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Super Smash Bros the RP (Not started/accepting)

Grunt Issun

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Annoying Orange should never have existed, and I dare say, HES WORSE THEN FRED!!!
Even if, somehow, he got a videogame, he wouldn't be accepted! EVER! EEEVVVEERR!!!

Also, FF guy, accepted

On the topic of planning though, Goku will probably run into someone soon, hopefully.
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I'm going to post an app for another character so i dont have to stay in one place and post longer.

Character name: Sonic the Hedgehog
Information: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sonic_the_Hedgehog_(character)
Moves: Attacks with speed.
Final Smash: Super Sonic
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Character name: Sasuke Uchiha (Taka Version)
Picture: [spoiler=Sasuke][img]http://images2.fanpop.com/image/photos/11900000/curse-mark-shippuden-uchiha-sasuke-11935502-810-557.jpg[/img][/spoiler]
Information: [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Sasuke_Uchiha] Sasuke Uchiha: Narutopedia[/url]
Blaze Release: Kagutsuchi
Body Flame Technique
Body Shedding
Chidori Current
Chidori Senbon
Chidori Sharp Spear
Cursed Seal of Heaven
Demonic Illusion: Shackling Stakes
Fire Release: Dragon Fire Technique
Fire Release: Great Dragon Fire Technique
Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique
Fire Release: Phoenix Sage Fire Technique
Hidden Shadow Snake Hands
Lion Combo
Manipulated Shuriken Technique
Manipulating Windmill Triple Blades
Pachinko Technique (Anime only)
Peregrine Falcon Drop (Anime only)
Shadow Shuriken Technique
Shadow of the Dancing Leaf
Amaterasu Shield
Snake Authority Spell
String Reeling Technique (Anime only)
Strong Fist
Summoning Technique (Hawks, Snakes)
Summoning: Lightning Blade Creation
Sword of Kusanagi: Chidori Katana
Final Smash: Amaterasu/ Tsukuyomi
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I thought Amaterasu was the name of that one god from Japanese mythology, and the main charecter from Okami, oh well.

Jeez, now we've got Sauske with Naruto and Mina, this Sauske is from a differant time line then this Naruto though, so now theres going to be age confusion! Meanwhile, Oni is still waiting for them, AND NO ONE HAS NOTICED HIM!
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Until Frybread002 jumps in, Ammy won't really have anything to do. That, on top of the fact that I just got Okamiden, means I won't be posting much here. Still, I'll try another app. See if it gets me something else to do. Sorry if no one recognizes this character, btw.

Character Name: [color="#9ACD32"]Zero[/color] (no, not [i]that[/i] [color="#FF0000"]Zero[/color] [or [color="#C0C0C0"]that one[/color]])

Picture: In the link below.

Character info: [url="http://grandchase.wikia.com/wiki/Zero"]Have a wikia page.[/url]

Moves: As a sense of versatility, he normally keeps his sword Grandark stowed on his back, attacking with short waves of telekinetic energy. He can also draw Grandark, slowing himself down to gain resistance to strikes and high power. Grandark, being an intelligent sword, carries a number of special powers of its own, which he can utilize in Sword Stance.

Final Smash: Abyssal Gash - Zero thrusts Grandark into the ground numerous times, shooting spikes out of the ground all around the battlefield. These spikes immobilize the target if they hit as they come out, and otherwise impede movement and deal damage.
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I want a bad guy!

Character name: Crazy Hand
Information: http://super-smash-bros.wikia.com/wiki/Crazy_Hand
Call for team attack

Final Smash: His fingers turn into lasers and shoot uncontrollably.
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almost done with my app, just gimme a second guys...


Here's my app guys

[b]Character name:[/b] Jack/John Doe - Naked Snake/Snake - Big Boss (Show the man respect, and call hiim Snake or Boss B) )
Picture: [img]http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100627034333/metalgear/images/9/92/Mgspw-naked-snake-cg.jpg[/img]

Information: As a member of the special-forces unit FOX, Naked Snake assassinated The Boss and ruined the Shagohod, a Soviet nuclear weapon. Years later, he was used to plant the seeds of Les Enfants Terribles, a project designed to create cloned super soldiers. The three Snakes - Liquid, Solid, and Solidus - were thus born. He would then embrace his name, Big Boss, and duel Solid Snake. Nothing biggie.

After going through a lot of missions for the US government, he developed a lot of useful skills and went rouge after having an epihany. So he started his own little mercinary gig called Militaires Sans Frontieres (MSF), which translates into "military without borders." But nothing too important.

Moves: Jack/John Doe - Naked Snake/Snake - Big Boss uses:
[b]Side Smash (Land):[/b]
-RPG (15% damage)
[b]Down Smash (Land):[/b]
-Landmine (5-30% damage)
[b]Up smash (Land):[/b]
-Fires a grenade up in the air (20% damage)
[b]Side Smash (Air):[/b]
-A backwards kick(20% damage)
[b]Down Smash (Air):[/b]
-A giant Axe Kick (30% damage)
[b]Up Smash (Air)[/b]
-Upper Cut (9% damage)
-A mixture of CQC (Close Qaurters Combat):
[i]-Three hit combo (3%,3%,6% damage)
-A forward roll (8% damage)
-Choke Hold x4 (4% damage)
-Throw (7% damage)[/i]
[i][b]Special Moves:[/b][/i]
-[url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fulton_surface-to-air_recovery_system#In_popular_culture"]Fulton Surface-to-Air Recovery System [/url] (0% damage)

-Hides in a cardboard box
-If given the chance, when Snake begins to taunt you, one of of his members from MSF will provide equedate infomation.

[b][i]Final Smash:[/i][/b] Falling from the sky out of nowhere, his signature cardboard box will from the sky and land directly in front of Snake. If anyone is directly underneath it or is near it when it falls they will suffer only 2% of damage and will be stunnded. After lifting the cardboard box up, a very big grin will apear on Snake's face an he'll lift up and throw into the sky a bevy of "Girlie Mags" that will fall on the ground which will distract the player...er... I mean opponents, which will give Snake enough time to call Metal Gear in to throw in a arsenal of missles that causes 98% of damage.

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Character name: Paper Mario
Picture: http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://cubemedia.ign.com/cube/image/article/543/543717/paper-mario-the-thousand-year-door-20040901112335593.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.gamespot.com/users/GreenFire95/show_blog_entry.php%3Ftopic_id%3Dm-100-25700149&usg=___FdUHBKQa8wyL0l-f1WYno330TI=&h=768&w=1024&sz=79&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=Nw68A64KkYS1gM:&tbnh=137&tbnw=183&ei=G7eETcinCdO3twf68pWxBA&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dpaper%2Bmario%26hl%3Den%26biw%3D1020%26bih%3D603%26gbv%3D2%26tbs%3Disch:10%2C181&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=718&vpy=231&dur=3285&hovh=194&hovw=259&tx=170&ty=114&oei=AbeETd6-GvCO0QH61sXgCA&page=1&ndsp=15&ved=1t:429,r:14,s:0&biw=1020&bih=603Information: (history, personality, stuff like that, Wiki pages are accepted)

Moves: Paper Mario fights with his hammer, jumping attacks, special moves, items, badges, and party members. (all his party members from Paper mario and Paper Mario: The thousand year door are available to assist him.) When he defeats something, he gains star points which can make him stronger. Being flat makes him good at dodging attacks.
Final Smash: Great Star Beam:
The 7 Star Spirits and The 7 Crystal Stars Come together to create a huge beam, dealing damage and removing any sort of invincibility to any one it hits.
I'd like him to land in thhe pokemon world.
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