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[PG-16 Possible] GeoSolar Duel Academy: Immortal Opening Memories (Started/Always Accepting/OOC)


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[center][font="Impact"][size="7"]GEOSOLAR DUEL ACADEMY[/size][/font]
[font="Arial Black"][size="6"]IMMORTAL OPENING MEMORIES[/size][/font][/center]

The Earthbounds have been sealed for over 1000 years. Nearly 3 years ago, a new Duel Academy opened up, but it was built over where the Earthbounds were sealed. Each dorm has 2 Earthbounds hidden. The 7th Earthbound is in the hands of the Academy Owner. Now, the Earthbounds will be reawakened by an unknown force. No one knows why they've reawakened, but for now, no one is safe.[/spoiler]

[color="#FF8C00"]Thunder Gold - Cusillu and Ccarayhua[/color]
[color="#8B0000"]Bang Red - Uru and Aslla picsu[/color]
[color="#000080"]Note Blue - Ccapac Apu and Chacu Challhua[/color]
Academy Owner has Wiraqocha Rasca

Sonic Paladin[/spoiler]

1: No God-Modding
2: Unless person says you can, no controlling other people's chars
3: If you read these 2 rules, make something in your app [color="#0000FF"]blue[/color]
1: You can have as many chars as you wish
2: Unless chosen already, you can pick any Immortal from your side
3: We need at least 2 people in each dorm before we can begin
4: Ban-List does not apply for cards in your Deck
5: You can have up to 80 cards in your Deck
6: If you read these, make a word in your app [color="#808000"]olive green[/color][/spoiler]

Name: (obvious)
Age: (21+ for Staff)
Sex: (obvious){herms allowed}
Appearance: (Pic or desc)
Duel Disk: (pic or desc)
Duel Runner: (pic or desc)
Wished Dorm: (Dorm you want your char in)
Deck kind: (obvious)
Custom Card: (optional)
Key card: (Decks can have 1-3 key cards)
Side: (Immortals or Saviors)
Place: (Student or Teacher)
Duel Spirit: (Any 1+ monster(s) in your Deck can be a Duel Spirit)
Bio: (Obvious)[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Accepted Apps]ALL[/spoiler]

Sonic Paladin[/spoiler]

[spoiler=My Apps]
[spoiler=Ruga Aih Qwarrcall]
Age: 25
Sex: Male
Appearance: Usually seen in black and purple clothes and with a wrist guard on his lower left arm and his Duel Disk in Standby Mode on his back.
Duel Disk: [spoiler=Duel Disk][img]http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs43/f/2009/084/d/b/Duel_Disk_of_DOOM_by_Malindachan.jpg[/img] (more real)[/spoiler]
Duel Runner: [spoiler=Duel Runner][img]http://fc03.deviantart.com/fs15/i/2009/034/0/c/knight_rider_by_zeo_x.jpg[/img][/spoiler]
Wished Dorm: N/A
Deck kind: Dragon Beatdown
Custom Card:

1 Dragon-Type Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner Dragon-type monsters
When this card is Synchro Summoned, you can destroy up to 3 face-down cards on the field. If any cards destroyed by this effect are effect monsters, deal 1500 points of damage to your opponent. You can Special Summon this card from the Extra Deck if "Dragobie King" is on the field. You cannot summon the turn this card is Special Summoned this way. This card gains 100 ATK and DEF for every Dragon-type monster in your Graveyard. If this card is in your Graveyard, you may remove from play 2 Dragon-type monsters from your Graveyard to Special Summon this monster to your side of the field.

1 Dragon-Type Tuner + 1 or more NON-Tuner Dragon-type monsters
This card is unaffected by card effects that destroy monster(s) on the field. This card gains 200 ATK and DEF for each Dragon-type monster in both players' Graveyards. When this card is in your Graveyard, you can remove from play 2 Dragon-type monsters from your Graveyard to Special Summon this card to your side of the field in face-up attack position.

1 FIRE Dragon-type monster + up to 7 Dragon-type monsters
The original ATK and DEF for this card is the number of monsters used for this card's Fusion Summon X500. This card can attack for each monster used for it's Fusion Summon. It cannot declare a direct attack the same turn it battles an opponent's monster. This card can only declare 2 direct attacks per turn. If this card declares a direct attack, halve its ATK during the Damage Step only.

1 "Red Eyes" Monster + 1 "Blue Eyes" Monster
Once per turn, you can Special Summon a Dragon-Type Monster from your Main Deck, Extra Deck, or Graveyard. The Special Summoned Monster has it's effect negated.

Key card: Dracolich Queen / Dragobie King / Orochi Neo
Side: Saviors
Place: Academy Owner
Duel Spirit: Every Monster in his Deck
Bio: He was abused when he was young, so he remains silent mostly. No one knows what is in his head. Rumors say his family tree had a dragon in it, which is why his whole deck is full of Dragon-Types.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Xeno Amor Wolvis]
Age: 16
Sex: Female
Appearance: A female with 'over-average' breasts and long black hair and odd arrows down her arms. Her eyes sparkle amber.
Duel Disk: [spoiler=DD][img]http://images.wikia.com/yugioh/images/e/ea/Jewel_Disk.png[/img][/spoiler]
Duel Runner: [spoiler=DR][img]http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/331/0/c/starfire__s_duel_runner_by_violetrosedragon14-d33r9yk.png[/img][/spoiler]
Wished Dorm: Bang Red
Deck kind: LIGHT/DARK Chaos
Custom Card:

This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by removing from play a Level 4 LIGHT Monster and a Level 6 DARK Monster in your Graveyard from play. Once per turn, you can Special Summon a LIGHT Monster of a DARK Monster from your Graveyard or removed from play zone. This card and the Special Summoned Monster cannot declare an attack during this effect is activated.

Key card: Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End / Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning / Chaos Goddess
Side: Saviors
Place: Student
Duel Spirit: Chaos Goddess and Chaos Drago
Bio: An unknown female. No one knows anything about her.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Jane Redwood]
Age: 15
Sex: Female
Appearance: Black hair, nearly pure red eyes and an impressive appearance. She is normally seen in a red hooded robe with her hood on her head so no one can see her face.
Duel Disk: [spoiler=DD][img]http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb158/e12marvelo12/AkiosDuelDiskcopy.png[/img][/spoiler]
Duel Runner: [spoiler=DR][img]http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090912062016/yugioh/images/2/2b/Blackbird.jpg[/img][/spoiler]
Wished Dorm: Bang Red
Deck kind: Insect Swarm
Custom Card:

This card cannot be Special Summoned. You can tribute 3 Monsters to summon this card. If you do, destroy all nonInsect-Type Monsters on the field and deal damage to your opponent equal to monsters destroyed by this effect X500.

Key card: Insect Queen / Chaos Kukanis (replaced by Earthbound Immortal Uru when received) / Cross-Sword Beetle
Side: Earthbounds
Place: Student
Duel Spirit: Cross-Sword Beetle
Bio: An ex-con artist and Xeno's rival. She will stop at nothing to always be better than Xeno![/spoiler]

[spoiler=Emily Dickens]
Age: 28
Sex: Female
Appearance: [spoiler=A][img]http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a115/little_rain2/Anime/anime2.jpg[/img][/spoiler]
Duel Disk: [spoiler=DD][img]http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2010/037/d/c/my_modified_duel_disk_by_sasuke_kun5.jpg[/img][/spoiler]
Duel Runner: [spoiler=DR][img]http://quizilla.teennick.com/user_images/D/DE/DEA/DEATH-KNIGHT/1222638817_8678_full.jpeg[/img][/spoiler]
Wished Dorm: N/A
Deck kind: She uses several different decks. Her main 3 are:
Arcana Force + Heralds + Archlord Krystia
Venom + Aliens + Evil Dragon Anata
Fortune Ladies + Charmers + Tragoedia
Custom Card:
Equip only to a "Herald of Perfection". As long as "Herald of Perfection" is equipped with "Herald Diamond", any Battle Damage done to you becomes 0. You don't need to discard a card to activate "Herald of Perfection"'s effect.[/spoiler]
"Alien Ammonite" + 1 or more nonTuner Monsters
You can remove 3 A-Counters from anywhere on the field to remove from play up to 5 cards in your opponent's Graveyard. Once per turn, you can place 5 A-Counters on each face-up monster your opponent controls. (If a monster with an A-Counter battles an "Alien" monster, it loses 300 ATK and DEF for each A-Counter during damage calculation only.)[/spoiler]
This card's original ATK and DEF equal it's level X800. During each of your Standby Phases, increase this card's level by 1. When this card's level increases, destroy one card on the field and inflict 500 points of damage to your opponent's Life Points.[/spoiler]
Key card:
AF+H+AK: Archlord Krystia / Arcana Force EX - The Dark Ruler / Arcana Force EX - The Light Ruler
V+A+EDA: Evil Dragon Anata / Vennominaga the Deity of Poisonous Snakes / Alien Divine
FL+C+T: Tragoedia / Fortune Beast Solar / Fortune Lady Earth
Side: Immortals
Place: Teacher and consular of Note Blue
Duel Spirit: Evil Dragon Anata, Vennominaga, and Archlord Krystia
Bio: A teacher and consular for the Note Blue Dorm. She has worshiped and admired the power the Earthbounds held, but she never used one. She knows where Ccapac Apu and Chacu Challhua are hidden and will show anyone who wishes to re-awaken and re-use them.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Croccie Fenris]
Age: 33
Sex: Male
Appearance: Think of Kaiba in silver and gold
Duel Disk: [spoiler=DD][img]http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20091202100131/yugioh/images/1/18/Paradox%27s_Duel_Disk.jpg[/img][/spoiler]
Duel Runner: [spoiler=DR][img]http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20101121164627/yugioh/images/8/8f/5Dx135_Aporia%27s_Duel_Runner.jpg[/img][/spoiler]
Wished Dorm: N/A
Deck kind: He has 3 main decks:
Custom Card:
This card's Type is also treated as Fiend. Once per turn, you can flip this card into face-down Attack Position. When This card is flipped face-up, destroy all Spell and Trap cards on the field. When this card is destroyed, destroy all Monster cards on the field.[/spoiler]
This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set except by tributing 3 Monsters. When this card is Summoned, activate one of the following effects, depending on Summon.
Normal Summon: Destroy all Monsters on the field, except this card.
Flip Summon: Destroy all Spells and Traps on the field.
Special Summon: Destroy all cards on the field, besides this card.[/spoiler]
This card gains 1000 ATK for each face-up Machine-Type Monster on the field. During battle between this attacking card and a Defense Position monster whose DEF is lower than the ATK of this card, inflict the difference as Battle Damage to you and your opponent. When this card destroys a monster by battle and sends it to the Graveyard, inflict damage to you and your opponent equal to the ATK of the destroyed monster.[/spoiler]
Key card:
R/F: Evil Hero Dark Gaia / Gaia Plate the Earth Giant / Belial - Marquis of Darkness
B/B-W: Mosaic Manticore / Manticore of Darkness / Anubis - Demise Lord
M: Perfect Machine King / Mega Ultimate Mech Lord / Ally of Justice Catastor
Side: Saviors
Place: Teacher and consular of Thunder Gold
Duel Spirit: Belial - Marquis of Darkness, Anubis - Demise Lord, Ally of Justice Catastor
Bio: Thunder Gold's consular. He knows where Cusillu and Ccarayhua are hidden, but will only show other staff members.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Loi Ladon Salamander]
Age: 30
Sex: Male
Appearance: Reddish-Bronze hooded robe with black line marks. Usually seen with hood up.
Duel Disk: [spoiler=DD][img]http://images.wikia.com/yugioh/images/8/86/RedDuelDisk.jpeg[/img][/spoiler]
Duel Runner: [spoiler=DR][img]http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/223/9/f/My_Duel_Runner_by_Mistress_DarkLoki.jpg[/img][/spoiler]
Wished Dorm: N/A
Deck kind: 3 main decks are:
Custom Card:
[spoiler=LIGHT Deck]
Use this card to Ritual Summon "King of Dragons." You must also tribute FIRE and/or LIGHT Monsters whose combined Level equal 10 stars from your hand. No effects can be used to negate the activation of this card or "King of Dragon"s Summon due to this card.

This card can only be Ritual Summoned by the Ritual Spell card "Dawn of the New Age". Control of this card cannot be switched. All FIRE and LIGHT monsters gain 100 ATK and DEF during every Battle Phase for each face-up monster in the same position.

Activate only when you have a "King of Dragons" in your hand or Graveyard. Remove it from play and Special Summon one "Corrupted Dragon Archfiend" from your hand, Deck, or Graveyard.

This card cannot Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summon except with "Scaly Corruption." Only monsters of level 6 or less can destroy this monster in battle.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=FIRE Deck]
Use this card to Ritual Summon "King of Dragons." You must also tribute FIRE and/or LIGHT Monsters whose combined Level equal 10 stars from your hand. No effects can be used to negate the activation of this card or "King of Dragon"s Summon due to this card.

This card can only be Ritual Summoned by the Ritual Spell card "Dawn of the New Age". Control of this card cannot be switched. All FIRE and LIGHT monsters gain 100 ATK and DEF during every Battle Phase for each face-up monster in the same position.

Activate only when you have a "King of Dragons" in your hand or Graveyard. Remove it from play and Special Summon one "Corrupted Dragon Archfiend" from your hand, Deck, or Graveyard.

This card cannot Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summon except with "Scaly Corruption." Only monsters of level 6 or less can destroy this monster in battle.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=WATER Deck]
This card cannot be Set. You can Special Summon this card if you or your opponent control a face-up "Umi". Once per turn, you can destroy 4 cards on the field. You cannot conduct your Battle phase the turn you use this effect.[/spoiler]
Key card:
L: Corrupted Dragon Archfiend / Honest / Arcana Knight Joker
F: Ultimate Baseball Kid / Solar Flare Dragon / Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV 8
W: Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier / Sea Dragon Lord Gishilnodon / Carmina Caro Sea
Side: Immortals
Place: Teacher/Consular of Bang Red
Duel Spirit:
Bio: Knows where Uru and Asclla picsu are hidden and will show anyone who wishes to reawaken and use them.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Canis Necrophades]
Age: 16
Sex: Female
Appearance: Waist-length lilac hair, redish-pink eyes, around D-Cup, leather vest which presses her breasts and covers half of her chest, stomach, and waist, leather boots which go to her upper leg, and leather sleeves which go from the middle of her upper arms to her wrists. Her sleeves have armor-like plates which extend over the back of her hands. Her sleeves have several bands which keep them on her arms. She has a red hourglass birthmark on her forehead.
Duel Disk: [spoiler=DD][img]http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o127/Version_Zero/Duel%20Disks/DuncansDuelDiskcopy.png[/img][/spoiler]
Duel Runner: [spoiler=DR][img]http://images.wikia.com/yugioh/images/1/12/SherryDuelRunner.png[/img][/spoiler]
Wished Dorm: Note Blue
Deck kind: She works with a DARK Deck, and a Psychic Deck. Both of her Decks use The Seal of Orichalcos and it's other 2 forms.
Custom Card:
DoomCrystal Dragon
Level -8
Dragon/Dark Synchro/Effect
1 or more nonTuner Monster(s) - 1 or more DARK Tuner Monster(s)
When this card is Dark Synchro Summoned, destroy all cards on your opponent's side of the field, then Special Summon as many Monsters as possible from your Main Deck, Extra Deck, or Graveyard.[/spoiler]
Increase all Psychic-Type Monsters ATK and DEF by 500. Any time the controller of this card would lose Life Points, except by battle, he/she will gain Life Points. Each player can only draw during their Draw Phase.[/spoiler]
Key card:
DARK: DoomCrystal Dragon / Orichalcos Tritos
Psychic: Orichalcos Tritos / Psychic Nightmare
Side: Immortals
Place: Student
Duel Spirit: DoomCrystal Dragon and Psychic Nightmare and her hidden card.
Bio: Canis was abused as a child because of her unusual birthmark, which is shaped like a perfect red hourglass. However, those who abused/pushed her disappeared, only to turn up dead and covered in odd burn marks. Because of her last name and how people disappear and reappear burned and soulless when they abuse/push her, she is called "Zorc Spawn" and her nickname is rumored to be more than a nickname and she is rumored to be a new reincarnated Zorc. She posses the power to reawaken the Earthbound Immortals. For all of her life, her closest friends were her Dark Synchro Monster, DoomCrystal Dragon, and her normal Synchro Monster, Psychic Nightmare. She has a card which she keeps hidden in a covered and locked case. She never uses this 'sealed' card because she has been afraid of it's power since she had it.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Canis' Hidden Card][img]http://img64.imageshack.us/img64/9766/236617.jpg[/img]
When you draw this card, remove it from play face-down. On your 3rd Standby Phase after removing this card from play, Special Summon it. This card's original ATK and DEF equal the number of cards in both player's Graveyards and all removed from play cards X500. This card cannot be destroyed.[/spoiler][/spoiler]
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  • Replies 91
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The dark tuner and dark synchro monsters weren't uploading so i put them in written form instead. I also only changed the colours in one of the apps because I thought that since I have three apps, changing the colour only once shouldn't be a problem.

Name: [color="#9ACD32"]James[/color] (no-one including him knows his las name)
Age: 17
Sex: Male
Appearance: James has long hair that is modeled after Kalin, his role model, green eyes but with the black of the dark signers instead of white around the outside, he has the blue dark signer robes for his earthbound immortal and has a pale face.
Duel Disk: The typical Dark Signer disk
Duel Runner: A restored version of Kalin's old duel runner
Wished Dorm: [color="#4169E1"]Note Blue[/color]
Deck kind: Infernity Fiends with the Earthbound Immortal Ccapac Apu, Hundred Eyes Dragon (dark synchro format), Infernity Death Dragon, Cursed Fiend Fyre (a custom dark synchro) and both Mystic Plasma Zone and Yami as field spells.
Custom Card:
Dark Tuner Chaos Sign
Level 10
DARK attribute
Fiend / Dark Tuner
0 ATK / 0 DEF
Lore: You can Special Summon this card by discarding one card from your hand. When this card is successfully summoned you can Special Summon 1 level 2 or lower non-tuner monster from your graveyard.
Cursed Fiend Fyre
Level -8
DARK attribute
Fiend / Dark Synchro
3000 ATK / 1800 DEF
Lore: 1 Dark Tuner Monster + 1 non-tuner monster
To summon this card, subtract the level of the Dark Tuner monster from the level of the non-tuner monster and that level must equal the level of this card. This card can only be Special Summoned from the extra deck by Dark Synchro Summon or from the graveyard by the effect of Monster Reborn. This card is uneffected by trap cards. This card can attack every monster on your opponents field each turn, while this card is on the field, no other monster on your field can attack.
Key card: Earthbound Immortal Ccapac Apu, Cursed Fiend Fyre, Infernity Death Dragon
Side: Immortals
Place: Student
Duel Spirit: Infernity Death Gunman
Bio: James was an orphan from age 3 after his parents died of a heart attack, he grew up with only Infernity Death Gunman as company and gained the Infernity Deck after searching for cards to go with Infernity Death Gunman. He bases his look after Kalin, who he was told about by Infernity Death Gunman. He gained enough money from underground duels to go to the Geosolar Duel Academy and gained his Earthbound Immortal during the previous year at the academy. He gained the Earthbound because he died in a shadow duel against his rival, one of the main students on the Saviors side but was reborn to get his revenge. He has a cold personality and doesn't say much but can duel very well for an orphan of the streets because he was taught by Infernity Death Gunman.

Name: Jess Trisna
Age: 17
Sex: Female
Appearance: Jess has long blond hair, that she leaves tied back to keep it out of her blue eyes which will have white outsides at first but the typical black when she becomes a Dark Signer. Before she becomes a Dark Signer she will wear jeans and a t-shirt but when she becomes a Dark Signer she will have robes similar to that of Carly's but with purple instead of orange.
Duel Disk: An old Ra Yellow disk at first and the Dark Signer one as the Dark Signer
Duel Runner: Looks like a Harley but with a duel disk slot. It is the newest model of a duel runner.
Wished Dorm: Note Blue
Deck kind: Incan Style, using Sun Dragon Inti and Moon Dragon Quilla (released card version) as well as Earthbound immortal Chacu Chalhua and Ancient Forest as a Field Spell.
Custom Card: none
Key card: Sun Dragon Inti, Moon Dragon Quilla and Earthbound Immortal Chacu Chalhua
Side: Immortals
Place: Student
Duel Spirit: Oracle of the Sun
Bio: Jess is the second daughter of a rich family that are never around and who sent her off to the duel academy to allow them to go travelling around the world. Her sister Naomi is the heir to their parents D-Wheel company but has always tried to make Jess seem welcome and be nice to her but. has now moved out of the family home and into her own penthouse that her parents bought her, so Jess lost her support and encouragement. What Jess doesn't know is that her parents want her to become a champion duelist to bring more fame to their company and have therefore given her a good deck and one of the companies new D-Wheels. Because of this Jess is withdrawn and only shows her emotions around her sister. Jess will become a Dark Signer fairly soon after the start of the RP but will start as just an ordinary student.

Name: Naomi Trisna
Age: 22
Sex: Female
Appearance: Naomi is tall but looks similar to Jess (being sisters) with long black hair and blue eyes. She wears jeans and a t-shirt as casual clothes and a red dress as formal clothes
Duel Disk: an old Obelisk Blue disk, similar to her sister
Duel Runner: another Harley like duel runner with a slot for the duel disk. Also the newest model.
Wished Dorm: N/A
Deck kind: Power Deck, similar to Jack's deck even with Red Dragon Archfiend, Majestic Red Dragon, Red Nova Dragon and Red Dragon Archfiend/Assault Mode, as well as Trident Dragon, Exploder Dragonwing, Chaos King Archfiend and Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier.
Custom Card: none
Key card: Red Dragon Archfiend
Side: Saviors
Place: Sponser of the Duel Academy who visits frequently to see her sister
Duel Spirit: Dark Resonater
Bio: Naomi is the older sister of Jess, and the heir to their parent's D-Wheel company, but cares for her sister and and would like for her to be safe. Her parents gave her the deck she uses to show the power she has but she has edited it since then to make it more like a deck to suit her and has had more freedom to do that since she moved into the penthouse her parents bought her. She has a very caring personality and will try to protect her sister as well as innocents caught in the fight between the Saviors and the Earthbound Immortals. Naomi knows what her parents want Jess to become but will support Jess because she has always cared for her instead of to further her parents aims for Jess. Because Naomi is a frequent visitor to the Duel Academy, she has her own room there as well for when she stays there.
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  • 2 weeks later...
[font="tahoma, arial, verdana, sans-serif"]Name: Imadori Hawakari[/font]
[font="tahoma, arial, verdana, sans-serif"]Age: 14[/font]
[font="tahoma, arial, verdana, sans-serif"]Sex: Male[/font]
[font="tahoma, arial, verdana, sans-serif"]Appearance: Blue hair, 5"2, 105 lbs, Light build[/font]
[font="tahoma, arial, verdana, sans-serif"]Duel Disk: Standard Yugioh Original Duel Disk[/font]
[font="tahoma, arial, verdana, sans-serif"]Duel Runner: [img]http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/069/c/7/edited_darklordjad__s_pic_by_animeperson123-d3bd042.jpg[/img][/font]
[font="tahoma, arial, verdana, sans-serif"][/font][font="tahoma, arial, verdana, sans-serif"]Wished Dorm: Thunder Gold[/font]
[font="tahoma, arial, verdana, sans-serif"]Deck kind: Dark Dragons[/font]
[font="tahoma, arial, verdana, sans-serif"]Custom Card: [/font]
[font="tahoma, arial, verdana, sans-serif"]Key card: Chaos Emperor Dragon, Red Archfiend Dragon[/font]
[font="tahoma, arial, verdana, sans-serif"]Side: Savior[/font]
[font="tahoma, arial, verdana, sans-serif"]Place: Student[/font]
[font="tahoma, arial, verdana, sans-serif"]Duel Spirit: [img]http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100920064650/yugioh/images/thumb/e/e3/DebrisDragonCRMS-EN-R-1E.png/300px-DebrisDragonCRMS-EN-R-1E.png[/img][/font]
[font="tahoma, arial, verdana, sans-serif"]Bio: When Imadori joined the Academy, he was 13. It's been a year now, and he's uncovered a lot, like the fact that there are Earthbound Immortals hidden. He managed to get his hands on the Red Archfiend Dragon, and has battled successfully multiple times, choosing to stay in Thunder Gold instead of advancing, so he might help his classmates.[/font]
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I don't see this going anywhere (Seriously, not started since Feb. 15?) But may as well...

Name: Yuri Mioshi
Age: 17
Sex: Herm (just cause you allowed them)
Appearance: Long black hair with deep [color="#808000"]green[/color] eyes. Wears a grey Tee Shirt under her uniform. Stands 5'6'' with A cups.
Duel Disk: Restored Battle City disk.
Duel Runner: Black version of Jack Atlas's
Wished Dorm: [color=blue]Note Blue[/color]
Deck kind: Remove From Game
Custom Card: None
Key card: Dimensional Fissure
Side: Saviors
Place: Student
Duel Spirit: D.D. Survivor
Bio: Yuri was born into a family barely able to make ends meet. Not much happened growing up, until she began developing breasts. At that point, most people began rejecting her for belonging to both genders. The only place she ever felt accepted after that was the world of dueling, in which gender was overlooked, and skill was the only thing that mattered. She was able to earn respect quite quickly with her ability to duel.
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Name: [color="#0000FF"]Emilia Rose[/color]
Age: 16
Sex: [color="#9ACD32"]Female[/color]
[spoiler='Appearance:'] [img]http://i1005.photobucket.com/albums/af180/DemonIchigo32/th_images3.jpg?t=1299976824[/img] [/spoiler]
Duel Disk: A black and silver version of the original version Duel Disk.
Duel Runner: A Red and black custom duel runner similar to Yusei Fudo's original Duel Runner.
Wished Dorm: Thunder Gold
Deck kind: Machines Honor
Custom Card:
[spoiler='Key cards:'] [img]http://img847.imageshack.us/img847/8928/108864.jpg[/img] [img]http://img20.imageshack.us/img20/8928/108864.jpg[/img] [img]http://img863.imageshack.us/img863/8928/108864.jpg[/img] [spoiler='Highlanders effect:'] Night Smoke-Mechanized Ninja of the South + Sun Chandler-Mechanized Ninja of the West + Wave Crusher-Mechanized Ninja of the East
This card can only be Fusion Summoned with the correct listed monsters. As long as this card is face up on the field, treat this card as a Warrior-Type monster along with it's original Type. When this monster attacks a Defense Position monster whose DEF is lower than this monster's ATK, inflict the difference as Battle Damage to your opponent. When this card is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard, Special Summon 2 Machine-Type or Warrior-Type monsters from your Graveyard in face up Attack position. [/spoiler][/spoiler]
Side: Saviors
Place: Student
Duel Spirit: [img]http://img847.imageshack.us/img847/8928/108864.jpg[/img]
[spoiler='Effect:']This card can only be Special Summoned from the Graveyard. This card can attack twice during the same Battle Phase. When this card destroys a monster with a "Dark Chi Counter" on it and sends it to the Graveyard, activate the following effect:
. Increase your life points equal to the destroyed monsters LV x 300.
. Select 2 Equip Spells, 1 from your Deck and 1 from your Graveyard, and add them to your hand.
. Return up to 2 Machine or Warrior Type monster(s) from your Graveyard back to your Deck. Shuffle the Deck then draw 1 card.
. Monsters you control gain 2 "Chi Counter(s)"(Excluding this card). Monsters with "Chi Counter(s) gain 500 ATK and DEF for each "Chi Counter" on them. After this card attacks, destroy this card and send it to the Graveyard at the End Phase of your turn. At the beginning of your next Standby Phase, if this card is in your Graveyard, Special Summon this card in ATK position.[/spoiler]
Bio: Emilia has always wanted to learn Martial Arts but do to a car accident as a little girl, she was unable to fulfill her dream. The doctors said she would be unable to walk ever again but not even 2 months went by that she started to walk once more. Gazing out of the hospital window one day, she noticed some kids playing duel monsters. Emilia got interested and by the time she was allowed to leave, she went to work on her new dream. After Years of training herself and playing others, Emilia's parents decided to send her to GeoSolar Duel Academy where she can fully develop her skills.
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I can never make the colors of the words different from the original, so i didnt bother trying.

Name: Darkheart Spiken
Age: 14
Appearance: [img]http://th03.deviantart.net/fs70/150/i/2010/206/6/6/Sieghart_the_Duelist_by_Shinigamiwyvern.png[/img]
Duel Disk: [img]http://th07.deviantart.net/fs41/150/i/2009/009/7/1/WIP_Duel_Disk_by_sasuke_dragon.jpg[/img]
Duel Runner: [img]http://th08.deviantart.net/fs51/150/f/2009/340/e/2/Duel_Runner_Request_by_DarkLordJadow.png[/img]
Wished Dorm: Note Blue
Deck kind: Darkness

Custom Cards: [img]http://img12.imageshack.us/img12/2662/379066.jpg[/img]
Lore:Effect One - If this monster is successfully summoned, summon one level 6 or below warrior monster from your hand in attack mode.
Effect Two - Once per turn, sacrifice 500 life points to summon one Ares token [Ares Token,Level: 4, Attribute: Dark, Attack: 1000, Defence: 1900] into your spell/trap zone.

Key card: Dark Lucifer Double Assassin, Dark Lucifer Outen, Dark Lucifer Cara Vari
Place: Student
Duel Spirit:Dark Lucifer Outen, Dark Lucifer Cara Vari, Ares, God of War, Destiny Quickdraw, Dark Lucifer Double Team
Bio:Darkheart was the heir to be the owner of an elite duel academy that chancelor's where by blood.But he didnt want to be the owner of it, so he fled during the night, with only 6 cards of his deck, because he had a close bond with them and wouldnt let them go for even a mila second.He took his duel runner and drove for what was really 7 days, but seemed like 12 years.When he stopped, he was tired, hungry and needed help.He went to the nearest card store and got more cards so he had 40 cards.He went and dueled in the entree exam of this academy.He barley won because his opponent was the best teacher and he had used his real deck because he didnt like the other ones.
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[color="#800080"]Wonderful! All accepted! Now since I have 'some' people here, I can finally make IC thread![/color] :lol:


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