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Pokemon! High Seas Miracle! [OoC Thread/Started/Not Accepting]


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Professor Ivy will resuscitate Daniel. Not by mouth to mouth though.

Alright, Ivy will give Jesse an...egg. But another Creamoo? Really?

The answer to your question, [s]Quaintrelle[/s]Naimo? Yes. :P

We need to wait for Spartan to catch a Pokemon, if he wants. Though, we could just go do what we need to do and when Spartan comes back he can say he caught a Pokemon and caught up with us or something....

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yay :D Well I want Jesse to have both a Miltank and a Taurus later on so that's why I was thinking of another Creamoo :)

if everyone's done in the forest and stuff otherwise we could perhaps time-skip to next morning when Jesse can actually get those Trainer Cards fixed up? :) unless something happened in the IC thread that I missed/while writing this that makes that impossible :)

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Although she couldn't possibly buy something at this time could she? Jesse told her that the store would be closed at that time, unless that is counted as god modding or anything then ignore it (or just pretend he was wrong for simplicity's sake), I just went with it being late and Melina asking him :P

But yeah timeskip would probably be a good idea as soon as she tells you what she bought just to move things along :)

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He said that? Wow, I completely missed that. Maybe it's because I played the games, but I've always thought of the PokeMart as one of those 24/7 stores. Let's just say he was mistaken to keep things moving.

That will have to wait til the morning; the group need to get some sleep before going to Ivy's. You could have Chu sleep in Kip's heavy fur coat if you wish. :D

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Well, maybe one of the other Pokemon will explain the situation to Chu- can't Pokemon communicate, or something? And besides, you said Chu was weak (or was that just the ElecNet?) so maybe she would want to rest up too. Don't worry, we're going to do a time skip and get everyone to the lab in a little bit, after we're done waiting for some certain people to reply.
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well... wasn't the elecnet's purpose to get the trainer's moving? In that case your pokémon succeeded. Instead of starting a fight about this or having Lux Change his post (and thus causing naimo to have to change hers) can't you just let it slip for the sake of moving the RP along? If everything is to be changed now we'll just bestuck in the woods for several more posts when we could just start up after the time skip again.
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okay that's nice, but don't blame yourself :)

Could I get a bit of control over Ivy for a while? I had an idea that she gives him a pokédex too and she's the one urging him to go out and travel as well. It would make more sense than him just being like: kay Imma just leave you now without any notice what so ever, kthxbye :3

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I don't really know how the groups will look, but one "smart" way to split groups could be to have people in the same time zones in the same groups as that will (hopefully) ensure that one or two people in a group is completely left out.

oh, and if anyone would be up for it. I'm planning a pokémon RPG that is to be set in a time equivalent to the 50-60's of our world. If anyone would be interested in helping out with the planning you could PM me, I think I might need help with figuring out a plot.
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I'm sorry to hear that. I will remove your character from the lists.

As for the groups, I agree with Red; we should divide based on time zones. For example, I've noticed that both Spartan919 and TFF have the same time zone; they should pair up. Same goes for Naimo and Magnet Soldier, while the rest of you seem to get on roughly around the same time. Up until now, I have been able to go on from dusk til dawn, and join with nearly every group; this will change soon, and I will only be able to get on around 4:00 (I'm in -5 for the Greenwich Time, so do the math for what this will be in your zone), and that means that I will most likely be joining Spartan and TFF's group. So; if you could post what time you will be able to get on most days along with what time zone you are in, we will be able to divide up the groups.
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[quote name='legolover09' timestamp='1298853483' post='5039841']
I am not feeling well. I am sick and might not post often in these next few days. They won't be very good posts, but it is the best I can do.

Alright, as long as you have a reason, I can let you off posting for a while. :lol: Hope you feel better.

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