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Sexual Orientation Question


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As the above sequence shows' date=' I WAS and always have been talking about abuse in this debate, and never in my original post, nor this debate, did I say abuse spawned homosexuality, I have been saying abuse spawns abuse. I was trying to point out that there is more than just "heterosexual/homosexual/bisexual", as some people like chirlden, animals, etc., etc. Why would I then even bother arguing how homosexuality is created.


[b']If a victim of abuse has then later abused another child, the desire to do it wasn't their choice.[/b]


Really? You where talking about the thing? Well, I see that this thread was about if you belive homosxuality is your choice or not. Now, my question is, if you said that abuse didn't cause homosexuality, how did you get to abuse? You see, I know abuse can happen at any sex, or age, but come on. So, um, here, you say abuse spawns abuse. Ok,that makes seince, but, um, wherent we talking about how homosexuality is made, cus we are trying to prove our theories? Abuse may be bad, but again, in the end, you have many opportunities to not abuse sombody. When you see them, you may say, hey, maybe I don't wanna do this. Maybe when you see them, go into a room, or somthing, you can choose not to abuse them. So, again, you say that, if you are abused, and you abuse sombody else, it's not your choice that you did that? Wow, in a seince, you just gave an exuce for a person to abuse sombody. Please explain to me how, you can abuse sombody, and you never had a choice to do so? I know this is gonna sound wierd, but I don't care what happend to you, YOU STILL HAVE A CHOICE. It's your own choice. You say free will is nothing when trauma is involved. Um, What? You have the choice to be just lie the person tht abused you. You notice that there are alot of people that, even after being abused, they continue with the same sex they loved in the first place, and they don't abuse anybody? I have.



I notice that everybody here is on your side, but I don't care, this is my way of thinking. I realise I deleted alot of what you said, but still. I deleted that useless stuff, I only need the lest things you said, cus what you say is only about those stuff, and I know what you said.


Again, i'm not gonna give up on this, but you have already won the popularity vote. Everybody likes your idea of thinking. But I have really thought out my way of thinking. So, God Kaze, Cybernetic Dragon, heck, pretty much everybody is on your side, so, I obviosly can't win cus i'm gonna be debating against everybody, not just you, but i'm not gonna stop, i'm not about to have the way I have thought all my life lose so easily.






Read my other posts, never, ever, ever, ever, EVER, EVER did I say that if a child is sexually abused do they abuse other children. It creates the desire. In the end, actually acting on this desire, IS their choice, I have been sayin that from the start, the desire to do it in the first place may NOT have been their choice, and more often than not, IS NOT their choice.


I did not give an excuse, I gave a justification for the way they think. It is horrirble, never should it be done without the permission of all parties, which rarely is evident, and even less so is pure.


TO PUT IT BLUNTLY: Is it your choice to love someone? NO! Is it your choice to have sex with that someone? YES! I have been ever so desperately trying to get that across the WHOLE time, but you have not been paying enough attention to my posts.


I'd be fascinated if you could quote your source of "I have", in the last sentance of your first paragraph (which repeated itself the WHOLE way through), do you talk to many formerly abused people? The placement of "I have" would leave one to expect so if you have any way of backing that up. It is totally farfetched there is NOBODY who does not abuse because of the fact they have been abused, it is very, very, VERY complicated and I've been trying to explain that from my very first post here.


Everybody "here" is probably "on my side" because they read it all and they get it, you haven't. None of my argument is useless, just hard to understand (As you have so obviously and illustriously pointed out). If, sir, you do know what "what I said", then feel free to quote me, otherwise I'm going to totally disregard that.


The vote is not of popularity, but prowess, I, as you will notice by the quote posted above, have been READING, DISAMBIGUATING and REPLYING to every last scrap of your argument except for the obvious repitition, which in actual fact has been replied to, but just once.


You sir, need to quote me as saying that abuse can directly influence people to carry out abuse (which you can't, as I have been talking about fanticising), and you also need to quote "what I really said" (rather than just pretending you know) if you are to get anywhere. Then, considering I wrote the posts, I will be able to take what you think I really said about fanticising and "what I really said" about whatever it is you meant and explain it to you SENTANCE BY SENTANCE until you get what I really meant.


Until such a time that you can pull such information out of your ear, I still believe wholeheartedly...




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Guest JoshIcy

The way i see it is this, there are 2 things that can and will affect your sexual orientation.. it all depends on which one happens first...


1) Generally for most ppl when they figure out what gender they prefer, they walk into a wall.. (i know i did when i saw a certain girl)... spaz out when they see a certain person, or things similar....


2) the second is that someone builds up who they are during pre-pubertal stages, ie grade pre k- 5th and eventually become the stereotype that they worked so hard to become.... but this is highly unlikely as from what ive seen and asked ppl about, but it is a occurence.....


i know there is a 3rd general thing but thats all hazy science about pheremones and animal instinct.... thus i will not post that here or possibly at all..... fact is, we humans are given the ability to choose beyond most creatures and we can embrace it without many limitations..... and based on those reactions i believe is how we choose who we are, what we are, and who we like....

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Nice to know???

Ok, well, as much as I really hate to admit it, I guess I conceed to Frunk. I have my reasons for my arguments, I have some first hand knowlage on choices, good and bad....

Anyway, sry for spamming this thread up. Oh, and thanks alot for the debate Frunk, it was alot of fun ^_^

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I have my reasons for my arguments' date=' I have some first hand knowlage on choices, good and bad....




For shizzle? Me too!


Like today, I decided to eat soup instead of steak, needless to say that was a bad choice.


But I also decided to add my voice recordings to my iPod so I could laugh at my conversations from a few months ago, that was a pretty good choice.


We're not so different after all.



EDIT: 3333rd POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I have my reasons for my arguments' date=' I have some first hand knowlage on choices, good and bad....




For shizzle? Me too!


Like today, I decided to eat soup instead of steak, needless to say that was a bad choice.


But I also decided to add my voice recordings to my iPod so I could laugh at my conversations from a few months ago, that was a pretty good choice.


We're not so different after all.



EDIT: 3333rd POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well, not what I mean...

But ok lol

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You are born into a certain sexual orientation, but it can be changed by a very strong whim.


"Simplists"' date=' as I will call you, who have very closed minds, on this forum are spreading like WEEDS.



These "Simplists", are what we call Fundamentalists in America. I sorta feel the same way about them as Hitler did for the jews. (I'm not even joking, their beliefs are poison to society, and YOU GOT TO GET OFF MA PLANET!) (and I mean the ones, who are like I HATE PEOPLE BECUZ THEY GO AGAINZT BIBLZ AND DEYZ CAN CHOOZ NOTZ TO!!!)



You lose.

Good day sir.


Well Said. And I got your PM. I sorta figured by the first one what was up' date=' but I wasn't sure. And that Debate forum Idea.... Hmm... Hope that comes along nice and fine. :)



I seem to remember a little human trait called free will...



Free will (for the most part) DOES NOT EXIST.




Read it. It is not ENTIRELY true, free will still partially exists, but most of what we do is based on our mind, and how the world has affected it.



I get what Frunk is saying


This may not be Uber related' date=' but abuse of any kind can lead to many odd things


I myself as some ppl know, am an extremely Vain person, but i am only that way due to the fact i was greatly bullied and verbally abused at school about my looks, the mental and verbal abuse i suffered has made me, to this day, extremely Vain and self concious about the way i look


But, in all fairness i did look ugly as sin at school, i dont know why i had Uber long hair, what was i thinking lol


Now i think im just Uber gorgeous muwhahaha ^_^ But still Vain, i constantly stare in every mirror i pass to make sure i look ok lol


So im now happy about the way i look ^_^



Go you! Stay Sexy :P (for the record, I am straight, though I could care less what anyone thought or cared)



My GF was bisexual last year' date=' so it`s possible to change...



I don't mean to be sexist, but orientation is a bit different for women.


Like half the girls at my school are bi. ... currently...


Girls tend to think their bi, then become their orientation after experimenting.



Yes' date=' people are born that way. People have no real choice on what they find attractive. We can try to fool ourselves by pretending to be something we're not. But the way your brains functions determines what you find attractive, wether it be men, woman, old, young, white, black, skinny, fat, tall, short, etc. Sometimes we just can't explain what we find enjoyable in another human being.


I have heard countles stories (In my world issues class) of kids pushed to suicide attemtps in High School from being harassed by other students about being gay. One notable quote from a bulied student was something like, "What really gets me angry are when people say it's my fault for CHOOSING to be this way. Look at what I am going through! Who would CHOOSE this kind of life?"


To conclude, I don't think we really have a choice. We like what we like and some times can't explain it.



You have just summed up my next point I've personally had 3 friends who've almost killed themselves because of persecution from straight guys what they don't realize is that homosexuals and bisexual are the exact same as themselves but just have different preferences. its the same persecution that the Jew's suffered throughout history the thing of the matter is that straight men think its there responsibility to purge the world of everything not Christian


From GK, that post surprised me. Cyberdude however, if you had better grammar (I corrected yours), I would call that one of the most epic quotes on this site. Its the thought of every straight RADICAL CHRISTIAN/MUSLIM*/OTHER MONOTHEIST BELIEFS that they need to purge the world of everything non CHRISTIAN/ISLAMIC/OTHER.


*the phrase "Radicals Only" Is enforced. Islam does NOT promote dislike for any racial group, with the (arguable) exception of Jews. However, This argument can happen another day, I do not wish to argue about how most Muslims think, it would not be fair for me to judge.



Frunk: Love can be controlled. Any emotion, anything that occurs inside the human mind, can be controlled. Of course, things like love and sexual orientation take either a LOT of practice (to be able to control ones emotions better, one must practice patience, and meditation to connect with ones mind more than with ones arbitrary emotion), or a mind that is not influenced as strongly by emotion or instinct. Personally, I have, compared to a lot of people, very strong emotional control, as few emotions affect my decision making, as most of my decisions are based on what is logical for the one emotion that affects life entirely. Joy. *goes off topic to clarify* By joy, I do not mean happiness, more, how content you are, and how little suffering. or how good you feel at a present moment.


This also proves that HATE FOR SOMEONE BASED ON THEIR SEXUAL ORIENTATION CAN BE CONTROLLED. Now if your one of those people who hates because of the bible, think of how much of a do*ch* bag you are for hating when you CAN CONTROL THE FEELING. If this does not apply (meaning you cannot control the feeling), your parents raised you VERY poorly, and you should not be allowed to have children.


End of Story.


There are some parts I did not counter, I basically hit the big ones. If I did not correct you, I'm sorry you have to go around believing something that is wrong. :P

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*the phrase "Radicals Only" Is enforced. Islam does NOT promote dislike for any racial group' date=' with the (arguable) exception of Jews. However, This argument can happen another day, I do not wish to argue about how most Muslims think, it would not be fair for me to judge.



Eli thanks not going deeper into that as i know you might not know much like me or SD and you might not have started an argument you know as little as much about and for that here is a plus rep.


Anyway Eli i think you hit the bullseye. even thought we are born with oriniation that deosn't mean we cant shape our destiny or fate. But you cant just say that i dont want to be homosexual for example and you are not because all the factors that suround you like Enviorment, People, Beliefs and most importantly Expiriences are what really affect you.

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I think we're born with a high probability of being a certain orientation.


But' date=' I mean, in reality, how in the hell would I know. I'm straight, so I have no idea whatsoever what it could possibly be like.


How would I know if it's a choice or not?

I mean, I don't think I could be gay if I wanted to :/





ditto.gif :lol:

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Lord Shenanigans:

Just one time I want to hear you say something utterly pointless and shallow... but it probably won't happen anytime soon, what a bummer.



I love when anyone says something along the lines of:

Love can be controlled. Any emotion, anything that occurs inside the human mind, can be controlled.


Ahh, it just warms the cockles of my little Shaconian heart (Hail, Francis Bacon!)

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Lord Shenanigans:

Just one time I want to hear you say something utterly pointless and shallow... but it probably won't happen anytime soon' date=' what a bummer.



I love when anyone says something along the lines of:

Love can be controlled. Any emotion, anything that occurs inside the human mind, can be controlled.


Ahh, it just warms the cockles of my little Shaconian heart (Hail, Francis Bacon!)


Lol Shennanigans.


Pointless and Shallow eh? I think I can do that.


Have you heard about the New Israeli car? Not only can it stop on a dime, it can go back and pick it up for you. :O


And thats a wrap, and apparently Panera does not make wraps. I wanted a wrap, but I had to settle for a Panini. I enjoyed that panini, and my original desire for the wrap was forgotten.


So basically. Yeah. Happy? :)

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Lord Shenanigans:

Just one time I want to hear you say something utterly pointless and shallow... but it probably won't happen anytime soon' date=' what a bummer.



I love when anyone says something along the lines of:

Love can be controlled. Any emotion, anything that occurs inside the human mind, can be controlled.


Ahh, it just warms the cockles of my little Shaconian heart (Hail, Francis Bacon!)


Lol Shennanigans.


Pointless and Shallow eh? I think I can do that.


Have you heard about the New Israeli car? Not only can it stop on a dime, it can go back and pick it up for you. :O


And thats a wrap, and apparently Panera does not make wraps. I wanted a wrap, but I had to settle for a Panini. I enjoyed that panini, and my original desire for the wrap was forgotten.


So basically. Yeah. Happy? :)


yes, i'm happy, my life is fullfilled.

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Lord Shenanigans:

Just one time I want to hear you say something utterly pointless and shallow... but it probably won't happen anytime soon' date=' what a bummer.



I love when anyone says something along the lines of:

Love can be controlled. Any emotion, anything that occurs inside the human mind, can be controlled.


Ahh, it just warms the cockles of my little Shaconian heart (Hail, Francis Bacon!)


Lol Shenanigans.


Pointless and Shallow eh? I think I can do that.


Have you heard about the New Israeli car? Not only can it stop on a dime, it can go back and pick it up for you. :O


And thats a wrap, and apparently Panera does not make wraps. I wanted a wrap, but I had to settle for a Panini. I enjoyed that panini, and my original desire for the wrap was forgotten.


So basically. Yeah. Happy? :)


Yep, same as Cybernetic Dragon ^^


(I'm not gonna take the time to spell out your name when I know another word that's close enough. And besides, Lord Shenanigans is catchier ^^)

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