarroco is a no-capture zone, so the fact that all these kids have Pokemon is a little strange also. Not Accepted. At this point, only RadioKirby has yet to submit an app, so when he does, I shall start up this RP. When that happens, I will not be accepting any more apps, due to the fact I don't want random trainers just dropping in halfway through the RP. So, if you're planning to join this RP, do it quickly! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Magnet Soldier Posted February 18, 2011 Report Share Posted February 18, 2011 A) it's not judging weight by actual rocks. It's just how I was taught weight. I've just found out there's 14 pounds to a Stone, so....(Complicated math problem here, wait a sec)...126 pounds(That seems like a lot....Yet I weigh that much and am quite light. Yes this guys size is based off mine.) B)I dont know much about the Island itself. It's just the nearest flat Island to Hamlin according to your map, so I used it to be realistic. I didn't know it was a No-Capture zone, or that there we're officer Jennys There. It looked like it wouldn't be very Populous. And any, how many Bullying incidents are reported to the Police? Not many. Bullying isn't generally noticed, its just talked about and people hope it'll deal with itself.In fact, I've just noticed Tarroco is the only Flat Island near Hamlin Island, Unless you go as far as the 7 Grapefruit Islands. And If he'd lived on them, he'dve gone to live on the Shamouti Islands. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Quiksilver Posted February 18, 2011 Author Report Share Posted February 18, 2011 A.) Oh well, okay then. Stones are fine then...I'll just need you to alter your app to 126 pounds... B.) However... [quote name='Magnet Soldier' timestamp='1298056041' post='5016656'] However, about a month after he finished nuturing the Deino, a large gang of 16 year olds with Machokes and Gravellers attacked him. He couldn't survive against them, especially when the leader came out with a Steelix. He and his Deino were sent home [b]gravely injured[/b], and although they healed well, the incident caused the family to move to Hamlin Island. [/quote] If I came home gravely injured, my parents would definitely report it to the police. Also, thats fine that you didn't about the Islands- right now. When we reach new Islands, I hope you will look at the Bulbapedia page for it or something. P.S. Shamouti Island is not populated by humans. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sweetie Belle Posted February 19, 2011 Report Share Posted February 19, 2011 I've been busy, but I've got some time this weekend, since the hotel is giving me free wifi. So I'm working on my app now. I'll have it in by Sunday at the latest. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
King of Nothing Posted February 19, 2011 Report Share Posted February 19, 2011 [center][b]Pokemon Trainer Akio Nyuhara[/b][/center] [b]AGE:[/b] 15 [b]GENDER:[/b] Male [b]MONEY:[/b] 800 [b]APPEARANCE:[/b] - Height: 5’8 - Weight: 145 lbs - Body Shape: petite - Hair Style & Color: It’s short and has a bronze color. The hair at the tip of his head drapes down and contradicts with the short hair in the back. It goes close to his eyebrows. He wears a red beanie on the top of his head with the fire symbol in the middle. - Eye Color: He has purple eyes - Complexion: Light - Clothing: He wears a green shirt with blue jeans. On the front of the green shirt, images of trees are there. On the back, a fire seems to recklessly destroy trees. The text “Fearless” runs diagonally across the top from the top of the left to the bottom of the right. As mentioned before, he also wears a red beanie with the PTCG fire energy symbol in the middle. The beanie, however, can also be flipped inside out. If it is, the beanie is green and displays ‘fearless’ diagonally from the left to the right across the front. He has black shoes that are rather expensive looking and contradict the lazy style of clothing he has on. He also has a back pack that is usually slung over one shoulder. [b]PERSONALITY:[/b] Akio isn’t a fool. He knows that money is the name of the game, and because of this, wants to become a gambling gym leader in the future. He isn’t greedy, but he also doesn’t freely spend everything he owns. He’s a novice trainer at best and still gets surprised by some of the pokemon moves. His favorite thing to do is to barbeque, and he’s pretty good at it, but he normally doesn’t tell people about it because he hates talking about himself. Like his clothing, he is generally fearless. He loves ghost, dark and fire pokemon the most. He loves the recklessness of fire pokemon and applies it to all of his battles. [b]BIOGRAPHY:[/b] Akio was a sell-out trainer. His trip was essentially paid-in-full so that he would sponsor their clothing line. They have high hopes that he would become a top-notch trainer. He went to a pokemon academy in his home town in Johto, and he was found during a rental pokemon tournament. He placed 2nd, but only because he had a horrible type disadvantage. He had a Golbat against the enemy’s Jolteon, who was already extremely fast with agility from a previous fight. With no advantage, he just smiled and fought until Golbat inevitably fainted. It was that attitude that got him the sponsorship to go to the Orange Islands. From there, he got his starter pokemon and was set off on his journey. [b]EQUIPMENT:[/b] 3x Pokeball 1x Potion 2x Antidote [center][b]Pokemon[/b][/center] [b]NAME:[/b] Bishop [b]POKEMON SPECIES:[/b] Pawniard [b]GENDER:[/b] Male [b]PERSONALITY:[/b] Bishop trains hard and battles hard. He’s friends with Akio as the two have spent a lot of time together without battling. It actually chose Akio. When Akio left for his journey, Bishop placed a pokeball in Akio’s bag, then put itself in the pokeball. Akio was so happy that he had to take Bishop. Ever since then, Bishop has been self sacrificing to help Akio. [b]ABILITY:[/b] Competitive Spirit [b]MOVESET:[/b] - Scratch - Leer - Mean Look (Egg Move) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Magnet Soldier Posted February 19, 2011 Report Share Posted February 19, 2011 [quote name='Luxray' timestamp='1298063389' post='5016974'] Shamouti Island is not populated by humans. [/quote] WRONG!!!! The Shamouti Islands are the Islands in the Second Pokémon movie, Pokémon 2000, and it's main Island is inhabited by humans. The other three, Lightning, Ice and Fire Islands, aren't, if that's what you mean, although they are the homes to Articuno, Zapdos and Moltres. And yeah, I know, but this is the Pokémon world. There's always massive things happening and no police. So why would they bother with a small bullying thing? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Quiksilver Posted February 19, 2011 Author Report Share Posted February 19, 2011 [quote name='Magnet Soldier' timestamp='1298129346' post='5018741'] WRONG!!!! The Shamouti Islands are the Islands in the Second Pokémon movie, Pokémon 2000, and it's main Island is inhabited by humans. The other three, Lightning, Ice and Fire Islands, aren't, if that's what you mean, although they are the homes to Articuno, Zapdos and Moltres. And yeah, I know, but this is the Pokémon world. There's always massive things happening and no police. So why would they bother with a small bullying thing? [/quote] Yeah, but it would seem to me little boys being beaten up for weeks seems to trump being injured in a Pokemon battle. And I was thinking about the three islands, yeah. The only part of that movie I remember seeing was Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres fighting, and since I didn't see anyone except Ash and co. to see it, I assumed that Shamouti Island was deserted. Oops. [b]Ghostmyth[/b]- I really like the character, I do, by why does he have no last name? When you answer, I will accept you. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
King of Nothing Posted February 19, 2011 Report Share Posted February 19, 2011 [quote name='Luxray' timestamp='1298132592' post='5018813'] Yeah, but it would seem to me little boys being beaten up for weeks seems to trump being injured in a Pokemon battle. And I was thinking about the three islands, yeah. The only part of that movie I remember seeing was Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres fighting, and since I didn't see anyone except Ash and co. to see it, I assumed that Shamouti Island was deserted. Oops. [b]Ghostmyth[/b]- I really like the character, I do, by why does he have no last name? When you answer, I will accept you. [/quote] Well in anime a lot of characters who are "Sell outs" don't have a last name, but I can throw one on if you'd prefer. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Quiksilver Posted February 19, 2011 Author Report Share Posted February 19, 2011 I would prefer it, yes. When I saw those people you are talking about, I just assumed they didn't feel like telling people their last names, if there was no reason for not having a last name... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
King of Nothing Posted February 19, 2011 Report Share Posted February 19, 2011 Alrighty, he has a last name =P Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Magnet Soldier Posted February 19, 2011 Report Share Posted February 19, 2011 If I add in an Explanation for the reason the Police didn't do anything, would that be alright? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Quiksilver Posted February 19, 2011 Author Report Share Posted February 19, 2011 [b]Ghostmyth[/b]- Great! Accepted. [b]Magnet Soldier[/b]- Sure. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Quiksilver Posted February 20, 2011 Author Report Share Posted February 20, 2011 Forgot to say this, but you are accepted, Magnet Soldier. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Renzoku Kira- Posted February 20, 2011 Report Share Posted February 20, 2011 So Lux when will we get started with the IC? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Magnet Soldier Posted February 20, 2011 Report Share Posted February 20, 2011 Explanation added, and thanks. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
.Corgi Posted February 20, 2011 Report Share Posted February 20, 2011 [quote name='Luxray' timestamp='1298059704' post='5016805'] [b]Xx/Mew\xX[/b]- I'm sorry, but "Mewlo" has to change. Despite other difference, one of the things similar between our world and the Pokemon world is that we name people the same- and since I sincerly doubt that any parent in this world would name their kid "Mewlo", I will need you to change that. Other than that, there are only a couple of small problems- for one, there is no "Megadeth" in the Pokemon world, so it needs to be changed- and also, Rhydon has already been claimed by [s]Magnet[/s]Quaintrelle, so could you please choose another one? Thanks. Until these are changed, Not Accepted. [/quote] Edited my post, if you did'nt see it. Am I accepted now? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Quiksilver Posted February 20, 2011 Author Report Share Posted February 20, 2011 We start when RadioKirby posts his character (today, I think he said) or, if that fails, we will start tomorrow morning. [b]Xx\Mew/xX[/b]- You are so close! I just need you to change Kickerizer into a Tyrogue- I said on the app I wanted only base evolutions, so yeah. XP. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
.Corgi Posted February 21, 2011 Report Share Posted February 21, 2011 [quote name='Luxray' timestamp='1298230091' post='5021242'] We start when RadioKirby posts his character (today, I think he said) or, if that fails, we will start tomorrow morning. [b]Xx\Mew/xX[/b]- You are so close! I just need you to change Kickerizer into a Tyrogue- I said on the app I wanted only base evolutions, so yeah. XP. [/quote] Wait- Can you give me some time? I'm sleeping right now, and while I'm on my iPod I cannot Edit that, so can you give me 8 hours? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Quiksilver Posted February 21, 2011 Author Report Share Posted February 21, 2011 Actually, if you want, I can just change it for you, when I add it to the other apps. ._. And also, you have until tomorrow morning (and maybe a bit past that) to post it, so no worries. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
.Corgi Posted February 21, 2011 Report Share Posted February 21, 2011 [quote name='Luxray' timestamp='1298249682' post='5021872'] Actually, if you want, I can just change it for you, when I add it to the other apps. ._. And also, you have until tomorrow morning (and maybe a bit past that) to post it, so no worries. [/quote] Tomorrow morning? In what time zone? I live in time zone GMT+1. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Quiksilver Posted February 21, 2011 Author Report Share Posted February 21, 2011 I'm five hours behind the Greenwich time, so let's just say in approximately 14 hours from this time. That will be approximately 10 o'clock for me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pichu Posted February 21, 2011 Report Share Posted February 21, 2011 [spoiler=Austin 1][center][b]Pokemon Trainer Austin Black[/b][/center] [b]AGE:[/b] 14 [b]GENDER:[/b] Male [b]MONEY:[/b] 2000 [b]APPEARANCE:[/b] - Height: 5 Foot 1in - Weight: 92lbs - Body Shape: muscular - Hair Style & Color: ratty and messy. red - Eye Color: green - Complexion: white with a little tan - Clothing: Wears headphones around his neck. has a simple purple sweatshirt on with nothing on under it. Sweatshirt is zipped up. wears blue, faded skinny jeans. has black chucks [b]PERSONALITY:[/b] He act kind of emo because his mother just died. He is happy most of the time though. He dosen't really think before he acts unless he's in a Pokemon battle. Is scared easily and dosen't lie. He is always welcoming new friends and is ready for his Pokemon Adventure! [b]BIOGRAPHY:[/b] Austin's parents met each other at a shop in Sunyshore City in Sinnoh. His father is from Golden Island of the Orange Islands and his mother comes from the Unova region. It was love at first sight and they dated for three years. They got married at a church on Golden Island. Soon they had a son named James Levi Black. He was four when Austin Lee Black was born. They all lived on Mandarin Island South. They were all happy then the accident happened. It was Austin's 14th birthday and his party was on the coast of Mandarin S. Austin, James, their father, and two friends were having cake while their mother was swiming. A strong current got her and pulled her under. She drowned soon after. Austin became really depressed after that. He started acting emo and wouldn't talk to his father, brother, and even his girlfriend, Cierra. All day he would sit on his bed and watch TV. James told Austin how much fun a Pokemon Adventure was. Austin started packing for a Pokemon Adventure and told his dad he was ready. Austin got a Pichu that was living under his house and started off..... [b]EQUIPMENT:[/b] Five Pokeballs and a Potion. [center][b]Pokemon[/b][/center] [b]NAME:[/b] Pichu [b]POKEMON SPECIES:[/b] Pichu [b]GENDER:[/b] Male [b]PERSONALITY:[/b] A small hyper Pichu. Is always happy and loves a battle. But he is very shy. [b]ABILITY:[/b] Static [b]MOVESET:[/b] Charge Volt Tackle Encore Bide [/spoiler] Can i app for another character? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Renzoku Kira- Posted February 21, 2011 Report Share Posted February 21, 2011 Lux did you say we could you Splice Pokemon? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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