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Escape from the Scorpion Island - YCM Edition


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It started airing here lately, and I got sudden urge to make a contest out of it



All YCM rules apply

My word is final



[spoiler=How does it work?]

16 members can join. 6 of them will be divided into 2 equal teams, Team Claw and Team Sting. Rest will be held as captives in camp called Limbo. Each "day", A.K.A. round (except for 1st) will consist of:


Limbo Challenge - The Limbo captives take part in this challenge in teams of blue and white. The captives in the winning team get the chance to be chosen by Sting or Claw to be in their teams. If there is a 1 vs 1 battle, the captive that wins is guaranteed of being in one of the teams.


Ultimate Jeopardy - Sting and Claw take part in this challenge against each other. The winning teams gets their captive they have chosen, and the losing team's captive goes back to camp with nothing. The team that won the previous Ultimate Jeopardy chooses first.


Survival Challenge - Challenge for Limbo captives. If they lose, they get punished. If they manage to do it, everything goes as normal.


Island Fire - The Island Fire selects the captain's for Sting and Claw, and also reveals the name of the next challenge.


Stone of Selection - The Stone of Selection selects which Limbo captives will be playing the next Limbo Challenge.


So, the main goal of both teams is to get more members by rescuing Limbo captives. The team that will have the most members at the end wins and prizes are divided between them.



[spoiler=Power Plays]

During the first round, 4 Limbo captives will get powers called Power Plays. They may only use their power play when they are on Sting or Claw. The captives are supposed to keep their power play a secret, but if they reveal their secret to someone in Claw or Sting before they're released from Limbo, their power play is passed on to someone else. The powers are:


Swap - Allows the player to swap a member on the opposing team who is playing a challenge for someone else who isn't participating.


False Start - Allows the player to stop the challenge and start it again with other requirements. Can only be used during the first 24 hours since the start of the challenge.


Head Start - Allows the team to know the next round challenge 12 hours before opposing team.


Freeze - Opposing team have to fulfill the round requirements 12 hours before the given end time. Cannot be used during the last 24 hours before the given end date.



[spoiler=Entry fee]

50 points, donations welcome :D




775 points




Each member of the team that won will get the part of the pot. 50 points x the number of team members will be added to the top for prize giveout




1. Genex Firefox

2. Lewk

3. JoshIcy

4. Metagross386

5. Newfie Kuriboh Shark

6. legolover09

7. super-star-silver

8. Asert333

9. The Holly and the Ivy











Yeah, that's all. I feel that I'm missing something though...

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