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The Color Game

Chiri Tsukikawa

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That green is fine and Future Paradise's on the other page, too, for now. But next time, post Yellow-Blue or something like that in another language (saying what it means, at least the first time). I made the rules say if it's a color that is a mixture, then use the colors that mix to make it.

I added to the rules the language thing because I've been letting it happen. In fact it was my idea in the first place.

I also added if your favorite color is all colors in a rainbow, just use rainbow. Otherwise it would be too many colors. Which is the reason I didn't say, use Red-Yellow-Blue. Oh, man it's not too many afterall after taking out the mixtures. Oh, well. We can just say I didn't want to make someone using it change their color. ;)

I also added some color examples. Take a look, please.

[quote name='Wolkenritter Vita' timestamp='1297286925' post='4999837']
[center]Color examples:
[color="#006400"]For Green, use Yellow-Blue:
-Yellow-Blue (English)
-Amarillo-Azul (Spanish)
-Jaune-Bleu (French)
-Ierōburū or Ierouburou (Japanese)[/color]

[color="#9932CC"]For Purple, use Red-Blue:
-Red-Blue (English)
-Rojo-Azul (Spanish)
-Rouge-Bleu (French)
-Reddoburū or Reddoburou (Japanese)[/color][/center]

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