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Super Smash Bros the RP (Not started/accepting)

Grunt Issun

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Minnesota, we get snow in October, then it keeps going all the way till april. 'Ya know what they say, here in Minnesota, we've got 2 seasons, Winter and Football... and to be quite honest, I don't like football.

N and Kirby accepted BTW. I just noticed that N has a rubix cube hanging from his belt.
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Found a Kammy pic (Kirby Ammaterasu)
Isn't that just the cutest? Would it make sene for Kirby to accidently swallow Issun somtimes?

Edit: Wait, N isn't technicly evil though, only Gheists has evil intentions.

Heres my third Char

Name: Sparrow (That guy from Fable II)
Image: [img]http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20080126175430/fable/images/thumb/e/e5/Hero_and_Dog.jpg/180px-Hero_and_Dog.jpg[/img]
Moves: Sparrow has a wide range of weaponry, he can do meele combat with a large Hammer, A cutlass, A longsword, a Katana, or a cleaver. He can perform long ranged combat with guns or spells (also called will), Guns include flintlock and clockwork (6 bullet chamber) versions of pistols and Rifiles. His spells include:
Raise dead (summons spirits from beyond)
Force Push
Vortex (tornado)
Chaos (confusion)
Time control (Limited slowing time, or speeding up himself)
Blades (Makes magical blades out of energy to impale the enemy)
He can cast these indefinitly, but must charge spells to be more powerfull.

Final Smash: (Completly made up, of course) He casts a level 5 version off all his spells, then fires six shots from the red dragon (best gun), and finishes off with a combo with his Daichi (Best Katana)

I accept this app! Where are you going to start?

Uh... I guess I'll start in... Ammies world. I mean it would make sense, what with all the monsters.
Oh by the way, Sparrow doesn't talk much... like... at all.
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So many updates on the one day that I'm not on ._. And, Wang, I feel ya; I also come from Minnesota. Just got to shovel about 4-5 inches of the snow, along with the layer of thick slush underneath it. Not exactly fun, but hey--at least it's "warm".

Still waiting for some action with Ammy.
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Ok, I posted.
Second Char:
Name: JigglyPuff
Image: [img]http://images.wikia.com/ssb/images/b/b7/Jigglypuff_in_Brawl.JPG[/img]
info: http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Jigglypuff_(Pok%C3%A9mon)
moves: Jigglypuff is a pokemon, and thus has a wide range of moves, most of which utilize its body, from slaming into the enemy, to inflating, to just slapping the enemy with its tiny arm. Jigglypuff can also sing a lullaby, which can put pretty much ANYBODY to sleep. It can also go to sleep to restore health.

Final Smash: Jigglypuff inflates into a giant form of itself, at least 15 X its normal size, and then deflates, setting of its center of gravity, forcing away anyone near her.

[spoiler=:D] Am I the only one who senses a JigglyXKirby relationship? [/spoiler]

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you should post a translation after every sentance, for example "Jiggly, puff puff! Jigg jigg, Jigglypuff! (Foolish mortals, you shall all perish before the pure evil might that is JIGGLYPUFF!)"

so we, as OOC, know what your saying, but only other pokemon, certain people (like N) and anyone with a translator (Possibly Megaman) can understand
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