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[b]Vampire's Temptation
DARK/Level 4/Zombie-Effect
All face-up monsters your opponent controls must attack if able. A monster that destroys this face-up card by battle is changed to DEF position and has its Type being treated as Zombie-Type and its DEF reduced to 0.

[b]Vampire's Guilt
DARK/Level 1/Zombie-Effect
When a monster with DEF equal to 0 is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard, you can Special Summon this card from your Graveyard. Only 1 "Vampire's Guilt" can be on the field at the same time. This card cannot be used as a Synchro Material monster. A monster that destroys this face-up card by battle is changed to DEF position and has its Type being treated as Zombie-Type and its DEF reduced to 0.

[b]Vampire's Will
DARK/Level 4/Zombie-Effect
When this card is Normal Summoned, you can select and destroy 1 monster on the field whose DEF is 0, then add a "Vampire" monster from your Graveyard to your hand. A monster that destroys this face-up card by battle is changed to DEF position and has its Type being treated as Zombie-Type and its DEF reduced to 0.

[b]Vampire's Cunning
DARK/Level 3/Zombie-Effect
When this monster is Normal or Special Summoned in Attack Position, you can select and take control of 1 Zombie-Type monsters with 0 DEF your opponent controls, until the End Phase. A monster that destroys this face-up card by battle is changed to DEF position and has its Type being treated as Zombie-Type and its DEF reduced to 0.

[b]Vampire's Fury
DARK/Level 4/Zombie-Effect
Once per turn, if a Zombie-Type monster you control was destroyed by battle this turn, this card gains 300 ATK, until the End Phase. A monster that destroys this face-up card by battle is changed to DEF position and has its Type being treated as Zombie-Type and its DEF reduced to 0.


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