AsterikcAde Posted February 16, 2011 Report Share Posted February 16, 2011 [IMG][/IMG] [size="2"][i]Thanx Talos the Wind Ninja for the Logo![/i][/size] [spoiler=PERFORMANCE REVIEW] [b]FINAL RESULTS FOR STAGE 6[/b]: [color=red][b]Yet again you guys made some really good cards, I'm maybe generous with the judging of the cards of my contest, but you guys have the caliber of awesome card designers! Just a reminder, the contestant that fulfills the optional conditions and wins this stage will be rewarded and extra rep, plus if the contestant made 4 or more spells or traps that chain well together, that contestant will be rewarded and extra +2 Reps to their winnings! So if the certain contestant meet all of those requirements, his total winnings will be +4 Reps! So go ahead and look below to see who won this sixth stage![/color][/b] [spoiler=Results] [b]Hope you're ready...[/b] [spoiler=Results] [b]You sure you wanna know who wins?[/b] [spoiler=Results] [b]Are you sure?[/b] [spoiler=Results] [b]Are you really, really sure?[/b] [spoiler=Results] [b]Are you really, really, really, REALLLLLLLLLLLLLY sure?[/b] [spoiler=Results] [b]I think you're not ready...[/b] [spoiler=Results] [b]Maybe I should cancel this contest just to piss you off...[/b] [spoiler=Results] [b]Nah! I'm just kidding with you guys! Check below to see who won![/b] [spoiler=Results] 1. n8thegr8: [b]95[/b] [b][color=blue]ELIMINATED!!![/b][/color] 2. Lexadin: [b]97.5[/b] 3. ∞Ryujin∞: [b]99.5[/b] 4. Omenhiikoyashi: [b]98.5[/b] 5. Talos the Wind Ninja: [b]100[/b] [b][color=blue]WINNER![/b][/color] [b][color=red]TALOS THE WIND NINJA WINS! [/color][/b][color=green][b]SINCE YOU DIDN'T DO THE OPTIONAL CONDITIONS YOU GET +1 REP!!![/color][/b] [b][color=blue]AND FOR THE REST OF THE CONTESTANTS YOU'RE STILL ALIVE WITH THE WINNER OF THE SIXTH STAGE IN THE GAME! GET PREPARED FOR THE THIRD BOSS STAGE!!![/b][/color] [spoiler=Detailed Judging Results] 1. n8thegr8 Image: 12 OCG: 13 Creativity: 13 Balance: 12 How well the contestant followed the condition of the Stage: 15 Overall Total Points: 95 2. Lexadin Image: 12 OCG: 13.5 Creativity: 15 Balance: 12 How well the contestant followed the condition of the Stage: 15 Overall Total Points: 97.5 3. ∞Ryujin∞ Image: 12 OCG: 14 Creativity: 15 Balance: 13.5 How well the contestant followed the condition of the Stage: 15 Overall Total Points: 99.5 4. Omenhiikoyashi Image: 12 OCG: 12.5 Creativity: 15 Balance: 14 How well the contestant followed the condition of the Stage: 15 Overall Total Points: 98.5 5. Talos the Wind Ninja Image: 12 OCG: 14 Creativity: 15 Balance: 14 How well the contestant followed the condition of the Stage: 15 Overall Total Points: 100 [/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler] [size=5][color=red][b]IMPORTANT: I won't be that active on YCM for half of the summer because I'll be busy with work from my college from here on until the semester ends, so this contest will be postponed until further notice, so mods please don't close this contest because of inactivity, I'll be back soon and I will finish this contest, there must be a winner! The prizes will be changed too, instead of the sole winner be rewarded the original points amount, the winner will win double the amount of points in the total pot and 10 reps. I'll try to log on YCM when I can and check up on things like my messenger and stuff, but I won't be on often like I used to, so wish me luck on the summer semester peeps![/size][/color][/b] [size=3][b][i]The group of fighters all look on at the Barrier Temple in awe, but the only one that wasn't impressed with the huge architectural wonder was N8, briskly he walked towards the spellbinded barrier temple... [color=red]Jupi: N8! Don't get too close to the building! It may look like just an ordinary forest temple to the eyes but in actuality it is nothing but a barrier spell disguised to fool you! N8: Don't worry Jupi! I know what I'm doing! Omenhiikoyashi: You should stay at least 50 feet from it! Who knows what that spell might react when you execute a another spell!! N8: I don't have time for riff raff! I just want to get this over with and get to the refuge as fast as possible so just sit back and let me handle this! Ryuujin: Okay, but don't be too careless, we don't want this island to fall apart just because of a fool's whim... N8: WHO IN THE HELL ARE YOU CALLING FOOL FOOL!!!! Lexadin: *Whispering to Talos* Man, N8 is such a pain in the ass when he's tired and hungry huh? Talos: *Whispering* No kidding... Jupi: Are you sure you know what you're doing N8? N8: *Closes eyes and shushes at Jupi* Just watch...[/color] As N8 is closing his eyes and conjuring up energy, a reddish glow is surrounding the outline of the body of N8, as the glow got more intense around the body of N8, the barrier temple is also starting to glow, but the aura coloration of the Barrier Temple is a silvery-white and the energy surrounding the temple seems like its raging. [color=red]Lexadin: Wait, is the temple supposed to glow like that? Jupi: I don't know...N8's aura is red while the temple's aura is white, I don't know much about utilizing spells, I'm usually a hand to hand combat type of warrior, but isn't the respective color of the aura that the caster is placing upon a subject supposed to be the same? Omenhiikoyashi: I don't know what N8 is doing, but I got a bad feeling about this...[/color] The visible aura around N8 and the temple is now getting more intense and stronger by every passing millisecond, as N8 opened up his eyes, his eyes started to glow a bright blue and it seems like something is coming out from the ground, leaves and branches started to peer out of the ground one by one and then suddenly a huge trunk of a tree vastly appeared right out of the ground and N8 summoned a floating tree with a mystical glowing aura around it. [color=red]Ryuujin: *Crosses arms* Impressive... Lexadin: Holy crap! Can it be? *Looks at Talos and Omenhiikoyashi* Omenhiikoyashi: Yes, it is...for all my years of studying magic and learning how to use a plethora of types of spells, I never thought that this would be possible...with the physical state that N8 is in, he shouldn't be able to utilize this type of summoning spell, its too risky since the barrier temple has a high level of protection, who knows what will happen if the two energies of the spells collided! Jupi: So this is a very hazardous type of spell to use? Ryuujin: Its not a hazardous type of spell to use when you're physically ready for it, but ever since we got teleported here to this island, we've been fighting nonstop and the guessed estimate of N8's physical well being is know....not as top notch as you think... Lexadin: Worst case scenario is that N8 can end up destroying himself or this entire island... Talos: Then we should do something! We should help N8 energize the spell that he is using! Ryuujin: We can try to help but since the Barrier Temple is also glowing, that means its soul stealing powers could be stronger as well...[/color] The glow around the mystical tree that N8 summoned is now getting more intense and a loud shimmering noise is heard from the tree and the barrier temple is now reacting to the tree's very appearance, the temple seems like its rumbling and the ground around the area is also rumbling and the floating tree seems like its fading from sight slowly... [color=red]Omenhiikoyashi: I was afraid of this...N8! CANCEL THE SPELL NOW!!!! IF YOU DON'T THE BACKLASH OF YOUR SPELL WILL DESTROY EVERYTHING!!! Ryuujin: *Shakes head* He shouldn't have hasted like that, a skilled spellcaster should know restraint and patience... Jupi: I think we should take cover, the rumbling is getting more intense now! Talos: I think that's the best course of action! Come on guys! Omenhiikoyashi: Wait! We can't just leave N8 out there! Lexadin: We have no time Omen! We have to take cover....[/color] Just before the group of fighters was about to take cover from the scene caused by N8, the floating tree exploded and the group of fighters that is watching N8 going head to head with Galderein's Temple Barrier got blown away. After the explosion receded, N8 then fell to the ground in exhaustion, Omenhiikoyashi saw this and attempted to run to N8's aide but Lexadin stopped him from running over to the scene. [color=red]Omenhiikoyashi: HEY! LEX! WHAT ARE YOU DOING? LET ME GO! Lexadin: IF YOU GO OVER THERE YOU WILL COLLAPSE JUST LIKE HIM! *Points at the Temple Barrier which is glowing very intensely* Ryuujin: We can't risk going over there, the barrier temple is powered up, even 50 feet doesn't seem like a safe distance anymore, we have to approach our attack from here! Jupi: Ryuujin is right! It is very hazardous to go close to a powerful barrier such as this when its powering up! Omenhiikoyashi: WE NEED TO DO SOMETHING!! *Gets out of the grasp of Lexadin and holds up his hands* Lexadin: WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? IF YOU CAST ANOTHER SPELL WHILE ONE JUST RESOLVED THEN YOU MIGHT CAUSE A CATASTROPHE!!! Omenhiikoyashi: *Ignores Lexadin and continues to execute his spell and speaks in the godly voice that he is known for* EARTHLY DEITIES OF THE FIRST PLANE!!! THE GOD OF THE FIRST UNIVERSE!!! RELEASE THE FIRST PLANE GATE OF THE HEAVENS AND GRANT ME POWERS FROM THE ARCHANGELS RAPHAEL, MICHAEL, AND GABRIEL!!!! Lexadin: WHAT IN THE HOLY HELL ARE YOU DOING!? THAT LEVEL OF SUMMONING CAN DESTROY THE WHOLE UNIVERSE WITH THIS SITUATION AT HAND!!! HEY!!! ARE YOU LISTENING!? *Aims to punch Omenhiikoyashi in the face but got blown back by the outline aura that is surrounding Omenhiikoyashi*[/color] As Omenhiikoyashi closed his eyes to concentrate to summon the three legendary angels of the first plane of the universe (which is the Earth Plane), an unfamiliar image of an angel appeared in the mind of Omenhiikoyashi, the image then whispered an echo-like voice that said [color=blue]GALDEREIN[/color]. Omenhiikoyashi opened up his eyes in surprise and the clouds above the fighters got peculiarly darker and darker and Omenhiikoyashi then got struck by lightning and got knocked to the ground. [color=red]Lexadin: OMEN!!! *Runs towards the aid of Omenhiikoyashi* Omenhiikoyashi: *Spitting out blood* Ugh! That didn't feel good... Lexadin: I told you that using that level of summoning is dangerous! What were you thinking! Omenhiikoyashi: *Trembles in fear* I....I....saw.... Lexadin: Hey....dude....what's up? What did you see? *Talos, Ryuujin, and Jupi all ran to where Omenhiikoyashi and Lexadin are at.* Talos: Aw man! That was one serious lightning strike! It's more fierce than my lightning attack that I unleashed on that Giant we faced earlier! Jupi: *Checking on Omenhiikoyashi* Omen, are you okay? Omenhiikoyashi: *Trembling* I...saw...I....saw....him.... Talos: Who Omen? Who? Lexadin: Yeah! You're starting to freak me out! Omenhiikoyashi: I saw....I saw...Gal...Gal...[/color] Omenhiikoyashi is then interrupted by a loud shimmering noise from the Barrier Temple and N8 is seen floating in the air unconscious, then the temple started to glow once again and a huge energy is surrounding the lifeless body of N8. As the energy surrounded N8 and engulfed him, he is seen slowly fading from existence as the energy from the Barrier Temple glowed on more intensely by every second. After for like 50 seconds, the body of N8 is completely faded away and the barrier temple then let out the shimmering noise again and the glowing stopped. N8's bodily form has been destroyed by the intense energy from the barrier temple spell. [color=red]Talos: *Covers mouth in shock and trembles* Dear god... Omenhiikoyashi: *Being aided by Lexadin and slowly gets up, looks at the Temple Barrier and with the godly voice yells at the temple* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! Jupi: *Looks down at the ground in sorrow* Ryuujin: Hmmm...he was a great warrior N8 was....all he wanted was food and some rest, but his haste got to him... Lexadin: Okay, now the gloves are really gonna come off! *Walks towards the Barrier Temple* Omenhiikoyashi: Lex! Let me do this with you! Lexadin: No, you need a rest Omen, let me handle this! You just got struck by lightning your equilibrium is probably off balance so just sit back and enjoy the show! Omenhiikoyashi: WAIT! LEX! *Knees are trembling and is seen kneeling on the ground* Jupi: You need to take it easy Omen, leave it to your comrades for now... Omenhiikoyashi: *Sits upright and nods at Jupi; in mind* I hope you know what you're doing Lex....and that vision....*Replays the image of the unknown angel in his head* That can't be Galderein...did he interfered in the summoning of the Archangels? Lexadin: Don't worry gang! I didn't survive this far for nothing! Now this "Barrier Temple" is gonna feel the wrath of the Master of Terror! THE GOTHIC PARAGON OF NECROMANCY!!! *With a monstrous sounding voice* LEXADIN!!!! *Eyes glowing a dark purple glow and with his monstrous voice yelled out a title in Gothic tongue* URRAISJAN US DAUTHAI'M!!!! Talos: Urraisjammaussowhata? Is he speaking Pig Latin? Ryuujin: No, its an ancient language called the Gothic Language, people that still practice the magical arts of the Goths use this language as a pillar to cast spells and summon mystical creatures. But for Lex's case, since his primary type of sorcery is Necromancy, he uses the ancient Gothic Language to summon nightmarish creatures... Talos: Ah...okay...thanks for the info Ryu! Ryuujin: Ryu? Is that my nickname? Talos: Well...yeah...almost everybody in the group has a nickname, so I thought why not give you one? Ryuujin: Oh okay, Ryu....that's a nice one! Omenhiikoyashi: Let's just hope that Lexadin's skills works guys... Talos and Ryuujin: *Nods at Omenhiikoyashi*[/color] Lexadin raises his palms and a series of skull-looking ecotplasmic entities appeared out of the ground and let out a series of horrible shrieks and groans, the entities then combined together and materialized a pale-looking girl wearing a maid's outfit. [color=red]Lexadin: MAIDEN OF DESPAIR!!! GO!!!! PURGE THIS FOREST OF THE INFERIORITY OF GALDEREIN'S DOMINION!!!! Maiden of Despair: Yes master.[/color] The Maiden of Despair then rushed towards the Barrier Temple and unleashed a shadow dragon from her body onto the Barrier Temple, the Shadow Dragon then wrapped its body around the the temple but it started to glow again and the shadow dragon that wrapped its body around the temple let out a horrible scream and the light got stronger from the glow of the barrier temple and then the shadow dragon then got disintegrated by the glow of the temple and the Maiden of Despair also is fading away from the scene from the light of the barrier temple. [color=red]Lexadin: s***! *Runs to take cover from the engulfing light of the temple* *Talos, Ryuujin, Omenhiikoyashi, and Jupi all saw what had happened and joined Lexadin to take cover from the immense bright light from the temple, a few seconds later the intense bright light of the temple receded and everything was back to normal* Lexadin: *Huffing and puffing* Man....all of that for nothing! I'm so exhausted! *Sits on the ground and sighs* Omenhiikoyashi: Don't worry Lex, you tried your best... Lexadin: With the physical and mental state that we are in, how is it possible for us to break this seal? Ryuujin: Well, since the two top fighters in the group couldn't do it, it is my time to step it up! Lexadin: Okay, let's see what you got Dragon Boy! Jupi: Be wary Ryuujin, it seems like the barrier spell is getting stronger for every time we attempt to break the seal of its spell, one wrong move and it'll be a genocidal nightmare... Ryuujin: Got ya! Talos: Ryu is like the dark horse to this situation, we don't really know what he's capable of... Lexadin: Yeah, he barely did anything from like the last 6 battles that we were in... Jupi: Come on Ryuujin...[/color] Ryuujin approached the Barrier Temple with a smug look on his face looking sure of himself and feeling confident that he'll break the sealing magic of the Barrier Temple. [color=red]Ryuujin: *Crosses arms* Hmph! I'll show you guys that a Dragonmaster such as myself can prove to be worthy in any situation! *Cracks his knuckles* I just need my time to shine! Talos: The thing that I hate about this guy is that he's conceited... Lexadin: Yeah, and narcissistic....[/color] Ryuujin pointed at the Barrier Temple and then put his hands together and then separated his hands and a glowing red orb materialized between the space of the hands of Ryuujin. He then took the red orb and put it against the ground and an glowing imprint of a dragon figure is seen on the ground between the distance of Ryuujin and the Barrier Temple. Ryuujin then drew an arcane seal on his right hand and placed his hand on the dragon imprint and then the ground started to shake. [color=red]Lexadin: *On the ground* I'M STARTING TO HATE THE GROUND NOW!!! Talos: *Struggling to stay on his feet* WE REALLY NEED TO START LEARNING LOWER LEVEL SPELLS BECAUSE THIS IS GETTING RIDICULOUS!!!! Jupi: *Struggling to stay on his feet*[/color] After a minute or so, the imprint of the Dragon started to materialize into physical form, a huge red dragon is summoned by the skilled dragon mage known as Ryuujin and the dragon let out a thunderous roar that echoed throughout the area. [color=red]Talos: *Covering ears* MY GOD!!! THAT IS LOUD!!!! Omenhiikoyashi: *Covering ears* THAT IS ONE FIERCE DRAGON!!! Lexadin: *Covering ears**Faints* Jupi: *Catches Lexadin* Ryuujin: *Laughs hysterically* GENTLEMEN!!! WITNESS THE POWER OF A DRAGON MAGE!!!! SATOMI, THE PERSONAL DRAGON THAT I CREATED THROUGH YEARS OF SUMMONING EXPERIMENTS!!! Jupi: Satomi huh? Very impressive Ryuujin. Ryuujin: *Crosses arms and snickers* NOW ITS TIME TO GET RID OF THIS ANNOYING SO CALLED BARRIER SPELL!!! *Eyes changes to pin point slits like a lizard* *Talos, Omenhiikoyashi, and Jupi all looked startled* Talos: Did you see his eyes? Omenhiikoyashi: I heard about certain Dragon Mages selling their soul as an oath to many Dragon Gods, it is due to this that when a Dragon Mage is in battle the appearance of their eyes change to look like the eyes of a dragon. Ryuujin must have sworn many oaths to many Dragon Deities to achieve this particular trait, hell....I even heard that Dragon Mages can live up to 150-200 years of age! I can't believe till now that he's showing what he's really got, he has a reason to be narcissistic and conceited I mean just look! Jupi: Hmmm...I wonder if Ryuujin can teach me the ways of Dragon Sorcery...I'm kind of interested now... Talos: Look at this Mr. Tall Ears is all of the sudden interested in sorcery! Jupi: Why not? It doesn't hurt for a martial artist such as myself to learn a thing or two from Magical Tomes? Omenhiikoyashi: In any case, look...Ryuujin is about to start his assault... Talos and Jupi: *Looks sternly at Ryuujin* Ryuujin: YOU GUYS...I SUGGEST YOU SHOULD STEP BACK A COUPLE OF YARDS....THINGS ARE GONNA GET ROUGH... Omenhiikoyashi: You heard the man! Let's go! Jupi: *Tries to lift Lexadin* Talos: Here I got him Jupi. *Lifts the dead weight of Lexadin and puts him on his back* Jupi: Thanks Talos... *Omenhiikoyashi, Jupi, and Talos while carrying Lexadin is seen quickly scurrying a couple of yards away from the battle scene*[/color] As the other group of fighters ran off to a safe place for cover, a huge red flame aura is then surrounding the body of Ryuujin. As Ryuujin was powering up, the Barrier Temple is also powering up, seething with powerful light energy... [color=red]Ryuujin: *In mind and powering up* It doesn't take a genius to analyze the fact that when we power up to utilize a certain spell, the Barrier Temple also reacts, its like this Barrier Seal Spell is a energy beacon, it only turns on when the spell senses an energy conjuring and after each power up it seems like this barrier spell's energy gets stronger by every second that passes...its strong alright....I can feel my soul fading by a minuscule of every millisecond that I'm standing here...and I hate to admit it...I am also exhausted and famished...I need to finish this quickly...[/color] Ryuujin then opened up his right palm and the flames surrounding him started to materialize in a ball-like form onto his right palm, then the flames transformed itself into a Scepter that has a Dragon's Skull on it. [color=red]Omenhiikoyashi: He also went through that training as well? Talos and Jupi: Huh? Omenhiikoyashi: That scepter that he just summoned is on the higher echelons of Arcane be able to materialize a Dragon Scepter like that would mean that he defeated a Dragon God and the Dragon God's skull is on that scepter! Holy s***! Ryuujin is a sorcerer to be reckoned with! Talos: Omen if you mind if I asked? How do you know so much about Dragon Sorcery? Omenhiikoyashi: Because I studied it and I learned some summoning spells from the Scrolls of Draconias... Talos: Man! How many types of sorceries do you know? Omenhiikoyashi: I know Dragon Sorcery, druid magic, necromancy, Golem arts, fairy oaths, elemental conjuring... Talos: ENOUGH!!!! Geez! You're an overachiever you know that? *Shakes head* Jupi: Ryuujin is about to unleash something immense... Omenhiikoyashi and Talos: *Looks at Ryuujin with intensity*[/color] As the intense red flame around Ryuujin got more fierce and immense, the aura surrounding the Barrier Temple is starting to have the same intensity, Ryuujin is then visibly seen breathing hard, the effect of the Barrier Temple's aura seems like its taking a toll on him. [color=red]Ryuujin: *Breathing hard* time to waste...if I don't do anything now I'll be finished like that fool N8! *Points his scepter towards the Barrier Temple* SATOMI!!!! [color=orange]KYUUKYOKU SOREDAKE HIKAJI KUCHIKU-KAN!!! Satomi: *Unleashes a thunderous roar and then executes a huge dark red flaming attack from its mouth towards Galderein's Barrier Temple*[/color] The dark red flaming attack is seen fiercely streaming across the battlefield with such force and speed, the intensity of the flame attack is so strong that from 10 yards away from where the other are taking cover, the other fighters can feel the heat wave from the flame attack. The sound coming from the flame attack sounds like a jet plane roaring across the sky and the attack is then collided with the Barrier Temple. Ryuujin's [color=orange]Kyuukyoku Soredake Hikaji Kuchiku-Kan[/color] attack is stationary colliding with the barrier temple and the attack is trying to break through the temple itself. Ryuujin is now pointing his scepter towards the flaming attack that was attempting to rage through the Barrier Temple and the scepter started to glow a dark red and the flaming attack on the Barrier Temple got more intense and has more flare and effect to it. As Ryuujin is concentrating his efforts on trying to make his attack more powerful by focusing energy into his scepter, the familiar shimmering sound from the Barrier Temple is heard again and the white aura around the temple is raging now with immense intensity, the aftershock wave from the aura is so strong that Ryuujin is feeling the effects of it and he dropped to one knee. [color=red]Talos: Oh crap! Ryuujin is getting weaker guys! *Trembles and looks at his hands* Hey....what....what's going on...*Drops to the ground on one knee* Hey....Omen...what.... Omenhiikoyashi: *Visibly trembling as well* The wave from the aura of the temple is so strong...I guess its also affecting us as well...if this continues....*Drops to one knee* then....then...we'll....all lose our souls! Jupi: *Breathing hard and is on the ground* Damn.....Galderein!!!! Ryuujin: *Kneeling on the ground and is breathing intensely; in mind* I am so exhausted....trying to focus my efforts to try to break the barrier is not the only thing that's tiring...but the soul-stealing aura wave of the temple is also taking its toll on me, and Satomi is also fading fast.... Satomi: *Roaring and is seen fading away from the battlefield* Ryuujin: *Shakes head and gets up off of the ground* No!!! I won't give up! My name is Ryuujin! *An intense burst of flame came out of the body of Ryuujin and his eyes transformed into dragon-like eyes* THE CHAMPION DRAGONMASTER!!! *Screams and a roar of a dragon is heard within the voice of his scream and points his scepter at his flaming attack that was still trying to break through the Barrier Temple*[/color] As Ryuujin is pointing at his attack with his scepter, the raging flame of his attack that is colliding with the Temple is got even more immense by tenfold, the severity of the flame was so strong that the Temple is now visibly cracking. [color=red]Talos: Look! The temple is breaking! The son of a b**** is actually doing it! Omenhiikoyashi: Alright Ryuujin! Just a little more and you'll break that thing![/color] Ryuujin with all of his might is concentrating all of his focus and energy into the scepter to control the flame to break the Barrier Temple, the flame attack's intensity increased stronger and stronger that it seems like the Barrier Temple was going to break any second, but the Barrier Temple unleashed the shimmering noise again and the white light that surrounded the temple is now quickly engulfing the flame attack. In surprise, Ryuujin saw this and then is visibly straining with all of his will power trying to direct the flame attack to go through the temple, but it wasn't helping, the engulfing white light subdued the flame attack... [color=red]Jupi: There is no can an attack that powerful be subjugated just like that... Omenhiikoyashi: COME ON RYUUJIN!!! FOCUS!!! FOCUS!!! Talos: *Looks at Jupi and Omenhiikoyashi, then back at Ryuujin and the engulfed fire attack* Well, looks like its up to me...*Runs to the area where Ryuujin is at* Jupi: Huh? Talos? Hey! Where are you going! Omenhiikoyashi: SON OF A b****!!! TALOS!!!! TALOS!!!! GET THE f*** BACK OVER HERE!!! HEY!!!! *Tries to go after Talos but his legs trembled and couldn't run; on the ground breathing hard* Jupi: There's nothing we can do Omen....I guess it is up to Talos and Ryuujin now...[/color] The flame attack that is engulfed with the white light from the the Barrier Temple is now being redirected at Ryuujin, the attack now looks like a Light Ball Beam heading towards the direction of where Ryuujin is at, the energy wave's first victim was Ryuujin's personal dragon Satomi which was annihilated on sight and then the direction of the light beam is heading directly towards Ryuujin... [color=red]Ryuujin: this is it....this is how its going to end....*Drops to his knees* possibly break this thing? All of those years training to be the best Dragon Master....*Closes eyes as the Light Beam is getting closer*[/color] But before the light beam was about to hit Ryuujin, a large number of different types of rodents appeared out of nowhere and a glowing golden light surrounded them and collided with the light beam. [color=red]Ryuujin: *Opens eyes* I dead yet? *Looks around* Wait a sec....*Looks at the huge number of rodents that is colliding with the light beam* WHAT THE HELL!? Talos: Hey Ryu! *Tips his cowboy hat* Ryuujin: Talos? Talos: Yeah! What did you expect? Barney the Dinosaur? Ryuujin: WHAT IN THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE!? I WAS SUPPOSED TO DIE AN HONORABLE DEATH AND YOU CHEATED ME OUT OF IT!!! Talos: Whoa! You want to die? Heh! Can't allow that buddy, we already lost a lot people and good friends in our group and we can't afford to lose a skilled fighter like yourself! Ryuujin: FOR YOUR INFORMATION I DID NOT ASK FOR ANY HELP!!! YOU SHOULD HAVE JUST LEFT ME!!! Talos: Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! WHOA! You want to prove that you're the best Dragonmaster right? You want to one up Omen and Lex and to show them that Dragon Sorcery is world class right? Then if you're dead then that means you lost! You dying just proved to them that Dragon Mages like yourself are a joke! Nothing but a side show smear on the etches of Arcane Wizardry! Ryuujin: *Grabs Talos by the collar of his shirt and has the dragon eyed look* YOU TAKE THAT BACK!!!! *Growls* Talos: Then prove to me, Lex, and Omen wrong! Prove to yourself that you are the best Dragonmaster that this world has ever seen! Stop being a self-serving egotistical deluded scrub and show me what you got! Ryuujin: *Lets go of Talos* You know what? You're right! If I die then that just proves that I lost to the likes of Omenhiikoyashi and Lexadin! *Holds his right hand out* Thanks for the save Talos... Talos: *Shakes the hand of Ryuujin* No problem man. But no time to lose, we need to break that barrier so we can get to that refuge and rest! Ryuujin: *Nods* Talos: Okay, at my mark, I'm going to run over there and help out my group of mystical rodents and when I jump up there with them to deliver the final blow, concentrate your flaming energy onto the aura around me and the rodents, if this is done right then there's a possibility that we can break through that pain in the ass sealing spell! Ryuujin: Got ya! Talos: And when we do this yell out DISCO INFERNO COMET!!! Ryuujin: What!? Talos: Just yell that out! It'll be the name of our new combination attack, I'm trying to experiment with mystical beast summoning and elemental aura combination attacks.... Ryuujin: Yeah but do I have to yell out that ridiculous name? Talos: It'll add flavor and flare to the combined attack we're doing, come on no time to waste my rodents can't hold back the attack for too long, their energy level is equal to mine and I have low energy so this is now or nothing! Ryuujin: Whatever! Talos: Okay, on your mark...get set...GO!!![/color] Talos ran towards the group of rodents that are holding back the light beam attack and did a jumping karate kick that made him flew towards the group of rodents, Ryuujin then directed his scepter towards the aura that is surrounding Talos and his group of rodents and altered the aura into the flaming aura that is prolific of Ryuujin's personal Dragon Sorcery. The combination of Talos' group of rodents and the flaming aura was so intense that the Light Beam just faded and the combined aura around Talos and his group of rodents combination is heading straight towards the barrier temple. [color=red]Talos and Ryuujin: [size=5][color=orange]DISCO INFERNO COMET!!!![/size][/color][/color] The combined attack of Talos and Ryuujin raged across the scene and collided with the Barrier Temple, the collision was so strong that the Barrier Temple is seen breaking fast but it wasn't enough and the light came from the temple again starting to engulf Talos and his group of mystical rodents. [color=red]Ryuujin: NO!!! NOT ON MY WATCH!!!![/color] Ryuujin then ran towards the aura surrounding Talos and the mystical rodents and jumped at the Barrier Temple, a shape of a fiery dragon is shown materializing as the aura around Ryuujin and the combined effort of Talos and Ryuujin completely incinerated the Barrier Temple into oblivion. After the combined attack, the rodents disappeared as well and Talos and Ryuujin landed on the ground. Afterward, the song [color=blue]"I Will Survive" by Gloria Gaynor[/color] played in the background out of nowhere and Ryuujin and Talos started to dance in victory doing flips, break dancing, and the worm then afterward they stopped dancing and both warriors did an epic victory pose and the music faded in the background. [color=red]Jupi: Unbelievable! They did it! Not only did they break the seal to the other side of the jungle! They completely destroyed the temple! Omenhiikoyashi: Huh! Talos is amazing isn't he? First the Raider Gnomes now this? He's a very skilled warrior! Jupi: Indeed. Now we can get to the refuge without any trouble at all! *Runs over to Talos and Ryuujin* Omenhiikoyashi: Hold up Jupi! *Picks up the unconscious body of Lexadin and placed him on his back in the piggy back position; runs towards Talos and Ryuujin* Talos and Ryuujin: *Shakes hands* Jupi: Tremendous job you two! Talos: Hey! Jupi! *Shakes hands with Jupi* Ryuujin: *Shakes hands with Jupi and sighs* Man! I am so exhausted! Omenhiikoyashi: *Carrying Lexadin on his back* We're are also exhausted! Awesome job Talos! Ryuujin! Ryuujin: Hmph! I told you that Dragon Sorcery is number one! Omenhiikoyashi: Couldn't argue with that! You showed me today that Dragon Sorcery is a type of magic to be reckoned with! Congrats Ryuujin. *Holds his right hand out for a hand shake* Ryuujin: *Looks at the hand of Omenhiikoyashi and firmly shakes it* Omenhiikoyashi the Master of Enochian Magick! When we get back to the island where the tournament is held, I want to face you personally... Omenhiikoyashi: I have no problem with that! *Firmly squeezes the hand of Ryuujin* *Ryuujin and Omenhiikoyashi are looking fiercely at each other* Talos: Well, it looks like we have a rivalry on our hands! Well, that's good! Omen, let me carry Lexadin for you, you're still kind of weak from that lightning bolt you took earlier. Omenhiikoyashi: Its alright I can manage! Talos: You sure? Omenhiikoyashi: Yeah, I'm sure! Ryuujin: Anyways...*Turns to Jupi* How much further do we need to travel to get to the refuge Jupi? Jupi: Ten miles from here. Wait until I tell my comrades at the refuge about what you guys did! Man they'll be impressed! Talos: Alright ten miles isn't that bad, I ran 15 miles under 30 minutes before! Walking ten would be a walk in the park...LITERALLY!! Jupi: *Laughs* Okay, just follow my lead, you warriors deserve a victory banquet and a well deserved rest, when we get there I can guarantee all of you both! *Walks straight to the pathway towards the refuge* Talos, Omenhiikoyashi, and Ryuujin: *Jumps in victory* ALRIGHT!!!! *Follows Jupi on the road towards the refuge*[/color] As Jupi and our heroes walk on the path towards the refuge, what further obstacles will these brave and determined warriors face down the road to their destination towards the dock, and will they encounter [color=blue]Galderein[/color] in the near future? Keep up with the storyline of this contest to see what happens next in the tribulations of cAde's [color=blue]FIGHT MY MONSTERS ELIMINATION CONTEST!!![/color] [/b][/size][/i] [hr] [b][center][color=red][size=6]Boss Stage 3: VS. GALDEREIN'S GRYPHON TRIO[/center][/color][/size][/b] [size=3][b][i]After ten minutes of walking down the trail towards Jupi's resistance refuge, the group of warriors finally arrived at their destination, what is seen ahead is a series of well-built tented huts that are side by side to each other and in the middle of the area is a huge tented hut, this must be the operations control center of the refuge. In amazement, the group of warriors slowly take each step around the area observing the refuge camp. [color=red]Jupi: Well, welcome to my humble abode brave warriors! *Proudly signals his right hand to present the refuge* Ryuujin: I got to say, this establishment is pretty impressive Jupi... Omenhiikoyashi: *Carrying Lexadin on his back* in the jungle isn't easy, I wonder how you and your allies built these tents? They look sophisticated and well-built....what you guys are Free Masons or something? Jupi: We gathered any supplies we can from each of our clans left over wreckage that is caused by Galderein's tirade, we built this base took us 6 months to a year to build this base....the sole purpose of this refuge is to help out any living thing that has been affected by the tyranny of Galderein's dominion. Omenhiikoyashi: *Carrying Lexadin on his back* Well that's what I call true virtue! I hope we get to encounter Galderein so I can hand his ass to him! Talos: *Looks down in sorrow* Jupi: *Looks at Talos* Hey, what's wrong Talos? Talos: I can't believe N8 was eliminated in that earlier battle, all he wanted was to come here and rest and refuel just like the rest of can imagine his expression coming here if he was still alive.... Ryuujin: Hmph! His death isn't all that to be tearing up over! That fool should've never tried to act like a hero and go head first to try to destroy that temple! To me he deserves to die... Talos: *Gets in the face of Ryuujin* I don't know who in the f*** you think you are but N8 was a comrade! You shouldn't bad mouth him when he tried his best! Ryuujin: Well TALOS!!! *Shoves Talos* His best wasn't enough I guess! Talos: *Gets in the face of Ryuujin* You know what? I shouldn't have saved you out there! Maybe I should've just stood by and watch that light beam incinerate your ego-filled fa**** ass! Ryuujin: I didn't ask for your help! Get the hell out of my face or I'll mark you one right in the jowls! Talos: BRING IT DRAGON f**!!! WE CAN THROW DOWN RIGHT NOW!!!! Ryuujin: You want some of this! *Goes into his fighting stance* Omenhiikoyashi: *Slowly places Lexadin on the ground* Jupi can you watch Lexadin? Jupi: Uh....sure.... Omenhiikoyashi: *Takes out the Vuvuzela in his adventure pack and blows on it extremely loud* *Jupi, Ryuujin, and Talos cover their ears* Lexadin: *Quickly wakes up* MAMA I WANT THE NEAPOLITAN ICE CREAM!!! *Shakes head and slowly looks around* What....where....where am I? Omenhiikoyashi: Seriously? You guys are gonna fight each other here and now? We are here to rest! Not to tear each other apart like a bunch of savages! Our main goal is to get to the dock and get to the island where cAde's contest is held at, till then you guys can go all out on each other when we get there! Our second objective is if we do encounter Galderein, our other objective is to eliminate Galderein! So stop acting like a bunch of preteen b****es in heat! We're in this together and right now it is best to take it easy and rest! *Ryuujin and Talos look at each other and turn away and crosses their arms*[/color] Soon thereafter, an arrow is seen being directed towards the group and it overshot and hit a tree nearby, then suddenly a bipedal feminine rabbit creature appeared with a Giant, an elf, and a dwarf right in front of Jupi and the group of fighters. [color=orange]To be finished[/color][/size][/b][/i] [spoiler=] [center][[/center] [center][size=5][color=blue][b] [/size][/center][/color][/b] [spoiler= Effect][center][b][/center][/b][/spoiler] [spoiler=Stage Conditions] [center][b] [color=red][size=6]GO FOR BROKE....READY....ENGAGE!!!![/center][/color][/size][/b][/spoiler][/spoiler] [size=5][color=red][b][/size][/color][/b] ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ [spoiler=BATTLE LOG] [i][u]Stage 1[/u]: [color=blue]A Maverick's Meddling! True Magic is Dangerous!?[/color] [center][b]-LEXADIN SUMMONED MALICIOUS GREED TO DRAIN THE ENERGY OUT OF MAVERICK MAGICIAN -LIGHTNING IS KILLED DURING THE BATTLE BETWEEN THE FIGHTERS AND MAVERICK MAGICIAN[/b][/center] [/i] [i][u]Stage 2[/u]: [color=Blue] Falling Inside the Black![/color] [center][b]-BLUE EYES WHITE DRAGON777 TRANSFORMED HIMSELF INTO THE SERVANT OF DOOM TO SEAL DARKNESS GABLE INTO AN PORTAL OF AN ETERNAL VOID. -YU-GI-OH PARTY IS SUCKED IN TO BLUE EYES WHITE DRAGON777'S PORTAL WHILE DARKNESS GABLE GRABBED HIM INTO THE PORTAL. HE IS NOW STUCK IN THE PORTAL WITH THE ENTITY IN AN ETERNAL VOID.[/b][/center][/i] [i][u]Boss Stage 1[/u]: [color=Blue]Vs. Sarduk Korig, The Edgeblader!!![/color] [center][b]-OMENHIIKOYASHI WEAKENS SARDUK WITH A LYRE OF DESTRUCTION AND DEFEATS HIM WITH A FLAME TORNADO.[/b][/center][/i] [i][u]Stage 3[/u]: [color=blue] Shrooms Anyone?[/color] [center][b]-TALOS THE WIND NINJA INCINERATED THE SWARM OF SADISTIC SHROOMS BY SUMMONING INFERNION IN A POKEMON STYLE BATTLE -BLUE-EYES WHITE DRAGON777, TRIDENT DRAGON/ASSULT MODE, and -DINGO- ARE ALL DEVOURED BY THE OVERWHELMING SWARM OF SADISTIC SHROOMS!!![/b][/center][/i] [i][u]Stage 4[/u]: [color=blue] Earth Shaking Encounter!!! 40 Feet in Length!?[/color] [center][b]-N8THEGR8 SUMMONED THE FIVE POPULAR ELEMENTAL HEROES TO UNLEASH HIS FINISHING EPIC DESTROYER WAVE CANNON TO ELIMINATE THE GROUP OF ROCKSHARD GIGAS'!!!!!! -GREEN ONE GOT THROWN 100 FEET IN THE AIR AND LANDED ON HIS HEAD HARD AND A ROCKSHARD GIGAS DEVOURED HIM![/b][/center][/i] [i][u]Boss Stage 2[/u]: [color=blue]Vs. Berserker Goliath!!![/color] [center][b]-LEXADIN SUMMONED THE NIGHTMARE TERRORKING TO SEND THE BERSERKER GOLIATH INTO AN ETERNITY OF TERROR IN THE UNDERWORLD!!![/b][/center][/i] [i][u]Stage 5[/u]: [color=blue]Dwarfs, Rabbits, Fighters, Oh my![/color] [center][b]-TALOS, JUPI, and A PAIR OF RODENT DUOS FINISHED OFF THE GROUP OF GNOME RAIDERS WITH AN OVERWHELMING NIMBLE FESTIVAL EXTRAVAGANZA COMBINATION MANEUVER!!! -KH3RLZ IS MURDERED BY A GROUP OF TWO RAIDER GNOMES WHERE THEY PULLED HIS BODY APART INTO TWO PIECES WHILE ONE RAIDER GNOME TOOK HIS HEART OUT AND SMASHED IT WITH HIS BARE HANDS [/b][/center][/i][/spoiler] [spoiler=Judges] [size=6][color=red]ONLY ME!!!![/color][/size][/spoiler] [spoiler=THE FINAL FOUR] 1. Omenhiikoyashi 2. Lexadin 3. Talos the Wind Ninja 4. ∞Ryujin∞[/spoiler] [spoiler=TOTAL CURRENT POINTS IN POT] [size=20][b]1298[/b][/size][/spoiler] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AsterikcAde Posted February 17, 2011 Author Report Share Posted February 17, 2011 Why isn't anybody joining this contest? BUMP! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Omenhiikoyashi Posted February 18, 2011 Report Share Posted February 18, 2011 dunno bump Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AsterikcAde Posted February 20, 2011 Author Report Share Posted February 20, 2011 COME ON PEOPLE JOIN THIS CONTEST! THIS CONTEST IS NOT THAT HARD! JOIN BEFORE THE MODS LOCK AND MOVE IT, I PUT IN A LOT OF THOUGHT AND EFFORT TO COME UP WITH THE CONCEPT OF THIS CONTEST! PLEASE! BUMP! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AsterikcAde Posted February 22, 2011 Author Report Share Posted February 22, 2011 I need more contestants, is this contest too complicated for you people or what? Or do I have to kiss ass? BUMP! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Azphreal Posted February 22, 2011 Report Share Posted February 22, 2011 My battle cry will defeat your spirit with honor and fair judgement. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AsterikcAde Posted February 22, 2011 Author Report Share Posted February 22, 2011 [quote name='Phoenix19' timestamp='1298369011' post='5025949'] My battle cry will defeat your spirit with honor and fair judgement. [/quote] So you want to be a judge? There's an entry fee of 5 points to be a Judge in this contest, send me the points and I will add you to the Judge List. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Azphreal Posted February 23, 2011 Report Share Posted February 23, 2011 You know, judges usually get payed for taking the burden of judging all by yourself off your shoulders... In that case, never mind. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AsterikcAde Posted February 23, 2011 Author Report Share Posted February 23, 2011 [quote name='Phoenix19' timestamp='1298444649' post='5028427'] You know, judges usually get payed for taking the burden of judging all by yourself off your shoulders... In that case, never mind. [/quote] Changed the Judge Position rules, you don't have to pay anything to be a judge in this contest anymore, and you'll be rewarded +2 Rep points after every round that you help me judge a contestant's entry. You're accepted. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Azphreal Posted February 23, 2011 Report Share Posted February 23, 2011 Alriiiight. Need peeps, now. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AsterikcAde Posted February 23, 2011 Author Report Share Posted February 23, 2011 [quote name='Phoenix19' timestamp='1298468005' post='5028675'] Alriiiight. Need peeps, now. [/quote] If you know some friends that are tight with you on this website, invite them to join this contest, I really need 14 more contestants, I wanna see if the concept of this contest is really fun or works at all. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JoShToFu Posted February 26, 2011 Report Share Posted February 26, 2011 i guess illl join Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SunshineSoldier Posted February 26, 2011 Report Share Posted February 26, 2011 I'll join. HONOR!! BATTLE CRY!!!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Worm Xex Posted February 26, 2011 Report Share Posted February 26, 2011 Judgement!!!! PLZ!! i keel you Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AsterikcAde Posted February 26, 2011 Author Report Share Posted February 26, 2011 [quote name='Joshua1919' timestamp='1298698628' post='5035388'] i guess illl join [/quote] Please read the rules and you need to donate to the pot in order to reserve a spot in this contest. Read the rules THOROUGHLY before you post.[quote name='- Dingo -' timestamp='1298699362' post='5035426'] I'll join. BATTLE CRY!!!!! [/quote] Sorry not accepted, you forgot one password to apply for this contest and you need to donate to the pot in order for you to join this contest, the entry fee is any amount of points you can donate, but you have to contribute in order to be in this contest.[quote name='Worm Xex' timestamp='1298699693' post='5035444'] Judgement!!!! PLZ!! i keel you [/quote] You keel me? LOL! Accepted. I'll add your name to the Judge's List.[quote name='- Dingo -' timestamp='1298699362' post='5035426'] I'll join. HONOR!! BATTLE CRY!!!!! [/quote] Alright, you're entry is accepted, I'll add you to the Contestant's List, the contest won't start until I have all 15 spots filled, so tell your friends to join if they want to. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SunshineSoldier Posted February 26, 2011 Report Share Posted February 26, 2011 Thanks. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
thekazu4u Posted February 26, 2011 Report Share Posted February 26, 2011 [quote name='- Dingo -' timestamp='1298706368' post='5035602'] Thanks. [/quote] Im in. I can defeat whatever you throw at me. Oh yea BTW... HONOR! BATTLE CRY!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SunshineSoldier Posted February 27, 2011 Report Share Posted February 27, 2011 We need more people! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lightning Posted February 27, 2011 Report Share Posted February 27, 2011 I'll join this contest I'll send the points right now Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AsterikcAde Posted February 27, 2011 Author Report Share Posted February 27, 2011 [quote name='thekazu4u' timestamp='1298761166' post='5036843'] Im in. I can defeat whatever you throw at me. Oh yea BTW... HONOR! BATTLE CRY!! [/quote] Entry not accepted, READ THE RULES, you need to be a Member Level 3 or higher to enter this contest.[quote name='Lightning' timestamp='1298771947' post='5037216'] I'll join this contest I'll send the points right now [/quote] Sorry, you're not in. You sent the points but you didn't apply with the passwords. Read the rules. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Abe - Demonic Sammich Guy Posted February 27, 2011 Report Share Posted February 27, 2011 I will join My battle cry and fierce honor will strike fear into your hearts. Is there a cost to enter? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lightning Posted February 27, 2011 Report Share Posted February 27, 2011 oh my mistake HONOR! BATTLE CRY!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lexadin Posted February 27, 2011 Report Share Posted February 27, 2011 In Honer of the Battle Cry's of others. I'll join this contest. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AsterikcAde Posted February 27, 2011 Author Report Share Posted February 27, 2011 [quote name='abethedemonicsammich' timestamp='1298823592' post='5038369'] I will join My battle cry and fierce honor will strike fear into your hearts. Is there a cost to enter? [/quote] Yes there is a cost, did you read the rules? The entry fee is how ever many points you can donate to the pot, and you have to contribute in order to be in this contest. Read the Entry Fee portion in the first post.[quote name='Lightning' timestamp='1298827563' post='5038558'] oh my mistake HONOR! BATTLE CRY!! [/quote] Entry accepted, you're in. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Abe - Demonic Sammich Guy Posted February 27, 2011 Report Share Posted February 27, 2011 Sent mah points Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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