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Pokemon! High Seas Miracle! [OoC Thread/Started/Not Accepting]


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[size="4"][center]Welcome to Pokemon! High Seas Miracle![/center][/size]

[center][url="http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/240663-pokemon-high-seas-miracle-ic-threadstartednot-accepting/"]IC Thread[/url][/center]

Hey guys! It's Luxray, and I'm back with a whole new Pokemon RP. Now, while you've doubtless seen enough Pokemon Adventure RPs, hopefully I'll be able to throw in a couple of twists into this one to make it more interesting. One of these twists is this; this adventure will take place in the sadly unexplored [url="http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Orange_Archipelago"]Orange Islands[/url]. And this region won't be the same after we play with it; it will be host to an exciting tale of mystery, intrigue, and classic Pokemon adventure, and hopefully you will want to join me in going on this great adventure. So, take a look at the spoilers, figure out if this is good enough to join, and don't forget- bring sunscreen, it's gonna be hot were we're going!


Sorry for the lame humor. Don't worry, there's none of it in the actual story. Anyways, enjoy!~

[center][i]"A strange region, this. Composed entirely of desert islands, and with Shiny Pokemon to boot, the Orange Archipelago is quite the intriguing region. But, there is more than meets the eye here- for this region is not the tropical, idyllic paradise it seems to be. No, the Orange Islands holds secrets in it's sandy arms..."[/i]

- Arielle Shel, current Champion of the Orange League[/center]

The Orange Archipelago. A large chain of islands located just north of the famed Kanto region, it is made up of thirty islands, each with it's own unique features and curiosities. With this is mind, it is easy to see why the Orange Islands have been the leading destination choice for tourists. However, for years, the type of fame -the type of fame associated with masses of Trainers and progress- that had given to it's fellow regions, had all but evaded these islands. Why? Lack of region-only Pokemon, or maybe a weak Pokemon League- it is not known. In any case, for years the Orange Islands have existed on the periphery of this recognition; once, long ago, a chance of fame did chance upon the islands; the brief visit of an acclaimed Pokemon Master caused this, but the Orange Islands quickly faded back into obscurity once the trainer had left with his entourage. However, this is not to be so for much longer.

It began with a sighting on Valencia Island. A flash of blue fur, a joyful smile. And then, nothing. People would suddenly start talking about a strange sight they had, out when they were alone- the sight of some strange, blue Pokemon. At first, it was just several isolated sighting here and there- and, then, suddenly sightings began erupting like wildfire- On Fairchild Island, then one of the Grapefruit Islands, Morrow Island- a "wondrous light blue Pokemon" was being seen all over. It took some time to figure out what the Pokemon was, but they finally discovered the mystery Pokemon's identity- it was a Shiny Mew, a rarest of the rare, and it had apparently decided to spend some time on the Islands. Where the Mew went, suddenly the Pokemon population began increasing- quite a bit, too. Lots of more Pokemon, in many different varieties and formes, were popping up all over the Archipelago. Finally, seven months after the first sighting of the Mew, Felina Ivy, Professor of the Orange Islands, gave an announcement to the general public; every type of Pokemon species imaginable populated the Orange Islands now.

Trainers flocked to the Orange Islands like moths to a flame. A chance to catch one of the most elusive Pokemon possible, coupled with a chance to see Pokemon like never before, was nearly impossible for these Trainers to turn down. In response to the overflow, the Orange League drastically changed and expanded it's Gym Challenge in the Orange Islands- a full set of eight Gym Leaders, plus a new Elite Four, was added, and a new Palace of Victory on Mandarin Island North. A new Gym Challenge path was also set up around the islands to suit the incoming trainers, who were arriving fast and heavy on Hamlin Island, the connection between the Orange Islands and the rest of the world.

Finally, the Orange Archipelago was now in the public spotlight. Business was booming. People and Pokemon alike were doing better than ever. Fortune had finally seemed to smile on the oft-forgotten Orange Islands. But, in short term will the inhabitants of the Orange Islands learn that all attention that is not good, and the unsuspecting islands and the wonders in it had garnered the attention of a rather malignant group of beings...

You are a up-and-coming Pokemon Trainer, who is ready to start his or her journey into the Orange Archipelago. You have not a clue about what you will come up against on this journey, or the dangers that aim to break the peace in this region. You only know one thing- that you will be a Pokemon Master, and conquer the Orange Islands![/spoiler]

[spoiler=Orange Islands]


I know many people do not know what the Orange Islands look like, so I am in the process of finding a suitable map for us to use. I am actually seeing right now if my friend would be kind enough to allow me to use his picture of the Islands, but until I hear back from him, I would suggest looking at [url='http://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/5/5a/Orange.jpg']the map on the Bulbapedia page[/url]. All you need to know right now that we will be starting on Hamlin Island- and if we end up traveling to another island before I acquire the map, I will inform you in-character which island it shall be.

[u]MONEY & ITEMS[/u]
I will be creating a money system in this RP, based on the money system within the Pokemon games. The money used is known as the Pokemon Dollar ([img]http://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/8/8c/Pok%C3%A9monDollar.png[/img]), and it is the currency used in all known regions of the Pokémon world. Pokémon Dollars are acquired primarily by defeating Pokémon Trainers in battle, or by selling Items at a Poke Mart. To start out with, Trainers will have 2000 Pokemon Dollars, which can be used either before starting or after we start the RP to purchase items. Items are objects which the player acquires through purchasing them at Poke Marts, or, in rarer cases, by picking them off the ground. These items are keep in Trainer's bags, and can be used in some manner. They have various uses, including healing, powering up, helping one to catch Pokemon, or to access a new area. In the RP, to obtain items like Pokeballs, you will have to go to a Poke Mart, which are found in every city. This entire system will be conducted in-game, but for reference I will post the items and prices for the Poke Mart here. (Note: As we move to new islands, new items will be added. So, before purchasing, be sure to check back here first.)


Poke Ball - [img]http://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/8/8c/Pok%C3%A9monDollar.png[/img]200

Potion - [img]http://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/8/8c/Pok%C3%A9monDollar.png[/img]300

Parlyz Heal - [img]http://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/8/8c/Pok%C3%A9monDollar.png[/img]200

Antidote - [img]http://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/8/8c/Pok%C3%A9monDollar.png[/img]150

Awakening - [img]http://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/8/8c/Pok%C3%A9monDollar.png[/img]350[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Orange Islands Pokedex]
If you've read the Story yet (Which I hope you have), then you know that all Pokemon shown in the region to date will be available for catching in the RP, but as for Fakemon- I'm not opposed to them, I'm just not going to create or find a set of Fakemon to go along with this RP. This being said, if you are able to find a decent picture of a Fakemon- preevolution, evolution, or totally new- and submit it to me, with a bit of info about the Pokemon, including name and ability(s), and the artist's permission, [b]I will consider allowing it in the RP[/b]. Note how I bolded the last part of my sentence- if the Pokemon is too powerful, I will not allow it into the RP. Thank you.



Evolves into Miltank or Tauros (Depending on gender).

Ability: Own Tempo (A natural sense of balance and movement prevents the user from being confused.) / Thick Fat (Gives the user heat and cold protection, thereby increasing the Pokemon's resistance to Ice-type and Fire-type moves.)


Evolves into Mawhile when in possession of a Dusk Stone.

Ability: Hyper Cutter (This Pokemon is uneffected by moves such as Growl or abilities such as Intimidate.)


Evolves from Steelix when training between the hours of 2 PM and 4 PM.

Ability: Rock Head (This Pokemon suffers no recoil damage.) / Sturdy (This Pokemon is not affected by 1-hit KO moves.)

All Advanced Clause rules apply.

1. Only one Pokemon on your team can be the same as another Trainer's Pokemon.

2. PLEASE Spell-check before posting!

3. Check back to the OoC Thread in case you miss something.

4. You must wait until 2-3 people have posted after you before posting again. However, if you are in a Pokemon battle with someone, you don't have to follow this rule.

5. Remember to post often!

I think we're all mature enough here that I do not need to list any rules like "No spamming", "no flaming", etc. but be warned; infractions will not be taken lightly here.[/spoiler]

Remove everything in brackets.

[center][b]Pokemon Trainer {NAME}[/b][/center] {Replace the {NAME} with your character's name. First and last name, please.}

[b]AGE:[/b] {Since I am not a believer in the idea that ten-year-old children are sent out into the wild to combat wild monsters, let's try to make it just a tad more realistic and bump up the age limit. Please make it somewhere around 13-14.}

[b]GENDER:[/b] {Male or Female.}

[b]MONEY:[/b] {For this, list the amount of money you possess at the time of arrival at the Orange Islands; the maximum amount is 2000, but it can be less than that. Look at the Money & Items section of the Orange Islands spoiler for more information.}


- Height: {Your height, optimally presented in a feet'inches" form.}

- Weight: {Shown in pounds please. Take your height and body shape into account when choosing this.}

- Body Shape: {Describe your shape here. Is it petite, muscular, regular?}

- Hair Style & Color: {Can generally be whatever you want, as watchers of the Pokemon anime will know. I mean, have you seen Jessie's hair? Yeesh.}

- Eye Color: {Same as above.}

- Complexion: {Your skin tone. Remember, Pokemon trainers are still human. :D}

- Clothing: {Once more, self-explanatory. You can wear generally anything you want, as long as it covers you up.}

[b]PERSONALITY:[/b] {A few words about how your character acts, thinks, does- and why. A paragraph is required.}

[b]BIOGRAPHY:[/b] {All of your characters' history will be laid out here. Remember to include such things as how his parents met, his place of birth, how she/he was raised, his dreams, expectations, etc.}

[b]EQUIPMENT:[/b] {Here, list the items you purchased from the Poke Mart. Look to the Money & Items section for information on this.)


[b]NAME:[/b] {Either the species name or a nickname. I'd prefer the latter.}

[b]POKEMON SPECIES:[/b] {Since the Orange Islands don't have any Starter Pokemon, I'll allow you to have any Pokemon you wish, as long if it's in it's base evolution. Also, note here if shiny.}

[b]GENDER:[/b] {Male or Female}

[b]PERSONALITY:[/b] {Only a a sentence or two needed here, since it's a little harder for Pokemon to express much more than simple emotions.}

[b]ABILITY:[/b] {Make sure it is a ability your Pokemon can actually learn.}

[b]MOVESET:[/b] {Only four moves, as per Pokemon rules. Also, even though we won't be using levels, we are just starting out, so I'd prefer if these moves were low-level. Also, as with Ability, make sure these are moves the Pokemon can actually learn.}[/code]

If you have any problems with the application, take a look at my app and see if that helps. If it doesn't, feel free to ask me.

[spoiler=Accepted Apps]
Moved to post #11.


Enjoy your stay![/center]

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[center][b]Pokemon Trainer Jared "Ace" Vulpes[/b][/center]

[b]AGE:[/b] 14

[b]GENDER:[/b] Male

[b]MONEY:[/b] 1100


- Height: 5'6"

- Weight: 134

- Body Shape: Thin

- Hair Style & Color: Short, spiky, brown with golden and white streaks

- Eye Color: Blue & Brown

- Complexion: Light

- Clothing: Brown jeans; black shoes; brown shirt with golden "Eevee-collar" (a collar in the appearance of the ring of fur around an Eevee's neck); brown fingerless gloves, with white Poke-ball symbol on back; brown bandanna with Poke-ball symbol, worn around right arm.

[b]PERSONALITY:[/b] Ace is usually lighthearted and playful, innocently kind, though with an understanding of the darkness of the world. He is easy to impress and fairly trusting, though he doesn't think before speaking, and says things that most people would regret. He is generally restless, and can't stand still for more than a few seconds; he usually shifts on his feet, bounces up and down, or otherwise moves constantly. Ace has a short temper, and when it comes to his friends, family, or his Pokemon, he would go to the ends of the Earth to protect or take care of them.

[b]BIOGRAPHY:[/b] Jared Vulpes was born in Pallet Town (in the Kanto Region) to Gerald Vulpes and Alyssia South. Although neither would mention it to their son, both were distinguished Pokemon trainers. The two had met while battling, and almost instantly fell for each other. The two battled intensely, until both Pokemon collapsed and the battle was declared a draw. Gerald sought out Alyssia after the battle, and the two planned a 'date' for a few nights later. Their affection for each other only grew, and the two were soon married. A short few years later, they had a son, who they named Jared. When Jared was four years old, he encountered his first Pokemon; he had wandered away from his home, and became lost in the woods around Pallet Town. After an hour of wandering, Jared was 'attacked' (as he said) by a wild Pidgey. The Pokemon seemed to take pity on him, and brought him seeds and led him from the woods. As he wandered back to his home, and into his house, the first words he shouted were "I wanna train!" His parents, who had been hiding their pasts, supported him fully, though they still revealed nothing to him. Five years later, when Jared was nine, he met an Eevee, and the two instantly became partners. Jared had a natural talent for training Pokemon, and soon came to be nicknamed "Ace." He affectionately called his Eevee partner "Volpecula," or any shortening of the word. When he heard about the Orange Islands sightings, the now fourteen-year-old Ace, and his Eevee friend, just couldn't resist the temptation

[b]EQUIPMENT:[/b] 3 x Potion


[b]NAME:[/b] Volpecula


[b]GENDER:[/b] Female

[b]PERSONALITY:[/b] Volpecula reflects the personality of her trainer; she is playful and lighthearted. She possesses a short temper, and often attacks at the slightest insult or provocation. She can't stop moving, possessing an inert energy that never seems to run out or diminish. She is friendly, and trusts Ace completely; though she almost always refuses to remain in a Poke-ball.

[b]ABILITY:[/b] [i]Adaptability-[/i] Boosts the power of Normal-type (STAB) moves

[b]MOVESET:[/b] Tackle, Quick Attack, Sand-Attack, Double Team
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Pokemon trainer V4 (Verdict 14) (just thought of that)

AGE: 14


MONEY: 10000

- Height: 5'4''

- Weight: 139 lbs

- Body Shape: Athletic, but in a rich kind of way....

- Hair Style & Color: black, In a nice combed hair

- Eye Color: Blue

- Complexion: Fair

- Clothing: avery pricey Jacket made in france. top not black wit perfect stiching. Zipped down the middle

PERSONALITY: He is very stuck up. he only cares about his self. he only has friends because he pas them money. he is a brat and always gets the new pokemon balls and Items.

BIOGRAPHY: When V4 was born he was very wealthly. He father owned serval big corpations. he runs everything. he got everything we wants. he was snont nose brat. he never did a thing that he didn't want to. but at age of 8 his father died. he took over half the company. he quickly became more cocky and got even more things. he invested in about everything. he got a call saying they where exploring orange islands. he went there to find some more investments and to add a main workplace for himself.

EQUIPMENT: Pokeball:10
reveive: 8
Max Ether: 8
potions: 15

Pokemon: Dragonite

Name: puff Ball


PERSONALITY: self absorbent. battles only when he wants to. he always gets everything and the best food. He is very cocky and stubborn as well.
ABILITY: Swift Swim

MOVESET: 1. Hyper beam
2. draco metor
3. Fly
4. Extremespeed
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[center][b]Pokemon Trainer Edward Skar[/b][/center]

[b]Age:[/b] 15 years old
[b]Gendar:[/b] Male
[b]Money:[/b] 1100
[spoiler=Appearance][spoiler=Image][img]http://th09.deviantart.net/fs48/300W/i/2009/168/8/a/POKEMON_TRAINER_by_kandoken.jpg[/img][/spoiler] Height: 5'2"
Weight: 110 lbs
Body Shape: Regular
Hair Style & Color: Like Ash's in a way that is also black and covered with a different colored hat that is green in color with a few light green areas.
Eye Color: Yellow
Complexion: Somewhat of a tan look
Clothing: Ed wears a blank green t-shirt under a collared button-up dark orange and black shirt. Two black and yellow wrist guards are seen on both of his hands, but is never seen wearing gloves of any kind. He enjoys wearing blue jean pants that are rather loose on his legs. These are held up by a dark brown belt which supplies him with his poke-balls and other such necessities. He carries with him a green back pack that has all the important things a pokemon trainer would need. Finally, his shoes are orange, green, and white to an almost gray color with black socks beneath it all. A very standard appearance for him.[/spoiler] [b]Personality:[/b] Edward is very laid back even in the most intense of all situations. His mind is completely focused on caring for those around him including the pokemon he carries with him. He is not at all independent and believes that working together with your pokemon is a good way to help them grow stronger. When faced in battle he will sometimes forfeit the match just to get help for his pokemon if they are injured in such a way. Not much will actually anger him aside from the fact if someone or a group of people mistreat or try to steal pokemon. Only then would he get on the offensive side of things. His biggest fear could be loosing a pokemon battle, but that is sometimes seen through most trainers working into battle experience. He does have a massive fear of heights..... he can't jump onto a flying pokemon and sore through the skies. It is something that he is not to fond of; of all other things.

[b]Biography:[/b] Edward aka Ed was born in Snowpoint City (high in the Sinnoh Region); both of his parents were accomplished pokemon trainers. His mother was one of the Frontier Brains within Sinnoh while he father actually stood proud as a Top Coordinator. Because of this Edward was an only child and never saw his parents as much. In fact, he was often left at the local trainers school where he took classes on becoming a pokemon trainer. His number one goal was to become a pokemon master. Not really having any friends Edward barely played with anyone in Snowpoint. Even at the age of ten; Ed hadn't started out on his journey unlike some who had begun with a pokemon they had become friends with. A few months later Edward came across an injured pokemon. Beaten-ed black and blue he brought the pokemon home and treated its wounds. It had taken several days to heal and recooperate from all that happened. When the pokemon awoke; Ed noticed that this pokemon was actually a Riolu. The one pokemon who evolved into a Lucario. Through his patience and care Riolu decided to remain with Ed, and there they began training together until they truly felt it was time to leave on a pokemon journey on Ed's 15th birthday.

[b]Equipment:[/b] Poke-balls (x3), Potion (x2)


[b]Name:[/b] Skar
[b]Pokemon Species:[/b] Riolu
[b]Gendar:[/b] Male
[b]Personality:[/b] Actually prefers not to battle, but does it anyway to get stronger. Cares a lot about other pokemon and will put his body in the way to save those who are injured or weak.
[b]Ability:[/b] Inner Focus
1. Quick Attack
2. Counter
3. ----
4. ----
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[center][b]Pokemon Trainer: Duke Castle[/b][/center]

[b]Age:[/b] 13
[b]Gender:[/b] Male
[b]Money:[/b] 1000

- Height: 4 ft 7 inches
- Weight: 83 lbs

- Body Shape: Slim and small. Very athletic and slight. His style of training has left him fast and stronger than one would think, but he is still limited by his size, much to his distress.

- Hair Style & Color: Light silver gray hair that is impossible to tame and always appears messy. Apparently, It is genetic. His father and grandfather have the same hair

- Eye Color: His eyes are the same shade as his hair. He is prone to subconjunctival hemorrhage in times of excitement. Also genetic, from his grandfather.

- Complexion: A light, almost tanned skin tone. He has several small scars on his body from his... Unorthodox breeding methods.

- Clothing: [strike]a leaf[/strike] Wears brown shorts, a gray shirt with a green hooded jacket over it. The jacket has a puffy fur lined edge that he thinks makes him look bigger. His pokeballs are kept on his belt. He has three items hanging from his neck; a broken Luxray fang, a locked pendant and a green shard. He wears simple sneakers but often discards them to climb things. He is often messy and dirty because of his hands on training style. All his clothes have scuffs and rips on them. His bag is a simple messenger bag that has seen better days.

[b]PERSONALITY:[/b] He is sensitive about his height and tends to act out whenever someone mentions it. He is energetic and somewhat wild and has a violent streak in him. Years of being picked on by his sibling, particularly the twins, have left him with several odd fears (such as geodudes, silk, paper cranes, the number 47, cotton candy, cheese, pink flowers and a couple others.) He is defensive about things and can be cynical. He hates being called shorty, but isn't good at insults.

[b]Biography:[/b] Duke is from Sinnoh. His parents met over thirty years ago, when his grandparents were running the family breeding farm. His mother, then a young trainer and contest coordinator, met his father when she left some pokemon with the family business. She kept coming back and the relationship between the two budded until they eventually got married. They currently host contests in their local town. The family is rich in land, have several hundred acres which they use in breeding and training pokemon. His parents have been very... busy and have had a productive marriage.

Duke is the sixth child in the family. His oldest brothers are Dino and Denver, both 21 (but not identical). Dino has gone into contests and is very good at it. He is a famed coordinator and his several trophies. Denver is a researcher and roams, studying habits and habitats of pokemon I the wild to send back home to help the business. Donnie, his 18 year old sister is into pure breeding and training. She is somewhat famous in their town and worked in the pokemon center for a short while. He has two older twin 16 year old siblings, Daniel and Danielle (Dan and Danni, his grandpa though it was be funny), that breed pokemon and enter them in contests, but only doubles. Duke himself plans to breed and raise pokemon and enter them mainly in battles but may partake in the occasional contest. In case your wondering, his Grandfather, Derryk, named them and intended for all the vowels to be used.

He is doted on by his parents and oldest brother and teased by the other siblings. Being small for his size, he has always tried to over compensate for things. Since he was little, his parents have had him around the pokemon they raise and train. As such, he is fearless around them and takes risks. He prefers hands on training and has gotten himself in several.... dicey situations because of it. He appears to be a genetic throwback to his grandfather, who was also short with gray hair and eyes, while his siblings and parents are average height going on tall. He likes to tell himself he is due a growth spurt... Any day now...

Dan and Danni are cruel children who think the only thing more fun than contests is tormenting Duke. They have played a variety of imaginative pranks on him over the years and he sometimes breaks out into shudders when he thinks about them. A good number of his scars are their fault.

His grandfather gave him the pendant when the twins torment intensified. There is a quickclaw inside for luck. He claims it works are well for him as it would for a pokemon, so yeah. The fang he carries is from Kit's mother. It broke off when she attempted to bite a rampaging steelix he accidentally provoked in his climbing stage. He keeps it as a reminder not to get too wild with his antics. Since then, he took care of her and when her son, kit was born several years later, he took raising Kit as his personal duty. Whether Kit's split personality is the fault of his training or another effect of the twins torment is up for grabs.

Stranger yet is his dream not of being the a pokemon master, but of ruling the world. His mother thinks it's his grandfather's influence. His grandpa was always a bit... touched in the head. He is distantly related to professor Birch, on his mothers side. Something like second cousin twice removed. She does call him occasionally, so it seems her claim is true.

Duke is beginning to regret his decision to head to the orange islands as he has discovered he gets rather seasick on boats. What is strange is that he rides surfing pokemon just fine. He is determined to acquire a suitable swimming pokemon in order to avoid the ordeal of boats.

-Pokeball (x1)
-Potion (x2)

[spoiler=Kit][b]Name:[/b] Kit
[b]Pokemon Species:[/b] Shinx
[b]Gender:[/b] Male

[b]Personality:[/b] Outside of battle, Kit is friendly and playful. He is also annoyingly curious and often has Duke running to keep him out of trouble. His personality changes to aggressive and conceding the instant battle a starts for some reason, possibly due to his ability.

[b]Ability:[/b] Intimidate
-Thunder wave
-Quick Attack[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Alice][b]Name:[/b] Alice
[b]Pokemon Species:[/b] Purrloin
[b]Gender:[/b] Female

[b]Personality:[/b] Arrogance and grace define this cat. She is proud and haughty, and views those around her as peons for her service and amusement.

[b]Ability:[/b] Limber
-Faint Attack
-Sand Attack[/spoiler]
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Edit: This was a long application that I was working on since last night. And the person above mine is longer. I still like mine.

[center][b]Pokemon Trainer Alexander Erastis[/b][/center]

[b]AGE:[/b] 12

[b]GENDER:[/b] Male

[b]MONEY:[/b] 0


- Height: 4' 7"

- Weight: 70lbs

- Body Shape: Thin

- Hair Style & Color: Brown, normal hair. For us. With Jesse's hair, this probably isn't normal

- Eye Color: Blue

- Complexion: Red, ummm.... I mean tan.... that's what I meant

- Clothing: HE'S NUDE! Just kidding... or am I? Aaannnyyyywwwaaayyys, his clothes are raggedy. Covered in dirt and soil. It was a blue shirt at one point. And blue jeans too. THey have holes in them and the only thing that isn't danged up is his backpack. His backpack is black and has a flute inside it along with two poke balls.

[b]PERSONALITY:[/b] [i] Because I like to do personality with character, I will do this in his point of view [/i] My personality *laughs*. That is such a long word. Thought it does tend to represent a lot. It should be made biiiiggger! Well, I like to play my flute. And pokemon like my flute. Does that count as personality. Nuts! If my flute doesn't count, how about the fact that I just stood there as I was robbed. Scared? Is that what you said I was. Of coarse not. I was... ummm.... uhhh... looking at the pretty pokemon. [i] Yeah[/i]. Why do you want my personality anyways, huh? Why do ya, punk?

As you can see, I view him as childish and scared. And clueless. Fun to roleplay.

[b]BIOGRAPHY:[/b] [spoiler=Long]His parent's names were Michael Erastis and Megan Polita. Michael was a trainer, and Megan was studying to become a Pokemon Nurse. She was doing her interning and they met when Michael's Pokemon was injured. They eventually fell and love and had a child. He was a small baby, born on the Orange Islands. Even without the Shiny Mew, there were special Pokemon on the islands. His parents would allow him to play with some of the less scary ones. There weren't many children on the islands at this time, and so Alexander was aloud to spend time around the Pokemon. His parent's worried, because the lack of social contact was making him remain childish. At age ten, he was sent to Pokemon school, where he didn't make many friends, but learned about the ways of Pokemon. It was at this time that Alexander grew tired of the Pokemon school. He didn't want to become a trainer, he said, he wanted to become a Pokemon researcher, or something of that kind. His dad this time told his to try an instrument. So Alexander picked the only instrument that he thought made a soft sound. The flute. When he enjoyed that, his parents told him to keep practicing. After a year, his lesson's stopped because his parents couldn't afford them. He kept playing. His mom said that he had to become a Pokemon trainer when he became 12. Alexander started crying. He didn't want to become a trainer. She said it might help his dreams. Secretly though, she was hoping he'd stop wanting to become a researcher.

So she gave him 3000 pokedallors, all their savings, and told him that 1000 was the pokemon trainer fee, for a starter pokemon. She also had two pokeballs from when his dad had been a trainer. (At this island, that how it will work. So there.) But when he was walking down the street, a person with a strange outfit on, grabbed all of his money. It wasn't much, but it was all he had. He had been carrying the money, waving it in the air. He had been a fool, but didn't know it. He didn't want his parents to find out, so he ran into the meadows. He ran for miles before stopping. Now what was he going to do, he thought. So he took out his flute and started playing. A sad, soft, nice piece. It made him cheer up. Playing his flute always made him cheer up. A Aron was passing by and heard the music. It landed, and when it did, Alexander realized how tired he was. He fell asleep and the Aron curled up next to it. The Pokeballs rolled out and in the morning, he saw Shaymin nudging against its side. It opened up, and Aron disappeared inside it. It rolled around three times and clicked. Alexander activated it and Aron came back outside. He smiled. He wouldn't have to travel alone anymore. (if you are wondering why the flock of people hasn't come in his story, it is because he doesn't remember them and they didn't change the stroy) [/spoiler]

[b]EQUIPMENT:[/b] One extra poke ball


[b]NAME:[/b] Friend-Iron


[b]GENDER:[/b] Female

[b]PERSONALITY:[/b] This is a friendly Aron that loves any kind of music. She is afraid of bigger things, like Onyxes.

[b]ABILITY:[/b] Sturdy

[b]MOVESET:[/b] Iron Defense, Iron Head, Headbutt
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[center][b]Pokemon Trainer Melina Swift[/b][/center]

[b]AGE:[/b] 15 (See biography)

[b]GENDER:[/b] Female

[b]MONEY:[/b] 1500


- Height: 5'7.5"

- Weight: 84lb

- Body Shape: Regular

- Hair Style & Color: Melina has her violet-black hair tied in two long plaits, and they fall to her spine.

- Eye Color: Ferruginous

- Complexion: Fair

- Clothing: Melina wears a lavender empire waistline gown - the hem of which falls to the knees - with puff sleeves. Underneath, she wears leggings, and on her feet are a pair of magenta ankle boots. She carries everything, including her Pokeballs, in her backpack. She also has to depend on a walking stick in order to walk longer distances. She occasionally wears a necklace and some bangles.

[b]PERSONALITY:[/b] The most outstanding thing about Melina is her irrational phobia of Electric Pokemon. This phobia is so serious, even if the Pokemon is stood miles from her and cannot really do any damage, she will scream, panic and run away. If the Pokemon is too close to her, she will fall into hysterics, and needs a lot of calming down. Aside from that, Melina is a very sensible, unreserved and sanguine girl, although she lacks sagacity, and has a tendency to do the wrong thing at the wrong time (though she does it with a good intention). She has a very soft heart, and while she cannot exactly be called naive, she can easily fall for a trick or two (e.g. if she sees a classic magic trick, she'll think it's absolutely amazing and wouldn't want to know how it's done).

[b]BIOGRAPHY:[/b] Melina's parents were ordinary trainers who met during a party. They were friends for two years before they started dating, and a year and a half later, they married. Ten days after their marriage, Melina was born. Melina was exposed to Pokemon when she was very young, and it was this which shaped her desire to be a famous trainer, and to make her parents proud. When she was three, her parents had a house built in the middle of a forest which was near the town they were living in, and they moved in there. The house had enough space to allow them to let their Pokemon move around, and thusly ensuring that they didn't spend their time cooped inside a Pokeball.

One day, when Melina was five, she was outside playing with her father's Totodile when a wild Electabuzz that had clearly been hurt in a fight emerged. Totodile, sensing that something was wrong, immediately fled to alert Melina's parents, while the latter approached the Electabuzz. The latter, thinking that Melina was going to ambush him, immediately used Thunderbolt, which caught her and began to eletrocute her. She would have died, had her parents not returned in time to save her; although Melina was fine after the attack, save for the slightly walking issue that arose from the shock, such an ambush had a massive knock-on effect. Since then, Melina has had an irrational phobia of all Electric Pokemon, and despite many efforts to help her, the phobia refused to go away.

When Melina turned thirteen, her parents wanted her to start her journey, but she refused due to her phobia. Her parents happened to own a pair of Rhyperior, and they decided that it would be best for Melina if she had a Rhyhorn to help get her started, thusly they began to try and get the Rhyperiors to breed. Their plan succeeded, and a year later, Melina had her own Rhyhorn, Guardon. During the following year, as Melina and Guardon's affections grew, the latter was considered suitable to protect Melina, and thus she finally started her journey at the age of 15.

-Potion x1
-Pokeball x1


[b]NAME:[/b] Guardon

[b]POKEMON SPECIES:[/b] Rhyhorn

[b]GENDER:[/b] Male

[b]PERSONALITY:[/b] The phrase "a dog is a man's best friend" can be applied to Guardon; he is very loyal to Melina, as he understands her phobia, and he has a lot of common sense. He is percieved as intelligent, although he can be very contemning; similarly, it is always a good idea not to try and squash his huge pride, otherwise he will wildly ambush the offender.

[b]ABILITY:[/b] Lightningrod

-Tail Whip
-Horn Attack
-Fury Attack
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[center][b]Pokemon Trainer Daniel "ThatGuyWithTheGoggles" Andrews[/b][/center]

[b]AGE:[/b] 20

[b]GENDER:[/b] Male

[b]MONEY:[/b] 100 (Spent most of his money on supplies)

- Height: 6'1"
- Weight: 210 LBS
- Body Shape: Rather normal, but a tad bit on the chubby side.
- Hair Style & Color: Daniel's hair is dirty blonde, and styled so he has some bangs just barely reaching his eyes and a semi-spiky quasi-mullet in the back. However, when Chu rides in his hair, it spikes up from the static electricity and gains a yellow patch in the middle of his hair that is his Joltik.
- Eye Color: Ocean Blue.
- Complexion: Rather average Caucasian. Not too pale, yet not very tan. Just right!
- Clothing: Daniel wears a black T-shirt with the Beetle Badge on the front, blue jeans, a forest green and jade green hoodie tied up around his waist, and a red backpack. His Pokeballs are stored in the pockets of his hoodie. He also has a pair of red Flygon-like goggles on the top of his head and a pair of headphone with antennae on them around his neck.

[b]PERSONALITY:[/b] Daniel is very...eccentric...He can be completely calm and serious one moment, and totally outrageous and silly the next. However, he is very caring about Pokemon, and gets along with with them, especially Bug Pokemon. However, he hates Flying Pokemon and frog-like Pokemon, since they eat bugs. He is technologically literate and uses his laptop often, but he doesn't really like the outdoors, growing up in a city, and is terrible at living off of the land. He hates people who only see Pokemon as tools and objects or wants to release them into the wild, like Team Rocket or Team Plasma.

[b]BIOGRAPHY:[/b] Daniel Andrews, aka, "ThatGuyWithTheGoggles", is a legend on the Pokemon World's Internet. Born and raised in Castelia City, Daniel is the son of Victoria Andrews, a headstrong District Attorney, and Colin Andrews, CEO of Andrews-Mizuhana Shipping, a transportation company operating out of the port. He caught his first Pokemon, a Krabby, when he was 8, and became fascinated with the Bug Pokemon living in Pinwheel Forest, becoming a Bug Catcher. After accumulating loads of information, Daniel started the site "ThatGuyWithTheGoggles.mon" when he was 14 so he could help out Bug Catchers (and later Pokemaniacs) everywhere, becoming the Chief Administrator. With helpful information detailing the latest swarms and how to find the rarest of bugs, TGWTG.mon has grown into an Internet powerhouse. With supporting admins "Linkcada", "TheSpinnyOne", and "TheShedinjaSnob", Daniel now has hundreds of thousands of fans across the world and dozens of contributors to his site, including his idol, Arti, the Castelia City Gym Leader. Arti, hearing of a rare Pokemon in the Orange Islands, has tasked his student to go find it, so Daniel has taken Chu, one of his prized Pokemon, with him. How

[b]EQUIPMENT:[/b] Pokeballs x5, Potions x3


[b]NAME:[/b] Chu

[b]POKEMON SPECIES:[/b] Joltik (Bachuru)

[b]GENDER:[/b] Female

[b]PERSONALITY:[/b] Chu is rather shy, most likely due to her small size, preferring to hide in Daniel's hair instead of interacting with people and Pokemon. However, she can warm up to any traveling companions, and will ride with them as well. She can express her emotions through shocks to her target's nervous system, hurting those that hurt her and making those that are nice to her feel good.

[b]ABILITY:[/b] Compoundeyes

[b]MOVESET:[/b] ElecNet, String Shot, Spider Web, Struggle Bug
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[center][b]Pokemon Trainer Nathan DeWitt[/b][/center]

[b]AGE:[/b] 14

[b]GENDER:[/b] Male

[b]MONEY:[/b] 900


- Height: 5'6"

- Weight: 134 lbs

- Body Shape: Athletic

- Hair Style & Color: Dirty blond. Nathan's hair is close and cropped, except for a section in the front which spikes upward.

- Eye Color: Turquoise

- Complexion: Fair

- Clothing: A fashionable black jacket with white stripes, left unzipped over a red jersey. This is paired with grey long shorts and a beat-up pair of running shoes. Finally, a dark grey backpack. When it's warm out, Nathan ditches the jacket, and when it's cold out, replaces the light jacket with a black, fleecy one.

[b]PERSONALITY:[/b] Nathan is lively and charming, and most people find him fun to be around- until his always-optimistic attitude begins to wear on end. With this popular, friendly attitude, he's someone who's constantly in the center of attention, but he tries not to let it go to his head- but, unfortunately, sometimes, he fails. However, Nathan is a guy who will always be there to cheer his friends up and help out. However, he is also bull-headed and stubborn, it usually takes Nathan some time before he admits he is wrong...on anything. He also believes he'll be the first Pokemon Master of the Orange Islands, and with this stubborn mindset, you know old Nate will pursue his goal until the end.

[b]BIOGRAPHY:[/b] Nathan was born in the Johto region, to a large, kind family of nine living in Goldenrod City. His father worked at the Johto Pokegear factory, as a salesman that traveled around the regions, lauding Pokegears to potential customers. As a result, Nathan's family took a lot of "trips" around the regions. One of Nathan's most fondest memories was that of the one trip their families took to the Orange Islands, a memorable and fun time, excluding the incident with the hungry Shellder. So, when Nathan reached that age when his parents started talking about starting off Nathan on his Pokemon journey (A familar process this, with six brothers and sisters having traveled this path before Nathan), Nathan surprised his parents with a request; when he starts his journey, he wants it to be in the Orange Islands...

[b]EQUIPMENT:[/b] 3 Pokeballs, 2 Potions


[b]NAME:[/b] Roli Poli

[b]POKEMON SPECIES:[/b] Poliwag

[b]GENDER:[/b] Female

[b]PERSONALITY:[/b] Roli Poli is a shy, unassuming peaceable creature, far removed from the tough, fearless fighting machine his master wants her to be. But, with a big heart and a drive to win, Roli Poli more than makes up for her shortcomings.

[b]ABILITY:[/b] Swift Swim

[b]MOVESET:[/b] 1. Water Sport
2. Bubble
3. N/A
4. N/A[/spoiler]

[center][b]Pokemon Trainer Jared "Ace" Vulpes[/b][/center]

[b]AGE:[/b] 14

[b]GENDER:[/b] Male

[b]MONEY:[/b] 1100


- Height: 5'6"

- Weight: 134

- Body Shape: Thin

- Hair Style & Color: Short, spiky, brown with golden and white streaks

- Eye Color: Blue & Brown

- Complexion: Light

- Clothing: Brown jeans; black shoes; brown shirt with golden "Eevee-collar" (a collar in the appearance of the ring of fur around an Eevee's neck); brown fingerless gloves, with white Poke-ball symbol on back; brown bandanna with Poke-ball symbol, worn around right arm.

[b]PERSONALITY:[/b] Ace is usually lighthearted and playful, innocently kind, though with an understanding of the darkness of the world. He is easy to impress and fairly trusting, though he doesn't think before speaking, and says things that most people would regret. He is generally restless, and can't stand still for more than a few seconds; he usually shifts on his feet, bounces up and down, or otherwise moves constantly. Ace has a short temper, and when it comes to his friends, family, or his Pokemon, he would go to the ends of the Earth to protect or take care of them.

[b]BIOGRAPHY:[/b] Jared Vulpes was born in Pallet Town (in the Kanto Region) to Gerald Vulpes and Alyssia South. Although neither would mention it to their son, both were distinguished Pokemon trainers. The two had met while battling, and almost instantly fell for each other. The two battled intensely, until both Pokemon collapsed and the battle was declared a draw. Gerald sought out Alyssia after the battle, and the two planned a 'date' for a few nights later. Their affection for each other only grew, and the two were soon married. A short few years later, they had a son, who they named Jared. When Jared was four years old, he encountered his first Pokemon; he had wandered away from his home, and became lost in the woods around Pallet Town. After an hour of wandering, Jared was 'attacked' (as he said) by a wild Pidgey. The Pokemon seemed to take pity on him, and brought him seeds and led him from the woods. As he wandered back to his home, and into his house, the first words he shouted were "I wanna train!" His parents, who had been hiding their pasts, supported him fully, though they still revealed nothing to him. Five years later, when Jared was nine, he met an Eevee, and the two instantly became partners. Jared had a natural talent for training Pokemon, and soon came to be nicknamed "Ace." He affectionately called his Eevee partner "Volpecula," or any shortening of the word. When he heard about the Orange Islands sightings, the now fourteen-year-old Ace, and his Eevee friend, just couldn't resist the temptation

[b]EQUIPMENT:[/b] 3 x Potion


[b]NAME:[/b] Volpecula


[b]GENDER:[/b] Female

[b]PERSONALITY:[/b] Volpecula reflects the personality of her trainer; she is playful and lighthearted. She possesses a short temper, and often attacks at the slightest insult or provocation. She can't stop moving, possessing an inert energy that never seems to run out or diminish. She is friendly, and trusts Ace completely; though she almost always refuses to remain in a Poke-ball.

[b]ABILITY:[/b] Adaptability- Boosts the power of Normal-type (STAB) moves

[b]MOVESET:[/b] 1. Tackle
2. Quick Attack
3. Sand-Attack
4. Double Team[/spoiler]

[center][b]Pokemon Trainer: Duke Castle[/b][/center]

[b]Age:[/b] 13

[b]Gender:[/b] Male

[b]Money:[/b] 1000


- Height: 4 ft 7 inches

- Weight: 83 lbs

- Body Shape: Slim and small. Very athletic and slight. His style of training has left him fast and stronger than one would think, but he is still limited by his size, much to his distress.

- Hair Style & Color: Light silver gray hair that is impossible to tame and always appears messy. Apparently, It is genetic. His father and grandfather have the same hair

- Eye Color: His eyes are the same shade as his hair. He is prone to subconjunctival hemorrhage in times of excitement. Also genetic, from his grandfather.

- Complexion: A light, almost tanned skin tone. He has several small scars on his body from his... Unorthodox breeding methods.

- Clothing: [strike]a leaf[/strike] Wears brown shorts, a gray shirt with a green hooded jacket over it. The jacket has a puffy fur lined edge that he thinks makes him look bigger. His pokeballs are kept on his belt. He has three items hanging from his neck; a broken Luxray fang, a locked pendant and a green shard. He wears simple sneakers but often discards them to climb things. He is often messy and dirty because of his hands on training style. All his clothes have scuffs and rips on them. His bag is a simple messenger bag that has seen better days.

[b]PERSONALITY:[/b] He is sensitive about his height and tends to act out whenever someone mentions it. He is energetic and somewhat wild and has a violent streak in him. Years of being picked on by his sibling, particularly the twins, have left him with several odd fears (such as geodudes, silk, paper cranes, the number 47, cotton candy, cheese, pink flowers and a couple others.) He is defensive about things and can be cynical. He hates being called shorty, but isn't good at insults.

[b]Biography:[/b] Duke is from Sinnoh. His parents met over thirty years ago, when his grandparents were running the family breeding farm. His mother, then a young trainer and contest coordinator, met his father when she left some pokemon with the family business. She kept coming back and the relationship between the two budded until they eventually got married. They currently host contests in their local town. The family is rich in land, have several hundred acres which they use in breeding and training pokemon. His parents have been very... busy and have had a productive marriage.

Duke is the fifth child in the family. His oldest brothers are Dino and Denver, both 21 (but not identical). Dino has gone into contests and is very good at it. He is a famed coordinator and his several trophies. Denver is a researcher and roams, studying habits and habitats of pokemon I the wild to send back home to help the business. Donnie, his 18 year old sister is into pure breeding and training. She is somewhat famous in their town and worked in the pokemon center for a short while. He has two older twin 16 year old siblings, Daniel and Danielle (Dan and Danni, his grandpa though it was be funny), that breed pokemon and enter them in contests, but only doubles. Duke himself plans to breed and raise pokemon and enter them mainly in battles but may partake in the occasional contest. In case your wondering, his Grandfather, Derryk, named them and intended for all the vowels to be used.

He is doted on by his parents and oldest brother and teased by the other siblings. Being small for his size, he has always tried to over compensate for things. Since he was little, his parents have had him around the pokemon they raise and train. As such, he is fearless around them and takes risks. He prefers hands on training and has gotten himself in several.... dicey situations because of it. He appears to be a genetic throwback to his grandfather, who was also short with gray hair and eyes, while his siblings and parents are average height going on tall. He likes to tell himself he is due a growth spurt... Any day now...

Dan and Danni are cruel children who think the only thing more fun than contests is tormenting Duke. They have played a variety of imaginative pranks on him over the years and he sometimes breaks out into shudders when he thinks about them. A good number of his scars are their fault.

His grandfather gave him the pendant when the twins torment intensified. There is a quickclaw inside for luck. He claims it works are well for him as it would for a pokemon, so yeah. The fang he carries is from Kit's mother. It broke off when she attempted to bite a rampaging steelix he accidentally provoked in his climbing stage. He keeps it as a reminder not to get too wild with his antics. Since then, he took care of her and when her son, kit was born several years later, he took raising Kit as his personal duty. Whether Kit's split personality is the fault of his training or another effect of the twins torment is up for grabs.

Stranger yet is his dream not of being the a pokemon master, but of ruling the world. His mother thinks it's his grandfather's influence. His grandpa was always a bit... touched in the head. He is distantly related to professor Birch, on his mothers side. Something like second cousin twice removed. She does call him occasionally, so it seems her claim is true.

Duke is beginning to regret his decision to head to the orange islands as he has discovered he gets rather seasick on boats. What is strange is that he rides surfing pokemon just fine. He is determined to acquire a suitable swimming pokemon in order to avoid the ordeal of boats.

-Pokeball (x2)
-Potion (x2)


[b]Name:[/b] Kit

[b]Pokemon Species:[/b] Shinx

[b]Gender:[/b] Male

[b]Personality:[/b] Outside of battle, Kit is friendly and playful. His personality changes to aggressive and conceding in battle for some reason.

[b]Ability:[/b] Intimidate

[b]Moveset:[/b] 1.Tackle
2. Howl
3. Thunder wave
4. Quick Attack[/spoiler]

[center][b]Pokemon Trainer Melina Swift[/b][/center]

[b]AGE:[/b] 15 (See biography)

[b]GENDER:[/b] Female

[b]MONEY:[/b] 1500


- Height: 5'7.5"

- Weight: 84lb

- Body Shape: Regular

- Hair Style & Color: Melina has her violet-black hair tied in two long plaits, and they fall to her spine.

- Eye Color: Ferruginous

- Complexion: Fair

- Clothing: Melina wears a lavender empire waistline gown - the hem of which falls to the knees - with puff sleeves. Underneath, she wears leggings, and on her feet are a pair of magenta ankle boots. She carries everything, including her Pokeballs, in her backpack. She also has to depend on a walking stick in order to walk longer distances. She occasionally wears a necklace and some bangles.

[b]PERSONALITY:[/b] The most outstanding thing about Melina is her irrational phobia of Electric Pokemon. This phobia is so serious, even if the Pokemon is stood miles from her and cannot really do any damage, she will scream, panic and run away. If the Pokemon is too close to her, she will fall into hysterics, and needs a lot of calming down. Aside from that, Melina is a very sensible, unreserved and sanguine girl, although she lacks sagacity, and has a tendency to do the wrong thing at the wrong time (though she does it with a good intention). She has a very soft heart, and while she cannot exactly be called naive, she can easily fall for a trick or two (e.g. if she sees a classic magic trick, she'll think it's absolutely amazing and wouldn't want to know how it's done).

[b]BIOGRAPHY:[/b] Melina's parents were ordinary trainers who met during a party. They were friends for two years before they started dating, and a year and a half later, they married. Ten days after their marriage, Melina was born. Melina was exposed to Pokemon when she was very young, and it was this which shaped her desire to be a famous trainer, and to make her parents proud. When she was three, her parents had a house built in the middle of a forest which was near the town they were living in, and they moved in there. The house had enough space to allow them to let their Pokemon move around, and thusly ensuring that they didn't spend their time cooped inside a Pokeball.

One day, when Melina was five, she was outside playing with her father's Totodile when a wild Electabuzz that had clearly been hurt in a fight emerged. Totodile, sensing that something was wrong, immediately fled to alert Melina's parents, while the latter approached the Electabuzz. The latter, thinking that Melina was going to ambush him, immediately used Thunderbolt, which caught her and began to eletrocute her. She would have died, had her parents not returned in time to save her; although Melina was fine after the attack, save for the slightly walking issue that arose from the shock, such an ambush had a massive knock-on effect. Since then, Melina has had an irrational phobia of all Electric Pokemon, and despite many efforts to help her, the phobia refused to go away.

When Melina turned thirteen, her parents wanted her to start her journey, but she refused due to her phobia. Her parents happened to own a pair of Rhyperior, and they decided that it would be best for Melina if she had a Rhyhorn to help get her started, thusly they began to try and get the Rhyperiors to breed. Their plan succeeded, and a year later, Melina had her own Rhyhorn, Guardon. During the following year, as Melina and Guardon's affections grew, the latter was considered suitable to protect Melina, and thus she finally started her journey at the age of 15.

-Potion x1
-Pokeball x1


[b]NAME:[/b] Guardon

[b]POKEMON SPECIES:[/b] Rhyhorn

[b]GENDER:[/b] Male

[b]PERSONALITY:[/b] The phrase "a dog is a man's best friend" can be applied to Guardon; he is very loyal to Melina, as he understands her phobia, and he has a lot of common sense. He is percieved as intelligent, although he can be very contemning; similarly, it is always a good idea not to try and squash his huge pride, otherwise he will wildly ambush the offender.

[b]ABILITY:[/b] Lightningrod

1. Tail Whip
2. Horn Attack
3. Stomp
4. Fury Attack[/spoiler]

[center][b]Pokemon Trainer Daniel "ThatGuyWithTheGoggles" Andrews[/b][/center]

[b]AGE:[/b] 20

[b]GENDER:[/b] Male

[b]MONEY:[/b] 100 (Spent most of his money on supplies)


- Height: 6'1"

- Weight: 210 LBS

- Body Shape: Rather normal, but a tad bit on the chubby side.

- Hair Style & Color: Daniel's hair is dirty blonde, and styled so he has some bangs just barely reaching his eyes and a semi-spiky quasi-mullet in the back. However, when Chu rides in his hair, it spikes up from the static electricity and gains a yellow patch in the middle of his hair that is his Joltik.

- Eye Color: Ocean Blue.

- Complexion: Rather average Caucasian. Not too pale, yet not very tan. Just right!

- Clothing: Daniel wears a black T-shirt with the Beetle Badge on the front, blue jeans, a forest green and jade green hoodie tied up around his waist, and a red backpack. His Pokeballs are stored in the pockets of his hoodie. He also has a pair of red Flygon-like goggles on the top of his head and a pair of headphone with antennae on them around his neck.

[b]PERSONALITY:[/b] Daniel is very...eccentric...He can be completely calm and serious one moment, and totally outrageous and silly the next. However, he is very caring about Pokemon, and gets along with with them, especially Bug Pokemon. However, he hates Flying Pokemon and frog-like Pokemon, since they eat bugs. He is technologically literate and uses his laptop often, but he doesn't really like the outdoors, growing up in a city, and is terrible at living off of the land. He hates people who only see Pokemon as tools and objects or wants to release them into the wild, like Team Rocket or Team Plasma.

[b]BIOGRAPHY:[/b] Daniel Andrews, aka, "ThatGuyWithTheGoggles", is a legend on the Pokemon World's Internet. Born and raised in Castelia City, Daniel is the son of Victoria Andrews, a headstrong District Attorney, and Colin Andrews, CEO of Andrews-Mizuhana Shipping, a transportation company operating out of the port. He caught his first Pokemon, a Krabby, when he was 8, and became fascinated with the Bug Pokemon living in Pinwheel Forest, becoming a Bug Catcher. After accumulating loads of information, Daniel started the site "ThatGuyWithTheGoggles.mon" when he was 14 so he could help out Bug Catchers (and later Pokemaniacs) everywhere, becoming the Chief Administrator. With helpful information detailing the latest swarms and how to find the rarest of bugs, TGWTG.mon has grown into an Internet powerhouse. With supporting admins "Linkcada", "TheSpinnyOne", and "TheShedinjaSnob", Daniel now has hundreds of thousands of fans across the world and dozens of contributors to his site, including his idol, Arti, the Castelia City Gym Leader. Arti, hearing of a rare Pokemon in the Orange Islands, has tasked his student to go find it, so Daniel has taken Chu, one of his prized Pokemon, with him. How

[b]EQUIPMENT:[/b] Pokeballs x5, Potions x3


[b]NAME:[/b] Chu

[b]POKEMON SPECIES:[/b] Joltik (Bachuru)

[b]GENDER:[/b] Female

[b]PERSONALITY:[/b] Chu is rather shy, most likely due to her small size, preferring to hide in Daniel's hair instead of interacting with people and Pokemon. However, she can warm up to any traveling companions, and will ride with them as well. She can express her emotions through shocks to her target's nervous system, hurting those that hurt her and making those that are nice to her feel good.

[b]ABILITY:[/b] Compoundeyes

[b]MOVESET:[/b] 1. ElecNet
2. String Shot
3. Spider Web
4. Struggle Bug[/spoiler]

[center][b]Pokemon Trainer Alexander Erastis[/b][/center]

[b]AGE:[/b] 12

[b]GENDER:[/b] Male

[b]MONEY:[/b] 0


- Height: 4' 7"

- Weight: 70lbs

- Body Shape: Thin

- Hair Style & Color: Brown, normal hair. For us. With Jesse's hair, this probably isn't normal

- Eye Color: Blue

- Complexion: Red, ummm.... I mean tan.... that's what I meant

- Clothing: HE'S NUDE! Just kidding... or am I? Aaannnyyyywwwaaayyys, his clothes are raggedy. Covered in dirt and soil. It was a blue shirt at one point. And blue jeans too. THey have holes in them and the only thing that isn't danged up is his backpack. His backpack is black and has a flute inside it along with two poke balls.

[b]PERSONALITY:[/b] [i] Because I like to do personality with character, I will do this in his point of view [/i] My personality *laughs*. That is such a long word. Thought it does tend to represent a lot. It should be made biiiiggger! Well, I like to play my flute. And pokemon like my flute. Does that count as personality. Nuts! If my flute doesn't count, how about the fact that I just stood there as I was robbed. Scared? Is that what you said I was. Of coarse not. I was... ummm.... uhhh... looking at the pretty pokemon. [i] Yeah[/i]. Why do you want my personality anyways, huh? Why do ya, punk?

As you can see, I view him as childish and scared. And clueless. Fun to roleplay.

[b]BIOGRAPHY:[/b] [spoiler=Long]His parent's names were Michael Erastis and Megan Polita. Michael was a trainer, and Megan was studying to become a Pokemon Nurse. She was doing her interning and they met when Michael's Pokemon was injured. They eventually fell and love and had a child. He was a small baby, born on the Orange Islands. Even without the Shiny Mew, there were special Pokemon on the islands. His parents would allow him to play with some of the less scary ones. There weren't many children on the islands at this time, and so Alexander was aloud to spend time around the Pokemon. His parent's worried, because the lack of social contact was making him remain childish. At age ten, he was sent to Pokemon school, where he didn't make many friends, but learned about the ways of Pokemon. It was at this time that Alexander grew tired of the Pokemon school. He didn't want to become a trainer, he said, he wanted to become a Pokemon researcher, or something of that kind. His dad this time told his to try an instrument. So Alexander picked the only instrument that he thought made a soft sound. The flute. When he enjoyed that, his parents told him to keep practicing. After a year, his lesson's stopped because his parents couldn't afford them. He kept playing. His mom said that he had to become a Pokemon trainer when he became 12. Alexander started crying. He didn't want to become a trainer. She said it might help his dreams. Secretly though, she was hoping he'd stop wanting to become a researcher.

So she gave him 3000 pokedollars, all their savings, and told him that 1000 was the pokemon trainer fee, for a starter pokemon. She also had two pokeballs from when his dad had been a trainer. (At this island, that how it will work. So there.) But when he was walking down the street, a person with a strange outfit on, grabbed all of his money. It wasn't much, but it was all he had. He had been carrying the money, waving it in the air. He had been a fool, but didn't know it. He didn't want his parents to find out, so he ran into the meadows. He ran for miles before stopping. Now what was he going to do, he thought. So he took out his flute and started playing. A sad, soft, nice piece. It made him cheer up. Playing his flute always made him cheer up. A Aron was passing by and heard the music. It landed, and when it did, Alexander realized how tired he was. He fell asleep and the Aron curled up next to it. The Pokeballs rolled out and in the morning, he saw Shaymin nudging against its side. It opened up, and Aron disappeared inside it. It rolled around three times and clicked. Alexander activated it and Aron came back outside. He smiled. He wouldn't have to travel alone anymore. (if you are wondering why the flock of people hasn't come in his story, it is because he doesn't remember them and they didn't change the stroy) [/spoiler]

[b]EQUIPMENT:[/b] One extra poke ball


[b]NAME:[/b] Friend-Iron


[b]GENDER:[/b] Female

[b]PERSONALITY:[/b] This is a friendly Aron that loves any kind of music. She is afraid of bigger things, like Onyxes.

[b]ABILITY:[/b] Sturdy

[b]MOVESET:[/b] 1. Iron Defense
2. Iron Head
3. Headbutt
4. N/A[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Magnet Soldier]
[center][b]Pokemon Trainer Kori Aruji[/b][/center]

[b]AGE:[/b] 14 & 1/2

[b]GENDER:[/b] Male

[b]MONEY:[/b] P$100


- Height: 5'8

- Weight: 126 lbs

- Body Shape: Regular/Lanky-ish

- Hair Style & Color: Has hair that goes down to his neck on the back and hair covering his right eye. It's Black with a white streak down the part that covers his eye. Basically what you'd think of for an emo, with a bit longer hair at the back.

- Eye Color: Dark forest green with a tinge of blue at the edge.

- Complexion: Very, Very pale.

- Clothing: A pair of faded jeans. Black trainers. Light blue Denim jacket over a plain white shirt. Wears a gold Pendant with an Empty Picture frame inside.

[b]PERSONALITY:[/b] Kori is a friendly person, polite and quiet. He is nice to all people and thinks of everyone as equal. He is popular wherever he goes, but there are the occasional few that dislike him because of his appearence. He is generally a nice person. He likes to sit around in high places and look around, and listens to his music alot. It's this reason he moved from the nearly perfectly flat Tarroco Island to Hamlin Island, which has the tallest Mountain for miles, and is usually found on a ledge above the main city, looking out at the ocean.

[b]BIOGRAPHY:[/b] Kori's parents met on Tarroco Island, when his dad saved his mom from a herd of Rampaging Tauros. They were instantly in love and......things happened. If you want to know more well......When a Man and a Women love each other Very much, they have a special kind of....Hug. This hug creates babies, and that's what happened with Kori's parents. (For the better educated of us, I'm pretty sure you can guess I'm talking about Sex.)
Anyways, Kori grew up on Tarroco Island as a stranger. He hated the layout of the Island, disliking the flatness and the endless plains. He also liked a lot of different things to most of the kids on the Island. He liked different Music to them all, different styles of Clothes and different types of Pokémon. Unlike the rest of the Kids on the Island, who had either Rock, Ground or Fighting Type Pokémon, He liked Dark, Psychic and Ghost type Pokémon, aswell as Dragon Types. He was usually found in the farthest corner of the Island, in a small woods that was home to a few ghost and Psychic type Pokémon, aswell as a Family of Hydreigon, Zweilous and Deino. He befriended one of the Deino, and got along quite well with it.
After the woods was knocked down to make room for a Mansion to be built on the Island, the Hydreigon Family fled, but leaving behind the One Deino. Kori came back later on the that day, to find the wood destroyed and the one Deino wandering and crying. Kori carried it back to his house, and his parents said he could keep it. He nutured it and cared for it, and after a few weeks of training, got it battle worthy.
Although his parents were accepting, the other Kids weren't so much. They started to harass and attack him. With Deino's help he managed to defeat a few of them, up to the point when they were using a maximum of two pokémon which consisted of things similar to Makuhita's, Machops, Geodudes, Cubones and Onixs. However, about a month after he finished nuturing the Deino, a large gang of 16 year olds with Machokes and Gravellers attacked him. He couldn't survive against them, especially when the leader came out with a Steelix. He and his Deino were sent home gravely injured, and although they healed well, the incident caused the family to move to Hamlin Island. Originally, they alerted the Local Police, but they were told that there had been many similar injuries, with people in Pokemon battles getting Harmed unintentionally. No matter how hard the family tried to tell the police it was an Assault, not just an accident, they didn't seem to take any notice. Believing it to be a lax police force, or the police believing that because Kori was 'different', they could ignore it. Being singled out as targets now, the family decided to move, believing it to be in the best interests for their son.
He's been on Hamlin Island for the Past year, and has settled in quite well, but still feels slightly different to everyone else, and hasn't made many good friends. However, he seems to be more popular than he was on Tarroco and seems to be an Average, or maybe even above Average(though only just) Pokémon trainer on this Island, and doesn't stand out as much.

[b]EQUIPMENT:[/b] 5 Pokéballs. 3 Potions.


[b]NAME:[/b] Deino (I dont really do Nicknames. Sorry)


[b]GENDER:[/b] Female.

[b]PERSONALITY:[/b] Deino is a cocky pokémon - being both a Dragon and a Dark type, very Powerful and rare types, is probably the reason - and looks down on even the strongest of Pokémon, even if they have defeated her. She is very proud and gets annoyed very easily, her anger being projected in any battle she starts to lose. She's also very over confident, often refusing to try in a Pokémon battle. However, she still loves Kori and respects him greatly, being the only person she trusts.

[b]ABILITY:[/b] Hustle (Damage from attacks is 1.5 times as much as normal, but accuracy is lowered.)

[b]MOVESET:[/b] 1. Tackle
2. Dragon Rage
3. Bite
4. Headbutt[/spoiler]

[center][b]Pokemon Trainer Austin Black[/b][/center]

[b]AGE:[/b] 14

[b]GENDER:[/b] Male

[b]MONEY:[/b] 700


- Height: 5 Feet 1 in

- Weight: 92 lbs

- Body Shape: Muscular

- Hair Style & Color: Ratty, and messy. It's red.

- Eye Color: Green

- Complexion: White with a little tan

- Clothing: Wears headphones around his neck. has a simple purple sweatshirt on with nothing on under it. Sweatshirt is zipped up. wears blue, faded skinny jeans. has black chucks

[b]PERSONALITY:[/b] He act kind of emo because his mother just died. He can have a happy attitude when he wants to but is mostly sad. He doesn't really think before he acts unless he's in a Pokemon battle. Is scared easily and doesn't lie. He act fairly shy but is not scared to speak up and be heard

[b]BIOGRAPHY:[/b] Austin's parents met each other at a shop in Sunyshore City in Sinnoh. His father is from Golden Island of the Orange Islands and his mother comes from the Unova region. It was love at first sight and they dated for three years. They got married at a church on Golden Island. Soon they had a son named James Levi Black. He was four when Austin Lee Black was born. They all lived on Mandarin Island South. They were all happy then the accident happened. It was Austin's 14th birthday and his party was on the coast of Mandarin S. Austin, James, their father, and two friends were having cake while their mother was swimming. A strong current got her and pulled her under. She drowned soon after. Austin became really depressed after that. He started acting emo and wouldn't talk to his father, brother, and even his girlfriend, Cierra. All day he would sit on his bed and watch TV. James told Austin how much fun a Pokemon Adventure was. Austin started packing for a Pokemon Adventure and told his dad he was ready. Austin got a Pichu that was living under his house and started off.....

[b]EQUIPMENT:[/b] Five Pokeballs and a Potion.


[b]NAME:[/b] Pichu


[b]GENDER:[/b] Male

[b]PERSONALITY:[/b] A small hyper Pichu. Is always happy and loves a battle. But he is very shy.

[b]ABILITY:[/b] Static

[b]MOVESET:[/b] 1. Charge
2. Volt Tackle
3. Encore
4. Bide

[center][b]Pokemon Trainer Josh Perry (Sorry, I am really bad at names.)[/b][/center]

[b]AGE:[/b] 14

[b]GENDER:[/b] Male

[b]MONEY:[/b] 1000

[b]APPEARANCE:[/b] Pretty normal. A bright-looking guy. Pretty tall, too.

- Height: 178 cm

- Weight: 32 pounds.

- Body Shape: Skinny, because he don't like meat so much.

- Hair Style & Color: Pretty blonde. Super-short, almost shaved. Like 6 mm.

- Eye Color: Brown.

- Complexion: A bit tanned, not too much.

- Clothing: Always wears a white shirt. Wears a necklace made of Sun Stone. And white jeans.

[b]PERSONALITY:[/b] When in a good mood, he is so happy a boy can be and is hyper-active. Makes really stupid puns that he laughs at himself. When in a bad mood, he's negative. And pessimistic. But he says he's realistic. Bad mood and good mood shifts sometimes.

[b]BIOGRAPHY:[/b] He's parents met at a supermarket in Cleadon city, and soon they got married and blah blah blah. At a young age, he turned into a big fan of the Pokemon Mew. He joined the Pokemon Fan Club in Kanto at the age of 9, as the youngest member of all time. He just started his carrer as a Pokemon Trainer, and chaught his first Pokemon on a trip to the Safari Zone. At a boring day in August, he saw an article in a newspaper about the Mew on the Orange Islands. Because he was a big fan of Mew, he wanted to catch one. He won a ticket to Orange Islands from a comic book, and he believes that he will beat at least 1 Gym Leader.

[b]EQUIPMENT:[/b] 5 Poke Balls.


[b]NAME:[/b] Kickerizer

[b]POKEMON SPECIES:[/b] Tyrouge

[b]GENDER:[/b] Male

[b]PERSONALITY:[/b] Kinda angry all the time, for unknown reason. When he get a oran berry, he gets on a better mood, and starts kicking until he hits something, and at the time that happens, he seems to have great fun. As fun as only a Tyrogue can have.

[b]ABILITY:[/b] Vital Spirit

[b]MOVESET:[/b] 1. Tackle
2. Helping Hand
3. Fake Out
4. Foresight[/spoiler]

[center][b]Pokemon Trainer Kusajin Owato[/b][/center]

[b]AGE:[/b] 25

[b]GENDER:[/b] Male

[b]MONEY:[/b] [img]http://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/8/8c/Pok%C3%A9monDollar.png[/img]0


- Height: 6'4"

- Weight: 130lbs.

- Body Shape: Tall and lanky.

- Hair Style & Color: He has somewhat moppy brown hair. He takes no care to fix his hair, or even shower at that. He has dandruff, but often succeeds in hiding it. He also sports facial hair. All over his face.

- Eye Color: Kusajin is heterochromic; his right eye is blue, while his left eye changes color with his emotion. Under normal conditions, it's brown.

- Complexion: [s]Rainbow[/s] Somewhat tan, mocha colored.

- Clothing: Kusajin wears a tattered cowhide jacket, with tears in the sleeves. On the left collar, he wears a hand-me-down badge that his mother won from the Natsukan Gym when she was young. His faded blue jeans are also well-worn, with a multitude of tears here and there.

[b]BIOGRAPHY:[/b] Kusajin lived with with his single mother on Mikan Island. Unable to keep a job, she tried to win some money through battling. She managed to make a small income, but not enough. After about two years, they were both evicted from their small home, and were forced to live on the streets. After about four months, his mother fell terminally ill. Unable to afford treatment, Kusajin seek help from the others he met in the ghetto, and even the native Pokemon. One that was specifically helpful was a Betbeter that frequently came by. The other people and Pokemon would shun it, due to it's stench, but it returned during the night, when no one was there. Neither Kusajin nor his mother minded Grimer's odor. Despite the many treatments, his mother still passed. Kusajin ran away, and snuck onto a boat leaving the island. Unbeknownst to him, the Grimer followed him. They both landed on Hamlin Island. Both Kusajin and Grimer, whom he named Better, for short, live on the streets of the island, living off of whatever they can manage to acquire.

[b]PERSONALITY:[/b] Kusajin tends to be very isolated, due to the fact that, well, he stinks. He and Better share pretty much the same scent. And no one likes Better's scent. They both sit in alleys, but occasionally will battle visiting trainers, attempting to gain some money through wagering. He is also very crafty, able to make use of nearly anything.

[b]EQUIPMENT:[/b] 1 Pokeball


[b]NAME:[/b] Better

[b]POKEMON SPECIES:[/b] Grimer

[b]GENDER:[/b] Male

[b]PERSONALITY:[/b] Better loves food. Whether it be rotten, half-eaten fish sandwiches, he'll eat it. Also, like his trainer, he is isolated, not interacting much with other Pokemon or Trainers.

[b]ABILITY:[/b] Stench

[b]MOVESET:[/b] 1. Acid Armor
2. Acid Bomb
3. Minimize
4. Flamethrower[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Master Red]
[b][center]Pokemon Trainer Jesse McHeartny[/center][/b]

[b]AGE:[/b] 18

[b]GENDER:[/b] Male

[b]MONEY:[/b] 300


- Height: 5’9”

- Weight: 132 lbs

- Body Shape: Skinny, there’s not very much fat on there but there’s not much muscle either

- Hair Style & Color: He has chestnut brown hair that is short near the neck and ears but then grows gradually thicker up towards the top of his head and he has a pair of side-swept bangs that has its lowest point right in between his right eye and eyebrow. He usually wears his hear up in a Elvis-y kind of style. The fringe is pulled up and back but it’s ruffled so it’s kind of like a mix between a faux-hawk and the Elvis-hair. A wild Elvis hair is perhaps the best description?

- Eye Color: His eyes are gray with a hint of blue in them.

- Complexion: Caucasian

- Clothing: He wears a gray v-neck t-shirt with gray and white stripes on it with a gray cardigan that is slightly see through near the chest and shoulders. He also has a pair of regular fitted light blue jeans which he wears along with a pink and black checkered belt to make sure they are kept in place. He wears a pair of gray converse on his feet and he also has a grayish blue stud earring in his left ear.

[b]PERSONALITY:[/b] Is usually quite calm and collected but sometimes he can get ahead of himself and rush into things before really thinking them through. As in the case with the “legendary pokémon” in the forest that was used to introduce him. Is quite tidy and hates when things are unorganized or getting himself messy (unless he’s getting messy for a good reason, like running for your life or looking for pokémon). He enjoys lying on the beach, working on a tan or swimming in the ocean. Most things connected to being at the beach really. He is a bit vain as well and pays a great deal of attention to his hair and clothing.

[b]BIOGRAPHY:[/b] His parents were originally from Hoenn and were both pokémon coordinators and thus they actually met as opponents during a contest in his father’s hometown Slateport City. Jesse lived for five years in Hoenn, growing up in Slateport, but when his father got a job related to Pokémon Research in the Orange Islands they moved there. He has spent his time since living at the islands, mainly on Hamlin island.

His mother was a bit miserable at the islands first since they had no contests there and even though she liked the views, the climate and, especially, the beaches she wasn’t happy there. This caused his home environment to grow tedious starting and his parents separated when he was ten years old. His father kept custody of Jesse but he was to spend the summers and Christmas or Easter with his mother in Hoenn. He had a hard time the first six months that followed his parents divorce, but eventually he started to get used to it and accept it. He still misses not really having his mom around anymore but he knows that she’s happier now that she’s back in Hoenn.

When he was fifteen he started to work as an assistant at professor Ivy’s lab, a job he managed to get much thanks to his father having worked with her earlier and had a good relationship with her. He enjoys the work he has there as he gets to help pokémon as well as learning a lot about the various species and types. The job gave him an insight to the job as a pokémon doctor and researcher and he sees himself doing something similar to that in the future.

He got his first Pokémon, a Creamoo that he named Fernando, as a gift on his sixteenth birthday and they have been pretty much inseparable since then. Fernando is usually out of his pokéball as Jesse enjoys having him around and he knows Fernando enjoys that as well.

2 Potions
1 Antidote
1 Paralyze Heal
1 Awakening
2 Pokéballs


[b]NAME:[/b] Fernando

[b]POKEMON SPECIES:[/b] Creamoo

[b]GENDER:[/b] Male

[b]PERSONALITY:[/b] It’s easily frightened and dislikes battling, which is unusual for a male Creamoo who are usually seen bumping heads with eachother. It’s quite calm otherwise and enjoys playing around on the beach or on meadows, especially flowery ones.

[b]ABILITY:[/b] Own Tempo

[b]MOVESET: [/b] 1. Growl
2. Tackle
3. Rage
4. N/A[/spoiler]
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Pokemon: Poliwag (Roli Poli), Munchlax (Kip)

Money: 1400

Items: 2 Poke Balls, 2 Potions

[b][u]Spartan 919[/u][/b]

Pokemon: Eevee (Volpecula), Buizel (Jet)

Money: 1000

Items: 2 Poke Balls, 1 Poke Ball (Old), 3 Potions


Pokemon: Shinx (Kit), Purrloin (Alice)

Money: 900

Items: 4 Poke Balls, 2 Potions


Pokemon: Rhyhorn (Guardon), Bulbasaur (Jordan)

Money: 1000

Items: 1 Potion, 4 Poke Balls, 1 Paralyz Heal


Pokemon: Joltik (Chu), Surskit (Bubbles), Combee (Elizabeth), Nincada (Sasuke), Kingler (Unknown Name, going to be sent back to Unova)

Money: 600

Items: 2 Poke Balls, 2 Potions


Pokemon: Aron (Friend-Iron)

Money: 0

Items: 1 Poke Ball (?)

[b][u]Magnet Soldier[/u][/b]

Pokemon: Deino (Unnamed), Squirtle (Unnamed)

Money: 600

Items: 4 Poke Balls, 3 Potions


Pokemon: Pichu (Unnamed), Shiny Eevee (Unnamed), Vileplume (Unnamed; is currently with Professor Ivy)

Money: 1200

Items: 4 Poke Balls


Pokemon: Tyrogue (Kickerizer), Abra (Psynon)

Money: 1500

Items: 4 Poke Balls


Pokemon: Grimer (Better), Lickitung (Egg)

Money: 0

Items: 1 Poke Ball

[b][u]Master Red[/u][/b]

Pokemon: Creamoo (Fernando), Egg

Money: 800

Items: 1 Potion, 1 Paralyz Heal, 1 Awakening, 2 Poke Balls
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[center][b]Pokemon Trainer Aiden Marx[/b][/center]

[b]AGE:[/b] 16

[b]GENDER:[/b] Male

[b]MONEY:[/b] 1000


- Height: 5'11

- Weight: 175

- Body Shape: Regular

- Hair Style & Color: Spiked Silver hair

- Eye Color: Blue

- Complexion: Average Caucasian

- Clothing: Black pant, Grey Shirt, Orange Jacket with Silver stripes, Orange Shoes, a utility belt where he keeps supplies, and a necklace that has the symbol for a fire Pokemon.

[b]PERSONALITY:[/b] Aiden is a trainer who tries his best to help out other trainers. He is a very friendly person who likes to learn about the different cultures around the Orange Islands. Aiden keeps a journal in which he records his travels, battles, and people he has encountered along the way. He never wants to get on peoples bad sad. When people have problems Aiden is a great listener. During battle Aiden is very aggressive. He is afraid of heights, the dark, and flying.

[b]BIOGRAPHY:[/b] Aiden was an Orphan at birth. His mother had died during child birth, and his father was nowhere to be found. He was left in the hospital in Blackthorn City. When he was 5 months old he was adopted by this old couple in their later 50's who take in Orphans. They met years ago when he was a gym leader. She challenged him one day, and after he lost(on purpose) he told her once she finished with her travels to come visit him. After she won all 8 badges she returned to him. Together they raised Aiden to become a Pokemon trainer who was aggressive in battle, yet be a kind and respectable person. His hair started to turn silver at the age of 12 the doctors told him he gained this from his father. His plan for the future are to be a Pokemon Professor, and help discover new Pokemon and those that no longer exist.

[b]EQUIPMENT:[/b] 3 Poke balls, 2 potions (he received from his foster parents)


[b]NAME:[/b] Empress

[b]POKEMON SPECIES:[/b] Charmander

[b]GENDER:[/b] female

[b]PERSONALITY:[/b] Empress is a Pokemon who like her trainer is aggressive in battle, but off the battlefield she is as nice as can be.

[b]ABILITY:[/b] Blaze

[b]MOVESET:[/b] Scratch, Ember, Growl, and Smokescreen

I thought I would use a female Pokemon.
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[b]IPhalanx[/b]- The Money and Items don't come out properly- the total for 3 Poke Balls and 2 Potions is not 425, it is 1000. Also, Flamethrower and Fire Blast are not Abilities- look at [url="http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Ability"]this page[/url] for information on them. Additionally, I'll need you to reconsider Aiden's personality- everybody has flaws, but I don't see a lot of them in your character. Until this is fixed, Not Accepted.
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[center][b]Pokemon Trainer Josh Perry (Sorry, I am really bad at names.)[/b][/center]

[b]AGE: 14[/b]

[b]GENDER: Male[/b]

[b]MONEY:1000 (After mart)[/b]
[b]APPEARANCE:Pretty normal. A bright-looking guy. Pretty tall, too.[/b]

- Height: 178 cm

- Weight: 32 puonds.

- Body Shape: Skinny, because he don't like meat so much.

- Hair Style & Color: Pretty blonde. Super-short, almost shaved. Like 6 mm.

- Eye Color: Brown.

- Complexion: A bit tanned, not too much.

- Clothing: Always wears a white shirt. Wears a necklace made of Sun Stone. And white (?) jeans. But he's not queer for that. (Do I got to whrite about his underwear?)

When in a good mood, he is so happy a boy can be and is hyper-active. Makes really stupid puns that he laughs at himself.
When in a bad mood, he's negative. And pessimistic. But he says he's realistic.
Bad mood and good mood shifts sometimes. (That enough?)

[b]BIOGRAPHY: He's parents met at a supermarket in Cleadon city, and soon they got married and blah blah blah. At a young age, he turned into a big fan of the Pokemon Mew. He joined the Pokemon Fan Club in Kanto at the age of 9, as the youngest member of all time. He just started his carrer as a Pokemon Trainer, and chaught his first Pokemon on a trip to the Safari Zone. At a boring day in August, he saw an article in a newspaper about the Mew on the Orange Islands. Because he was a big fan of Mew, he wanted to catch one. He won a ticket to Orange Islands from a comic book, and he believes that he will beat at least 1 Gym Leader. Enough?[/b]

[b]EQUIPMENT: 5 poke ballz.[/b]


[b]NAME: Kickerizer[/b]

[b]POKEMON SPECIES: Tyrouge[/b]

[b]GENDER: Male[/b]

Kinda angry all the time, for unknown reason. When he get a oran berry, he gets on a better mood, and starts kicking until he hits something, and at the time that happens, he seems to have great fun. As fun as only a Tyrouge can have.

[b]ABILITY: Vital Spirit[/b]

~Helping Hand
~Fake Out
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