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Believe in Gigavise using 2 cards via opening hand


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I know everyone might have already seen this.

Lonefire, Reborn the Monster.

1. Lonefire for Lonefire for Dandylion
2. Reborn Lonefire
3. Dandylion gets burned for 2 tokens and Spore
4. Tune token and Spore for Formula
5. RFP Lonefire to SS LV 4 Spore
6. Tune Spore, Lonefire and Token (4+3+1) for Stardust
7. Proceed to believe in nexus

Post your Gigavise stuff since I want to know more.
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Lonefire fetches gigaplant
Equip supervise and summon back lonefire
Lonefire fetches spore
Sync powertool and revive giga
Powertool searches 2 supervise and DDR
-If supervise is added, simply equip, revive lonefire and fetch glow up then synch powertool and revive giga
--search for supervise and 2 ddr and make obv plays ending with brionac to bounce stuff and attack
-If DDR is added remove lonefire for spore, DDR back the lonefire then make powertool which searches 2 supervise and DDR/Mark/Autonomus/Other game ending card
--Make obvious plays and clear the field and attack
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