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Pokemon! High Seas Miracle! [OoC Thread/Started/Not Accepting]


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Hahaha, thanks (?) :blink:

[i]HE[/i] is certain that he saw the mew, but in all honesty he had just glimpsed something and then rushed into the forest to see if he could get a better view of it. And I asked Lux about it before hand so it's all alright ;)

Yeah I like the regular Mew more too, all pink and cute :3 Not that I'd try to catch one though :lol:

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To answer your question, you simply post the URL of the video you want. No code or anything. Mine read simply this: [code]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FVjbo8dW9c8[/code]. That's it.

And to talk about your splice: I don't know much about splices, but it looks legitimate to me; quite expertly done, if you ask me. And I like the name too.
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Actually, TFF, when I said "drastically changed" the Orange League, I meant they had adopted the traditional way of Gym structure- going from Gyms in a certain order, 8 Gyms in total, etc. And who said that we were going to Kumquat Island?

Also, Pichu, it's fine if you want to stay behind and help, but you're going to miss out on a lot of Pokemon catching and action. Your choice.

P.S. Please don't go off-topic on this thread.
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@ Luxray: "We're" not going to Kumquat Island, but Daniel and Ace are. Daniel needs to pick up a new phone. And where is the new list of Gyms?

@ RadioKirby: What is with you and your obsession with getting slime over everything you can?!? My character really doesn't like it, and it is getting annoying!!!
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You do realize that the slime also carries its stench with it, soaking the smell into whatever it touches, right? That means you just made two characters and the only Pokemon they currently have completely undesirable to any Pokemon!
Basically, you just made it impossible, or at least incredibly hard, for our characters to encounter, and therefore catch or battle, Pokemon.
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We will get them after the rescue, since Ivy will be so impressed with us she's give everyone one.

And, TFF, have you even played through the Pokemon games without looking it up online or anything, so things like what or who the Gym Leader is is a surprise? Well, I want to make it like that. You won't know who you are fighting until you get there- I don't want you looking at the OoC thread and saying, "Well, I'm facing a Fire-type Gym Leader, so it's time to catch some Water Pokemon".

And don't worry, I won't let slime stop ya from catching Pokemon :lol:.

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I agree with Spartan. Slime is rather hard to get out, and it sounds like it has gotten into everything they have on their person.
Thanks for ruining our characters, RadioKirby!

@ Luxray: So, we have to follow your character around because he is the only one who knows where the next Gym Leader is? You are making this RP incredibly linear, which is not a good thing with such a large group. Why can't we just go in any order we want and do whatever we like?
And no, I have always had some sort of strategy guide or walkthrough with me whenever I have played a Pokemon game.
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